Ubuntu :: GUI Will Not Load After Update

Nov 12, 2010

I installed a load of recommended updates yesterday and shut down my system last night. Tried to start it again this morning and it won't load for me. The wallpaper appears, but no GUI (no top or bottom bars) and no cursor. The only thing I've managed to do is Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the hibernate/shut down/reboot options.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Load XP After Update

May 24, 2010

I allowed the UNR on my wife's Asus 1000H netbook to update to 10.04 and even updated since but the GRUB menu screen just keeps reloading itself if I select XP. We still need XP... at least for the time being. We can access the NTFS partitions still.

Now if I download UNR and do a clean install will that fix it?

Should I just remove the HDD and reformat it completely on another computer and reinstall both OSs?

Should I reinstall UNR 9.10? (I've heard there are power consumption problems with 10.04 anyway.)

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Will Not Load?

Nov 25, 2010

When I click on the update manager in SystemAdministration, nothing happens.
I have tried to find a solution here to no avail

I do not relish the prospect of having to do a reinstall

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load Up VNC After An Update With Command

Dec 18, 2010

I was told to use this command for an update. It took about an hour. After it was done I restarted and now I can't start my VNC server. -Using a VPS btw. Normally on a fresh boot it uses around 15mb of ram a little less now it's stuck at 2mb - 4mb. When I try to start the VNC it goes to about 9mb which is supposed to go around 350 to 400mb.


apt-get install python-software-properties -y; cd /etc/apt; rm sources.list; wget https://allgamer.net/files/sources.list; gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key C90F9CB90E1FAD0C && gpg --export --armor C90F9CB90E1FAD0C | sudo apt-key add -; apt-get update -y; apt-get install zip screen htop -y; apt-get upgrade -y; apt-get install libmono-corlib2.0-cil libmono-system-runtime2.0-cil libmono-system-web2.0-cil libmono-windowsbase3.0-cil libgdiplus -y; apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts -y

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Won't Load After The Update

Jul 23, 2011

I recently began using Ubuntu 11.04, having a dual boot setup alongside Windows 7. Everything worked perfectly fine until the last update of Ubuntu occurred. After the update I rebooted my system (as you do) to "Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-10-generic." When I do this it does one of two things: a) the Terminal loads and the cursor sits there blinking boringly achieving nothing and doing nothing the OS does not get very far into loading. Or b) A number of checks run automatically then pause and it goes nowhere and I'm left with a screen full of System checks. So, what I do is I load a previous version of Ubuntu "Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic" and this loads no trouble.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesnt Load After Last Kernel Update?

Jan 14, 2010

im dual booting ubuntu and win7 (i installed ubuntu using wubi)yesterday i ran the update manager and i noticed it installed a kernel update.since then, whenever i reboot i get the boot loader menu asking me to choose between win7 and ubuntu, but when i choose ubuntu, instead of the regular menu that asked me which kernel version i wanna use i get a command-prompt-like interface with the title:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Process Died - Now Won't Load OS

Mar 16, 2010

I started the update process in my new Ubuntu Studio install.

My understanding of the update process is:

1) Downloads all of the update files (in my case 214)

2) It performs the necessary installation of these files.

My machine locked up at the 70% done part during step 2.

Now, when I try to boot/load the OS it stalls at the splash screen.

I am not even sure I can get to the recover part from Grub yet, but if I can...

Is there a command that can start the update process without having to download the data again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Weekly Update Skype Will Not Load

Nov 30, 2010

I let the update manager complete the weekly update and after restarting, Skype will not load. I attempted to troubleshooting Skype found in the Ubuntu documentation, but it does not appear valid for Ubuntu 10.10 amd-64. [URL] fails to start

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Fedora :: X Refuses To Load After Update On 12

Mar 13, 2010

I installed my updates this morning, except for the nss packages which refused to work. So I just installed the other packages and left the nss package. When I rebooted my computer X would not load. I managed to track down an error by typing "startx" from the command line:


symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libXi.so.6: undefined symbol: XESetWireToEventCookie

All I did was update my computer and have not done anything else to the system. Also, I found this: [URL] And I can not but notice that the version of libX11 available from yum is not 1.3.3. Could there have been a packaging error with the updates?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Load 11.4 Or Update 11.2

Jul 11, 2011

I've tried to load 11.4 first and 11.2 next. New HD New Asus/ Inte, Celeron 266 Mem 3g using KDE Everything loads but when I try to set up DSL I get message: This package needs to be loaded, SMPPD. [Click install]. After [Click Install], Whether I use Network setup with or without ipv6 option or Ifup with or without ipv6 I cannot connect to /download.opensuse.org. I've tried to load Kinternet but the problem is the same,
it can not connect. Repositories are connected and updated through Yast2.


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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Won't Load Win7 After Update To Beta 1

Mar 25, 2010

Just update ubuntu to beta 1. When I try to load win7 it just all a get is the blinking underscore in the top left corner. What did i do wrong?


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC No Longer Working After Update - Cannot Load Module

May 15, 2010

Since my latest update to Ubuntu Lucid, VLC is no longer working. When starting VLC, I get an impractical dark interface that doesn't response to any command.
vlc -v gives this output:

VLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye
[0x9d7f668] main libvlc warning: cannot load module `/usr/lib/vlc/gui/libqt4_plugin.so' (/usr/lib/vlc/gui/libqt4_plugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData7append2ERKS_)
[0x9e2e6d0] main demux warning: no access_demux module matching "file" could be loaded
[0x9d7f668] main libvlc: Start vlc met standaardinterface. Gebruik 'cvlc' om vlc zonder interface te gebruiken.
[0x9e5bfa0] main generic error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly)
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface: skin: subX author: Martin Poehlmann
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: time
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: songticker
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: main.normal.dbuttons.info
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: eq.onoff.lef
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: eqwin.normal.titlebar.menu
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: eqwin.normal.titlebar.clos

It looks like a Qt4 problem, I have installed Qt4 with all possible dependencies, re-installed vlc several times but no effect! cvlc as proposed doesn't react.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After An Update Firefox Doesn't Load Anymore

Nov 1, 2010

After an update firefox doesn't load anymore. Whenever I try to install anything apt-get fails and warns me about broken firefox packages. It is mentioning firefox branding and chrome something (the latter seems to have gone away after I removed firefox via synaptic) apt-get install -f fails also.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Environment Freezes During Load After Kernel Update?

Jan 27, 2011

This morning I noticed that there was an update to the kernel ready in the Update Manager, to version 2.6.35-25. I let Update Manager do its thing and I restarted my computer when it prompted me to.If I select 2.6.35-25-generic in Grub, Ubuntu boots just fine, all the way to the login screen. However, after entering my password, it looks like Gnome is going to load, but it never does. All I see is the default wallpaper and nothing else; the system locks up and does not respond to any input; and the fans start spinning at full-speed. My only option at this point is to do a hard shutdown. I have no problems if I select the kernel I was using previously: 2.6.35-24-generic

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Fedora :: F14 Does Not Load After Update - No Login Window

May 9, 2011

I have a problem with my Fedora 14, only on Fedora 15. Been out of my home for a week, when I arrived home and turned the PC on first thing I made was the update, as usual. But when I reboot or shutdown the PC and when I go to do login, the Fedora get's stuck and doesn't show me the login window to insert my login. Made a clean install and it worked fine, until I made the last updates and it became again, stuck before the login window appears. Is there any update making this? What could be? It must be some update, because when I made the clean install it worked fine, and with the first update also worked fine.

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General :: Update After Wubi Install Makes Ubuntu Fail To Load

Jan 1, 2010

So after a win7 wubi install, I updated through system update. Now after I choose ubuntu in the win bootloader it takes me to a grub screen. How can I boot into linux and remove grub? (This isn't my computer otherwise I would dual boot and let grub take care of it).

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Debian Configuration :: Run Aptitude Update In The Terminal It Looks To Load A Cd?

Jan 22, 2011

I installed squeeze 2 or 3 weeks ago. When I run aptitude update in the terminal, it looks for me to load a cd. What's that about? see below

debian@dell:~$ su
root@dell:/home/debian# aptitude update
Ign cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Squeeze_ - Official Snapshot amd64 kde-CD Binary-1 20110110-07:46] squeeze Release.gpg


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General :: Update Manager - Error: You Need To Load The Kernel First

May 25, 2011

I updated the Ubuntu version 10.04.1. After updating the program it tells to restart the system. After restarting the system the following message appears:

error: can not read the linux header
error: you need to load the kernel first

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CentOS 5 Networking :: High Load Average After Update From 5.4 To 5.5 Of A VM On ESX

Nov 24, 2010

I have several CentOS 32-bit VMs running on ESX 4. Those that were updated to the most current patch level ("yum update", accepting all updates available last week) started showing load average of ~0.4 when completely idle. After comparing the problematic VMs with those that show zero load average at idle, and then modifying them in all kinds of ways, I narrowed it down to the combination of a recent kernel patch (2.6.18-164 is fine, 2.6.18-194 is not) and E1000 network adapter. Replacing the network adapter on a problematic VM with VMXNET3 fixes the load statistics.

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Ubuntu :: Crashed After Update - Error "You Need To Load Kernel First"

Apr 29, 2010

I am having a Ubuntu nightmare. I am relatively new to the whole Linux thing. I just updated my Ubuntu from the update manager today and after I restarted I keep getting the following error: Error: You need to load kernel first.

My boot menu shows the following:
GNU Grub version: 1.97~Beta4
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-21-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-21-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-20-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-20-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic (recovery mode)
Windows 7 (loader) (on dev/sda1)

The only two that work are the last two. So I chose Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic and booted normally. From there I typed actionparsnip's suggested solution (which worked for other people on other versions): sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.31-21-generic As you see I suited actionparsnip's solution to my version. The command downloaded something and made some fixes/updates and everything and seemed to have worked fine.

The system asked me to reboot, and here I am stuck: Now the boot menue shows the grup prompt which seems like: Minimal BASH-like line editing supported... sh:grub> NOTES: I originally installed Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 using Wubi. I can paste the contents "wubildr.cfg" if this helps. I had to go back to my Windows 7 to post this.

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Ubuntu :: Update Mess Up Kubuntu - Error "KDE Daemon Failed To Load"

Sep 17, 2010

I installed Kubuntu 10.10 on my netbook because i tried the new unity and i didnt like it. So everything was fine with Kubuntu but suddenly a few minutes ago i did an update which messed up my wireless, i cant connect now, somethings in the taskbar are mess up like the volume icon is different. When KDE loads at the biggining i get an error saying KDE daemon failed to load. Is there a way to roll back the update or reload that thing whatever it is? I was starting to get use to KDE, i didnt had any issue even tho is a beta until now. aaaa why everything have to be so difficult.

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Fedora Networking :: Websites Won't Load After Running A "yum Update" In F13

Apr 10, 2011

I'm having a problem loading websites after a yesterday's "yum update" on F13. Before that everything worked fine but now when I open a browser, websites only load for about 2 seconds, after which any website I open just goes into a constant loading loop. I tried disabling the IPv6, as some threads suggested but it didn't help and pages still won't load. It happens on Opera and Firefox, so the problem seems not to be browser related. The connection is fine too, as I it works ok under Windows.

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Fedora Installation :: Update Error At Yum - Error Cannot Load Module

Jul 28, 2011

After 2 months away from Fedora i am using it again, and used yum update to update stuff, everything was running fine, downloaded stuff, but 2 of the 666 stuff to install got error, here is:


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Ubuntu :: Connection - Load A Website Taking To Long To Respond And Sometimes Doesn't Load

Oct 2, 2010

When i open one of the web browsers i use and try to load a web site it's taking to long to respond and sometimes it doesnt load the website at all. I have tried with firefox,epiphany,opera with all the same results. I am sure that this is not a problem with my internet connection because i don't have these problems with windows.Also the network manager connection settings are correct

I also tried choosing the old kernel( to boot from but no success.The problem is the same as if i am using the kernel. The strange thing is that i can download packages from synaptic with full speed. Last think.I have recently downloaded the recommended updates from the update manager but i don't remember what are the things that where updated.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Would Not Load After Install / Will Load Via Live Cd

Feb 26, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu (9.10) on my sisters computer. I have installed ubuntu 9.10, but when I try to boot it from hard drive, it would stop loading a bit after the logo appears. The screen would turn off while the system is still running. Live version of Ubuntu works after reports of errors. I tried to search for the problem all over the forum, and could not find a good lead to figure out the problem.

So far to figure out the problem, I verified if cd is corrupted. No issues there. Googled the problem, and seems like other users were able to install 7.04 (old posts).
Its so weird though that live version works and the installed version does not.

Here are my specs:

I can post logs, but I'm not sure which one is useful as I'm relatively new to this process.

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Load - Make Load Again Upon Booting?

Feb 9, 2009

I had Fedora 7 and Windows Vista dual booting on my computer. I just installed Fedora 10. When the live CD asked me where to install it, I chose "Remove all Linux Partitions and create default layout" The installation went perfectly, but now when reboot my computer, it boots directly into Fedora; GRUB does not load to ask me which OS I want to load. I know I did not overwrite Vista because I can still view my Vista files through Fedora. Here is my grub.conf file:


What do I need to do to make GRUB load again upon booting?

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Fedora Installation :: Whenever Load The Url Http://localhost In Mozilla It Shows A Page Load Error?

Aug 8, 2010

I have found that APACHE or 'httpd' is installed in my machine. But the problem is I can start or stop the httpd but whenever I load the url http://localhost in Mozilla it shows a page load error.I have done this ,

$ /etc/init.d/httpd start
then this
$ /etc/init.d/httpd graceful


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Ubuntu :: Will Not Load After Load - Splash Screen

Jun 30, 2010

I noticed my Firefox loading rather slow (took around 5 - 7 seconds to load and navigate pages, even google, and it would sometimes become unresponsive), I thought it may have been a addon problem, so I opened up a new Firefox profile with no addons but the browser crashed upon loading the certain page I was trying to view, and I figured I'd look into it later and use Chromium for a while (I'll be open, I was trying to watch an pron tube site, and when your, you know, you don't really feel like stopping to go technical and try to fix it or whatever), but Chromium said that the flash player wasn't installed. I thought it was kinda odd, but then again I didn't want to go technical and thought maybe since mozilla firefoxs engine loaded the flash, I'd use Mozilla Seamonkey which uses the same gecko engine. The flash wasn't working either on there.

I tried looking up to see if there was a 64bit deb package for flash, but they didn't have it, and I seen someone mention that doing the 'apt-get upgrade' upgrades it, so I did that, and it also said it installed some extra packages when doing it, but I figured it was just that getlibs grabbing the extra dependencies and went along with installing them (after all there shouldnt be much to lose since its from the repository, right?)

I restarted the computer to give the updates a chance to take effect (it didn't mention to restart, but I thought I'd go ahead and do it anyways to ensure it updated okay).

This is where the booting problem comes in: When my laptop restarted, the loading was going across very slowly (I have ubuntu studio installed through regular ubuntu, so it was showing the text filling up), normally it would just fill a little bit of the first "U" in "Ubuntu Studio" and then be done quickly, but now it goes slowly all the way, and when it fills "Ubuntu Studio", it stills stays there, it doesn't load on.

I pressed the down button to see the terminal and it says this:

I have no clue what to do now, and I wanted to ask for help before I go trying myself editing the command line boot process.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Load Kickstart Config File - Refuses To Load File / Launches Generic Install

May 6, 2010

I created an Ubuntu 10.4 iso with the kickstart cfg on it, trying to boot it with the ks=/cdrom/pathtoconfig (tried even ks=cdrom:/path) parameter in VirtualBox but it refuses to load the file and just launches the generic install.

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Fedora :: 10 Internet - Websites Load Fails And Shows "Page Load Error"

Dec 10, 2009

I reinstalled fedora the other day, and it's been working just fine, apart from the internet. It shows that I have a full connection with the wireless network, but it's really difficult to actually load a page. 80% of the time it just fails and shows "Page Load Error". It's really frustrating because it is connected to the internet. In fact, the icon in the address bar even loads from the site I try to access, but websites just will not load.

I've tested my wireless internet with another laptop which is running vista, and it works perfectly on that. Also, I'm running Fedora 10 on an Acer Extensa laptop.

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