Ubuntu :: Get Seahorse To Work?

Dec 1, 2010

I got seahorse installed. However, when I right-click any file or folder, there is no option to encrypt it. What can I do to get it to work?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Update Something Called Seahorse?

Feb 13, 2011

I went to update my software and I saw the system wants to remove three programs. I googled them and they seem important but I can't update without removing them so I'm stuck. I've included a screen shot of the items the system wants to remove.

Also for the past month I haven't been able to update something called seahorse, the system says it's a broken package but I don't know how to fix it. Is this an essential program or can I un-install it?I want to upgrade to 10.10 but I am reading how all updates must be done before and these issues are holding me back.

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Fedora :: Can't Create PGP Key With Seahorse

May 31, 2011

When I try to create a new PGP key with Seahorse ("Passwords and Encryption Keys"), the combobox for selecting the key type doesn't get filled and the button to advance the dialog is thus disabled. No errors are reported. I've included a link to a screenshot that illustrates the problem. Creating a key with command-line GPG works fine. Upon reinstall of Fedora and an update, with nothing else done to the system, the problem persists. I tried recompiling the latest version-controlled Seahorse commit and the problem persists. Key import/export/signing/etc work fine in Seahorse. I've done a Google search and a search of this forum and can't find evidence of this problem. Works fine in Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on the same system. Fedora 15 x64 (, Seahorse 3.0.1.

"gpg --version":


gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.11
Home: ~/.gnupg
Supported algorithms:


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Ubuntu Security :: Configuring A New Stored Secret In Seahorse?

Oct 16, 2010

how can I configure a new "stored secret" in Seahorse? Or System > Preferences > Passwords and encryption keys, in a free translation from Brazilian Portuguese "Senhas e chaves de criptografia"? For instance, let's say I want to add a stored secret to be used with Skype: in Seahorse (Ubuntu 10.10), I clicked on Files > New > Stored secret, select the "login" keyring, type "Skype" in the description field and my skype password in the "Password" field and finally click "Add". But when I right-click the new secret > Properties, I can't change or type anything in the "Details" or "Applications" tabs, So, how can I inform Seahorse how, when or with what should it use my secret?

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Ubuntu Security :: Seahorse Personal Key Import From Old Home Folder?

Jun 29, 2010

last week I decided to not just run dist-upgrade, but give the Lynx a completely fresh install. Before that I've only copied my home folder to an external hard-drive.

Now that I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 I have no clue how to import my old personal key and the passwords from the backup (my old home folder).

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Unlock My Password In Seahorse / Sort It?

Mar 11, 2011

I just did a fresh install of 11.4
My system auto-logs in and I know there's a bug in seahorse that doesn't like that method.

Anyway, I tried to unlock my "Passwords: login" in seahorse, but it won't budge.

The details about this user are that I re-used an 11.3 /home/$user directory. Could that be the reason?
I logged out of the Desktop and back in using my password manually.
I can sudo with my password. I can change the system with my password everywhere except in seahorse.
The password is exactly the same in 11.4 as it was in 11.3.

The .gnupg/ directory is 600 and its contents are all 600 except for agent.info which is 644.

Following a year old post, I got this from shell code...

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Ubuntu Security :: Seahorse Export Menu Is Always Disabled - Export The Passwords To Restore It After Formatting Machine?

Jun 12, 2010

seahorse export menu is always disabled. I need to export the passwords to restore it after formatting my machine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Creative Webcam Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 17, 2011

how to make creative web cam working with ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Does Not Work + Printer Drivers So Buggy + MP3 Players And Digital Cameras Not Work?

Jul 7, 2010

I wanted some input on chronic problems with Ubuntu:

1. Why does wireless almost never work right on Ubuntu?

2. Why, when Ubuntu just decides to turn off my wireless card, can I not just turn it back on?

3. Why do tar balls almost never unpack right?

4. Why are printer drivers so buggy?

5. Why do my MP3 players and digital cameras not work with Ubuntu?

I spent 3 hours last night trying to unpack a tar.bz2 file so I can run my Ralink network card. It worked fine until my son unplugged my computer. Now my card is disconnected and it will not reconnect. When I check forums no one has a simple answer for something as simple as turning a network card back on. On my Apple, it's simple: click my wireless icon and hit "on." tell me an easy way to just turn my wireless card back on, it would renew my faith a little in Linux.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype - Pulseaudio - Sound Output Or Input Does Not Work At All Doesn't Work

Sep 11, 2010

When I installed my 64 bit system of Ubuntu 10.04 the sound worked very well and I were very happy. The problem started however when I installed Skype which uses pulseaudio. As soon as I start skype (or any other application that uses pulse, HoN for example) the applications sound output or input does not work at all. If I have pulseaudio started in some way, applications that I suppose do not use it like spotify or flash player stops to produce sounds. And when I type "pulseaudio" in the terminal it gives me this:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Controls Don't Work - How To Make Them Work

Apr 8, 2011

I can't get flash controls to work. If the video auto-plays, it starts just fine, if not, I'm out of luck. I've tried reinstalling flash through the software center. Even if it autoplays, I can't control volume or pause or anything. I'm at the mercy of whatever is already there.

Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 - all updated as of 1/2/2009
Firefox 3.5.6
On a Lenovo Thinkpad R400

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Sobdomains To Work Fine On A Test Mache, But Domain/site To Work Due To Lack Of DNS Support At The Moment?

Feb 6, 2011

I'm not to sure this is the place I should post this, but couldn't find any place for it to fit. So here is the deal..I am running 10.10 with the standard LAMP setup. I am running a drupal 7 site no problems. What I need to do is run a multi site sub directory. (domain.com/newsite). So far the best I can do is get a directory index of the second site (domain.com/newsite), but cant run the installer. (I did the symbolic link to the doc root of the drupal install.)If I type in the url domain.com/newsite/install.php I get not found. I placed an index.html test page and it renders fine. I think I'm close but just not there yet.

Any ideas from anyone? I can get Sobdomains to work fine on a test mache, but sadly I need the domain/site to work due to lack of DNS support at the moment. I tried to get some info from the drupal forum, but everything always points to subdomin setups. I also posted over there, but it seems like the forums have very little support and are a bit on the slow side.


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Ubuntu :: Compiz Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Jul 29, 2010

I'm having trouble getting compiz to work on my Laptop. It worked for a while and then I turned on Shift Switcher and a message popped up saying..."The new value for the button binding for the action Terminate in plugin Shift Switcher conflicts with the action Zoom Window of the Scale Addons plugin. Do you wish to disable Zoom Window in the Scale Addons plugin?" I was given the option of Set Terminate anyway, Don't set Terminate, and Disable Zoom Window. I clicked Don't set Terminate and ever since the only thing that works in compiz are the bindings in the general options. I've used synaptic to completely remove and then reinstall compiz but the problem persist. Something else weird, all of the changes I made are still there, even after complete removal, but they don't work?

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Ubuntu :: Hibernate Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Oct 29, 2010

When I try to hibernate, the computer just goes to a blank, black screen and doesn't turn off. I have to hold the power button to get it to shut down, and when I turn it back on none of the programs running before hibernation have been saved.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 16, 2011

I just recently (about an hour ago) installed Ubuntu Netbook edition on my old laptop, and I was greeted with the message, that unity could not be run due to some sort of missing driver...fair enough, I was then greeted with the default Ubuntu desktop, I installed all my needed software (wine, google chrome) and installed the missing display drivers. I then rebooted the system, and once again I am stuck with the default desktop, and not the Unity interface. I checked the software center, and it says Unity IS in fact installed.. And yet I cannot make it appear. So now I ask you Ubuntu veterans. How do I make it work?

P.S. I wiped the system of windows, and the computer is an old HP Pavilion DV6000

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Ubuntu :: Configure Evolution To Work With MS Exchange But Cannot Get It To Work?

Apr 20, 2011

I am trying to configure evolution to work with MS Exchange but cannot get it to work. I also have an android phone which is dead easy to configure, but I've tried so may settings but cannot get evolution to connect. Anyone also having had this problem and finally solved it? I also tried DavMail with no luck.

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General :: SMP Kernel Would Work With Single Processor / Work With Multiple Processors System?

Feb 10, 2010

If I have SMP kernel would it work with single processor or only work with multiple processors system?

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Networking :: DNS Lookup Doesn't Work, Ping, Firefox Will Not Work Properly?

Apr 23, 2009

I have this annoying problem since day one.I am testing out Red Hat RHEL5, everything is fine except DNS look up.If I ping www.google.com, it doesn't work, ping ip address it all works;if I bring up browser, put www.google.com it doesn't work, can't find the name, however, simply put ip address there it works.My DNS seeting seems ok, and the DNS works from Windows box.

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Slackware :: Get Rtsp:// In Firefox To Work \ (adding Entries In :config Does Not Work)?

Feb 2, 2010

I have followed the instructions at http://www.vcn.bc.ca/~dugan/setting-up-slackware.html (under "Making Firefox Perfect"), but I still get the error message"Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (rtsp) isn't associated with any program."

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Networking :: New Install Of Centos 5.5 Will Not Work On Net Work With Fixed IP Or DHCP

Jan 12, 2011

I am trying to set up an unused machine as a web server for my students.

I originaly tried with Redhat 9 and had the same problems. I am using an HP Pentium 4 system with 2 network cards.

1) The built in Realtek RTL8139 configured as eth0.

2) An add in Broadcom BCM5782 Gigabit card that was added I presume when the built in card failed (we have a number of machines like this around the school), configured as eth1.

I did not realize the second card was installed when I had Red hat 9 on the system, but I discovered it after installing centos 5.5. I have tried to configure the system to use DHCP with and without getting the DNS from the provider, and both ways the system complains that there is no connection, check the cable, so it will not activate the device.

When I configure the device to use a fixed IP, I can configure the device, but I can't ping anything on the network other than myself. I suppose it is possible that both network cards have failed, but I get green link lights with both cards, when I connect them to my router, so I am at a loss as to why neither board seems to work. I don't have a spare network card to slide in because the computer takes a special mini card. Is there an easy way to test the board to see if the board is a problem?

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General :: Mail() Function Doesn't Work With HOTMAIL But Its Work With Others?

Apr 27, 2011

i have tried mail function in php to send email from the local host its work for yahoo but not with HOTMAIL whay ! actually i tried to figure it out,

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Debian :: Usb Stick Don't Work - How To Make It Work

Jan 14, 2011

I just installed Squeeze_di_rc1, whit gnome, when i insert any usb stick i recive how can i solve it?At the same times i tried to format in fat 16 with gparted but the result is the same.

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Fedora Installation :: Used To Work Flawlessly In F14 Now Does Not Work In F15

May 29, 2011

What used to work flawlessly in F14 now does not work in F15. I have done a fresh installation of F15 and all seemed to go well other than a few minor tweaks. In F14 I had an /etc/fstab file that worked well but in F15 does not work. I have 3 external USB drives, mybook, black & StoreIt. With F14 my fstab worked very well and booted regardless of weather or not any particular drive was connected at any given time. Typically I have the mybook and black connected at home and the StoreIt connected at work, but regardless it would boot and work without any problems.


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Debian :: Get Sendmail To Work With Php But Can't Even Seem To Get To Work On It's Own?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm trying to get sendmail to work with php but i can't even seem to get it to work on it's own. I'm logged in as root (su root). I have in php.ini: commented out smpt and smtp port (win 32 only it says) and sendmail_from commented out

For unix only

sendmail seems to be installed i can run it from bash. I try sending an email using:
sendmail example@whatever.com
ctrl + D

which i saw somewhere however the email doesn't seem to go through. I've also tried (after restarting apache server) to use mail() php function and that also doesn't work. Any ideas?

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General :: Flash And Quicktime Movies Don't Work; Mgp And Wmv Movies Work Fine?

Jan 9, 2011

As far as I can tell, I have all the applicable applications and plugins (for this, Debian 5.0.6 installation). I type in Code:about:plugins in either iceweasel or epiphany browser and get a list that includes:

Installed plugins
Find more information about browser plugins at mozilla.org.


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Ubuntu One :: How To Get U1 To Work

Jun 15, 2010

Lucid on desktop. I'm interested in using U1, but have had no success getting it to work.

Tomboy notes: Telling me they are synchronized, but they are not.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Gpg To Work

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to publish my key to a key server by typing,

gpg --list-keys
into terminal.

According to LaunchPad the output should say something like,

pub 1024D/12345678 2007-01-26
uid Geoffrey Hayes (My OpenPGP key) <geoffrey@bungle.com>
sub 2048g/9ABCDEF1 2007-01-26

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Ftp To Work / Need That

Nov 3, 2010

I've installed several ftp clients available through the software center. I'm able to connect to my remote host and view directories, but for some reason every time I try to download my files/directories, it disconnects and doesn't help me at all. I've got a large remote site so I can't feasibly download each file through my file manager.
Does anybody have any suggestions to get an ftp client working on my computer?

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Ubuntu :: Gpg Key Fix Did Not Work

Nov 27, 2010

The gpg key fix did not work for me. I have tried so many things including reinstalling 3 times.I am totally new to Ubuntu and Linux so at this point.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Cannot Get It To Work

Apr 21, 2011

I have an IBM t30 laptop, which works fairly well under Windows XP, but I wanted to install Ubuntu 10.04, or similar. I have gone through the usual installation setup but when it finally gets to the normal screen its all bitty and broken up. The next problem is that I cannot get internet connection for more than a few minutes before it disconnects and I have to re-boot, time and time again to get any internet access whatsoever. When clicking Mozilla Firefox, the screen freezes and that's it - I get no further. I have re-installed Win XP for the time being so that I can access the internet, and this forum, but I am hoping someone can offer a solution before I try again?

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