Ubuntu :: Can't Find The Installation Directory

Jan 9, 2010

i have installed GMT(Generic Mapping Tools) in ubuntu 9.04. I installed it using "sudo apt-get install gmt" from the terminal but i cant find the installation directory. Can I install the whole package in a user defined directory, eg, in /usr/local/GMT? Also how do I have to export the PATH in ~/.bashrc?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Find Dpkg Directory In /usr/bin Folder And While Installing Mysql Server?

Sep 6, 2010

I cannot find dpkg directory in /usr/bin folder and while installing mysql server it gives the following error Errors were encountered while processing:

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Find Any Info On The Description Of The Mirror Release Directory Structure

Jun 29, 2010

I have searched all over. I cannot find any info on the description of the Fedora mirror release directory structure and the reason for having a "Fedora" and "Everything" directory? Yes I looked at [URL] I mostly work with the Red Hat 5.x. The Fedora release software is kept on a mirror and the DVD release as, (using i386 release):


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General :: Find Directory Older Than X And Mv Directory With Sub Files Command?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm quite new to linux but I have configured a simple ftp server and it's working great. I have a FTP-Shared folder with upload and download subfolders. Under upload's and download's I have identical category subfolders like mp3's, movies, software etc. in both. As the guy's upload, I would like to create a line crontab where I can move all the content under /FTP-Shared/upload/mp3/* older than 14 day's to FTP-Shared/downloads/mp3/ recursively (Like in cp command), but the timestamp must be searched on the first directory and not sub files example: /mp3/Club Dance/CD1/Hallo world.mp3This is how far I got:[root@clients ~]# /usr/bin/find /FTP_Shared/upload/Mp3s/ -depth -mindepth 1 -mtime +14 -type d -exec mv -f {} /FTP_Shared/download/Mp3s/ ;This command moves the directory and files, but it is not recursively

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Ubuntu :: Find Out Permissions Of A Directory?

Jun 30, 2011

if I do ls -la on a file, it would show the permissions of the file on the left side. I would like to do the same on a directory(ls -la directory) and have only one line printed out with the directory and it's permissions. But the result is the content of the directory and not the directory itself.

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Ubuntu :: Find All Java Files In A Directory?

Nov 18, 2010

I am trying to use "find" but I can't quite get all of the switches right for it to work. I have a folder that contains many folders. Let's call that original folder "MyFiles". The subfolders contain java files (and those subfolders possibly contain subfolders that contain java files). Here is what I want to have happen:

0. Create a file to print to, call it "output.ps"
1. Find all of the Java files in the MyFiles tree.
2. For each java file that is found, append it to output.ps along with it's absolute path name.

So far I have:

find . -iname *.java

and this finds all of the java files for me. But then I can't get the files to print to a file using exec.

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Ubuntu :: Easiest Way To Find Files In Folder / Directory?

Oct 10, 2010

With Windows XP, I just right clicked a folder/directory and pressed FIND then I could search for whatever file/folder name i wanted to. I could even do custom searches based on the size, modification date etc.How do you do this on Ubuntu? There doesnt seem to be a way to easily do it like this. So far i found PLACES -> SEARCH FOR FILES but that means I have to go into the directory i want. Where as I would much rather be browsing through directories and THEN want to quickly search in a particular folder. The SEARCH FOR FILES method in PLACES just wastes more time.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Find Zipfile Directory In One Of Dzoni Downloads

Nov 4, 2010

I download cs 1.6 and when i click double on it it says:

Archive: /home/dzoni/Downloads/cstrike_16_1.2_v42_nonsteam_ZCP.exe.exe
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/dzoni/Downloads/cstrike_16_1.2_v42_nonsteam_ZCP.exe.exe or
/home/dzoni/Downloads/cstrike_16_1.2_v42_nonsteam_ZCP.exe.exe.zip, and cannot find
/home/dzoni/Downloads/cstrike_16_1.2_v42_nonsteam_ZCP.exe.exe.ZIP, period.

I can't believe I am trying to make my computer better with this o.s. and I cant install anything I can't unrar files I'm down.

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General :: Find And Copy In The Same Directory

Sep 1, 2010

I installed a new music application. It reads covers.jpg as the cover of the album, however, my covers files where named album. I dont want to rename, I want to make a copy of album.jpg and if possible as well rename it to covers.jpg. The file has to be in the same folder that it currently is. I have looked around to see how I can do this but have not been able to.

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General :: Cannot Find Zipfile Directory

Feb 22, 2010

zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/jimmy/Downloads/GenuineCheck (1).exe or /home/jimmy/Downloads/GenuineCheck (1).exe.zip, and cannot find /home/jimmy/Downloads/GenuineCheck (1).exe.ZIP, period

What does this mean I am not able to download anything

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General :: Find A Particular String From A Directory

Jul 27, 2011

I want to search a particular string in a directory , that directory contains N number of subdirectories, and files and my requirement is inside the directory and subdirectory what are the files contains particular string like "TBone" i want to display that files. Is it possible to do that..

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Ubuntu :: AjaXplorer Install - Cannot Find HTML Root Directory

May 19, 2011

Installing ajaxplorer on ubuntu 10.0.4. I am new to linux. Cannot find the html root directory where installation files to be put. How to create a symbolic link from it's home (root where ajaxplorer files unzipped) to a place where the web front-end is visible and available to the HTTP server.

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Ubuntu :: Find Last Modified File In Current Directory And All Subdirectories?

May 28, 2010

I need to write a script that is given a directory as an argument, and it prints the last modified file from that directory and all its subdirectories.

for example:

$ newest /usr/etc
--> /usr/etc/httpd/httpd May 28 12:16

If I had to do it only for the current dir, it would be easy...I'd probably use "ls -lt" and then show only the first line...

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Debian :: Find All Pictures And Move Them To One Tmp Directory?

Feb 16, 2010

I have directory with sub directories in it. Inside I have bunch of pictures. I would like to find all pictures, and move them to one tmp directory. While moving there might be files with same names. The command I use:

--- find . -name '*JPG' -exec mv -i {} /home/xxx/xxx/xxx/Pictures/2004/tmp ; ---

now the problem comes with overwrite if there are two files with same name. Is there any simple way to copy all files into one directory and not to loose any, appending certain, even random char, to the 2nd file would do.

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General :: Find And Replace Command For Whole Directory

Aug 17, 2011

Is there any command in Linux which will find a particular word in all the files in a given directory and the folders below and replace it with a new word?

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General :: Find Current Thunar Directory From CLI?

Apr 20, 2011

Is it possible to find out the directory Thunar is currently displaying from the command line? I will only have one instance of Thunar open at one time.

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General :: Find Number Of Files In A Directory?

Feb 22, 2010

i need to know how to find number of files in a directory? is there any system calls in fedora 12.And i need to know how to perform a operation if the that count increases by one?

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General :: Find Files In A Directory That Contain Numbers?

Mar 1, 2011

I am trying find files in a directory that contain numbers. I have tried ls /etc *[0-9]* but that doesn't work. If I cd to /etc and run ls *[0-9]* it almost works but it also includes results from within files. My last thought was to try: find /etc [0-9] -type f but this does not work either. My second problem is that I am trying to get list of files in a directory that were changed less than 10 hours ago, using grep, while leaving out directories. I am completely stuck with the second problem.

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Software :: Function To Find The Size Of The Directory?

Oct 26, 2010

Is there any Linux function to find the size of the directory? stat() function can be used only for files and not directory. Can anyone let me know for to find the size of the directory from the C code

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Ubuntu :: Install Live Messenger 2011 - Can't Find Zipfile Directory

Nov 10, 2010

When opening the wlsetup-web.exe file I received this error:


End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/NAME/Downloads/wlsetup-web.exe or /home/NAME/Downloads/wlsetup-web.exe.zip, and cannot find /home/NAME/Downloads/wlsetup-web.exe.ZIP, period.

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OpenSUSE :: Command (du) To Find Out How Much Space A Directory Takes Up?

Jul 10, 2010

I learned a little bit about this command (du) to find out how much space a directory takes up but what I want to know is can you tell it to exclude directories?For instance, I wanted to know how large the / directory is on my old suse10 drive but I want to exclude /home (/home was not a separate partition on that drive).

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General :: Can't Emacs On Mac OS X Find Information Directory Node / Why Is So?

Feb 15, 2010

The default Emacs on Mac OS X, 22.1, appears to have some problems with the info/help stuff.

When you hit C+h i, it says:

Can't find the Info directory node.

It works in AquaEmacs, but I downloaded the 23 version of emacs precompiled binaries from here and I still have the same problem.

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General :: Find Document Files And Copy Them To Another Directory?

Nov 7, 2010

This is a bit of a basic question but I'm trying to copy all .doc files I find in a directory and copy them to another directory.I know each command:

find -name '*.doc' .


cp filename location

how can I combine the two commands?

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General :: Directory - Find Folder Inside Sub Folders

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to find a directory named 480debugerror nested under child directories. I don't know the exact path, or even if I have the exact spelling of the directory I ant to find.

Is there any linux command to find directories with a given prefix or suffix, for example directories with a name of debug or debugerror, with unknown some prefix or suffix?

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General :: Find Directory With Frequent Writes And / Or Deletes?

Jun 20, 2011

Is there a way under linux to find out directory with frequent writes and/or deletes?

I'm using Ubuntu and recently bought SSD. I moved /tmp to ramdisk and did some other tweaks to avoid wear. But I was wondering if there's a way to pinpoint hotspots in filesystem where files are often written. For example webserver's log directory with many appends every minute or user's download directory where he downloads gigabytes of stuff only to be moved elsewhere soon after finishing.

I came across inotify which could probably do the trick but it seems it'd require lot of scripting which I'm not very familiar with

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Debian :: Find And Copy Same Files To Single Directory?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a number of crash.log files scattered about my system and I would like to run a command to find all the crash.log files on the system and copy them to a single directory; each with a unique filename. For example, copy crash.log from ~/directory_1 , ~/directory_2 , ~/directory_3 and so on to ~/crash_logs/crash.log1 , ~/crash_logs/crash.log2 , ~/crash_logs/crash.log3 etc.

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General :: Find The Directory With Latest Modified Content?

Sep 29, 2010

how to find the latest modified directory. I know that the command 'ls -rtl' gives the latest modified file/directory at the end. But my specific requirement is: If I create two directories named dir1, dir2 in the same order. so now my latest modified directory is "dir2". Now inside each directories, I created a file. Now in the last, I modify the file in "dir1". So overall, the content of dir1 got modified recently. If I use the command 'ls -rtl', this will still show dir2 as latest, as it is created recently. But I want the directory in which any internal content at any sub-hierarchy modified recently. so with what linux command I'll get this latest modified directory (dir1)?

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General :: Find A String In Files Under The Current Directory?

Oct 5, 2010

Assumed y directory structure looks as follow:

-- dir1
-- dir1-1


And under each sub dir there are some log files ended with .log. Now I know how to list all these log files with:


find . -type f -name "*.log"

Assumed now there is a string called "Hello World" inside some of these files. How can I find out these files? I try followings but failed


grep "This is" | find . -mtime 0 -type f -name "*.log"

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General :: Find All First Level Subdirectories Under The Current Directory?

Jan 24, 2011

1. How can you find all first level subdirectories under the current directory?
2. How will you show the last 100 lines of the file "foo.log"?
3. How will you Stream the contents of a the log file "foo.log" as it gets written to?
4. How can you grep for a pattern on a gzip'ed file? e.g., find "foo" in bar.gz
5. Find all lines in the file "foo" which DON'T have the pattern "bar"
6. Your web server is running very slowly. If you can login to the server, what command will you run to find out cpu and memory use?
7. Extract the file foo which is a part of the tar'ed, gzip'ed file bar.tar.gz
8. You attach a usb disk to your linux desktop, but it does not show up. How can you get more information about the error?
9. What is the secure way to login to remote systems?
10. What is the difference between TELNET and SSH?
11. Given a file 'a' with the following permissions -rwxrwxrwx 1 rohit rohit 0 2011-01-24 13:30 a Change its permissions such that it is only readable and writable by its owner, not accessible by anybody else in the group and only executable by the world
12. Difference between using ' and " for quoting a string / command in a shell
13. In the attached text file (test.txt) replace all occurrences of 'red' with 'yellow' without using an editor (i.e. from the command line)
14. How would you suppress output written to stderr by a command
15. Meaning of the #! notation in scripts e.g. #!/bin/sh
16. What is the output of the attached shell script test.sh Scripting questions, all based on the attached file access.log. Use one of perl, python, ruby, or shell scripts to solve these questsions. If any answer is obtained using just the command line, please include those commands as well.
17. How many accesses were made between 10am and 11.30am on Jan 24, 2011?
18. How many unique IP addresses accessed this server?
19. For every IP address which accessed this server, output a report showing number of hits for every type of HTTP status. For e.g., IP has 164 hits with status 404 and 1690 hits with status 200.

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Ubuntu :: Write A Bash Script Which Will Find Files Then Move Them To A Specific Directory?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm trying to write a bash script which will find files then move them to a specific directory.

So far I have:

#script to find and move files
find $src_dir -iname '*.avi' -type f -exec mv '{}' $des_dir_mov ';'

I'd like to have all the possible movie file types then the image file types checked in a loop.

Every time I try to include an array in this script it breaks

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