Ubuntu :: Firefox Support After Karmic EOS?

May 13, 2011

where to go for updates to mozilla stuff after Karmic support ends would be welcome. Karmic is where I want to stop with this old portable, I could keep it running securely enough online. For that I need the Firefox/NoScript combo.

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Ubuntu :: 32 Bit Karmic Koala 9.10 Support 4gb Of Ram?

Jan 11, 2010

Can a 32 bit karmic koala 9.10 support 4gb of ram. i donut want to get 64 bit because of the compatibility problems. so i am wandering can a 32 bit ubuntu run 4gb ram with it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Does 9.10 Karmic Support The AT&T Usbconnect 881

Mar 2, 2010

Does ubuntu 9.10 Karmic support the AT&T usbconnect 881?I can see it listed under lsusb.It connects when setup under mobile, but will not surf the internet.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Does Karmic Mplayer Have VDPAU Support Out Of The Box?

Mar 3, 2010

1) Does Karmic mplayer have VDPAU support out of the box? If not, why doesn't it?

2) Does LUCID mplayer have VDPAU support "..."?

3) If Lucid doesn't, can I use the Karmic VDPAU PPA for Lucid, or much I compile mplayer myself?

4) Point me to a place with instructions on compiling mplayer with VDPAU support. If you don't know, I'll just google it.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6 For Karmic 64bit?

Jan 25, 2010

Is there a way to install Firefox 3.6 for Ubuntu Karmic 64bit?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6.11 On Karmic - Menus Do Not Appear?

Oct 26, 2010

When I right-click in firefox, or click on a folder on the bookmarks toolbar (which should drop down a menu of bookmarks within that folder), nothing happens.

Clicking on 'File, Edit, View, History...' menus also does not drop down a menu.

Shutting down firefox does not restore menuse, nor does logging out, or even rebooting the machine.

I think that I may be missing tool tips as well.

Firefox version:

$ firefox --version
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.11, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2010 mozilla.org
Ubuntu version: Ubuntu 9.10

I'm not sure what caused this... I can't think of anything that I've done that might precipitate this, or even exactly when it started.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use The Mouse While Using Karmic In Firefox

May 22, 2010

It's happened twice recently, once in Karmic while in Firefox, and now in Lucid while in Gedit. The mouse becomes unresponsive to clicks, but when moved the pointer highlights the portion of the screen it moves across. Both times I had to alt+sysreq R-E-I-S-U-B to recover, but in hindsight I think I could've simply ctrl+alt+del and let it count down the 60 seconds to shut down the system. I'm curious as to what could be causing this and what I may try to prevent it in the future.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Firefox On Karmic Freezes With Hulu?

Apr 9, 2010

i've seen several posts on other forums about problems similar to this but no solutions that apply to me. i've got the latest updates for karmic that i installed this week. i'm using an ibm t60 thinkpad with 01:00.0 vga compatible controller: ati technologies inc m52 [mobility radeon x1300]. i have dual monitors and firefox 3.5.8.

when i attempt to watch a movie on hulu, it appears to work for a brief moment and then freezes and the browser window goes grey. i've left it sitting like that for over 15 minutes and eventually had to force quit it.i'm able to use the gnome desktop effects and have no problems viewing other multimedia, like videos, etc. i'm very new to ubuntu and linux in general. i'm a mac head and still love mac's but have grown very fond of ubuntu in a short amount of time.

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Ubuntu Security :: Most Secure Firefox Browser For Karmic That I Can Use From A PPA Source ?

Mar 7, 2010

whats the most secure firefox browser for karmic that i can use from a PPA source ? that source must be trustable.could you tell me the PPA for the one in question as well ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Get Streaming Working In Chromium/Firefox In Karmic?

Jun 17, 2010

I've been going through the Comprehensive multimedia and video howto a couple of times and never get streaming going. When testing on the Apple trailers site and this here I don't get it to work. I tried both streaming options set in the thread, (a) Gecko Media Player and (b) MPlayer Plug-in (removing the other one in between) and am getting very annoyed. Currently have option (a) installed.

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Software :: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala / Firefox 3.5 Cursor Oddity / Bug?

Feb 28, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala with Firefox 3.5.8 and the Synaptic touch pad driver for laptops. The problem occurs no matter if I choose to reinstall Firefox or the driver, a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10, or a combination of them. As I browse through Firefox, on no certain, but continually occurring occasion my mouse cursor distorts as I hover over links.

The distortion look as if the cursor is rapidly alternating between its normal state and the link hovering state. The thing is, this happens so rapidly it can become distracting and even downright maddening, as it sometimes doesn't click the link. The best term for the oddity is: it freaks out; it goes crazy. This has happened on various themes and preference settings, so it apparently has nothing to do with that. It does not happen anywhere else apart from Firefox, as far as I know. I think this is a generic Ubuntu-Firefox bug, but I have not been able to retrieve a solution.

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Ubuntu Networking :: DNS Died - Karmic Desktop Stopped Connecting To The Internet (Firefox & Evolution)

Apr 1, 2010

This morning my Karmic desktop stopped connecting to the internet (Firefox & Evolution). Network is all ok and other machines can connect fine - in fact I am typing this from a Windows 7 virtualbox running on the offending machine. Investigation shows that this is definitely a DNS problem as I can connect to sites / mailservers by using the ip address. Have tried several reboots which did not help. PowerDNS is installed. When I restart it the ff output is send to syslog:


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Software :: What Exactly Is Firefox With Gnome Support

Feb 25, 2011

I know that the ordinary FF works fine without this, but are there any real advantages to FF w/ Gnome support? Package firefox-gnome-support-dbg says:


This is an extension to Firefox that allows it to use protocol handlers from GnomeVFS, such as smb or sftp, and other GNOME integration features.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Firefox 4 With Flash Support - 64 Bit

Jan 5, 2011

Here's how to install latest Firefox on a 64 bit system (leaving your old firefox install untouched):

1. Get the latest Firefox tarball (64 bit) from ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/ and save it to whereever you like.

2. Make a new directory in /usr/lib64 and untar it there


3. We want to create a new user profile for Firefox 4. So start Firefox 4 profilemanager and create one.


Name the new profile whatever you like, I created a new profile named FF4b for example. Also before quitting make sure you click on the "default" profile so that you don't mess up your existing Firefox install.

4. You can now start Firefox 4 with the new profile:

5. If not already installed download flash player square plugin (64 bit) from [url]


Now you need to go to your .mozilla folder in your home directory and create a symlink for the flash plugin.


Now look for a folder which is associated with the firefox profile you created earlier. The folder name should end with the name you created it with. Mine was cay67zed.FF4b for example. Cd to that directory:


Make a plugins directory and put the symlink there:


If you want, you can create a launcher for Firefox 4 on your desktop or taskbar with the following command option:


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CentOS 5 :: Flash Plugin Support For Firefox?

Nov 23, 2009

I have CentOS 5.4 on AMD x64 and 64 bit Firefox 3.0.15

[root@aluva ~]# uname -a
Linux aluva.tarikida.com 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Nov 3 16:12:36 EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009102918 CentOS/3.0.15-3.el5.centos Firefox/3.0.15

Even though I downloaded and installed Adobe Flash plugin, Flash pages are not displayed on the screen. I am seeing only blank area when going to [URL]

Package flash-plugin- already installed and latest version
Package nspluginwrapper- already installed and latest version
Package nspluginwrapper- already installed and latest version


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CentOS 5 :: QuickTime Playback Support In Firefox?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to have QuickTime playback support in Firefox. I did find some "compile from code" packages and some rpms but they apparently have quite a bit of dependencies, at least one of them had quite a lot! Since figuring out dependencies is one of YUM's main attractions I gave it a go with:

[root@localhost yum.repos.d]# yum search quicktime
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* addons: www.ontime1405.com


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Slackware :: IPV6 Support Slows Opera And Firefox

Dec 29, 2010

Support for ipv6 keeps being put into the kernel and now into browsers.I blacklisted ipv6 in Slackware and that solved the slow internet response until I updated to the latest Opera and Firefox browsers. Both were horribly slow again. Firefox could be reconfigured to kill ipv6 by running about:config as a url and disabling ipv6.

The new Opera 11 is different. I can't find any config to disable ipv6. Does anyone have an idea?I reverted to Opera 10.11 in order to have zippy internet access again, and not "dialup modem" speeds.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Karmic And Xp (karmic Installed)?

Jan 21, 2010

What's the right direction or give me step by step on how to do this?

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General :: Ubuntu Can't Support A Higher Resolution That Laptop Can Support?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a HP laptop which can support 1600x900. But after I install ubuntu 9.10 on it, it can only support up to 1280x700. My laptop has a Nvidia graphics card. And i am using GNOME as my desktop environment.

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Server :: Driver Support - QME2572 - Qlogic - Card Became Support By The Kernel

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to find out when QME2572 (Qlogic) card became support by the kernel. We have a RHEL 5.1 system that is moving to new hardware, however the kernel at this release doesn't support the new hardware, due to the Qlogic card change. I tired the Redhat KB and Bugzilla. Is there a Kernel change list etc I can search. Never really played around with the kernel too much so I'm just after some pointers for looking up this information. Offically its not supported until Redhat 5.3, I'm trying trying to research kernel info so I can tell the customer they have to upgrade.

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Debian :: EXFAT Support Vs NTFS Support ?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm looking to dual-boot Windows 7 and Debian 6 upon its release on my sister's laptop. I want to share a partition between the two of them so that /home points to this directory and the Windows equivalent also points to it (C:Users).

Anyway, I've heard good and bad things about the NTFSMount driver (I think it's NTFS-3G now) and the NTFSprogs project and so I am not so certain what I should believe. I do know that NTFS has relatively high overhead, though I do not recall the source of this assertion, so I am considering the use of EXFAT. An open source EXFAT project is hosted on Google Code at [url] and it utilizes the kernel module FUSE.

I'm quite certain that I've got everything covered on the Windows side -- that is, I know that both NTFS and EXFAT will be suitable filesystems for my required usage.

My issue is that I'm curious which will have superior performance and stability in Debian. I planned on building the package from source and mounting the device in my FSTAB but I have also found a PPA for Ubuntu on Launchpad at [url] that I could borrow the debian/rules from and make a .deb package from.

What do you guys think? Should I go at it with the EXFAT or NTFS partitioning? Is NTFS-3G actually fairly supported at this point? Or perhaps should I consider some alternate method?

I have also considered that the only files she will be sharing are those of music, videos, and pictures so it could be better to just link /home/xxxx/Pictures (Music and Videos, too) to the new partition instead of all of /home.

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Software :: Support For Wi-fi Midi Support In Linux?

May 11, 2011

I would like to know if it is possibile to have support for wi-fi midi support in linux.

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Software :: Finding Textbrowser With JavaScript Support Or Elink Javascript Support?

Sep 1, 2009

I need a textbrowser with Javascript Support. I have compiled the elinks stable 0.11x and the unstable 0.12x version mit JavaScript Support (js moz dev). Both browsers can be started and showed websites normaly. But no javascript, even simple tests like [URL] failed. I started elink with ./elink and typed then the url.

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Fedora :: Firefox Failed To Execute Child Process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.4/firefox" (No Such File Or Directory)?

Apr 1, 2010

Here is the message:Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.4/firefox" (No such file or directory)Firefox is installed and is there.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox BEta 5 - Roll Back And Keep Firefox At Latest Stable Release?

Jun 17, 2011

How do i roll back firefox5beta to firefox4 and keep updating to the latest stable releases w/out upgrading to beta? The only extension that isn't working is FEBE which is incompatible w/ firefox5beta (profile, extension and preference backup). Have to use FEBE beta7 under Firefox4 so I don't think a compatible release for Firefox5beta is going to come out any time soon.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.5.7 (ubuntuzilla Upgrade) Does Not Fully Quit / Crashes Firefox

Jan 9, 2010

I recently upgraded (via Ubuntuzilla) to firefox 3.5.7 and now, every single time I close Firefox, the program seems to crash without quitting completely.

First, I receive an error saying that the program will not close and asks me if I want to Force Quite or Wait for it to close on its own. This has been happening ever since I upgraded to Karmic and if I just wait it usually quits fully after a couple seconds.

Now what happens is this: the window still closes, but if I try to reopen Firefox then I get this error stating that Firefox is already open and therefore cannot be opened again. The only way to get back into Firefox is to restart the entire computer. (Incidentally, this is the same problem that occurs whenever I try to Force Quit Firefox)

This now happens every single time I "close" Firefox.

Does anyone know the source of this error? Or a workaround?

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Ubuntu :: Force Firefox To Recognize A Certain Default Firefox Profile

Jun 16, 2010

How do I force Firefox to recognize a certain default firefox profile I have?

For whatever reason I can't get FF to show all of the add-ons I have. Yes, they are installed and they appear when as icons when I first boot up but after I close FF and start it again there are no icons (like Adblock).

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Addon Invisible Hand Is Crashing Firefox?

Oct 31, 2010

Im using firefox version 3.6.12 and it functions fine. However when i use the latest version of this addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/fir...11377/#reviews the screen goes grey and firefox crashes. Restarting firefox only results in more crashes. I had a older version of this addon-1.5 i believe that worked fine.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Windows Firefox Webpage Building Difference?

Dec 22, 2010

I create/modify web pages on Ubuntu and on Ubuntu it looks good but on Firefox that runs on Windows it is all messed up. The pictures or text is not as intended and that is really annoying. What is the issue here?I really don't understand.

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Ubuntu :: Installed The Add-on Greasemonkey For Firefox And Since Then Firefox Won't Open

Nov 29, 2010

I installed the add-on Greasemonkey for Firefox and since then firefox won't open. If I try to open it on safe mode nothing comes up, it I try it a secont time it tells me that Firefox is already running and if I try to open it normally it shows it on the bottom as if it was opening and then it dissapears.

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