Ubuntu Installation :: Able To Run Windows Software Without Re-installing?

Aug 14, 2011

how I could run some Windows software on ubuntu without re-installing Windows back onto my computer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Installing OS Remove The Windows Installation

Oct 25, 2010

I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu, but before I do that I'd like to know if installing it removes your copy of Windows. If it does, is there any way I can work around that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Take Windows XP Out After Installing?

Mar 1, 2010

When I bought my computer from a friend, he told me that it had 60Gbs in it. Well, when I began to install Ubuntu Linx 9.10 I came to the point of decission of whether or not to delete Windows XP or run Ubuntu 9.10 along with Windows XP. I had a decision to make and I honestly thought I had enough free space to run both. I kept on having problems bringing up Ubuntu. It would go so far and then it would freeze. Well I updated GNOME and I was able to login and try a few things. I of course downloaded and installed the program that I needed to run the program that was running my online radio station. I also downloaded a scanner for to check virusus. I then tried to download some other softwear but I deleted them and kept the scanner and the other program that plays my radio station. Since I did that I logged out and shut down the computer. I haven't been able to get to the point to where I can login again. It freezes. How can I add more memory of free space to run Ubutu. If there is no way of doing that how can I delete Ubuntu and start all over again so that I can again install Ubuntu Linux 9.10 and take off Windows XP so I can run Ubuntu. I really do like the Ubuntu's system. It is so very quick bringing up websites. I have a 32bit download on the CD. I found out the computer was only 16Gbs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Installing 9.10 In Windows 7?

Jan 10, 2010

I just got finished wubi installing ubuntu in windows 7, and when I select ubuntu from the dual boot menu I get a strange message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Along With Windows XP - Unable To See Both

Mar 21, 2010

I have installed windows xp (service pack 2) on my pc. later i formatted a partition (drive E and installed ubuntu linux 8.04. I have provided 2gb space for SWAP partition and remaining for root (/). I have done this manually. Installation was completed, and ubuntu asked me to reboot the system. I did so.

Now comes my problem.......I am getting some DHCP connection or some thing weird.......after that i am getting a message ......and with a message asking me to press any key.....the same thing is coming even after restarting the system....i am unable to see both windows and linux now!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Windows 7 Over Kubuntu?

Mar 30, 2010

how to install some windows programs I have, Like the Magic Jack phone thing.Well needless to say, he bailed on me and I havent heard from him in several days and I have been sitting without a phone since last Friday.So basically, I want to remove this kubuntu and put windows 7 back on my system so I can get all my window programs back.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing OS And Installing Windows?

Jun 15, 2010

I've decided to get rid of ubuntu since I can't get my 5.1 system to work. So here is the drill :

*I have an Ubuntu installed

*I also have a flash and an iso image of windows XP

how do I remove Ubuntu and then install windows xp.I also want to divide my drive into C and D if possible .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing UNR 10.10 Alongside Windows XP?

Jan 10, 2011

When I get to the "Allocate Drive Space" section, I have only 2 options, namely "Erase and use the entire disk", which alarms me because I want to install UNR alongside Windows XP on my ASUS Eee PC 1005HA. The other option is "Specify partitions manually (advanced)". For obvious reasons, I am reluctant to try this. I have a C Drive (Windows) and a D Drive (mainly for Backup of Windows). Each drive is about 72GB with about 60GB free on my D Drive. Obviously, this is where I would like to install UNR, but will I have to clear my D Drive completely? I still have about 27GB free on my C Drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Windows Partition While Installing?

May 2, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu since 2009, but recently I had to reinstall Windows (and Ubuntu.)The problem is that ever since I reinstalled Windows the Ubuntu installation doesn't recognize the Windows partition. I've got a 500GB HDD, and the installation says there's 500GB of free space.Is there any way to make Ubuntu recognize the Windows partition while installing, or is the only solution reinstalling Windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Into Windows 7 After Installing 11.04?

Jun 22, 2011

i just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and i was enjoying it, but when i wanted to boot into windows 7 my computer just restarts by itself. I really don't know much about Ubuntu

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Dual Boot Windows 7 And 10.04?

May 2, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx on a dual boot with a previously installed copy of Windows 7 and everything installed fine via Wubi...but now when I boot up and I get to my Boot Mgr and select Ubuntu I get the following message and can not get past a black screen stating -

Try (hd0,0) EXT2

I have tried to read what others have done to fix this but nothing has worked so far,Also I can still log into Windows 7 just fine, just no Linux...

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Installing On Previously Windows System

Jul 5, 2010

I have a HP laptop that I have had Windows Vista on for about two years. I am soon going to switch it over to Ubuntu. My question is can you safely use the Ubuntu installation process to delete the Windows partition along with all the programs and files it stores on the hard drive or should you first uninstall Windows manually and then, with a essentially blank computer, install Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing & Keeping Windows Data?

Jul 28, 2010

I've finally had enough of Windows and have decided to go with Ubuntu. However I hope someone can help me with this query... I currently have a single hard drive which I have partitioned under Windows into two. The old C:drive holds software & the windows O/S and the D: drive is where I stored photos, documents, etc. Can you tell me if it is possible to install Ubuntu into the old C: partition and leave the d: partition in tact (for a few weeks to ensure I have backups of everything on here). Alternatively, if I add a new drive and install Ubuntu onto there, will I still be able to access the old D: partition (or would I need some kind of dual boot config)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows No Longer Boots After Installing 10.04?

Aug 6, 2010

I'm having an issue getting a triple-boot machine to work. I'm trying to triple-boot Mac OS X Snow Leopard (iAtkos S3) 32-bit, Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit, and Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I install Mac with no issues it boots up and works. In Mac setup I make 4 partitions: Mac, Linux, Linux Swap, and Windows. After Mac is installed, I install Windows. Then Ubuntu. I select to have GRUB installed on the Linux partition. Now when I boot the PC I get a choice of Ubuntu, Windows, memtest, and Mac. Both Ubuntu and Mac work, but when I select Windows, I just get a black screen with a flashing cursor. Files are still intact and nothing has been deleted. I tried booting from the Windows CD, and running bootrec.exe /fixmbr, but all that gives me is no boot device available. I've tried every combination of installing and configuring but can't seem to get it to work. Everything is backed up so I don't mind reformatting and starting fresh if I need to. Also the Windows disk does see Windows 7 when I run scanOS. I can't use the repair option on the Windows disk as it gives me an error saying the CD is not compatible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing With Windows 7 And Debian Already Installed?

Sep 17, 2010

i have windows 7 on my laptop and i had recently installed debian linux. i realized that debian did not support my laptops hardware so i have decided to install ubuntu which i should have decided to install at first. now i am stuck with a 45 gb partition that i want to install it on and a 250 gb with windows 7. i deleted debian off of the 45 gb and now i cant even go into my windows 7. I really need help on wat to do. yes i want to keep my windows 7 and all its folders. when i am trying to install by specifying partitions manually. when i try to that on the 45 gbs is says no root file system defined.

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Installation :: Can't Load Windows 7 After Installing Ubuntu / Resolve This?

Oct 16, 2010

I have Windows 7 on SSD and have installed Ubuntu on a separate HDD.
When the PC boots, I get the boot manager menu, if I choose Windows 7 it fails with error "no such device or partition".

I can mount the SSD and see all the Windows files still there, I think that the boot manager just needs to be pointed in the right direction but not sure how.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Advantages Of Installing 64 Bit Version - Keep Windows Too?

Dec 4, 2010

I used the liveCD (32 bit version), got all the hardware info and I found out that it has a 64 bit processor, so do I have to install the 64bit version? I installed a 32 bit version on another 64 bit computer and it works fine, why? Is it normal for this to happen? If so, what are the advantages of installing the 64 bit version? Second, I would like to keep Windows too, but I could not figure out what the current partitions were:


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Installation :: Remove Windows After Installing Ubuntu With Wubi?

Dec 28, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu from Windows using wubi.exe.

Now, i wanted to remove windows from my system completely, and clean my startup.
My startup currently shows me the options Windows 7 and Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing On Windows With Several Hard Disks?

Jan 15, 2011

I would like to install ubuntu on windows xp which has 6 partitioned hard disks. When I try to install ubuntu on hard disk F, it says i need to select a root. However, I could not succeed in selecting a `root`. I also tried wubi, but it was terminated with an abrupt error just before it was finished. Furthermore, what does boot directory mean?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Grub2 From A PC Running Windows?

May 13, 2011

In short, what I'd like to find is a workaround to install Grub2 onto a USB stick, from a PC running Windows, without using a GUI. After searching, I don't find any way to install Grub2 from Windows. I do have a nice little MS-DOS batch file that installs syslinux onto a USB stick. It's simple, fairly fool-proof, and I'd like to convert it to install Grub2.Did find an example of running grub-install without actually installing anything: grub-install --grub-setup=/bin/true /dev/sdaSo, IFAIKT, this just creates the Grub2 'boot.img' file, and maybe also modifies the 'core.img' file? Is that right? If so, then a little DOS utility to write a USB's MBR using the boot.img should work, yes?

However, I notice the boot.img file is 512 bytes. As I understand it, a drive's partition table is included in that space. I'd like to take that boot.img and use it to install Grub2 on any arbitrary USB stick, without altering the existing partition table. If I snip off the last 72 bytes so the image is only 440 bytes, it seems like this should work (assuming that every USB stick will have Grub2 installed in the /boot/grub subdirectory).If this sounds right, is there a DOS-based MBR update utility that you would recommend? I find several, such as MBRUtility, MBRWizard, and MBRFix, among others

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To See Windows Partition While Installing 11.04

Aug 1, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu 11.04 dual boot along with Windows 7. But I am unable to see already installed windows partitions.

During installation it shows hard disk as a whole. Does failure of CMOS battery has something to do with this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing - Booting - 11.04 Without Touching Windows 7 MBR

Aug 5, 2011

What is the "recommended" method for dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows 7, if one cannot allow the disk's MBR to be overwritten or changed in any way?

Before now, I have either installed GRUB/GRUB2 to the MBR, or else installed Ubuntu and Windows to two different hard drives.

The machine in this case, a Samsung NP300-V5A-A02US notebook PC, has only a single hard drive. I cannot allow any alteration of the MBR, because then the Samsung backup/system recovery software (Samsung Recovery Solution 5) will no longer work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing To A Dual-boot Windows System?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm currently dual-booting Vista and Win 7. Do I have to install Grub or can I continue to use the Windows boot loader?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Windows 2nd Will Data Stay Safe?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a 200GB partition where I keep my music, movies, photography, /home backups, and other really important things to make changing linux distros easier. I'm planning on installing 10.04 when it comes out and figure ill do a clean install. I need to install Windows XP for business purposes, and was wondering if I create an NTFS partition in gparted beforehand, will windows simply install to that partition and leave my 200GB data partition alone? (10.04 will be installed afterwards, but i know how not to overwrite when installing that.)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Steam And Other Windows Applications Correctly?

Apr 6, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu to dual boot with my Win 7 and I want to fix the user permissions so i can install STEAM so then I can game and install other windows applications. So i tried to install steam with wine installed and i get this error message..The file '/tmp/SteamInstall.msi' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.

Can some one please help me with installing Steam and other windows applications correctly?Also I already tried to fix it with terminal code that still didnt fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing BURG Prevents Windows From Booting?

Apr 19, 2010

Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 Beta 2 64-bit
Dual-boot with Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Compaq CQ50-215NR laptop with 3GB system memory, 1.9GHz Athlon X2 QL-60 dual-core processor, nVIDIA GeForce 8200M G, 160GB HDD

Today I decided to install the BURG bootmenu on my computer so that I could enjoy nice, pretty graphical bootmenus instead of boring old text-based ones.I installed and configured BURG using this tutorial(after some few snafus wherein I tried to use older tutorials and went through many needless complicated steps that didn't end up working anyway).Restarted, and it worked great - except for one thing. Windows would no longer boot.It would get to the "Starting Windows" screen, then about halfway through there it would flash and restart.It wouldn't start in "Startup Repair Mode" either (the same thing happened). So, I did some frantic googling, and discovered this thread. I followed a set of instructions posted therein to install Lilo, reconfigure my MBR to Windows' liking, and reinstall Grub2.Windows booted after that.Well, I thought that the problem must have been caused by one of the numerous false starts I made while trying to get BURG installed, so I installed BURG again, set it up again, and bang - Windows wouldn't boot any more.So, I re-did the MBR with Lilo again, only this time I forgot to reinstall Grub2 (oops!) and had to boot from my LiveCD and install it thataway.At any rate, I'm fairly certain that installing BURG is what's keeping Windows from booting.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring Grub Failed After Installing Windows XP?

May 21, 2010

I am pretty new to ubuntu, and not sure if this question has been solved by anyone, I tried search this forum, but didn't find enough information. The closest thread I found here was this one:[URL].. Here is my situation, I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 a few days ago with an old Live CD, after running it pretty well, I upgraded it to 9.10 with the online update tool. (I guess this makes sure I was using Grub 1, the legacy Grub). After updated to 9.10, I installed a Windows XP on my hard drive, obviously, it wiped off my Grub from the MBR. So I tried to restore the Grub back to the MBR, but failed, please see below:I first run the fdisk

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Not Showing Boot Menu After Installing 10.4?

Aug 27, 2010

I am not able to see the existing windows OS already installed when the machine is booting.When the machine boots up I see a blank screen and it boot directly into Ubuntu.Here is the results file I have collected by running the tool:Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.
sda1: __________________________________________________ _______________________


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing On Windows Machine Without Dual Booting?

Oct 14, 2010

i currently am running windos 7 (64 bit) and would also like to install ubuntu on a second hard drive. i understand a dual boot is easy enough to do, but i'd like to install ubuntu so that it and windows are completely isolated. rather than be prompted with a boot screen to choose os, i would do so by changing hd boot priority in bios. i'd like the end result to be 2 separte computers in one box. can it be set up this way, and if so, how?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installing Windows ,7 Disappears In Boot Loader?

Oct 18, 2010

I am user of ubuntu 10.10 beta version. I installed windows 7 on ubuntu but after that ubuntu doesnt boot up! Somebody please help me.I have ubuntu 10.10 live cd for 32 bit desktop edition.I want to rescue this problem.

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