Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6 For Karmic 64bit?

Jan 25, 2010

Is there a way to install Firefox 3.6 for Ubuntu Karmic 64bit?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Work Correctly With Firefox 3.5 And F11 64bit?

Aug 15, 2009

Can anyone get the website below to work correctly with Firefox 3.5 and F11 64bit?[URL]...All I see is the background scrolling slowly and jerkily, none of the buttons at the bottom work. Reboot into Windows 7 and IE8: the same site is fast, smooth, the buttons work and the product details appear correctly in the centre of the screen.

I've tried disabling all adblock /pop up block options, ensured all javascript options are enabled and no change. Could this be a problem with the 64 bit flash player (installed from leigh's sticky thread) or a problem with OpenJDK?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use Old Grub And Ext3 With Karmic 64bit?

Jan 1, 2010

I have received an Lenovo T400 as a gift and am going to get rid of the Vista Business OS on it! It is a resource hog and sometimes has trouble hooking up to our router. I was curious yesterday on how much RAM was being used on idle and it was between 900mb and 1gb! I'm downloading Karmic 64-bit and would like to use the old GRUB instead of the beta Grub2. At least with the legacy grub I could edit it easier than the beta one. I am also wondering if Karmic would run fine using ext3 instead of ext4?

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Ubuntu :: Karmic 64bit Boot Hangs With 4GB In Machine?

Feb 19, 2010

I have Karmic 64 bit installed, originally with 2GB of memory. The motherboard will take up to 16GB, and I decided to double to 4GB. When I put in the 4 memory sticks (1GB each) and reboot, it gets past grub2, to the ubuntu "circle" symbol, the screen blacks out and that is it. No desktop, no further action that I can tell from the box, just a black screen. The video feed to the monitor, from what I get with the power light is gone and no activity on the drive.

If I take out one of the memory sticks, it boots happily up with 3GB and runs fine. Put the 4th back in, same behavior. I tried swapping out the old memory, putting in the 2 new sticks, everything works fine. Add in the other two (the old ones), the problem shows again. I thought I might be the last memory slot, so I removed the one from the 3rd slot, works fine. All in all, it works fine with 3GB, but hangs on boot with the 4GB.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic 64bit - Mounted Drive Keeps Disconnecting?

Mar 8, 2010

About every couple of days, my linuxfiles mount will disconnect. I notice this because I have created a symbolic link from my user's home folder to this drive. So when I log in, if the drive isn't mounted I get the following errors:

Could not update ICEauthority file
Quote:There is a problem with the configuration server. (usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)

I keep having to remove the mount folder and then readd it. Then I have to reapply the permissions for it to connect back to those files. How can I correct this? This only happens to this mount, the others stay connected with no issue. Also, when I log in and I have this issue... I cannot get out of this or log off unless I shutdown my laptop... is there another way? I guess I could do an init 3 from the CL.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6.11 On Karmic - Menus Do Not Appear?

Oct 26, 2010

When I right-click in firefox, or click on a folder on the bookmarks toolbar (which should drop down a menu of bookmarks within that folder), nothing happens.

Clicking on 'File, Edit, View, History...' menus also does not drop down a menu.

Shutting down firefox does not restore menuse, nor does logging out, or even rebooting the machine.

I think that I may be missing tool tips as well.

Firefox version:

$ firefox --version
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.11, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2010 mozilla.org
Ubuntu version: Ubuntu 9.10

I'm not sure what caused this... I can't think of anything that I've done that might precipitate this, or even exactly when it started.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Support After Karmic EOS?

May 13, 2011

where to go for updates to mozilla stuff after Karmic support ends would be welcome. Karmic is where I want to stop with this old portable, I could keep it running securely enough online. For that I need the Firefox/NoScript combo.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use The Mouse While Using Karmic In Firefox

May 22, 2010

It's happened twice recently, once in Karmic while in Firefox, and now in Lucid while in Gedit. The mouse becomes unresponsive to clicks, but when moved the pointer highlights the portion of the screen it moves across. Both times I had to alt+sysreq R-E-I-S-U-B to recover, but in hindsight I think I could've simply ctrl+alt+del and let it count down the 60 seconds to shut down the system. I'm curious as to what could be causing this and what I may try to prevent it in the future.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Firefox On Karmic Freezes With Hulu?

Apr 9, 2010

i've seen several posts on other forums about problems similar to this but no solutions that apply to me. i've got the latest updates for karmic that i installed this week. i'm using an ibm t60 thinkpad with 01:00.0 vga compatible controller: ati technologies inc m52 [mobility radeon x1300]. i have dual monitors and firefox 3.5.8.

when i attempt to watch a movie on hulu, it appears to work for a brief moment and then freezes and the browser window goes grey. i've left it sitting like that for over 15 minutes and eventually had to force quit it.i'm able to use the gnome desktop effects and have no problems viewing other multimedia, like videos, etc. i'm very new to ubuntu and linux in general. i'm a mac head and still love mac's but have grown very fond of ubuntu in a short amount of time.

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Ubuntu Security :: Most Secure Firefox Browser For Karmic That I Can Use From A PPA Source ?

Mar 7, 2010

whats the most secure firefox browser for karmic that i can use from a PPA source ? that source must be trustable.could you tell me the PPA for the one in question as well ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Get Streaming Working In Chromium/Firefox In Karmic?

Jun 17, 2010

I've been going through the Comprehensive multimedia and video howto a couple of times and never get streaming going. When testing on the Apple trailers site and this here I don't get it to work. I tried both streaming options set in the thread, (a) Gecko Media Player and (b) MPlayer Plug-in (removing the other one in between) and am getting very annoyed. Currently have option (a) installed.

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Software :: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala / Firefox 3.5 Cursor Oddity / Bug?

Feb 28, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala with Firefox 3.5.8 and the Synaptic touch pad driver for laptops. The problem occurs no matter if I choose to reinstall Firefox or the driver, a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10, or a combination of them. As I browse through Firefox, on no certain, but continually occurring occasion my mouse cursor distorts as I hover over links.

The distortion look as if the cursor is rapidly alternating between its normal state and the link hovering state. The thing is, this happens so rapidly it can become distracting and even downright maddening, as it sometimes doesn't click the link. The best term for the oddity is: it freaks out; it goes crazy. This has happened on various themes and preference settings, so it apparently has nothing to do with that. It does not happen anywhere else apart from Firefox, as far as I know. I think this is a generic Ubuntu-Firefox bug, but I have not been able to retrieve a solution.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 4 64bit Flash - Cannot Get To Work

Mar 8, 2011

i just switched to Ubuntu and have run into my first problem. I am running 64 bit 10.10 and firefox 4 b12. i cannot get flash to work!

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 4 Crashes On Startup In 11.04 64bit

May 12, 2011

I have upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 64bit to 11.04 64bit. When trying to launch Firefox 4 it crashes the moment it tries to start.Here is the message I get when starting Firefox from the terminal:


(firefox-bin:11649): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut: assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed
*** NSPlugin Viewer *** WARNING: unhandled variable 18 (<unknown variable>) in NPN_GetValue()
ubuntu@arsubuntu-Aspire:~$ *** NSPlugin Viewer *** ERROR: NPN_InvalidateRect() invoke: Conex�o fechada pela outra ponta

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Ubuntu Networking :: DNS Died - Karmic Desktop Stopped Connecting To The Internet (Firefox & Evolution)

Apr 1, 2010

This morning my Karmic desktop stopped connecting to the internet (Firefox & Evolution). Network is all ok and other machines can connect fine - in fact I am typing this from a Windows 7 virtualbox running on the offending machine. Investigation shows that this is definitely a DNS problem as I can connect to sites / mailservers by using the ip address. Have tried several reboots which did not help. PowerDNS is installed. When I restart it the ff output is send to syslog:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Firefox On A 64bit System?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm having problems upgrading my FF browser from the standard 3.5 up to 3.6. This is a 64bit system, & if I can provide any other info about it, just ask.I've searched this forum for the help I'm looking for, but I have not yet seen an acceptable answer. If this has glitches, or is too complicated, I won't even bother....3.5 is fine for now, but it would be nice to upgrade.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 64bit Firefox Crashes On Startup In Unity

May 3, 2011

I upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 64bit to 11.04 64bit. When trying to launch Firefox from any area (launcher, menu and terminal) It crashes the moment it tries to start. This only happens in the new Unity UI. Switching back to Ubuntu Classic, Firefox runs just fine. Here is the message I get when starting Firefox from the terminal:

(firefox-bin:458: LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut: assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6 64bit Java64bit Doesn't Work

Feb 21, 2010

I'm using firefox 3.6 x86_64 with java 1.6.0_18 64 bit. I tried many times to set the (ln -s) of


But it still doesn't work. But, when i change the java to 1.6.0_18 32 bit and then changing the reference to i386/libnpjp2.so, then it works. So the problem i have is only when using 64 bit java.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Firefox Freezes In F11 / Solution For It?

Jul 27, 2009

I understand that there are a few posts regarding this issue but for some reason I still can't get Firefox to stop freezing. And it freezes the whole machine!! I couldn't really find Firefox v 3.0.11 to download. I kept getting redirected to the newest version that doesn't work.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Firefox Hangs System

Jul 20, 2010

everything else seems well with my FC13-x86-64 except firefox (3.6.4 and earlier versions too) VERY frequently hangs the whole system. only the mouse still working, keyboard not responding to ctrl-alt-del, ctrl-alt-function or any other key and even num-lock won't turn the led on. system is still remotely accessible through ssh so I can issue a reboot. same thing may have occurred with thunderbird but only once or twice and probably firefox was also running then. no problems so far with google chrome (but I have no flash plugin for that). FC5-x86-32 on my old PC has never had any of these problems.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Firefox 4 With Flash Support - 64 Bit

Jan 5, 2011

Here's how to install latest Firefox on a 64 bit system (leaving your old firefox install untouched):

1. Get the latest Firefox tarball (64 bit) from ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/ and save it to whereever you like.

2. Make a new directory in /usr/lib64 and untar it there


3. We want to create a new user profile for Firefox 4. So start Firefox 4 profilemanager and create one.


Name the new profile whatever you like, I created a new profile named FF4b for example. Also before quitting make sure you click on the "default" profile so that you don't mess up your existing Firefox install.

4. You can now start Firefox 4 with the new profile:

5. If not already installed download flash player square plugin (64 bit) from [url]


Now you need to go to your .mozilla folder in your home directory and create a symlink for the flash plugin.


Now look for a folder which is associated with the firefox profile you created earlier. The folder name should end with the name you created it with. Mine was cay67zed.FF4b for example. Cd to that directory:


Make a plugins directory and put the symlink there:


If you want, you can create a launcher for Firefox 4 on your desktop or taskbar with the following command option:


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Java JRE Plugin On Firefox For 14?

Feb 13, 2011

how to run a java application on a 64 bit Firefox install on Fedora, but I didn't find any simple and direct way to do it. So I'll post this here, hoping that people who search for this problem can easily find this really quick solution.

1-> on the terminal do the usual su -
2-> yum install jre
3.> make a link in /home/your_name/.mozilla/plugins/ folder to the file located at /usr/java/jre1.6.0_23/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so
(just select the file, press ctrl+shift and drag it to the plugins folder)
4-> go to http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp from firefox and test your install

Piece of cake, but it doesn't show up in search engines that easily when I look for: jre firefox 64 plugin fedora Granted that many tutorials mention the linking method, but most either tell you to install the binary/rpm from the java site or even installing the 32bit version for older fedoras... yum makes it so much easier.

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OpenSUSE :: FireFox Opens But Goes No Where In OpenSIUSE 11.2 64bit

Aug 21, 2010

FireFox opens but goes no where in openSIUSE 11.2 64bit. output of installed


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Software :: Firefox Cannot See Flash (64bit) Plugin

Oct 12, 2010

I'm running Debian AMD64. I downloaded the flash square (64-bit) plugin, and in progressive attempts to get Firefox to see it, I put libflashplayer.so in the following places:


And nothing, it still complains the plugin isn't installed. I even tried removing all instances of the file and running aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree (cos 32-bit flash is better than nothing), and it still didn't see it.

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CentOS 5 :: Firefox 3.0.5 (64bit) Very Slow Browsing?

Jul 19, 2009

I'm not sure why, but over the last couple of days when I browse the web with my Centos 5.3 machine running firefox 3.0.5, it takes a very long time to load web pages. Loading the app itself is pretty quick, and I have not issues with system resources (it's an HP Proliant ML115 server, with dual opteron processors & 3Gb RAM). Looking at CPU & disk useage there's nothing out of the ordinary:

top - 18:59:19 up 1 day, 22:54, 2 users, load average: 0.28, 0.90, 1.20
Tasks: 162 total, 1 running, 161 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 2.2%us, 0.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.0%id, 1.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 3090912k total, 2278624k used, 812288k free, 194520k buffers
Swap: 2031608k total, 0k used, 2031608k free, 1241912k cached


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Fedora X86/64bit :: X86-64 Flash And FireFox Running From User?

Apr 10, 2009

I find myself in a bit of a pickle. Following a yum update which included FF 3.0.8 FireFox stopped working details can be found in Fedora Bug 494255. To keep going I installed FireFox (from Mozilla) in /home/user/firefox which works great now I've installed all the i386 stuff it wanted, I've got all my bookmarks, saved passwords etc BUT I can't get flash to work. I figured all I needed to do was put a link to libflashplayer.so in /home/user/firefox/plugins/ and we'd be good but when I go to a site with flash content FF crashes. I installed Leigh 123s X86-64 flash rpm and made a link to it as above and got the same result.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: FC11 Upgrade Made Firefox Max Out Cpu?

Oct 29, 2009

I've just upgraded from FC10 to FC11 (x86_64). Before the upgrade Firefox worked fine (it used a fair amount of ram but I typically have loads of tabs open :P ) but since the upgrade running Firefox maxes out my cpu. The whole system runs unusably slow if I have Firefox running now. I switched from KDE to LXDE and just ran Firefox to see if I could free up enough memory to save some tabs as bookmarks and close them but it's impossible (and not a permanent solution anyway). Konqueror runs blisteringly fast but with a cpu monitor running I can see starting Firefox just maxes out the cpu and it stays there, it's not just a heavy load at startup.I have 3GB ram and it's a dual core Centrino 2GHz so it's not an old system running out of resources and FF ran perfectly well under FC10.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Firefox - There Is No Spanish Packages In The Repositories

Jun 15, 2010

I have Fedora 13 64 bits in Spanish, but Firefox is in English and there is no spanish packages in the repositories...

Adding en_US to language list

Also, I installed yum-langpacks package but set English as default language...

"Adding en_US to language list"

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OpenSUSE :: Push 64bit Firefox To Work With 32 Pksc#11?

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to use 32 bit Gemalto pkcs#11 on 64 bit 3.5.8 Firefox on 64bit Opensuse 11.2( #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-03-16 21:25:39 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux). Unfortunately I do not have 64 bit pksc#11. I have installed 32 bit pkcs#11 and the smart card is accessible from operation system. Is there any solution to push 64bit Firefox to work with 32 pksc#11?

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Fedora :: How To Update Flash Plugin For Firefox 64bit 3.6

May 30, 2010

Currently, I have a problem to run firefox 64bit 3.6 under fedora13 when I watch ...... It requires to update Adobe Flash Player. It seems that there is only 32bit library.

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