I wanna trace user's command input history. but I dont plan to use "history", "lastcomm" becauze there is not detail of the user command history. if there is some software use to log user command to one file or database, it's suit for me.
Can anybody show me how to view command history of another user? I am an admin on my machine. I can see normal history by viewing /home/user_name/.bash_history but i can't see commands of that "user_name" when they were doing sudo. Is there a way to view all command executed by one user?
Would it be safe to say that if I build a restricted user: "Desktop" or "unprivileged" user I will be ok? From what I understand - most scripts or applications cannot install without the 'sudo' prompt and user input.
i am investigating on solutions to trace a file deletion on a computer( Linux O/S).i also need to determine weither after a file deletion or download on a computer, the computer clock had not been modified. In case a file has been downloaded on a computer and then transferred to a removable device, i need to find out the file activity. i mean i should be able to tell that the file was downloaded and transferred to a device with possible specifications.
I need user to input a password through command line in Windows cmd prompt. Is there a way to encrypt the input (such as put it into ......) when user is typing ?
I've got used to using the ftp command from the terminal, which is useful, especially with macros. But it requires user input, and what I want to do now is upload a specific file to a server, once I've finished working with it every day. It's the same file every day. II would like to be able to do this semi-automatically: I just give the command and it connects to the server and uploads the file. (I will probably want to encrypt the file before uploading it.)I don't know how I could use ftp without any user input: I want it to be automatic.
Bash's command history is great, especially it is useful when adding the history -a command to the COMMAND_PROMPT.However, I'm wondering if there is a way to log the commands to a file as soon as the Return key is pressed, e.g. before starting the command and not on completion of the command (using the COMMAND_PROMPT option would save the command once the prompt is there again).
I read about auditing programs like snoopy and session recorder like script but I thought they're already too complex for the simple question I have. I guess that deactivating that script logs all the output of the command would lead already in the right direction but isn't there a quicker way to solve that probelm?
OS : CentOS 5.3 64bit How to trace incoming and outgoing network traffic for a give user? User 'A' logs in to the system and does various network connectivity As root user need to find what are the outgoing and incoming connection that are related with user 'A'. basically need to check the connection flow. netstat will show ESTABLISHED, LISTEN etc.. need something like tcpdump
Eg:- --user option for tcpdump tcpdump -vv -nn -i eth0 host and tcp dst port 8080 --user A Can someone tell me any tool which can do such thing? Even if it can show the process ID of the client application which is trying to establish network connectivity will do.
OS :red hat 4.2 oracle EBS SUITE Applications:11.5.10
Iwould like to install Proxy(Apache) server on linux.is it possible?
I would like to trace the user activities by proxy server. we are running many applications on that.How to trace that.is there any server better than Apcache?
Is there any way to view the any user activity/ commands history and date, time in the system? I look at the /var/log/secure but I can find only the login/ logout attempts and "history" command doesn't come with date/time that the user issue the commands. Any there any best practice to audit the user activities inside the system?
I am trying to find a method or tool to know the exact command history of all my users.I have tried to use "psacct" ,but it is not solving my perpous as it is only giving the command name.means let say 10 users have used "rm" command to remove 10 differint files then I want to know which user has removed what file.
But psacct will only give me the command name like rm used bu the user name.Then I tried to use the "w: command but it is also not solving the problem..
If someone has done something wrong on a shared linux machine. If i want to find out who is that person or ip from where it is been done what are all the possible ways. 1 possibility I thought was to get the PID of the command and get other details from that PID?
how to save command out put to another file. Ex: #ps -ef that particular cmd output i need to save another file. is it possible And how to save command history in Linux.
I'm using an application, then suddenly, it won't take any typed input. Happens on my internal and USB keyboard (is a laptop). Happens usually to just one application at a time (I can type in other applications). The only way I see to fix it is to quit the application, and restart the application. Very bad if I have lots of work open!
Software where I have seen this problem: firefox gedit gimp save dialogs
Can someone explain why my directory history is being displayed after each use of the 'cd' command. After about an hour the list is filling up my window.
less doesn't save command history, i.e. file .lesshst isn't created. If I create it manually, nothing writes to it too.OS AIX 5.3 I think linux users can have the same issue, hardly this issue depends on OS.
May i ask if how or should i concern about my history records my rdesktop full cmd. I dont want to disable my history in the cmd and want to use it.
Im using rdesktop cmd since it more easy and direct to connect to a terminal RDP. I noticed the history records all my full command rdesktop which state the domain, user ,password. in txt mode..May i ask if this has any problem should i concern with..