Ubuntu :: Automatically Allow .exe Files To Be Run By Wine?

Jul 4, 2011

I've been using Wine to run some Windows applications (GraphicsGale, Angelcode Bitmap Font Generator, etc.) but it's a bit annoying to have Ubuntu always tell me that .EXE files are not executable, and a bit nonsensical since, by definition, they are.

Right now, every time I download an installer .EXE I have to first manually set the executable flag in the file's properties. This is a bit annoying. Is there some way I can set Ubuntu to automatically register .exe files as executables?

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Debian Configuration :: Configure To Automatically Use Wine To Execute Using The ./executable.exe Format?

Nov 5, 2010

I've recently been trying to restore a Debian installation back to it's previous state after a serious operation system crash. Efforts are largely going well however I've run into problems since reinstalling Wine. Previously I could execute a Windows executable by simply entering ./executable.exe in the bash shell but this no longer seems to work as now I have to include the "wine" command in front of the executable. how to configure Debian to automatically use Wine to execute using the ./executable.exe format?

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Debian Configuration :: Latest Wine Repo - Where To Get The Latest Unstable Automatically

Nov 29, 2010

The latest in experimental is 1.1... the stable by upstream is 1.2 and the latest unstable is 1.3. So is there a repository where I can get the latest unstable automatically?

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Ubuntu :: Installation Of Exe Files With Wine?

Jul 10, 2010

I downloaded the new Notepad++ version 5.7 from the regular Sourceforge website and wanted to install it with Wine (Wine 1.2). So far, I always just doubleclicked on it and ran a normal Windows installation process directly in Ubuntu (10.4). however, now I get this crap:

The file '/home/XYZ/Desktop/npp.5.7.Installer.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.

which links to [URL].

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Ubuntu :: Root - Run Exe Files Via Wine?

Dec 17, 2010

How do I give my user account all the permissions as a root user so i can run exe files via wine?

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Ubuntu :: .exe Files Won't Work In Wine?

Dec 28, 2010

I've been having problems trying to run my .exe files and windows programs through wine. I first had the error message about it being an executable file, but I fixed that with right clicking and allowing it. Though the program is still not coming up, does anyone know which direction I go now to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Using Wine To Run .ISO Files In Xubuntu / Error?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to install Fallout 1 by Interplay. I have the .ISO of the game.

I've mounted it to a directory I created (/home/temp), using Gmount

But, when I use the GUI, and right click on the "install.exe" and choose Open With Wine. It just opens a terminal, than promptly closes it.

So, I tried to run it in a terminal. I went to the directory where the ISO is mounted, and used the command

wine install.exe

and it gives me:

err:dosmemOSMEM_MapDosLayout Need full access to the first megabyte for DOS mode

Also, when I mount the .ISO using Gmount, I get the error;

An error occured
Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.

I can also open the autorun.exe using wine. But when I click the install button in the autorun menu, it says I have to install DirectX. When I click yes, it gives me the generic windows crash.

"The program your using has encountered a problem and needs to close. yada yada yada."

Choosing 'no' when prompted to install DirectX, just gives me a blank screen, with no response.

Push ESC three times, and my desktop appears again, and everything is responding.

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Sorting Files?

Mar 25, 2010

I download files onto my networked file server which is running Ubuntu 9.10.By default, all files are moved into the Downloads folder, I'd like to use a script or program to automatically send them into one of 5 shared folders based on what the file is.For example: archived files would be software by default, .avi or mpeg Videos, and .flac or .ogg would be Music.

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Software :: Install Wine Got "Missing Dependency: Wine-gecko Is Needed By Package Wine"?

Mar 19, 2010

when I tried to install wine I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"so I looked for wine-gecko and download it but also when I tried to install it I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"it seems that I am in loop each package need the other what to do please?

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Ubuntu :: Make Executable .sh Files Run Automatically?

Feb 19, 2010

How do you make executable .sh files run automatically without prompting me on whether I want to Run in Terminal, Display, or Run?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Files From Home Automatically?

Aug 20, 2010

I am pretty new to using Ubuntu and want to find a way that I can backup files remotely to my Ubuntu box. My Ubuntu box is running at work and I want to backup files from home automatically every night.Also which solution encrypts the data en route? For example a server with multiple clients with different directory paths.

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Display Gedit Files?

May 8, 2011

running 10.04 netbook lucid lynx and I have couple of simple plain gedit text files. Wheenver I open them I am always prompted "this is an executable file, with the the choice to Run in Terminal Display Cancel Run how do i get these simple text files (which are not executables unless file type got messed up) just to automatically display in gedit (they're set to open wtih gedt app).

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Ubuntu :: Use Dropbox But This Doesn't Syncs Automatically New Files

Apr 9, 2010

I would like to get a recommendation to get a backup program under Linux.

I use dropbox, but this doesnt syncs automatically new files created on my local folders. So if I copy this in with a Backup program I can get a fully automated online backup system.

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Ubuntu :: Does Apache2 Have A Way To Automatically Delete Temp Files

May 1, 2010

I have a PHP script running on my website that can generate temporary images, but if I clean them up right away, then the browser doesn't have time to render them.Is there some way to make Apache2 delete them after 5 minutes or so?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Current Files Will Be Backed Up Automatically?

May 15, 2010

I am wondering that if I install ubuntu as my os, will my current files be backed up to a directory like when installing a new version of windows, or would I need to back them up externally before hand. How much ram does 32bit ubuntu support upto, and which would be better for me out of 32bit + 64bit? I have 4gb of ram and a dual core 2ghz processor.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Settings To Backup Files Automatically?

Aug 8, 2010

Does ubuntu server automatically backup files? How can i get to them?

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Ubuntu :: Does Apache2 Have A Way To Automatically Delete Temp Files?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a PHP script running on my website that can generate temporary images, but if I clean them up right away, then the browser doesn't have time to render them. Is there some way to make Apache2 delete them after 5 minutes or so?

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Fedora :: Edit Conf Files In WINE?

Aug 16, 2009

I need to change a game's screen resolution in a couple of .con files, but when I double click on them all I get is success in a little pop up window. Can I move them to my computer, edit them with a text editor, and reinsert them with read only privileges?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove Wine + It's Files And Setting?

Apr 2, 2010

How do I remove wine + it's files and setting?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Open ZIP Files With Wine

Nov 25, 2010

I can't seem to open up any .zip file with wine.

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General :: Opening Files With Wine From Desktop

Sep 10, 2010

'm trying to get wine to open .pdf files with Foxit.I have no problems running the following command in terminal wine "C:\Program Files\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe" file.pdf

When I try to open pdf files from desktop, I get a dialog box about how to invoke the exe file. How do I get the exe to register the list of files properly?Also, how would I pass command line parameters for Foxit in the desktop entry file?

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General :: Wine Installation To Run Executable Files?

May 11, 2011

I recently got the information that Windows software do not run in Linux as such. In order to run these software (Running the software also includes installing the software by running the set-up executable file) I need to install 'wine' on my system and then run the set-up files from within this 'wine'. I therefore wish to install 'wine' on my system in order to run the corresponding Windows set-up files (which are executable files). I am running Linux Mint version 10 on my system.

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General :: Wine - How To Isolate Home Files

Oct 24, 2010

How to isolate my home files from wine 'c' drive, i.e.,why does the 'up' gui connect the two?

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Software :: Cannot Read From Exe Files On A Cdrom (with Wine Or Cat)?

Aug 12, 2010

My fstab is basic,

/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,user,exec 0 0
I've tried commenting out the line and mounting directly, and have also tried using


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General :: Automatically Delete Log Files?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a script running as a cronjobIt outputs logs upon each run to /var/log/mylog.logIs there anyway I can delete this or compress it when it gets too large?A cheap and dirty way is to setup another cronjob to delete the log every X interval.... although I'm not sure if that's the proper way

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Ubuntu Security :: Files Which Are Created Automatically In One Of Ntfs Partition?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm a newbie despite using Ubuntu most of the time for nearly 3 years. There are some files which are created automatically in one of my ntfs partition. The files are khq, khp, kht, an autorun inf file and others. They seem to have been created while I was using ubuntu and even though I delete them,they appear again later. I have googled and have found few information that the files are malware. I will like to know if there is a known issue and solution. This is the first time i'm posting a thread.I hope i have post it at the right place and if not,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Unneeded Config Files Automatically?

Jun 18, 2010

1) Whenever a new release of Ubuntu comes out, I've always done a full replacement (Booted up live CD, formatted / and formatted /home) to ensure there's zero incompatibilities, including configuration files in my /home. That has, finally, gotten annoying and I was wondering what the actual chances of a configuration file causing problems was in the 6 months that Ubuntu was released in. Also, special consideration for Gnome 3 (aka gnome-shell) coming out with the current gnome configs.

2)Any way to remove unneeded config files automatically? I don't always use purge when I remove a package just in case I want to reinstall it, well weeks later I def don't want it, is there an apt or dpkg command that will automatically remove them after the package is gone? I know autoclean and autoremove handle orphans and unneeded .deb's

3) How stable is Sidux in reality? Ran it in a VM and had a few errors every so often while using it, but i wasnt sure how much of that was the fact it was a VM. Some say its stable enough for daily use, some say it breaks every other day

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Fedora :: About .run Files And Installing Windoze Software Under WINE?

Aug 21, 2010

How can I install software that comes as a .run file in a way that it is accessible at the command line and under the applications menu or the equivalent? I am aware that root privileges are required and know how to get them. The publisher of the software does not publish .rpm files.

The distribution I am using now, which will remain nameless other than it is not Fedora, is very secure, but nobody seems willing or able to tell me how to do this. There is an old version of the software for my distribution available, but it is three releases and likely a couple of years old. I looked around the file system, found the executable, but it was a small file that probably calls the real executable under another name.

The software in question is a electronic circuit capture and printed circuit board design program. I have numerous projects and a library I need access to.As for installing the Windoze (Quattro Pro) software, I couldn't get it to install at all, even with root privileges. (WINE complained I didn't have root privileges when I invoked it at the # prompt. I couldn't determine how to install the software on anything other than XP. ) I wasn't and remain uninterested in debugging multimegabyte spreadsheets a second time

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Fedora :: Cleaning The Orphaned Files Automatically?

Oct 26, 2009

If we update or remove some packages (in addition manually installed software), some files such as previous version dynamic lib files are left, so it may conflict with new stuffs sometimes. Is there any efficient way to remove these kind of orphaned files all, automatically?

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Software :: Automatically Generate Text Files ?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a personal server that is password protected. I convert my movies, and make it so that I can watch them through a browser when I want to. I have quite a few movies. They are sorted into different directories. In each directory there is a WebM folder that contains the video file.

Here is what I want to do:Scan all of the directories and subdirectories in /var/www/ for files with extension of webm.

When a file is found, go to the parent directory and create an html file with the same name as the video, only with an html extension instead of webm.

Automatically enter the following html code into the file with the file name matching the file that was found.


Is it possible to do this with a script? Is there a GUI program that can do this? I don't mind running the script every time after I convert a movie, but if it could monitor the folders that would be nice.

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