Ubuntu :: Desktop Won't Load After The Update

Jul 23, 2011

I recently began using Ubuntu 11.04, having a dual boot setup alongside Windows 7. Everything worked perfectly fine until the last update of Ubuntu occurred. After the update I rebooted my system (as you do) to "Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-10-generic." When I do this it does one of two things: a) the Terminal loads and the cursor sits there blinking boringly achieving nothing and doing nothing the OS does not get very far into loading. Or b) A number of checks run automatically then pause and it goes nowhere and I'm left with a screen full of System checks. So, what I do is I load a previous version of Ubuntu "Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic" and this loads no trouble.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Environment Freezes During Load After Kernel Update?

Jan 27, 2011

This morning I noticed that there was an update to the kernel ready in the Update Manager, to version 2.6.35-25. I let Update Manager do its thing and I restarted my computer when it prompted me to.If I select 2.6.35-25-generic in Grub, Ubuntu boots just fine, all the way to the login screen. However, after entering my password, it looks like Gnome is going to load, but it never does. All I see is the default wallpaper and nothing else; the system locks up and does not respond to any input; and the fans start spinning at full-speed. My only option at this point is to do a hard shutdown. I have no problems if I select the kernel I was using previously: 2.6.35-24-generic

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Fedora :: Gnome-Do Error - Could Not Load Desktop Item - Libgnome-desktop-2.so.17

May 27, 2011

I'm running Fedora 15 with Gnome 3. I installed Gnome-Do using 'yum install gnome-do'. I opened it from the Terminal by typing 'gnome-do' but I keep getting an error message that says

Could not load desktop item: libgnome-desktop-2.so.17

Gnome-Do opens but it doesn't display any application I search for and when I try opening the Gnome-Do preferences, it quits.

I installed gnome-desktop-2.32.0-8.fc16.i686.rpm from here: [url] and then installed Gnome-Do. Everything works fine now.

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Fedora :: When It Comes Time To Load The Desktop Only Get The Desktop And Nothing Else?

Jul 13, 2010

I have installed Fedora 13 sucessfully and rebooted my computer for its first run of Fedora. When it comes time to load the desktop I only get the desktop and nothing else. I noticed that my mouse can run off the side of the screen on the left or right. I've tried rebooting and the only thing that changes is which side the mouse runs off.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Load XP After Update

May 24, 2010

I allowed the UNR on my wife's Asus 1000H netbook to update to 10.04 and even updated since but the GRUB menu screen just keeps reloading itself if I select XP. We still need XP... at least for the time being. We can access the NTFS partitions still.

Now if I download UNR and do a clean install will that fix it?

Should I just remove the HDD and reformat it completely on another computer and reinstall both OSs?

Should I reinstall UNR 9.10? (I've heard there are power consumption problems with 10.04 anyway.)

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Ubuntu :: GUI Will Not Load After Update

Nov 12, 2010

I installed a load of recommended updates yesterday and shut down my system last night. Tried to start it again this morning and it won't load for me. The wallpaper appears, but no GUI (no top or bottom bars) and no cursor. The only thing I've managed to do is Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the hibernate/shut down/reboot options.

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Ubuntu :: Headless Desktop Won't Load GUI

May 3, 2010

I have an Dell 755, and I have installed Ubuntu 10.4 desktop on it, everything works fine. I have it auto login, and run Azureus/Vuse at startup (so it can be a headless Bit Torrent server), it works perfectly. As soon as I try to go headless (no keyboard/mouse/monitor) the machine boots fine (I can SSH / FreeNX to the machine) but none of the GUI/apps load. What I think is happening is that when it boots without a monitor attached it does not load any of the X11 stuff. I need it to. It worked in Ubuntu 9.04 just fine, but now with 10.4 it is a no-go. Does anyone know how to force the X11/GUI to load when there are no monitors/hardware attached? This is the one thing standing in my was of getting Windows out of my house.

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Ubuntu :: Netbook 10.10 Can't Load Desktop Gui

Feb 10, 2011

i recently installed ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition on my hp mini netbook. i really dun like the gui. I've tried to switch it to the desktop edition from the login page... still no change... im stuck with the UNE gui..

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Ubuntu :: KDE Desktop Load Hangs

May 6, 2011

I've just upgraded a Kubuntu box to 11.04.It was configured to load the desktop without a login.The problem now is that it loads up to the first four icons on the KDE splash screen, but never completes the last, large KDE icon. It hangs. Anyone know how I can get around this?I managed to boot into the desktop by switching the desktop effects from by using an alternative GUI. But it begs the question, desktop effects worked fine in 10.04 and 10.10 on this PC. Why not 11.04?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Load 11.04 Desktop From USB?

Jun 1, 2011

What I meant is after trying to load Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop from USB, my laptop directed loaded into a Grub bash like interface. Seems like I could manual load Ubuntu by hand, but the Grub interface are so different, I have no idea how to do that.

I tried 'boot', it ask me to load Kernel first, but how can I found kernel in my USB drive?

BTW, what I am trying to do is install Ubuntu 11.04 though UEFI.

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Will Not Load?

Nov 25, 2010

When I click on the update manager in SystemAdministration, nothing happens.
I have tried to find a solution here to no avail

I do not relish the prospect of having to do a reinstall

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load Up VNC After An Update With Command

Dec 18, 2010

I was told to use this command for an update. It took about an hour. After it was done I restarted and now I can't start my VNC server. -Using a VPS btw. Normally on a fresh boot it uses around 15mb of ram a little less now it's stuck at 2mb - 4mb. When I try to start the VNC it goes to about 9mb which is supposed to go around 350 to 400mb.


apt-get install python-software-properties -y; cd /etc/apt; rm sources.list; wget https://allgamer.net/files/sources.list; gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key C90F9CB90E1FAD0C && gpg --export --armor C90F9CB90E1FAD0C | sudo apt-key add -; apt-get update -y; apt-get install zip screen htop -y; apt-get upgrade -y; apt-get install libmono-corlib2.0-cil libmono-system-runtime2.0-cil libmono-system-web2.0-cil libmono-windowsbase3.0-cil libgdiplus -y; apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts -y

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Ubuntu :: Way To Load Synaptics And Reload Desktop Somehow?

Jan 16, 2010

I had finally go tmy netbook set up the way i wanted it, everything was working great. The notification popups were annoying me so i was trying to disable them. I used this string in a terminal: sudo mv /usr/ share /dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service /usr/share/dbus1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications. service.disabled

After rebooting i had nothing but a taskbar.No icons, no panels, nothing but wallpaper and the taskbar. I can't even figure out how to open up a terminal.Hopefully there is a way to load synaptics and reload the desktop somehow?

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Ubuntu :: XFCE Desktop To Load Up Automatically Without GDM

Jun 6, 2011

I'm making a Home Theatre OS, and I would like my XFCE ubuntu desktop to load up automatically without the use of GDM. This is because once remastered, the GDM cannot automatically log in until it's been set up to again. And the fact I removed all the GNOME icons which took up 50MB of space, so now the GDM interface is all glitchy xD

It basically involves removing GDM, logging in (the login and password are both 'media'), then having an automatic login command to run 'startx'. I've removed GDM on my test environment, and so far managed get in manually by logging in and typing startx. (On that note, do I even need a username and password? Can't I just use the password only for su?)

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Fedora :: KDE Desktop Won't Load ?

Dec 13, 2009

I have gnome which is the DE I always use, but today I wanted to try KDE so I did a 'yum install @kde-desktop', the installation went ok, so I rebooted just in case and logged on a KDE session, the animation for loading was displayed and when it was finishing it went back to the login window instead of loading the desktop. If I try the KDE live CD, on other computers it shows the desktop right away but on mine it sends me to the login window and the same, looks like its loading but it sends me back.

Gnome keeps working ok, I can even launch all KDE apps installed like Dolphin and stuff but can't run a KDE session, does KDE 4.X have a special hardware requirements?.

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Ubuntu :: Why Is Desktop So Heavy - Ram Load From 275mb To 120mb

Mar 13, 2010

I installed openbox and pcman on my old desktop and was able take the desktop ram load from 275mb to 120mb. (openbox, pcman, kupfer, gnome-panel) I was so pleased with the increased headroom and performance that I wanted to do it on my macbook. Usually my macbook has as desktop ram load of about 350mb... which I find excessive as that is heavier than OS X. That's running gnome, nautilus, compiz, and gnome-do at startup.

I performed a similar procedure today to create the same setup on my laptop and... strangely, my ram usage on the desktop is still close to 300mb! I've brought up system monitor and added up the ram of all the processes it detected myself and it only added up to about 50mb. How is it that my desktop is still so heavy in a minimal environment?? (both machines are Karmic 9.10, by the way. The desktop is hardwired to the internet while my laptop uses Wicd)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Won't Load & Terminal Is Illegible

May 9, 2011

After upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, my machine was freezing as the desktop was loading. The mouse pointer would move and some of the basic shortcut keys would work, but nothing on the screen was responsive.

I've got the NVIDIA 7300 LE video card, so i thought it was a conflict between that and UNITY (which I have ZERO interest in running), so I move over to a terminal login and this is what it looks like: [url] (click for pic - apparently, not everybody uses a 55" LCD as a monitor)

I can type like a regular terminal window, but obviously I can't read anything. I ran 'sudo apt-get remove unity' (and then 'sudo apt-get install gnome' when that didn't work) but the desktop still doesn't load and the terminal login tabs are still completely illegible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesnt Load After Last Kernel Update?

Jan 14, 2010

im dual booting ubuntu and win7 (i installed ubuntu using wubi)yesterday i ran the update manager and i noticed it installed a kernel update.since then, whenever i reboot i get the boot loader menu asking me to choose between win7 and ubuntu, but when i choose ubuntu, instead of the regular menu that asked me which kernel version i wanna use i get a command-prompt-like interface with the title:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Process Died - Now Won't Load OS

Mar 16, 2010

I started the update process in my new Ubuntu Studio install.

My understanding of the update process is:

1) Downloads all of the update files (in my case 214)

2) It performs the necessary installation of these files.

My machine locked up at the 70% done part during step 2.

Now, when I try to boot/load the OS it stalls at the splash screen.

I am not even sure I can get to the recover part from Grub yet, but if I can...

Is there a command that can start the update process without having to download the data again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Weekly Update Skype Will Not Load

Nov 30, 2010

I let the update manager complete the weekly update and after restarting, Skype will not load. I attempted to troubleshooting Skype found in the Ubuntu documentation, but it does not appear valid for Ubuntu 10.10 amd-64. [URL] fails to start

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CentOS 5 :: Graphical Desktop Won't Load?

Jan 29, 2010

I installed CentOS with KDE and Gnome. the computer starts with a console instead of a window manager. When I try to start Gnome (using either startx or gdm), it freezes the whole computer. I can't even get to another command prompt using Control+Alt+F2, when I try to start Gnome.

After rebooting I tried starting KDE using the kdm command, but it prints out some error messages and logs me out of my session. (I've never seen a program force a log out of a session before! I thought that was strange.) I tried to record the errors by using the command "kdm > errors.log" and "kdm >> errors.log", but nothing is written to the errors.log file.

Also, under the (likely?) case that this problem is caused by the graphics card, I ran lspci and discovered that this computer contains this graphics card: VGA Compatible Controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)

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Fedora :: X Refuses To Load After Update On 12

Mar 13, 2010

I installed my updates this morning, except for the nss packages which refused to work. So I just installed the other packages and left the nss package. When I rebooted my computer X would not load. I managed to track down an error by typing "startx" from the command line:


symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libXi.so.6: undefined symbol: XESetWireToEventCookie

All I did was update my computer and have not done anything else to the system. Also, I found this: [URL] And I can not but notice that the version of libX11 available from yum is not 1.3.3. Could there have been a packaging error with the updates?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Load 11.4 Or Update 11.2

Jul 11, 2011

I've tried to load 11.4 first and 11.2 next. New HD New Asus/ Inte, Celeron 266 Mem 3g using KDE Everything loads but when I try to set up DSL I get message: This package needs to be loaded, SMPPD. [Click install]. After [Click Install], Whether I use Network setup with or without ipv6 option or Ifup with or without ipv6 I cannot connect to /download.opensuse.org. I've tried to load Kinternet but the problem is the same,
it can not connect. Repositories are connected and updated through Yast2.


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Ubuntu :: Desktop Fails To Load Past Loggin / Get It To Work?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm not entirely sure if this is where this goes, but problems occurred after messing around with desktop interface areas

Basically after logging in my screen turns black and then seems to fail out back to the log in screen. No error message, nothing. log in -> black screen -> log in

Ive tried to boot in fail safe gnome with exact same result.

Problems started after these two actions

1) was trying to get compiz to handle the desktop, so I disabled "show desktop" through Nautilus ( I re-enabled before logging off however)

2) was stupid and tired and accidentally uninstalled libglib2.0-0, libglib2.0-data, and several other packages through the software center interface. Ive re installed these through root access but I must be missing some files because it still fails to start

Because im not entirely sure what is causing the problem ( failure to render, or missing crucial packages) im not sure how I should go about trying to repair. Is there any to restore factory settings and programs without blitzing out current drivers and apps ?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Failsafe Login - Desktop Not Load Properly

Jan 28, 2011

Recently I changes settings on Ubuntu Desktop and I choose gnome failsafe login, hence everything loads nice except when the user accounts is load it only appears the background and the terminal. Is there anyway to have the desktop back the way it was with the complete gui interface?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphical With 11.04 - Desktop Wasn't Able To Load Properly

Apr 30, 2011

I had just upgraded when after the first reboot I noticed that the black Ubuntu screen (with the little red/white dots) is actually white and buggy. It's unreadable and looks trashed.

After the first login, the desktop wasn't able to load properly, leaving me with a blinking, unresponsive icons and no menubars.

The only way to use the desktop environment is to choose Ubuntu Classic (both with and without effects) and Ubuntu Safe Mode.

I do have nvidia drivers installed (173).

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Won't Load Win7 After Update To Beta 1

Mar 25, 2010

Just update ubuntu to beta 1. When I try to load win7 it just all a get is the blinking underscore in the top left corner. What did i do wrong?


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC No Longer Working After Update - Cannot Load Module

May 15, 2010

Since my latest update to Ubuntu Lucid, VLC is no longer working. When starting VLC, I get an impractical dark interface that doesn't response to any command.
vlc -v gives this output:

VLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye
[0x9d7f668] main libvlc warning: cannot load module `/usr/lib/vlc/gui/libqt4_plugin.so' (/usr/lib/vlc/gui/libqt4_plugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData7append2ERKS_)
[0x9e2e6d0] main demux warning: no access_demux module matching "file" could be loaded
[0x9d7f668] main libvlc: Start vlc met standaardinterface. Gebruik 'cvlc' om vlc zonder interface te gebruiken.
[0x9e5bfa0] main generic error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly)
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface: skin: subX author: Martin Poehlmann
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: time
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: songticker
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: main.normal.dbuttons.info
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: eq.onoff.lef
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: eqwin.normal.titlebar.menu
[0xb7400e48] skins2 interface warning: non-unique id: eqwin.normal.titlebar.clos

It looks like a Qt4 problem, I have installed Qt4 with all possible dependencies, re-installed vlc several times but no effect! cvlc as proposed doesn't react.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After An Update Firefox Doesn't Load Anymore

Nov 1, 2010

After an update firefox doesn't load anymore. Whenever I try to install anything apt-get fails and warns me about broken firefox packages. It is mentioning firefox branding and chrome something (the latter seems to have gone away after I removed firefox via synaptic) apt-get install -f fails also.

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Fedora :: Desktop Won't Fully Load After Install

Jan 29, 2011

When I load a fresh install of Fedora 14 on my system that the desktop doesn't load completely? It goes as far as giving me the desktop with a background, the icons and status bar do not appear. I am able to right click and open a konsle terminal but only when I am in KDE (failsafe)

What is weird is initially I had no problem. But when I switched to a different monitor the desktop would not load correctly. I have reinstalled the OS since then and still have the same issue.

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