Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Last Fm. Via Their Web Page Working In Rythm Box / Fix It?

Apr 5, 2010

I am able to use Last fm. via their web page, but I can not get it working in Rythm box. I think I am missing a peice to the puzzle . when I select it, my user name appears in the login box , but when I enter the password nothing happens and the same password works fine on their web-site ..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Netbook / Hitting Next On First Page Mouse Icon Changes But Next Page Never Loads?

Oct 12, 2010

i am able to try ubuntu and everything works fine until i try to install. the menu comes up to the first page where it tells you to plug in your machine and make sure there is enough disk space and network connectivity. when i hit next on this page the mouse icon changes but the next page never loads. the longest i let it hang there was 2 hours. ive tried multiple times with the same result.

im running from a flash drive on an ASUS Eee PC 1001P-PU17

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Ubuntu Networking :: Javascript Page Not Working?

Aug 19, 2010

i have an html page with a text box in a fourm, and am trying to change the value of it with javascript, but it not working. ive tried about everythin i can think of and find, but it just doesn't work. it all allways comes down to the <form>,</form> tags or the <input> tag doesn't exist. I know im getting the names right,(copy&paste)

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Ubuntu Servers :: 9.10 - Webmin Not Working (Page Cannot Be Displayed)

Jan 23, 2010

I installed ubu server 9.10 on my desktop, then I tried to install webmin and I was able to do that too. When I try to connect to webmin I get "page cannot be displayed" so I thought let's change the port...I changed to port 443 as recommended on the website.

Here is the miniserv.conf:
realm=Webmin Server
logtime=168 .....
Now I tried connecting using the ip address and the hostname. I also tried with http and https
https://hostname.com:10000 and 443 ... no go.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Live CD Failure - Goes To The "Log In" Page And Not The Live CD Page On Running

Aug 22, 2010

Just got back to attempting to play with 10.04 using its Live CD. It consistently goes to the "Log In" page and not the Live CD page on running. I saw a Post specifying a F key to be pressed on boot-up to get to the desired starting point some time ago, but did not write it down. Some advice did say press Any Key but this does not seem to do the job. Tried to use the search function here but no joy. Can anyone remember which F key? Note that as a check, I tried to use 9.10 Live CD and this worked fine, so it is not a machine problem.

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General :: Page 2 - Get Basename Without Extension Not Working?

Mar 12, 2011

Quote:Originally Posted by SimonJM It almost smacks of your script being wrapped up in something elseGot it sorted, did the logic in PHP and linked directly to ffmpeg

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Programming :: Calling Script From Php Page Is Not Working?

Mar 2, 2011

I have typed the following code:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="POST">


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General :: Page 2 - Scheduled Cron Job Stepped Working

Sep 8, 2011

The back.sh script is being run as user basil, whcih means that when it comes to copying the backup file to the target location you do not have the correct permissions to access the contents of the directory (it is rwx by root only).So, what do we do? Hoping it is ONLY the directory permissions which are fouling things up we have a range of options which, in not particular order of 'good', include:

a) change ownership/permission on target directory.
b) have the back.sh script run by the root user
c) set up sudo to permit the file copy to be done by root
d) use setuid on the back.sh to have it run, effectively, as root

A lot of the answer will depend upon what else the Dropbox directory is for. If it's JUST for your backups for this then I'd be inclined to:


chown basil /root/Dropbox
chmod g+rwx /root/Dropbox

which will permit the basil user full access and thus allow the file operations being done and give root access via the group permissions (not that the root user really needs this).Also, I'd be inclined to:


chown basil /home/xxxx/moo3/bin/back.sh
chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= /home/xxxx/moo3/bin/back.sh

which will make things 'look' better, it just reinforces the point that the script is run (and owned) by the basil user.

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Ubuntu :: Open Office Writer - Page Moves Around When Working With Graphics / Charts?

Mar 16, 2010

I am using OO 3.1 on Karmic 9.10. When working with Open Office Writer and either graphics or charts, a couple of things happen. First of all, the page position moves around. For example, if I click on a graphic I have inserted or on a chart, the page on my screen may shift up or down by a half inch or so. If I click back out in a text area, the page moves back to where it was. This is very annoying. Has anyone else had a problem like this? I have tried turning off compiz completely but it doesn't fix it

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Font Sizes Vary From Page To Page?

Jul 11, 2010

10.04; 64 bit In Firefox, the size of the fonts varies greatly from site to site. Some are too small to read, others huge. Some headings and menus overlap.Screen size: 1152 x 864

My settings are:
Proportional: serif 14
Serif: Times New Roman
Sans serif: Arial
Monospace: Courier New 14

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Hardware :: Reload This Page Toshiba Satellite L645D - Touchpad Not Working In Fedora 14 - 64-bit

Jan 6, 2011

I am a very new Linux user (newb) so I could be missing something very obvious. I have a Toshiba Satellite L645D-S4056 and recently installed Fedora 14 (64-bit GNOME) with all sorts of updates and software.

I'm working my way through all of the hardware to get it all running properly. I figured out how to get the RealTek wireless-n adapter working. The webcam is working even with Skype which is tricky on the 64-bit version.

At the moment, my touchpad doesn't work. I see a lot of articles online about the touchpad not double-tapping, but mine doesn't work at all. I've been using a mouse for all my GUI stuff.

I went to SYSTEM --> PREFERENCES --> MOUSE and selected the touchpad tab, but I can't figure out how to make it work.

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Ubuntu :: How To Name Page Up & Page Down Buttons In Global-keybindings

Mar 26, 2011

Can anyone tell me how to name Page up & Page down buttons in global-keybindings to use the custom commands with these buttons?

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Fedora :: Npviewer Segfaults - Firefox Sometimes Shows The Title Of A Page In A Tab But The Page Is Blank

Nov 23, 2009

On FC11 64 bit with Adobe flash plugin for Linux installed, I see segfault errors from "npviewer" in /var/log/messages. The only browser I have tried yet, Firefox, has glitches every now and then. Sometimes it shows the title of a page in a tab, but the page is blank. This can even happen when I try the Google main page. Is it true that npviewer has something to do with Adobe flash? Is there a way to fix the problem? If it is caused by Adobe flash, is there a different plugin that will replace Adobe flash player?

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General :: Find Page Hit And Page Miss Ratio In Fedora Core 12?

May 10, 2010

How can I find page hit and page miss ratio in linux fedora core 12?

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Hardware :: HP Deskjet 940c On Linksys Printserver Prints Alternating Good Page And Bad Page

Mar 9, 2011

I have a problem printing to my HP printer.

What is my problem? I have a page (one page - text an graphic) to print. When I sent it to my printer it prints OK. When I sent it agian, the output is totally garbled. When I sent it again (a third time) it is OK. Sent it again (4th time) it is garbled. Sent it again ... you get the picture ;-). Alternating good and bad pages.

What is my setup? I run Fedora 14 with Cups 1.4.6. The printer is a HP Deskjet 940C. It is connected to a linksys wireless print server. It is configured in CUPS to use ipp printing. The driver I use in Cups is 'CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.6 Simplified (color, 2-sided printing)'.

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Fedora Servers :: Copied The Web Page Files To Its Document Root <var/www/html> & Disabled The Default Web Page?

Jun 8, 2009

I have apache httpd server on my Fedora 10I got 2 problems:First : I copied the web page files to its Document Root <var/www/html> & Disabled the default web page. But when I visit http:/localhost ,it shows up the list of files in <var/www/html> as if a ftp server browsed in web page. So how can I set http://localhost load my default web page index.html ?Second :I want to set up a web server on Internet through my router . I applied for DDNS account & input it into router correctly . I set virtual host in server to redirect any access from port 80 to in LAN . Just for in case , I also download and running the DDNS software & installed it on PC in LAN . My DDNS provider is oray.cn . It's a Chinese server provider . I don't think there is anything wrong with oray.cn . But if you need its information just visit oray.cn (Google can translate it for you). So I want to know did I miss something to set up a web server in this kind of situation

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General :: Error - You Must Be Logged In To Access This Page, Go To Logon Page

Jul 26, 2010

All has been fine with my emails but today morning when i tried to log on I got an error message "You must be logged in to access this page, go to logon page" I dont understand why even when i supply my correct user name and password.

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Programming :: Executing Commands From Web Page And Outputing It Back To The Web Page?

May 8, 2009

wanted to know if i can execute commands on linux console through a web page and redirect it back to my web page !For example :if i send a query "ls"it should execute this command on my linux console and also redirect the list of the files to the web page from which i give the command !

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General :: Combine 4 Page To Single Page?

Jul 6, 2011

I want to combine 4 ps(or pdf) page to single page and for this i have try a2ps command as:

a2ps -4 1.ps 2.ps 3.ps 4.ps -o outfile.ps

Event through it divide the page into four section. But only give one output of my four input. other three section is blank. Is i am doing some wrong or Is their any other command to do so.

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General :: Vim: Substitute For Page Up And Page Down Keys?

Aug 11, 2011

Vim: substitute for Page Up and Page Down keys?

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Slackware :: Boot Process Page By Page?

Aug 14, 2010

When I boot slackware, I have all the boot process that run but too fast. I don't have time to read what's running. Is there a way to to go page by page. I didn't find any key in my keyboard to stop and go.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - No Grub At Booting Page

Dec 25, 2010

When I try to install Ubuntu OS everything works well to the last step. At last step it ask me for my user name while it is installing the OS at background. Then it says "ready" but nothing change. I can move mouse over the screen but there is nothing to push like "finish installation button" or something like that. I wait for 2 hours and nothing changed. There is no error code. Then I decide to reset Pc and try to see if it installed grub or not, but there is no grub at booting page. I started to OS installation again and same problem occur for 6 trials. I have intel i3 proccessor with graph card and gigabyte h57m-usb3 motherboard. OS: Ubuntu 10.10.

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox "save Page As" Not Working

Jul 26, 2010

It's not working no matter what webpage I view. Windows works just fine. Try "save page as" on this typical page.

Fight Spam on the Internet!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing, Last Page, Advanced Options?

Jan 16, 2011

I already have Ubuntu 10.041 and windows xp installed as dual-boot.I am installing another version of Ubuntu in a logical partition.On the last page of the live install guide, there are advanced options.There is a check box next to install boot loader.I already have boot loader from previous Ubuntu installation, correct?What were to happen if I un-check this box?The reason I ask is there were grub updates from previous Ubuntu install.

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Ubuntu :: Installation Freezes - Won't Budge From The Install Page

Sep 1, 2011

I bought a netbook and decided to add ubuntu to it through wubi. I did this to my desktop with no problem. I liked the fact that I could uninstall it easily through windows. However, on my netbook, when it gets to the install page, it stays there. I can connect to the internet, and suspend the installation but it won't budge from the install page that thanks you for downloading ubuntu and shows you all the stuff it can do.

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CentOS 5 :: PHP Not Working - Blank Page - Get This Warning: Unknown: Failed To Open Stream : Permission Denied In Unknown On Line 0?

May 5, 2010

I tried posting this before and I'm not sure what happened but I don't think it worked, so if it did please forgive the double post.am very very new to centOS and linux in general. I just want to setup a test web server that more closely mirrors our actual web server that is hosted by rackspace. I've installed centOS and tried to setup Apache, PHP and MySQL from a guide on the web using Yum. When I go to localhost in the web browser I'm able to see the default apache page. However when I create a php page it's just blank.When I look at the apache error logs I get this: PHP Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0

I've been searching alot on the internet and I know the issue is permission related, but I don't know how to fix it. I've seen some forum posts that say you need to use the chmod 775 command on the /var/www/html folder.Currently when I do ls -l /var/www/html it returns

-rw------- 1 root root 19 May 5 13:16 index.php
-rw------- 1 root root 19 May 5 13:15 index.php~

I'm sure that this isn't correct but like I said I don't know much about how to set permissions or who the owner needs to be. I've done alot of searching and seen similar posts, but no one seems to explain it clearly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dell Studio - Process Hangs On The Second Page

Apr 16, 2011

I'm currently trying to install ubuntu but the installation process hangs on the second page of the installation (right after select language) I am booting from a usb. NO other OS is installed and I'm currently in "try it now" mode.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Tweak 11.04 To Show The Old Toolbar At The Top Of The Desktop Page?

Jun 2, 2011

Is it possible to tweak 11.04 to show the old toolbar at the top of the desktop page? If I want to put apps on the desktop how do I do that from the apps page?

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Fedora :: Xsane Page Size Setting - Cannot Find A Page Size Anywhere In Any Of The Buttons

Jun 5, 2010

I have a Canoscan LiDE 30 scanner which works fine in Linux. I haven't used it in months, and never since moving from Jaunty x86_64 to Fedora 11 x86_64. This evening I suddenly need to scan two pages to send to someone via e-mail, and the recipient is desperate to receive them. Naturally, Xsane has decided this is the moment to screw me.

The problem: I cannot figure out how to tell Xsane that the page size is 8.5 11. It insists on scanning only the left side, 3.99 x 11. I cannot find a page size anywhere in any of the buttons.

In Preview I once got it to scan the entire page, but could not figure out how to save the image to file. Subsequently I have not been able to figure out how I did it. In any event, scanning from the small main window always scans 3.99 x 11. Adjusting the scan area manually in the Preview window allows me to change the size area in the small main window to 8.5 x 11, but when I then scan from the small main window it reverts to 3.99 x 11.

I have scanned the document a hundred times at least, each time trying different buttons, but nothing has succeeded in getting the full page.

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Drive Boot - Blank Page With Blinking Cursor

Nov 17, 2010

I downloaded the OS I wished to use, loaded it onto a clean 4.0GB drive, everything went as planned. But then I rebooted, and it never booted the file off of the USB. So, I changed the boot options, and tried it again. Now, every time I boot with the drive in, it goes normally and then opens a blank page with only one line of text detailing the date of copyright, something about Linux, etc... And a blinking cursor. Is this normal and I just have to wait for it to load, or is something not being processed? Any information you guys need I can obtain, I'm not new to computers but I am new to changing OS's.

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