Software :: Cloning Centos As An Exact Image?

Sep 1, 2010

what is the best software for cloning my centos as an exact image?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Cloning Image Of Hard Disk

Nov 7, 2010

I just invested nearly 12 hours configuring a CCTV system using CentOS 5.5 Server and Zoneminder. I have it setup just the way I want it. I would like to make a clone image of the drive just in case disaster strikes (lightning strike, failed hard disk, etc). In the Windows PC world, I use a program called Ghost to make a mirror image of a hard disk. I power the computer down, run Ghost to make a block level clone of the drive, then power it back up. Can I assume that will work with CentOS without problem?

In the computer now is a 320GB SATA drive. One partition on it is swap, and the other is ext3. There is no raid setup on the drive. I have an identical 320GB drive I could use and keep it in the computer unplugged from the power and not spinning. That way if anything ever happens, I can power down, move the power and data cable to the new drive and power it back up. Granted, I will lose any new config and database changes, but it will be a lot better than starting back at square 1 and reconfiguring the entire OS and software.

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Hardware :: Exact Size Of UDF Image For 50G Bluray?

Aug 3, 2010

Whats missing is exact size of image.udf. E.g. what should be exact value of $Z ?

1) dd if=/dev/zero of=image.udf bs=64k seek=$ZZZZZZZZ count=1
2) mount -o loop ./image.udf /mnt/udf
3) write files to /mnt/udf
4) umount /mnt/udf
5) growisofs -speed=8 -Z /dev/scd0=image.udf

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Ubuntu :: Dd For Cloning An Image To A Partition?

Apr 13, 2011

have a binary image that I can copy to a partition and have done so successfully in the past. The image is smaller than the partition size, and everything is all good. However, I noticed that in copying the 5 gb image to the 9 gb partition there are 4 gb that are unnoticed by the system. It still registers the partition at the correct size in Gparted and Disk Utility.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An Exact Image Of A Hard Disk?

Sep 8, 2010

this is in the wrong section, but I wasn't sure where to put it. Since the background to my problem is kind of long winded I've split this post into two sections: Short version of problem

I have a PC that has two internal drives: one drive (drive A) is empty, and the other (drive B) has a copy of windows vista installed. At the moment the PC boots from drive A. I'd like to transfer everything from drive A to drive B, so that this new disk will boot and behave nicely and windows will still function.

Is there any easy way to do this in ubuntu? I'm guessing I can use something like dd, but will this copy the boot sector and will I have to mess around with the partition table? Long version of the problem

Today I built a new PC for my dad with two internal drives. He was previously using vista on a laptop which died a few days ago, and I'd like to install vista on one disk of the new PC, and ubuntu on the other disk.

He has a licensed copy of Vista for his laptop, but it came as a "system restore" disk, and so I can't install vista directly onto the new PC. I have an identical laptop to his, so I took out the drive from his laptop, put it in my laptop, and did a "system restore" from the disk that came with the laptop. I then took out the drive from my laptop, and put this inside the new PC. It boots up fine, and I installed all the necessary drivers and etc to make windows work.

Now instead of using a slow/small laptop drive inside the new PC, I'd like to be able to clone the data on laptop disk and this onto one of the bigger/faster internal drives of the new PC. How can I do this from ubuntu, so that the new drive will boot windows?

I'm fairly certain it can be done using dd, but how do I make sure the information in the boot sector (or partition table) is correct for the new drive? I'm asking this because when I put my laptop drive into the new PC initially, I had connected it as an external drive, and when I tried booting from this there was an error, something like "Invalid partition table" (I think). I figured that when I did a "system restore" on my laptop, the drive was the only drive available, so this would be HDA, or SDA in the boot record of that disk. But when I added it to a system where other drives were available, it was no longer at that same location, so the boot loader couldn't find the data it was looking for to load the system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Exact Filesystem Image For Use On Multiple Terminals?

Mar 8, 2011

I've been out of the Linux loop for a little while, but a customer of mine wants a "No Virus) desktop environment, I have gone through the process of installing and configuring Ubuntu 10.10 to work with their client side software, but for the life of me, I can't remember if or how I can create an exact image of this file-system to install on all of the desktops.I would need to have all of the installed programs, Security Certificates, Display settings... basically, I need exactly what I have right now installed from the disc so that "IF" the customer needs to install the environment on new systems, I can just pop the disc in and run.

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General :: Cloning PC Image To External - Read Error

Nov 2, 2010

I have a pc I want to clone and it has 2 partitions sda1 which is vfat and sda2 ntfs. When I had mounted my external hdd it was seen as sdc1 and my Knoppix boot as sdb1. I tried using the following command to copy the pc image to my external but when it gets to 26Gb it gives read error.

mkdir -p mybackup
mount -t ntfs -o rw /dev/sdc1 ./mybackup
dd if=/dev/sda of=./mybackup/780.iso bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror

Where am I going wrong? Is there anything wrong with my above commands?

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Server :: Image Cloning Application (Running Backup Remotely)

Jan 14, 2010

I need to backup my active production servers (yeah it's too late now) with image cloning application that were running RHEL3-5. The problem is I need to run it remotely from my office. Most of the software I found either need to use bootable cd or need to unmount my partitions which is I wasn't allowed to since it's a production servers. I also tried dd but it consume too much time, sector by sector cloning and empty disk space also included so the file created also big in size.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Find Out Exact Version

Jan 27, 2010

Assume I am sitting in front of a runnning CentOS.How can I find out the EXACT version of this installation?I am not (only) talking about the major release (e.g. 5) but the sub release (5.1 or 5.2 or 5.3 or...)The about box shows something about Gnome but not the details for the CentOS.

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Software :: CentOS 5.3 - Ensure The Exact Libraries On One System Are On Another?

Aug 10, 2010

In a research environment how can I ensure that all RPMs / packages that appear on one system will exist on another? I.e. when using rpm -qa all libraries on one system will be there on another. The reason for this is to ensure they are as close as possible. Is there an easy way to do this without dealing with a larger management suite tool?

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CentOS 5 :: Best Strategy For Cloning Drive

Oct 3, 2009

I have a rock solid server running CentOS 5.3 (probably 5.4 soon enough). Basic LAMP box with a few tweaks thrown in. Everything is running perfectly, with one problem - the drive is too small (I project it filling up to dangerous levels in 6-8 months). So, what I'm looking to do is basically clone the drive, store the image, pull the current drive and replace with a bigger drive (same number of heads and cylinders though), and install the image.

What I did do once, a million years ago, is put the new drive as a slave on the same IDE cable, and use dd (working from a live CD of the distro) to copy from the master (smaller) to slave (larger). Then, yank the smaller, change jumper on bigger drive from slave to master, and away I go. Next step as I recall was using gparted to get access to all the space on the new, bigger drive.

Is this more less still a reasonable way to go? I recall the issue was making sure the old smaller and new larger drive had the same number of heads/cylinders (although I don't remember exactly why).

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CentOS 5 :: Cloning Installation From One Server To Another?

Aug 12, 2011

Basically I have setup and configured a CentOS 5.6 system on one server, and will be getting a brand new server in about a months time I was wondering if there was a way to clone a system from one server to another so I don't have to add all the users again, the config files are not a issue as I can just copy them over, but having to re-do all the user accounts, smb accounts and folder permissions will be a pain.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cloning An Existing Installation?

Feb 16, 2009

is there a way to clone an installation? I have a couple "master systems" which I want to replicate into other servers. In Solaris I can build a flar image from the first one and install from that image, I looked into cobbler and koan, but they seem to be more repo and kickstart oriented.I need a way to say "take this system as a base and build an installation image out of it".

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Centos OS 64 - Development VM Image With Static Ip Address?

May 23, 2011

I am a developer, not a network admin - sorry if this ia dumb question. I need to test an application on CentOS 55 64 bit. The instalation went fine and initially I let DHCP work its magic. The router IP address ia and all other VM's I have are granted dynamic ip address on this range (i.e. 192.168.0.x). However, the CentOS vm got an IP address that looks like it belongs on a different subnet :

The VM (vmware desktop) network setting for this VM uses "Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network". I can ping the host (Windows 7 64 bit) and the host can ping it (it been the VM) - but no other computer on the network can see it. To make things easier, I changed the network configuration to use a static IP address. Here are my configuration files:



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CentOS 5 :: How To Create/boot CentOs 5.3 Ram Image

Apr 6, 2010

How can I create/boot CentOs 5.3 ram image?I'm looking to create a CentOs ram image that once booted will not access the hard drive.

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CentOS 5 :: Deskewing An Image

Apr 1, 2010

I have install netpbm on my system because I wanted to make use of pamtilt. But when I attempt to use that command, apparently it cannot be found.

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CentOS 5 :: Upgrade To 5.2 - No 5.2 Image To Select?

Mar 19, 2009

I upgraded my system to Centos 5.2. But the system hung with 15 minutes to go on Disk 1. So I had to reboot. It completed the Upgrade without errors the second time.

But when I rebooted grub only shows the old images from Centos 4. I enter grub and ran the command "cat /boot/grub/grub.conf", whose existance I found out about reading section 39.6 of the user guide. But it returns an error "Error 15: File not found" Reluctant to proceed without understanding why this config file is not in existance. I assume I could use the command "grub>configfile/boot/grub/grub.conf" to create one from scratch, but that does not seem right. Suggested next steps?

Btw when I let Centos 4 boot is fails all over the place I assume because the system is now 5.2.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.5 X86_64 DVD ISO Image Burn In 1 DVD And 1 CD?

Jan 28, 2011

Just finished downloading the CentOS5.5 x86_64 DVD images (2 ISO's), and realize that I have almost run out of DVD-R's. First ISO is a perfect fit for the 4.7GB DVD, the second only is ~400MB. Wondering if there may be any issue if I burn the second one to a CD (which I have plenty). I guess it should be okay, but wanted to double-check.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Restore From Image Backup

Apr 21, 2011

I have 4 different servers with exactly the same hardware. I set up one of them to have a centos install with all the basic stuff I'd like running on each one. I then created an image of the harddrive with the operating system, and stored it on an external drive. I used dd to copy the external image to one of the new machines. It worked fine, everything booted up as normal and with a few tweaks everything was great. The problem is that the drive is rather large (500gb) and it takes days for dd to copy it over. I decided to try a different route, I booted to a usb (using the linux distro on the ultimate boot cd pre-loaded with gparted). There are two partitions on the external drive, a small (100mb) partition which can easily be copied over with gparted, and the larger 480+gb lvm partition.

Gparted doesn't support lvm, so I used fdisk to create a new lvm partition on the new machine, and then pvcreate/vgcreate/lvcreate to re-create the same volume groups/logical volumes that are in the image on the external harddrive. I rsync'ed all the information over from LogVol00, and made the same swap partition LogVol01 (which took WAY less time). I disconnected the hard drive and renamed the volume group to VolGroup00 (initiall I named it differently, since linux doesn't like having the volume groups named the same). I can mount the LogVol00 partition and see all the files as they should be. But when I try and boot up, it doesn't even go to grub, I just end up with a blank screen and blinking cursor. How to make the drive bootable? Alternatively, a better strategy than using dd to restore this image??

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CentOS 5 :: Creating A Minimalistic LiveCD Image?

Aug 23, 2009

I followed the instructions here: [URL] and then here: [URL] and installed the necessary packages. But when I try building the minimal image as a test, I get lots of errors, as seen in the attached build log. There are lots of things that don't seem to work. Is this project at a state where it's not currently usable? Or do I have a problem with my system configuration? I was running at root.

[root@localhost test]# LANG=C livecd-creator --config=centos-livecd-minimal.ks --fslabel=CentOS-minimal
Filesystem label=CentOS-minimal
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)


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CentOS 5 :: Best Tool For Taking Live Image?

Sep 25, 2009

I've seen some tools available for taking image backups (amanda, bacula, ...) of the O/S. I have a nas drive and want to back up the the entire disk to it (while running preferrably). Can someone recommend what tool would be best to use (free of course) and hopefully not too complex.

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CentOS 5 :: PNG Image Not Shown Correctly On Firefox

Mar 10, 2010

I have a problem with neither seems to be a problem with an image nor with firefox. I just don't see the following image with firefox (as an example): [URL] I have tried this with firefox versions 3.5.8, 3.6, 3.7a3pre in safe-mode, after clearing the cache etc. I can see the image with an other browser (e.g. opera) and also basic tools (like kview, gthumb etc) are no problem at all. My sysadmin updated the X-server for my CentOs 5.4 version without success. I am in contact with the firefox people, but no-one can reprpduce this problem. So it is likely that it is the operating system why I file this new thread.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Make Bootable DVD - Iso Image

Apr 11, 2010

I downloaded the iso image of Centos 5.4 from the website and burned it on the dvd....but its not making it bootable...What am i doing wrong?

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CentOS 5 :: PXE/NFS Install - Could Not Find Kernel Image?

Jul 1, 2010

In order to not post into the wrong forum, I am wondering if an issue related to performing a PXE based NFS install can be posted here, or does it belong in the networking forum? Seems that I've seen both, and I've done several searches using parameters/error messages that I'm seeing and can't seem to find a post that relates.

I have results of "./ network", and other necessary config file info ready to post, but want to make certain on correct forum.

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CentOS 5 :: Finding A Image Editing Application?

Aug 31, 2010

recommend a good image editing application for Centos?

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CentOS 5 :: Create A Backup Image Of A 5.6 Server?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a CentOS 5.5 server that has just recently been updated to 5.6 running PostgreSQL 8.4 and Drupal for an internal website. The server is also acting as a shared network storage between the Linux server and Windows desktops with Samba.

I just recently purchased a license to run Symantec Backup Exec System Restore 2010 for Linux and the only operating systems that are supported are RedHat and Suse Linux.

Does anyone know of a nice open source solution that we can use to create backup images of the server?

In the event of a server crash, we want to be able to rebuild the server via a bit-by-bit backup image.

The CentOS 5.6 is 32bit

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CentOS 5 :: PATCH Missing ISO 9660 Image

Jan 29, 2011

From last few days i stuck with error in installing CentOS 5.5 ISO using USB stick, I have customized ISO from cent os tree 5.5 and update.(customization with respect to the package removing like openoffice, X-window, Gnome ...)

Here are some details

anaconda : anaconda-
kernel : kernel-2.6.18-194.26.1.el5

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CentOS 5 :: How To Create An Installation CD From Server Image

Feb 4, 2011

I have a CentOS server that has all of the applications and security settings that I want. I would like to create a bootable ISO image of that server that can be installed across a wide variety of hardware platforms. What are the recommended tools for doing this with CentOS?

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General :: Creating Image From Existing Installed CentOs

Mar 22, 2010

I have just finished installing (after hard work ) Centos 5.4 x86 configured with Snort & Snorby as frontend web, i would like to create from this installation kind of image that could fit to almost any hardware type.

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CentOS 5 :: Testing Installation - Image File Not Running

Jul 12, 2009

Before installing Centos, I downloaded an image file and burned it to CD using InfraRecorder. It starts to run but does not complete. My machine is a new Intel Q6600 Core 2 Quad CPU with 4G of RAM. It is a 64-bit machine, and I used the 64-bit image. After Centos (which I tried first) failed, I then tried (using the same burning software):

o Slackware
o UBuntu
o gNewSense
o Knoppix
o Debian
o Fedora
o Suse
o Solaris
0 puppy Linux

Most failed similarly to Centos. Knoppix worked fully several times, but I was not enthusiastic about installing it, and eventually (on the 5th iteration), it started to fail in a way similar to Centos, and continues so. Solaris and PuppyLinux worked. Those that failed, failed while attempting to start the 4 CPUs. Solaris and Knoppix (when it worked) succeeded in starting all 4 cpus and I could see the messages.

How to communicate what's happening during a failed boot? Finally, I hit upon the idea of photographing the screen during the failing part of the boot; the file is attached. The photo shows the screen just before it blanks, and the BIOS resets for another try. Please let me know if I can collect any other information. I would like to use Centos as a dual boot on my shiny new machine.

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