Ubuntu :: How To Access Completely Flash Based Websites

Dec 14, 2010

I have been using lynx for sometime specially when on a slow connection. I was wondering if there's a way of accessing flash-based websites (completely flash-based) using lynx?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Moving Websites From Shared Host To Xen Based VPS

Nov 12, 2010

I am moving some websites from a shared host to a newly configured Xen based VPS with Ubuntu 10.04. A steep learning curve but I am getting there! I have a couple of sites installed on the new server and want to test them out, from what I understand I should be able to edit /etc/hosts on my desktop computer (running Ubuntu 10.04) which should automatically redirect my browser to the new server. But it doesn't seem to work.

This is what I appended to the /etc/hosts file: www.xxxx.com

I thought that this should send any requests for www.xxxx.com to Some googling indicated that the browsers I am using may be using DNS caching, ignoring the hosts file. I've tried clearing the cache with Chromium 7.0.517.44 (64615) and Firefox 3.6.12, and even installed a plugin in Firefox to block DNS caching.

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Fedora Installation :: Replace Existing 32 Bit Wrapper Based Flash On 64bit Browser To 64 Bit Flash

Sep 23, 2010

Did anybody tried installing the latest adobe flash named Square for amd64 systems? I was interested in knowing whether there is any improvement in the performance. I also want to know how to replace my existing 32 bit wrapper based flash on 64 bit browser and install this 64 bit flash.

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Fedora :: PulseAudio - No Sound From Flash On Websites

Jun 10, 2010

I've run into a couple of issues that appear to be related to PulseAudio. First, since I upgraded to FC13 a couple of weeks ago, I get no sound from flash on websites. Yesterday, I had a need to record some audio into my computer via the mic input. So, I installed Audacity, but it couldn't see the signal coming in, even though it was playing from the sound source. I did a bit of digging and found a note on the PulseAudio website that said that Audacity didn't work with PulseAudio. So, I removed PulseAudio, rebooted for good measure, and under ALSA, Audacity was able to record from the mic input.

When I was finished recording, I started Amarok playing, and I could see the progress indicator moving across the interface, but there was no sound. I checked the mixer, but nothing was muted, and the audio from Audacity was working just fine. So, I reinstalled PulseAudio. Today, I needed to do more recording, so I pulled off PulseAudio once more. I did my recording, and then tried Amarok once more without PulseAudio, with the same results. It occurred to me that I should try a website with flash and see if those work without PA installed. Indeed they do.

So here's what I have: Audacity can't record from the mic input with PA installed.
Amarok doesn't produce sound without PA installed
Flash websites don't make sound with PA installed
This all worked while I was using FC12 (though I never tried Audacity), and I've only had problems since I upgraded to FC13.

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox 4 And Flickering In Some Flash Websites

Apr 14, 2011

Having an issue with Firefox 4 and horrible flickering and distortion in some flash sites, esp Facebook games. This is not an issue in 11.3 and FF 3.6.Issue is present in 11.4 with FF4Issue is present in 11.3 if I upgrade to FF4 and disappears if I downgrade to FF3.6 Issue is not present in Windows and FF4.

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General :: Get The CnM Minibook To Run Flash Player Websites?

Feb 1, 2010

I am a techie but a TOTAL linux novice. I am trying to get the CnM Minibook to run flash player websites, in particular Club Penguin. I have downloaded a command line program to run and I have found out some basic commands but I do not have a clue where to begin. Can anybody help? I do not know what version of Linux it is but the browser is Bon Echo.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Halts / Freezes On Video Websites - Fix It?

Jun 13, 2011

I have installed Kubuntu Natty on a Toshiba laptop with an Intel Card on i386. Sites with flash video content (....., vimeo and the BBC's iplayer site) however don't work as expected: the video track stops while the sound carries on. Pressing the right mouse button in the video player screen makes the video continue immediately, but this is not the expected behaviour! I have also tried with Windows, and it works fine, so it is not a network problem. Audio seems to work fine. I'm attaching the output from lspci and that of Xorg.0.log that appears relevant to the intel driver. code...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Webcam Completely Broken?

May 27, 2011

Running amd64 Natty. I cannot get my Quickcam 4000 to show up in Tinychat, or any other flash site. Already checked permissions in Flash...is this a bug?

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Ubuntu Security :: Is There Way To Disallow Access To Other Websites?

May 4, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu x64 (dunno which version, but I don't think it matters) and I'm concerned about security with PHP.I remember using lighttpd and I had some mystic configuration and the secuirty was perfect for me - if one website gets hacked then the others are still safe (kinda).Now with apache2 if I enable safemode I'm still able to go outside web directory and actually I can go really far untill user/group matches.I tested the system with r57shell and I was able to mess up other websites.Is there a way to disallow access to other websites?

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Ubuntu Security :: Time Restricted Access To Certain Websites

Jun 11, 2010

I'd like to be able to limit access to a particular website, based on the time of day. I would also like to be able to password protect this if possible.So for instance, from 7am until 10pm daily, I can access URL... but after 10pm it redirects to or something. And this configuration be protected by only allowing a certain user (other than root) to change the config?

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Fedora :: Cannot Access Some Websites / Resolve This?

Nov 18, 2010

I had Fedora 12 installed on my laptop and everything was working okay.

After making a fresh install of Fedora 14 I can now only access some websites, others cannot be found.

I have spent hours trying to resolve this without success.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access Some Websites

Aug 4, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 and everything is working ok except i can't connect to some websites such as facebook or hotmail. I tried doing the same on windows and everything is ok there. I've been searching through forum about this problem but nothing seems to help. Has anyone else had this kind of problem and managed to fix it?

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Networking :: Access My Websites From A Different Computer?

Apr 26, 2011

I have been studying LAMP for a while now and all my websites are on the localhost. But if i wanted to access my websites from a different computer, how do i access do that? LAMP ( client ( Do i need to setup the DNS servers as well in my home network for me to access my intranet (LAMP).

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Debian :: How To Remove Completely Flash Player From Iceweasel?

May 24, 2009

How can I remove completely flash player from iceweasel ?And so that it is also totally remove from Debian..Why flash player is not working..The only message I get is flash player is not responding.Did not give any other messages

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access To Some Websites With New Router

Jun 21, 2010

recently I have bought a new wireless router and now I have problems connecting to some (secure) websites. I can't login to gmail and facebook while I am still able to connect to these sites using my old router. I have also tryed to connect to these sites using my new router on windows and it worked with no problem.It is really strange for me, although I don't know that much about networking. I am using Fedora 13 and a TP-Link (TD-W8901G) Wireless router and I have these problems using both wired, and wireless connections with this router.

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Networking :: Can't Access Websites From Internal Network

Aug 28, 2010

I am in the process of setting up my own Linux gateway/firewall using two nics eth0(external network) and eth1(internal network). The Linux gateway hands out ip addresses using dhcp3-server, and uses iptables to route the traffic correctly. Clients are able to connect and access the internet...everything is working great, HOWEVER I can't access my apache virtual hosts websites from the internal network? They work just fine if i access them from the outside world

I can type ip of the web server, and it shows the first virtual host listed in my /sites-enables/000-default folder. but i can't use any DNS entries. I don't have any internal DNS servers running. This doesn't makes sense, because if i replace the linux firewall/router with my normal linksys wrt54G router it works just fine.

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Server :: Access The Log Files For Multiple Websites?

Apr 1, 2010

I have managed to configure AWstats to work from one server to access the log files for multiple websites on multiple servers and even managed to write a little front end php site to access all the different conf files. I want to know if there is a way of combing two conf files for the same site but are on two different servers in a loadbalanced situation. so my conf files look something like: [URL].. I have to monitor bandwidth for our websites and its gets tedious switching between the various conf files for the same site and totaling it up so I was hoping I could combine the output of both conf files on screen using some funky command in the awstats.pl script

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Ubuntu Networking :: Admin Profile Can Access Websites While Standard User Cannot

Apr 20, 2011

First off, since this seems like a networking issue I put it here, but if it should be somewhere else, the powers that be should definitely move it over.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 on Dell Presario M2000 I have made sure that all updates have been done.

As the subject states, the admin account (mine which I'm posting to the forum with right now) can access the internet and see webpages. The user account on this laptop (my underaged sister who my parents don't want full access to the computer) will not access any webpages, it just continually looks like its loading.

I have made sure the wireless card drivers are installed and activated.

Also, I ran iwconfig and ifconfig and here are their results

p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Results of iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"myqwest4137"


These were both run from the user account. At this point it looks like its connecting to the internet through the wireless card as I was also able to run the update manager through the user account and have it download the updates (after putting in my admin password of course).

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Ubuntu :: Reliance Netconnect Broadband Usb Modem With 11.04 - Unable To Access Any Websites

Jul 7, 2011

I have ubuntu 11.04 in my netbook and when I inserted reliance netconnect broadband usb modem,it automatically detected and after giving the necessary details it was connected..But I am not able to access any websites..On googling I found that I have to make changes to /etc/resolv.conf..But resolv.conf file is missing.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Wireless Connection Can't Access Websites

Mar 7, 2010

I just installed Opensuse 11.2 dual-booting with Windows 7 on a laptop. I have the wireless set up and connected, but I can't seem to be able to connect to any websites or ping Google, etc.I'm kind of a Linux newbie, so I'd like to get some advise as to what I can check to get it working? (Windows 7 on the same machine is able to connect - I'm using it now)

- I've tried both automatic DHCP configuration and also setting the ip/dns server manually, no luck

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General :: Networking - Can't Access Select Websites (but Can On Windows)?

Nov 21, 2010

My internet connection used to be a direct LAN connection to my provider. Back then, everything would load fine on both Windows and Ubuntu (dual boot). However, a while ago they started needing me to dial using a username and password (over a PPPoE connection). But since then, I haven't been able to browse certain websites on Ubuntu, even though there have been no such issues on Windows. Some example websites are - Ovi's sign in page (although share.ovi.com loads fine, and nokia.com loads fine), Live Mail (works on Chrome(ium) and Opera but not on Firefox (both 3.6 and 4)) and other random websites.

Some of the websites that don't load show timeout messages on Chrome and for some websites, the browser will keep trying to load without an end (I've left it like that even for hours but not noticed anything different happen).

I have tried changing the DNS servers to the ones suggested in the comment. I have even tried booting from a Fedora LiveCD and then changing the DNS to those (and even to the ones of OpenDNS), but the exact same thing happens. Here's output of ipconfig on Windows: Opera error messages seem to be a little more informative and they have the following errors in turns:

Secure connection: fatal error (552)
Secure connection: fatal error (40)

Followed by: Opera was not able to connect to the server. The server may be using the unsupported SSL 2 protocol, which is not considered safe enough for secure communication. The site owner should upgrade to TLS 1.0 or newer. Does anyone know why this is happening and how it can be fixed?

Update: Just saw here [URL].. that someone else was having similar problem and solved it by putting a NetworkManager.conf file in /etc/NetworkManager. What needs to be in that file?

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General :: Squid And Iptables - Limited Access To Websites

Sep 23, 2010

I have configured my squid that have a limited access to websites but still some website were accessable vis https so I removed transparent from squid. Now what changes do I have to make in iptbles

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Security :: Forbidden Access To Some Websites It Says This Domain Is Blocked?

Sep 17, 2010

I don't know is this the right place to ask, but i must ask some questions Here's my problem.I'm a student in highscool,and here we use Linux(ubuntu) OS .Every classroom has like 30 PC's connected with the main computer(the teacher's one) so....3 days ago we were forbidden access to some websites it says This domain is Blocked.By the way the Linux version installed is 7.04(feisty Fawn) i tried disable cookies that did not worked,also tried to whitelist some website,that also didn't worked out

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Security :: Using Squid To Restrict Access During Certain Hours But Only To Certain Websites?

Jan 21, 2011

I have been trying to get Squid to work so that I can restrict access to a particular web site during certain hours every night. I can't seem to get it working, however. I am still able to access the site. The following are the relevant lines from my squid.conf file:

acl restricted-domain dstdomain "/etc/squid/denied_domains.acl"
acl test time 19:00-20:00
acl bedtime time 22:00-23:59


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Fedora :: Unable To Access Few Secure Websites Including Facebook

Dec 25, 2010

I am facing a problem concerning secure websites where I get the "Connection Reset" error in browser after a timeout of I think 1 minute.

OS: Fedora 14 ( I faced same problem with Ubuntu 10.10 )Browsers: Chrome and Firefox

The issue is not there on Windows using Chrome and Firefox so I believe this is a problem with how linux manages secure connections. I can access all the google secure websites too. There a few other websites apart from facebook.com that I know which I am unable to access.

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General :: Setup A Proxy Server To Block Access To Some Websites?

May 22, 2011

i was tasked to setup a proxy server to block access to some websites. i'm using centOS 5 and Squid 7:2.6 STABLE21-6.e15...i appended the following and tested the configuration with the supposed server i am using and the it does seem to work but now i'm wondering how i can test it with a client computer..i have 2 LAN cards and i just connected the other to one PC (can a direct connection work or does it need to pass thru a switch or hub)...i just can't figure out how it should be... how do i configure the 2nd LAN card to use this computer as its proxy server?

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Ubuntu Security :: Block All Websites Except Desired Websites?

Apr 12, 2010

I want to block all websites except desired websites.

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Fedora :: Creating A DOS Based USB Flash Using A Large (2GB) USB Key?

Oct 5, 2009

Looking for an up-to-date guide for creation on DOS based USB flash using a large (2GB) USB key. All the guides are OLD and not working.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ABC IView (flash Internet Based TV) Locks PC / Sort It?

Oct 11, 2010

My PC completely freezes after viewing any program on ABC's (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) iView service. The time at which it occurs varies but it completely locks the PC.

I'm running 10.04.1 and have an Nvidia 6200 card, I'm running the propriety drivers.

Could this be an issue with my graphics card? I updated it a couple of months ago and can't think of any other changes that have been made.

I have the latest version of Flash.

My biggest problem has been coming across someone else who has experienced the problem so how should I be going about trying to debug it?

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Fedora Networking :: Completely Unable To Access The Internet?

Jun 16, 2009

Fedora 11 is completely unable to access the internet for some reason, and after some troubleshooting, I've determined the problem to my Motorola 2210 DSL modem. I know my connection is working fine, as it works perfectly in both Vista and 7. I've tried things such as grep 'Ethernet' /var/log/dmesg, filling in the information into the network settings manually, to no avail.

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