Networking :: Can't Access Websites From Internal Network

Aug 28, 2010

I am in the process of setting up my own Linux gateway/firewall using two nics eth0(external network) and eth1(internal network). The Linux gateway hands out ip addresses using dhcp3-server, and uses iptables to route the traffic correctly. Clients are able to connect and access the internet...everything is working great, HOWEVER I can't access my apache virtual hosts websites from the internal network? They work just fine if i access them from the outside world

I can type ip of the web server, and it shows the first virtual host listed in my /sites-enables/000-default folder. but i can't use any DNS entries. I don't have any internal DNS servers running. This doesn't makes sense, because if i replace the linux firewall/router with my normal linksys wrt54G router it works just fine.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Wireless Connection Can't Access Websites

Mar 7, 2010

I just installed Opensuse 11.2 dual-booting with Windows 7 on a laptop. I have the wireless set up and connected, but I can't seem to be able to connect to any websites or ping Google, etc.I'm kind of a Linux newbie, so I'd like to get some advise as to what I can check to get it working? (Windows 7 on the same machine is able to connect - I'm using it now)

- I've tried both automatic DHCP configuration and also setting the ip/dns server manually, no luck

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Ubuntu Servers :: Two Network Cards / Can't Access Internal Network

Feb 25, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 with two network cards. One for external, and one internal.My problem is that as soon as i activate eth1 (external), i can't access the server from the internal network (eth0)

With these settings i can't reach the internal network from inside.If i disable the gateway on eth1 and enable the gateway on eth0, it works.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access Some Websites

Aug 4, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 and everything is working ok except i can't connect to some websites such as facebook or hotmail. I tried doing the same on windows and everything is ok there. I've been searching through forum about this problem but nothing seems to help. Has anyone else had this kind of problem and managed to fix it?

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Networking :: Access My Websites From A Different Computer?

Apr 26, 2011

I have been studying LAMP for a while now and all my websites are on the localhost. But if i wanted to access my websites from a different computer, how do i access do that? LAMP ( client ( Do i need to setup the DNS servers as well in my home network for me to access my intranet (LAMP).

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access To Some Websites With New Router

Jun 21, 2010

recently I have bought a new wireless router and now I have problems connecting to some (secure) websites. I can't login to gmail and facebook while I am still able to connect to these sites using my old router. I have also tryed to connect to these sites using my new router on windows and it worked with no problem.It is really strange for me, although I don't know that much about networking. I am using Fedora 13 and a TP-Link (TD-W8901G) Wireless router and I have these problems using both wired, and wireless connections with this router.

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General :: Networking - Can't Access Select Websites (but Can On Windows)?

Nov 21, 2010

My internet connection used to be a direct LAN connection to my provider. Back then, everything would load fine on both Windows and Ubuntu (dual boot). However, a while ago they started needing me to dial using a username and password (over a PPPoE connection). But since then, I haven't been able to browse certain websites on Ubuntu, even though there have been no such issues on Windows. Some example websites are - Ovi's sign in page (although loads fine, and loads fine), Live Mail (works on Chrome(ium) and Opera but not on Firefox (both 3.6 and 4)) and other random websites.

Some of the websites that don't load show timeout messages on Chrome and for some websites, the browser will keep trying to load without an end (I've left it like that even for hours but not noticed anything different happen).

I have tried changing the DNS servers to the ones suggested in the comment. I have even tried booting from a Fedora LiveCD and then changing the DNS to those (and even to the ones of OpenDNS), but the exact same thing happens. Here's output of ipconfig on Windows: Opera error messages seem to be a little more informative and they have the following errors in turns:

Secure connection: fatal error (552)
Secure connection: fatal error (40)

Followed by: Opera was not able to connect to the server. The server may be using the unsupported SSL 2 protocol, which is not considered safe enough for secure communication. The site owner should upgrade to TLS 1.0 or newer. Does anyone know why this is happening and how it can be fixed?

Update: Just saw here [URL].. that someone else was having similar problem and solved it by putting a NetworkManager.conf file in /etc/NetworkManager. What needs to be in that file?

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General :: Access Internal Network Virtual Hosts In Apache?

Mar 6, 2011

I currently have an Apache Web Server running on Ubuntu 10.4 and I use a DynDNS service to make them accessible to the outside world via a domain and/or subdomain.

My configs currently look like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin <obscured>@<obscured>.com
ServerName <subdomain>.<obscured>.com
ServerAlias <subdomain>


This works fine from access outside of the network and all subdomains resolve to the correct directory.

The problem I am having is with accessing a subdomain over my internal network.

I can access the Web Server using the server's IP address: but this always takes me to the same virtual host and I don't know how to distinguish between different virtual hosts (different subdomains).

Ideally I would like to access the same subdomains using http://<subdomain>/ where <subdomain> is the same as the subdomain attached to the external domain name.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Configure PostGreSQL For Internal Network Access?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a problem configuring my PostGreSQL server for internal network access.

I want to be able to access my postgre server from

It works when I set listen_address to *, but if I input, or any other IP address, I always get:


WARNING: could not create listen socket for ""
FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets
postgresql.conf section


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Ubuntu Networking :: Admin Profile Can Access Websites While Standard User Cannot

Apr 20, 2011

First off, since this seems like a networking issue I put it here, but if it should be somewhere else, the powers that be should definitely move it over.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 on Dell Presario M2000 I have made sure that all updates have been done.

As the subject states, the admin account (mine which I'm posting to the forum with right now) can access the internet and see webpages. The user account on this laptop (my underaged sister who my parents don't want full access to the computer) will not access any webpages, it just continually looks like its loading.

I have made sure the wireless card drivers are installed and activated.

Also, I ran iwconfig and ifconfig and here are their results

p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Results of iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"myqwest4137"


These were both run from the user account. At this point it looks like its connecting to the internet through the wireless card as I was also able to run the update manager through the user account and have it download the updates (after putting in my admin password of course).

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Ubuntu :: Create A Virtual Directory In Apache For One Of Company's Internal Websites?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a need to create a virtual directory in Apache for one of my company's internal websites. I have confirmed that I can create an alias for a local directory: Alias /vdir/ "/usr/share/somefolder/"

So I would get to this virtual directory by going to But when I attempt to point it to a shared folder on another server:

Alias /vdir/ "//servername/share/"
Alias /vdir/ "//servername/share/somefolder/"

Both return the 404 Not Found error, which I would expect if it is not connecting to the share. I've searched but can't seem to find the correct syntax and I know I am missing something basic. I have searched google and these forums but can't seem to locate the exact syntax. Are there other lines in the config file I need? Permissions should be no problem the shared is EVERYONE has access (for now).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitor Websites Visted By Network Users

Feb 17, 2011

I need to setup a box to monitor what websites users are accessing on a small network.I don't have a switch with a spam port, but I do have a machine with two nic cards. I would like to set it up between the router and cable modem so that users won't know it is there but it logs all the websites that are being accessed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitoring Accessed Websites In Home Network

May 11, 2011

I want to monitor the websites that people in my network are visiting.It's a home network with various devices (PCs, phones, Ipads), and a ubuntu headless server. I'd like to install some monitoring software on the server, which would ideally provide me a list of website the devices (attempted to) connected to.Does such a software exists?? Can I control it via Webmin. Would setting my NIC in promiscuous mode affect performance?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To .local Hosts / Websites On Company Network (DNS)?

Jun 27, 2011

Problem:Your company network has internal only hosts / websites with names that end in .local, e.g.Your freshly installed Ubuntu machine works fine on the network, has internet access, etc. but cannot connect to these particular systems.Testing DNS with tools like dig / nslookup works fine, but normal name resolution with ping / telnet / browsers does not work.Solution:1. Open a terminal window2. Enter the command sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf3. Change the following line:hosts: files mdns4_minimal [notfound=RETURN] dns mdns4to this:hosts: files dns4. Press Ctrl-X, Y, Enter to saveExplanation:Ubuntu ships configured to do name lookups for self-configuring networks, based on the AppleTalk / mDNS / Bonjour protocol. In the configuration shipped for the resolver, this protocol is considered the final aurhority for the ".local" top level domain, and DNS will not be checked. The above configuration change eliminates this and restricts lookups to (a) /etc/hosts file, followed by (b) DNS

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Networking :: IPTables - Cannot Ping Or Access Internal Server

Mar 31, 2010

Basically, I have a windows 2003 server virtual machine (vmware) inside Ubuntu 9.10.

The Ubuntu machine has IFconfig:
Code: sam@sam-laptop:~$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:15:c5:b8:c8:8b
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Why can't I ping or simply access the internal server on my ubuntu machine from a another computer on the (slash)25 physical network? Do I need a bridge? Iptables?

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Fedora Networking :: OpenVPN Client - How To Access Internal Ressources

Sep 26, 2009

I'm using Fedora Core 11 and the client OpenVPN on the network-manager into a segmented infrastructure. It works well.

My laptop is on a dmz wireless Zone and access Internet through a firewall via a front-end zone with wlan0 interface.

But my laptop can access on a back-end zone to a server.

When I start the OpenVPN tunnel, I cannot access on my back-end zone because the kernel routing table is modified (all the traffic is routed through the tun vpn interface)

If I define a static route like route add -host 192.168.2.x gw where x is my file serveur, I cannot connect to this server because the routing is make through the tun interface and not by the wlan0 who can access on is gateway

I want to know where changing the kernel routing table file to access on the Internet and on my back-end zone in a same time.

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Networking :: Access Firewall Public IP From Internal NATed DMZ Machine?

May 13, 2010

I could no handle/circumvent on the past week, despite of the several "googling" and documents reading. I will try to mention all needed bits... I'm managing a network with the following structure:

eth0: internal net
eth1: DMZ
eth2: 10 mbit/sec sync line with eight public /29 IP's + a /30 interconnection network. All public IP's must use the interconnection's network gateway.
eth3: ADSL with ppoe with fixed IP (ppp0).

Now, a few extra info:

- All internal traffic is routed through ppp0 except when it's destined for DMZ and public IP's range.
- DMZ traffic is routed either through ppp0 or eth2. This is done by source IP.
- eth2 has on IP from the interconnection network, and six public IP's are also defined on eth2. Command: "ip addr add ...."


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Networking :: SSH From Internal Network

Oct 6, 2009

I am not too knowledgeable on networks, however I think this should be possible.I have a computer at work, which is connected to the work network. I have files stored on the central server here and also my local computer.

At this place, computer support say "We do not offer this service". However they also say "The simplest way to do what you are asking is to install an ssh server on your actual workstation".I have done this, and it the openssh server is working because I can test from my workstation by doing ssh user@hostname and it works.What I want to do however, is to connect from outside the network. Firstly, is this possible, and secondly, what is the syntax for ssh in order to do it.

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Networking :: Cannot Ping Internal Network

Jan 28, 2009

cannot ping internal network

I am a new user to Linux but in the last couple of months gained some Idea about it,I am trying to set up a small network in my office having 3 windows xp PCs, two fedora10 PCsI have an adsl router with 4-port hub connecting to the internet, one switch (say sw1) and one linux PC (say linux1) is connected directly to the router, the three win xp PCs are connected to switch sw1.all the above is working fine, I am able to get connected to Internet In all the systems, and able to network among all the above four.Now I want to make the linux1 as a proxy server for, hence I added another network card into it connected it to another switch sw2, which is connected to another linux pc (say linux2).

I have tried a hundred things, and googled an equal no. and finally posting it here.In order to reduce confusion I have disabled DHCP in all machines, and given static ips insteadNetworkManager was not happy about it, hence to fix my static IP i disabled NetworkManager ('chkconfig NetworkManager off')

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Networking :: Can't Connect To Internal Network

May 11, 2009

I did a new install of Kubuntu 9.04. I use static ip addresses. In an attempt to resolve the issue with the network manger in 9.04, I removed the network manager. I am now able to set the ip addresses just fine and I get to the internet. However, for some reason, I can't get to my internal router. Has anybody encountered this or have a suggestion on what I may try?

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Networking :: Port Redirection To Internal Network NAS Box

Jan 17, 2011

I'm have a base level understand of linux at this point. I have Debian box that I am trying to do some port redirection with.

I have my external NIC as eth0 with an IP of x.x.250.5.
I have my internal NIC as eth1 with an IP of

On the internal network I have a NAS box with a web interface at What I need is to set it up so that a request to x.x.250.5:8080 will some how forward/redirect to the internal network NAS box at

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Networking :: Port Forwarding Within Internal Network

Feb 26, 2010

I have a question about port forwarding. I have an internal Red Hat server and I would like to use it as a central connection point to some back end servers. This is not an internet router setup. I was thinking I could use iptables and do port forwarding similar to an internet router but internal to internal.
Basically I would like to take any connections to port 22 on server1 interface eth0 and forward them out of interface eth1 to server2 port 22.I am finding a lot of information on port forwarding, but it is all based on using an internet router that is passing through to an internal server. I need to know how to configure a basic linux setup with no existing iptables entries so that I can do this within an existing network.Also, if there is a better or easier approach I would appreciate any direction. I don't want to do this through an SSH tunnel.I know to start I need the following to enable forwarding in the kernel and a firewall PREROUTING rule.

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Networking :: Multiple Network Connections - Internal And Wireless

Dec 4, 2008

What I want is quite simple, I have my PC running Linux Mint 5 (Elyssa), and I would like to connect it to both an internal network, which has a file/print server, another machine and will soon host a small cluster. I also have a wireless router connected to the tinterweb.

The thing is using my ethernet I want to connect to the internal network whilst simultaneously using my wireless to deal with the internet, I want to keep the internal network off the net as it really doesn't need to be connected. I can connect to my internal quite happily and also my wireless but not both at once.

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Networking :: Preventing Internal Network Traffic With Firewall

Jul 3, 2010

Does anyone know if it is possible to filter/block network traffic between internal hosts on a lan?

Eg. : Linux firewall/router ( - LAN Default G/W - all internal > external traffic gets filtered.

How would you filter tcp/ICMP/UDP traffic from internal host a ( ) to host b (

All the internal hosts have the linux f/w as the default gateway, and are all on the same /24 subnet.

I would like to know if I can filter traffic between internal hosts.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internal Network Doesn't Seem To Be Loading Driver

Feb 27, 2010

I just recently installed a fresh copy of 9.10 server on an older machine I had laying around to use as a router and home server. Everything is setup and I'm on the net on it, except for some reason the Netgear GA311 I'm using for the internal network doesn't seem to be loading a driver. I've tried modprobing 8139 (which it says isn't found) as well as 8139too, 8139 too goes through ok, but it doesn't make any change, with lshw still claiming that it is "unclaimed". It seems that the Realtek chipset this card is based on is extremely compatible with Linux and I'm having trouble finding anyone with a similar issue with it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ping Fails On A Single Pc In Internal Network?

Jun 1, 2010

I want to ssh to a pc in our home network. It is a standard network in terms of a DSL router, dynamic IPs via DHCP, WPA2/PSK security, wireless network connection for all pcs except one which is wired to the router.I got the error "no route to host" from ssh. Openssh-server was already installed. It turned out later that the laptop I want to ssh to (namely the one which is connected by cable) cannot be pinged by any other laptop on the network.

The pc in question (lucid lynx with most recent updates) is online, can ping itself and the router, but cannot ping others in the network and cannot be pinged by them. I suspect a firewall setting of being the problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static Route For A Nested Internal Network?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm using ubuntu server 10.04. I need to create a second network to do some testing. Here's what it looks like so far: WAN > x.x.x.x/9 > router > > LAN

I need to do this: WAN > x.x.x.x/9 > router > > LAN > ubuntu server (LAMP, dhcp, dns via eth1) [eth0] > ubuntu server [eth1] The two networks should be transparent to one another. I've got everything working, except routing. Here is ifconfig:


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Networking :: Port Forwarding In Bittorrent Client In Internal Network With Nat

Apr 9, 2010

I have an internal network behind a server <> connected to the internet that NATs my ip <> only. NAT is not allowed to any other ip addresses. When I use Transmission Bittorrent client to download torrents, The thing is that this is not my machine and doesn't have access to the internet at all. What is happening here? Can anyone help me?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Open The Firewall To Internal Network Card?

Jul 28, 2010

I have just installed CentOS and it is working fine!I made a masquerade with the document there: I didn't used the script, because right now, I do not completely understand it, and obviously I am not modifying anything by leaving it like that.I was using Mandriva before and I am used to graphical tools My questions are:I add the following lines in my iptables:

[root@localhost ~]# service iptables stop
[root@localhost ~]# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE
[root@localhost ~]# service iptables save


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Public Subnet Is Not Accessible From The Internal Network

Aug 6, 2010

I will try to explain a bit first about my network typology: I have one cent os 5.5 machine with 2 nics - external one 86.x.x.122 and internal one with 2 IPs: and 89.x.x.121. The ideea is that I have a public subnet (86.x.x.120/29) of IPs which are routable only through 86.x.x.122 so I have a webserver hosted on a different machine with the IP of 89.x.x.122 and GW 89.x.x.121 - everything works perfectly fine, except that I cannot access from the internal network / 24 the so called DMZ (roughly) - the 89.x.x.122.

What really makes me crazy is that I setup the IPtables rules correctly because I can access the webserver from the outside world but I cannot accessit from the internal network...

what I'm missing - why the cannot see the 89.x.x.122 machine... What IPtables rules should I add?

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