Ubuntu Installation :: Windows No Longer Boots After Installing 10.04?

Aug 6, 2010

I'm having an issue getting a triple-boot machine to work. I'm trying to triple-boot Mac OS X Snow Leopard (iAtkos S3) 32-bit, Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit, and Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I install Mac with no issues it boots up and works. In Mac setup I make 4 partitions: Mac, Linux, Linux Swap, and Windows. After Mac is installed, I install Windows. Then Ubuntu. I select to have GRUB installed on the Linux partition. Now when I boot the PC I get a choice of Ubuntu, Windows, memtest, and Mac. Both Ubuntu and Mac work, but when I select Windows, I just get a black screen with a flashing cursor. Files are still intact and nothing has been deleted. I tried booting from the Windows CD, and running bootrec.exe /fixmbr, but all that gives me is no boot device available. I've tried every combination of installing and configuring but can't seem to get it to work. Everything is backed up so I don't mind reformatting and starting fresh if I need to. Also the Windows disk does see Windows 7 when I run scanOS. I can't use the repair option on the Windows disk as it gives me an error saying the CD is not compatible.

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 No Longer Boots After Repartition Job

Jan 25, 2011

Before we begin just some general information, I'm running on a 64-bit HP Pavilion dv6; This laptop is something you would buy off of best buy's show floor. I installed Ubuntu through wubi in windows 7. I have a 500 GB Hard Drive. As of right now I can explore the windows 7 part of the hard drive.Now the problem began on Friday January 21st after I shrunk my Windows parition by 100GBS leaving around 370 GBS left in windows. Then I went into Ubuntu to try and format the 100GBS to create a space so I can share media in between windows and Ubuntu. ( At the time I didn't realise I could already go into the Windows Partition).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading From 9.10 To 10.04 - System No Longer Boots

Feb 10, 2010

After upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 my System no longer boots. I had a Dual-Boot System. On Boot I get - "error : the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found grub rescue> (prompt):
If I run 'insmode /boot/grub/normal.mod' (I get the same error)
If I run 'insmode /boot/grub/ext2.mod' (I get 'The symbol 'grub_xasprinf' not found)
If I run ls /boot (The Kernel File Names look Ok)

If I run in Rescue Mode it Reports (The installer could not find any partitions, so you will not be able to mount a root file system. This may be caused by the Kernel failing to detect your hard disk drive or failing to read the partition table, or the disk may be unpartitioned. If you wish, you may investigate this from a shell in the installer environment.) I ran the recommended reporting script and got the following output:-

= Boot Info Summary: =
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #4 for /boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb
=> Syslinux is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdd <<< This is my USB Flashdrive .....

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Fedora Installation :: Machine No Longer Boots

Jan 22, 2009

In completely new to Fedora. After a clean install, I went through, configured yum, did all yum updates and rebooted. I then installed the graphics card (m9500 gs) using RPMfusion and restarted again. After doing so, the comp shows the fedora loading bar but once it finishes, it hangs there and you see a small flashing box. I have no idea how to uninstall that nvidia driver.

to my xorg.conf. Still same issue. Finally I went through and added the "notap" to the grub.conf. I am at a complete loss here. When I try and manually load the driver, the Nvidia installer gives and error about not finding any preconfigured kernels for the package. Then It try's to build its own kernel but says its missing the "cc" in the "gcc" package. Any ideas? If you want to know exactly what I've done so far, I pretty much only followed the guide at my-guides.net. As you might be able to tell, I am very NOOB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrading To Lucid Laptop No Longer Boots?

May 11, 2010

I just upgraded from Karmic to Lucid and my system will no longer boot. The upgrade completed without any error messages, but upon reboot, it hangs at the loading screen. I cannot start the system in recovery mode either. Same issue happens. To get to the command line, I've appended:


to the kernel line in grub. I then remount so I have r/w access.

It appears to be an issue with udev. While the loading screen is "loading," udevd_work scrolls a bunch of stuff that's too fast for me to read (nor can I copy and paste it).

/var/log/udev isn't showing any recent errors, only messages from before the upgrade.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Intermediate Distrution Upgrade / No Longer Boots

Jul 22, 2010

Summary: After intermediate upgrade, Ubuntu Lucid LTS 10.04 64bit Desktop Edition will "NOW" not run in any Graphics mode on my machine.

General; Ubuntu has been my favorite OS to live on, play and relax. I have to use other OS'es, but I choose Ubuntu as "mine". I can go around it safely and tweak it to my own likings and needs. It has also been a great tool to exchange things between other OS'es.

History: I started with Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.04 64bit Desktop Edition. Last March, I upgraded to Ubuntu Lucid LTS 10.04beta 64bit Desktop via the Update Manager, using Ubuntu's instructions... as a Beta Tester. I kept up with Updates and everything had been fine.All went well, albiet minor adventures that gave me oportunities for enriched challenges and training. Overall, since the early days of that, my system has been very stable and reliable- Until last Saturday through Yesterday...

Problems: First thing I noticed is that there were some security updates Friday. Saturday when I came up into Ubuntu, it came up in error saying it had to come up in a low graphics mode. I shut down the system and restarted. It came up fine and I thought nothing more of it at the time...

Second, I tried to install Ubuntu Lucid LTS 10.04 64bit Server Edition on another drive. My other drives were isolated. Although the install said it was successful, on reboot, it would not boot the system. It would get a purple splash on my screen, then either lockup or go to a text based screen dump. Server Platforms said this was a text based OS and couldn't explain the purple flash or the error... I shelved this project until later and thought nothing more of it.I checked for updates through the weekend (even though there usually isn't any on weekends), and as usual it said everything was up-to-date.

Third, Monday the "Update Manager" said there was too many updates to do at once, that it needed to do a partial update. I selected, but it couldn't complete, because it said that there was conflict on a KDE package that it said it needed to remove, but couldn't because it was in a blacklist. It further said that this could have resulted from a DEV vervion of Ubuntu.

Fourth, I upgraded some packages through the Synaptic Package Manager, to try to reduce the number of packages that the Update Manager was trying to update. All those packages said they updated fine. I then went back to the Update Manager and it still said it needed to do a partial update... but it completed and said it was successful. I noticed that the top of the dialog box was tiltled "Distrubution Upgrade." I noticed that some of the files seemed to be an xorg upgrade... After the update, I had to do other things, so I shut down my system.

That was the last time this machine has been able to start Ubuntu. When Ubuntu tried to startup, it said it had to boot in a low graphics mode, but could not- it blasted the monitor with vertical purple and red lines.I had a copy of the Ubuntu Lucid LTS 10.05 64bit Desktop Edition LiveCD on my other machine. I burned a CD and tried. The only mode I can get to boot from the CD (on my machine) is in a text console- no xwindows system. On starting up an xwindows system will blast the grahics of the monitor, then (sometimes) continue to a monitor test-based screen dump that flashes by until the system locksup.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Lucid Lynx 10.04 No Longer Boots

Aug 7, 2011

I installed lucid lynx over a year ago on a IBM A20m laptop. I've been happily using ubuntu up to now until yesterday when I installed Tor and Torbutton. When I rebooted, I got a blank screen after the IBM startup routine. Thinking that somehow the system got corrupted by my Tor installation, I decided to reinstall lucid lynx from the CD. Surprise! The install CD also gives a blank screen!

I hit a key to get the menu and and the three first three choices all result in the same blank screen:
* Try Ubuntu without installing
* Install Ubuntu
* Check disk for defects

To help debug this, I tried setting the F6 option nomodeset and I removed "quiet splash" from the boot options.

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Fedora Installation :: Vista No Longer Boots After Install

Oct 9, 2010

i have just installed fedora over a existing copy of ubuntu. The problem is i cant boot in to vista any more. i have looked over many forums trying to fix it but still wont work.the attachments are of screen shots i have with the details of the hard drive partitions.i am able to mount the hard drives and have all the data still and still have the boot folder for vista but just cant figure out how to boot in to vista.i also get the error " error 1: filename must be an absolute pathname press any key to continue" i get this error when i try to change the boot partitons

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 No Longer Boots

Mar 2, 2010

The left hinge on my Dell Inspiron 1521 cracked and broke. Last night, I removed the hinge since it had frozen in an "up" position. I had to remove the hinge plate to do so. Since then, I am unable to boot my computer. Whenever I boot up, I see the Dell Boot Screen (like normal) and then the screen goes blank except for a the words GRUB at the top of the screen. I've tried using the Live Disk to recover, but I don't have a "Recover" option on the set up menu and prior to installing, the set up client advises that there is no operating system installed and that I have only one partition.

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Ubuntu :: Toshiba Lab Top No Longer Boots Up?

Jan 6, 2010

I am guising at this point? It took for ever to boot up in 904 Jaunty. All though I never tried the above then and meant to. Thought the upgrade might get it . Now in Karmic Koala. I can get to the grub. Yet any fooling around here it always says unrecognized command. Well really I don't know what I am doing.I have a Intel graphic processor in this lap top I am sure. When it did boot up in 904 the display would mess up. I had upgraded all the way from 804 because I could never get my Alfa usb wifi to work. As for now it will not boot up? Is there any links on the subject? Not sure why this in red it was not on purpose

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Ubuntu :: GRUB No Longer Boots Anything?

Jul 24, 2010

I am very much new to the world of Linux, and I just wanted to try out the popular Ubuntu flavor alongside my existing Windows 7 installation. Things worked well at first and I seemed to have the dual boot setup working, until I was notified that there were updates available and advised to install them. I did so, but somewhere along the way something went terribly wrong. When it asked me to restart, and I did, nothing happened. I was not offered the choice of OS, and the screen simply sat there, blank.

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Ubuntu :: Installed On USB, WinXP No Longer Boots?

May 23, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a USB hard drive after booting the desktop installer ISO on a USB flash stick. My laptop already had Windows XP installed on the internal hard drive and i did not load Ubuntu onto that disk. I can no longer boot the Windows OS. My laptop shows a grub rescue prompt with "no such device" error. I can mount the internal hard disk ("system drive") and see all the Windows files from within the Ubuntu desktop installer. Is there a way to restore my Windows system drive to boot or do I need to reinstall?

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Ubuntu :: No Longer Boots Up On Archos 10 Netbook

Sep 1, 2011

Ubuntu no longer boots up on my Archos 10 netbook, it's been working fine for the whole month I've had it but now it simply sticks to the Ubuntu loading screen and doesn't progress further. Windows still boots fine so my guess is it's not a hard drive failure that's causing it.

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Ubuntu :: Computer No Longer Boots Constant Error

Dec 14, 2010

I have tried to keep away from posting this seeing how many have had the same problem but this is getting to the point of me just selling my computer out of shear frustration. Ive got Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04lts. For a while they all ran fine together till my Windows drive gave out and ever since I tried to remove the drive GRUB recovery has been popping up. I even tried to put the drive back in and the computer still wont boot anything. Ive got 4 different live boots and neither one works, Ive tried to boot with my internal dvd drive and a usb one, there is always a Grub error. When I put in the ls command and find my only non"unknown filesystem" it still says "bad filename". I guess where im getting at is grub wont even let me reformat my computer or boot from anything without saying "no such device: 32d98-e0b3-451b-809b-ae6562ccb701"

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Ubuntu Installation :: PC Boots Straight To Windows After 11.04 Install

May 8, 2011

I am fairly inexperienced with Linux. I'm good with windows and PCs in general. I've been wanting to setup a Linux environment for teaching myself some programming so I downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 to install on my main Windows desktop.

I have two internal HDDs and an external HDD. Each of the internals is 160GB and the external is 1TB. I have Windows on the drive in SATA0. I split the drive in SATA1 into 3 partitions. I Windows Disk Management to shrink the NTFS partition to 100GB for storage. I used gParted to create a 2GB swap partition the rest is a ext4 partition So sda1 is NTFS, sdb1 is swap, sdb2 is ext4, and sdb3 is NTFS, and sdc1 is NTFS

I mounted sdb2 as root and installed Ubuntu there. I chose the manual option for the installation as the install alongside Windows option only showed my external HDD (sdc). I wasn't sure where to place the boot loader so I tried to overwrite the Windows boot loader on sda but that failed with an error about no file system available or compatible. I figured Grub2 doesn't work on NTFS......

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Only Boots In Safe Mode

May 12, 2011

I am not a computer genius. My laptop was notifying me of Windows Genuine Advantage, and I guess I am the last person on earth to know what that is. Now I can only boot in safe mode since it requests activation. There is nothing important on the computer and I only want to use it for watching movies at this time. I want to get rid of Windows altogether, and install Ubuntu. I have downloaded a copy of it and its on my removable drive. I do not have a disc drive on the laptop, only USB. How do I do this? I don't think I have a virtual drive anymore, I think I got rid of the program that was on there.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 No Longer Boots After Activate The Proprietary Nvidia Drivers

Feb 4, 2010

I had, with much delight, accomplished a dual boot install of Ubuntu 9.1.0 and Windows 7 the other day and everything was working perfectly fine. However, I decided to activate the proprietary Nvidia drivers that were available in the drivers menu and my system subsequently no longer operates. After installing and rebooting Ubuntu will no longer work and becomes stuck on a black screen with two white dashes in the top right had of the screen.

This hang up occurs directly after the first white Ubuntu logo appears during the startup and the only key that will work during this screen are Crtl + Alt + F1, which only bring up a second black screen except with a solid white dash in the top right screen. At that point no key will work. I have tried to fix things in recovery mode and used envyng to remove the nvidia drivers as well as other operations, however the same result still appears when I try and run Ubuntu. I own a Sony Vaio Z690C if it makes any difference.

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Installation :: System Boots Automatically Into Windows?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm dual-booting Fedora Linux with windows7 and everything worked fine until now My problem now is that I did an upgrade on my windows and ever since,My system boots into windows automatically without giving me the option to choose which operating system to boot to via the GRUB prompt.I'm locked out of my Fedora by windows

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup Default Boots To Main HDD With Windows 7

Mar 18, 2010

How can I set up my pc where it default boots to my main HDD with Windows 7, and a secondary HDD with ubuntu after pressing F12 or something? I was going to just do a dual boot, but I remembered I had this extra HDD sitting around (which I was 'borrowing' from walmart for something I can't remember and lost the receipt =s) so I figured I'd just install ubuntu to it and dual boot like that.

EDIT: Disregard that. Just installed Ubuntu to my second HDD and it booted to the grub loader, which had the Windows 7 option in it. However, I do have one more question: as I'm still using the Windows 7 RC (which expires pretty soon), will a clean install of Windows 7 overwrite the grub loader seen on startup? If so, how do I go about booting back into the second HDD to reinstall grub?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Lost Everytime Windows Boots?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a dual boot system with Lucid Lynx and a Windows 7 that came with the laptop (it's a Dell Studio with an i3 processor).

Grub2 boots into Win7 and Ubuntu just fine. The thing is that if I choose Win7, next time Grub doesn't show up. I can't boot anything and the screen turns black. I can reinstall grub2 with Ubuntu's live CD and the cycle starts all over again, it's very annoying.

These facts may or may not be important: I think that this started happening when I uninstalled wubi after being able to install ubuntu through another method When reinstalling grub there's an error that repeats through many lines of the terminal (I can't remember what it says, if you think it's important I can check). Anyway, it ends up saying the installation finished successfully.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Boots Windows 98 In Dos Compatibility Mode

Nov 25, 2010

Have win98se on secondary master as it fully supports some devices Ubuntu doesn't (Aries scan it pro, pci smart modem, Lexmark printer/scanner x2250), Lucid is on primary master. Grub seamlessly booted windows using menu.lst entry:

titleWindows 95/98/Me


Would be grateful if anyone knows a configuration that works, as using CMOS/BIOS setup to boot windows is a pain.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Doesn't Boot But It Boots Windows 7?

Apr 10, 2011

got myself a new pc, windows 7 installed.. i just got done installing ubuntu10.10. it said to finnish, i had to reboot.. ok, no problem.. i reboot, loading says uuid is not valid.. but, it loads 7 fine.. they are on the same drive, but different partitions. i only got a wireless usb keyboard and when it goes to the shell, it doesnt seen to recognize it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Samsung 900x3a Boots Into Windows After Install

Jul 17, 2011

I recently bought a Samsung 900x3a which is a very neat machine. However, I have some trouble trying to get ubuntu to run on it at all.Here are my symptoms / information :

- Live USB runs well
- Installation runs well
- Trying to install dual operating systems (Windows + Ubuntu)
- Installation terminates well
- If I reboot in LiveUSB, I can see my new "Ubuntu" partition with all the operating system files on it.

Does any of you have an idea of how I could possibly solve this issue without messing up my Windows environment ?

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 PC Boots, Ignoring Live Cd

Jul 16, 2010

I have downloaded Fedora-13-x86_64-Live and burned it to a CD. Restarting the computer with the CD in the drive, it is simply ignored and Windows 7 boots normally

It's an HP Pavilion Slimline s5510f PC.

Operating System
Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (64-bit)
Build Number 7600
DirectX Version 11


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Boots To Windows 7 Only Unless Installation DVD Is Inserted?

Aug 9, 2011

I have Windows 7 installed, I then installed opensuse 11.4. Everything went fine with the installation, no issues. After I removed the DVD and reboot, it does not load GRUB at all and just loads into Windows 7. However if I put in the installation DVD then select to boot from local disk it loads GRUB. So now I have to load the DVD if I want to get into suse.

Not sure how to fix this. I see some of you request for such information so here it is:
# fdisk -l


Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Fedora Installation :: OT: Dell BIOS Always Boots Windows Harddisk?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a Dell Vostro with sda and sdb (the latter was installed by myself). I installed FC14 x86 64 onto sdb with /boot being on /dev/sdb8

I did not want to install grub onto /dev/sda as this is a shared machine. I thought that I would be able to use the BIOS's 'select boot device' to select the sdb disk and boot off that and get into FC that way.

fdisk verifies that /dev/sdb8 is marked as bootable and grub (via find /grub/stage1) confirms that it is installed on hd1,7 (ie /dev/sdb8)

However, no matter which hd is choosen as the boot device, Windows is always booted - I change the boot order to use: DVD, sdb, sda but it still boots Windows. It seems like the BIOS only wants to boot sda no matter what.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Can No Longer Access Windows

Mar 31, 2011

I tried Ubuntu 10.10 after occasionally using other distros of Linux from time-to-time on friends' machines. After deciding it trumped Windows in almost every way, I decided to install if from a USB stick. The installation appeared to work and I followed the instructions that were given on the Ubuntu download page. After it restarted, it booted back from the USB stick asking again if I wanted to try Ubuntu or install it. I tried to shut down however the only options I get in the power off menu (on the top right) are Suspend and Hibernate. I ended up turning the computer off by holding the power button on my computer (I know this has probably hindered me more than helped but I needed to shut down).

When the power was off, I removed the USB stick and tried turning on the laptop again, however, I no longer get any options to get into my BIOS settings, and NOTHING will boot. I just get a black screen with a blinking white cursor in the top left corner. I can still use Ubuntu by using the ''Try Ubuntu'' option when running from the USB stick but quite obviously this is not ideal. I know I have probably wiped Windows Vista from my system (I had most data backed up a week or so ago, so all the important things I still have, however, if there is any way, I would like it all back). Any way to do a Super-System-Restore to revert back to Windows (if this is even possible).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can No Longer Install Windows On My Laptop / Solve This?

Jul 7, 2010

Synopsis: I wiped my system and am using ubuntu 10.04 with no problems *except* that I now need IE 8 and MS Excel/Access/Powerpoint/Word for classwork. I kind of tried toying with WINE, but ultimately would rather just have a dual boot.

What occurs when I try a (any) Windows install (keep in mind I even swapped out a fresh Sata HD and the same problem occured:

Pop in a Windows ISO bootable CD>everything acts normal and I follow the prompts for a fresh install (not an upgrade)> It begins the install but the first part where it is "copying files" just goes to 100% in a split second>Then it moves down to the next prompt of "Expanding Files" at which point the laptop is spinning the disc/reading it but it just stays at 0%.

So, it's not a HD formating problem, right? I wiped the system, reformatted and got the okay from Windows that I could install so I assumed I reformatted it back to NTFS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Windows 7 Partition No Longer Works

Jan 20, 2010

when i installed it the windows 7 Partition no longer works. I can see the windows 7 partition but when i click on it, it just reloads the grub boot loader. Im in college and need the windows 7 partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Update, Windows 7 No Longer Auto-Detected By GRUB2?

Apr 23, 2011

I'm using Maverick Meerkat, 10.10, 64bit. I'm a pretty basic user but am trying my best to learn.

My background: I have a laptop on which I installed Win7 Ulimate on one partition. After installing Win7 I then installed Ubuntu on a separate partition. GRUB2 found both Win7 and Ubuntu perfectly. I could choose to boot into either one and the ability for GRUB2 to "remember" which OS I booted into last worked properly. I then did a kernel update a couple days ago via Ubuntu's Update Manager. After that, GRUB2 could no longer see Win7. I added a custom boot entry in /etc/grub.d/ so that Win7 would show up in GRUB2.

However once Win7 did show up in GRUB2 I kept having a problem with the Windows bootloader being missing. I used the Win7 Recovery DVD to get into Windows and then installed EasyBCD for Win in which I was able to create a Win7 boot entry and get the Win7 bootloader back. I set EasyBCD to skip the bootmenu so my current configuration now is that on bootup I see GRUB2, which shows Maverick Meerkat & Win7. If I select Win7 then Win7 loads via EasyBCD and it works fine.

The problem though is that GRUB2 does not auto-detect Win7 AND it no longer remembers the last OS that I booted into. I would rather not use EasyBCD if I can help it and would like to just use GRUB2 for everything.

My question is this: How can I get GRUB2 back to controlling Ubuntu & Win7 properly without the need for anything else in between. I have asked in the Freenode Ubuntu channel but haven't received any help besides "sudo update-grub" which I have done and it hasn't helped.

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