Ubuntu :: Error Transferring File

Aug 4, 2011

I get an error message every time I want to save a background to my usr.share...backgrounds folder. Code:Error opening file '/usr/share/backgrounds/aurora2.1.jpg': Permission denied.Is there any way I can get permission to transfer the file to this folder? I would like to have some of my own pictures in this folder so I can use them for login screen backgrounds.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - Error Transferring Track

May 2, 2010

I get this error when i "extract to library" a cd in rhythmbox:

Although it does copy it ok, i have listened to them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error Transferring Songs To Ipod Touch In Rhythmbox

Aug 17, 2010

anyone know how to fix this issue:Error Message reads as follows Error while getting peer-to-peer dbus connection: The name :1.50 was not provided by any .service files

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Software :: Transferring File Permissions Using Rsync

Feb 3, 2010

I am using rsync to backup data from a file server to a external device, the data is accessed from windows boxes via samba with their own usernames, user1, user2 etc... Rsync is failing to copy the file permissions when sending to the external device, I have tested sending to a ftp server and a usb hard drive and received the same error, see below:

root@Fileserver:~# rsync -avz --delete-after /shared/fileshare/ /backup/backup
building file list ... done
rsync: chown "/backup/backup/manager/cronman.txt" failed: Operation not permitted (1)
public/ .....
sent 339 bytes received 104 bytes 886.00 bytes/sec
total size is 4593 speedup is 10.37
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(977) [sender=2.6.9]
When I backup to a local directory the permissions are copied correctly.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Hard Drive To A New Computer / GRUB Giving An Error Message?

Nov 16, 2010

Today, I finished assembling my dream computer. I can boot it into the BIOS, and I checked that everything was working correctly through there. Anyway, I attempted to transfer the hard drive from this computer to that one. This computer is a Dell (blech) Optiplex GX280 with an Intel processor and integrated graphics. The new one has an AMD Phenom II processor with an ATI card and an ASRock motherboard (drastically different machines, I know...) When I try to boot, GRUB gives me an error message that says something like:

blah whatever cannot find /dev/disk/by-uuid/372de761-9577-48be-ba19-c6b2890cb229
Did I do something wrong installing the hard drive? Or is this a problem that is going to happen no matter how hard I try to make it not happen? If the second is true, will it help if I wipe the disk and reinstall Ubuntu on the new computer?

P.S. I know similar threads about transferring hard disks have been posted, but no thread has mentioned this error.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.3 Error - Transferring The Install Image To Hard Drive

Oct 12, 2009

Machine is a Dell PE 1750. Previously running 5.2 or 5.1 32 bit. Tried to install 5.3 i386 but getting this error,

Error An error occurred transferring the install image to your hard drive. You are probably out of disk space.

Click ok Install starting Starting install process. This may take several minutes. Exception Occurred
Traceback (most recent call first ):
"/tmp/treedir.14202/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda/yuminstall.py", line 711, in _run
self.ts.ts.scriptFd = instLog.fileno()


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Ubuntu :: File Explorer Stops Responding When Transferring From NTFS To Ext4?

Sep 29, 2010

So I've got a 500gb ext4 formatted drive I use for backup, and I'm trying save my personal files from my laptop's hard drive (the laptop power supply just died) but whenever I try to copy+paste something from the NTFS laptop drive to the ext4 drive, nautilus freezes up, and suddenly both of my CPU cores hit 100% and Ubuntu is using 1.6GB of RAM, from like 200MB when it's idle.

I'm using 10.04
Pentium D 2.4Ghz Dual

The laptop drive is a 5000RPM 250GB Sata, NTFS partition is 125GBThe backup drive is a 7200RPM 500GB Sata, ext4 partition is 500GB

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Drops Connection When Transferring Large File

Jul 6, 2011

I'm experiencing connection problem when transferring a large file from Windows 7 (Home Premium) to my Ubuntu 11.04. The transfer starts, but after a couple of seconds the connection drops and all the shares are unavailable. I'm also unable to connect to the server over ssh, and the only thing I can do to restore the connection is to reboot the server. The strange part is that this was never a problem a couple of weeks ago, and I've not done anything to the setup on either machines besides installing security updates.

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Server :: NFS Large File Copies Fail - Error Writing To File: Input/output Error?

Jun 27, 2009

I recently upgraded my file/media server to Fedora 11. After doing so, I can no longer copy large files to the server. The files begin to transfer, but typically after about 1gb of the file has transferred, the transfer stalls and ultimately fails with the message:

"Error writing to file: Input/output error"

I've run out of ideas as to what could cause this problem. I have tried the following:

1. Different NFS versions: NFS3 and NFS4
2. Tried copying the files to different physical drives on the server.
3. Tried copying the files from different physical drives on the client.
4. Tried different rsize and wsize block sizes when mounting the NFS share
5. Tried copying the files via a different protocol. SSH in this case. The file transfers are always successful when I use SSH.

Regardless of what I do, the result is the same. The file transfers always fail after approximately 1gb.

Some other notes.

1. Both the client and the server are running Fedora 11 kernel

I am out of ideas. Has anyone else experienced something similar?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Transferring From One Disk To Another?

Jan 2, 2010

I guess I'll be asking the impossible... Is it possible to EASILY move my Ubuntu set up from one disk (smallish) to a bigger one, so that I can install Win7 as well on that bigger disk drive? I am not too keen on reinstalling ubuntu because then I will lose all those other ubuntu programs that I have installed.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Current Installation To A New SSD?

Jan 18, 2010

I bought a 30 GB SSD and I need to install Ubuntu on it. I currently have a 1500 GB harddrive, on it my current 60gb ubuntu partition and the rest is Windows 7.Out of the 60 GB for ubuntu I have used 9 GB, so I want to transfer that 9GB to the SSD to preserve all my settings. Then I want to format the original 60GB to something else, probably NTFS since both linux and windows can read it.I tried sbackup but that creates a back up on my current drive, not what I intended. If there is a gui program that will work that would be great, if not I'll still give whatever suggested a shot.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Files From One OS To Another On The Same Machine?

Mar 20, 2010

I've resolved to move onto Ubuntu, but I haven't done so quite yet. One question that sprang to mind was the transferral of files from the Windows OS to the Linux OS on the same machine, if it's possible. I'm thinking something like the dual partition, though I suppose Copy/paste wouldn't work.

Another possible solution was using dual partition and then Windows SCP, but everything I've read on the topic indicates that SCP works by finding the (different) host address of the computer; thus it would read my machine as one, even if I'm running Ubuntu on it as well.

how to transfer these friggin' things.

Part of the reason for my query is that I am quite strapped financially and am unable to backup my files on an internet service or on discs.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Data Between 2 Laptops

Jun 15, 2010

I would like to transfer a massive amount of data between my laptops simultaneously. Is there a way to attach a cable via one flash port on one laptop to another and transfer like that?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Package From One System To Another

Nov 29, 2010

i have one laptop with ubuntu on it but no internet connection due to the loss of my gnome-panel package, and another with windows on it that has an internet connection, the easiest way to connect to the internet on ubuntu is through the gnome panel and so i think the best way around my problem would be to somehow transfer the gnome-panel package from the windows computer via usb harddrive, to ubuntu, is there a way in which i can install the gnome-panel package and transfer it, or other ideas around my problem?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Music From IPhone?

Feb 11, 2011

OK I have a problem, well I think it's just ubuntu because this has done this in 9.04 and 10.04 and still in 10.10. When I go to drag and drop the music files from iPhone to my music folder, the files transfer, but they don't transfer with the name of the song. They get transferred with a name of 4 digits like this "BVFG.MP3" (example).

I am not going to go through all 1,200 of my songs and rename them one by one that's ridiculous.

Here's a screen shot. That is actually More by Usher, but it doesn't say Usher obviously.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Files From Windows?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to convert my wife's computer from MS XP 2003 to Ubuntu 10.10. I have saved "My Documents" to an external hard drive. How will I go about transferring these files to Ubuntu? Do I just pick individual files and go to "Save As"? Can I just transfer them en mass?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Transferring System To Another HDD?

May 2, 2011

I have a question regarding the migration of the system to a new HDD. I currently have an 80GB HDD that has Windows 7 x64 installed and another 80GB HDD that has Ubuntu 11.04 x64 installed. The boot loader uses Grub2. I want to migrate the 80GB disk that hosts Win7 to a new 500GB HDD using Acronis True Image Home 2011 and then migrate the other 80GB disk that hosts Ubuntu to a new 800GB HDD following the steps described in the following page:


Is this going to work or everything will be messed up with Grub2?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Pics From A Canon Camera?

May 12, 2010

I have a Canon Powershot A470 digital camera and can't get to transfer the pictures from it on Ubuntu 10.04. When I had Ubuntu 9.04 I imported pictures from the same camera without any problems. I considered that the problem could be the camera itself or the USB cable, but I have just accessed my pictures from that camera using Windows Vista.

Basically, what I have tried is 1) connecting the USB cable to the camera and the computer; 2) set the command button to the playback position; 3) turn on the camera. Using Windows Vista, this series of procedures opens the camera folder (as a flash drive) on Windows Explorer and this is what used to happen when I was using Ubuntu 9.04. I expected this to happen using the Lucid Lynx, but I didn't get even close. I even opened the Home Folder to see if something new showed up there when I hooked up the camera and turned it on.

Since I'm new with Ubuntu (especially the Lucid Lynx), I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have read that sometimes we have to mount devices in order to get them to communicate with the computer. Is this one of those cases? If so, how do I do it? Does anyone else have the same model of digital camera? How do you guys transfer the pictures to your Ubuntu-based system?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Install From WUBI To The Whole Partition?

Aug 19, 2010

I installed Ubuntu a few days ago from WUBI, but now I want to make it take the whole partition and I don't want to lose any files and software I have downloaded (Synaptec/Software Manager ) How can I do that ?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring All Downloaded Packages To Another Computer?

Aug 20, 2010

I am about to go on a last minute trip abroad and I need to bring a laptop with me so Im getting a lend of my mothers one. It has windows 7 and I will be sticking ubuntu on it. The problem is there are alot of programs/packages that I need and I wont have time to download them all. So is it possible to transfer the packages/programs I need from my PC to this laptop?

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Ubuntu :: Copying Hangs When Transferring Files?

Dec 10, 2010

when I try to transfer files between flash drives, it starts to copy normally and then after few seconds it starts to lag. Transfer rate drops with each second by 0.2 MB down until 5 MB/s where it completely hangs. This happens to every single flash drive I put in and this is annoying because I have external HardDrive connected over USB port and I keep all my data in there, so when I try to transfer the files from the hard drive to the flash drive - it lags and hangs. Same thing if I want to copy from internal harddrive to flash drive. Although everything is fine when I copy from the flash drive to the internal harddrive and everything is fine when flash drive or the external harddrive is alone (no other flash drives or something is connected).

I am also using Ubuntu 10.04. I have tried transfering files on my netbook running ubuntu, because I thought that it might be a USB port issue but the same thing happened on the netbook too...

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Outlook Address Book

Dec 25, 2010

I suffered a permanent crash of WinXP. It won't boot and there's an incomprehensible error message.Anyway, I was able to recover almost all my data and move it over to Ubuntu 10.4 on the same computer. What I could not recover was my Outlook Address Book. I know it is funky to transfer it from one Windows email client to another, but transferring it across OS's seemed almost impossible, especially since I don't have Outlook's Export feature available. Even Google and other webmails needed to have those Outlook address files converted before they could use them.

What would be the plan of least resistance here for a Total Noob? Can I, should I, and how do I transfer the address book to a different computer with Outlook for export before transferring it back on the Linux side?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Apps To Droid Incredible?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm new to android app development (but not to java) and I want to transfer apps I create on ubuntu to my HTC Incredible mobile phone. My computer's a desktop, so I don't have anything fancy like a bluetooth (unless you recommend I buy a USB one for this). What is the best way to transfer apps to my droid?

I tried using USB, but for some reason neither Ubuntu nor my droid sees the other. It doesn't even charge when I connect it via USB.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring An Install To A Different Hard Drive?

Mar 23, 2011

The HDD in my HTPC is giving off a really annoying grinding sound, and we all know what that means.Luckily, my movies, songs, games, etc. are stored on a brand new 400 Gig external drive- the install is all that's on the failing one. I've got about a half dozen IDE drives big enough for a base install, and at least half of those *aren't* failing, I just don't know what to do. Do I just create the ext and swap partitions then copy/paste the file system, or what?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Data From Hard Disk?

May 30, 2011

I was dual booting Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows Vista on a Acer Aspire 5920. My laptop went for service and the company said they will give me a fresh laptop instead of the one I am using now for they cannot set it right.

When I plugged in my hard disk through an external cable onto a windows machine it detected only the data present (which is almost negligible in my case) in the vista partition. I would like to transfer all the data I have from hard disk at least the one in the Ubuntu 8.10 to my new laptop on which I plan to run Ubuntu. Can someone guide me on how to go about doing it? Also is it possible to transfer all the installed softwares so that they start running in the new laptop without any extra effort?

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Ubuntu :: Android Transferring Data To New Card?

Jun 13, 2011

I am not sure where to post this so i figure that general help is as good as any. I have just bought my self a 32 gb micro sd card and I want to transfur all my old stuff (apps, contacts, music) off my existing card, how do I do this?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Files Between 2 Remote Servers?

Aug 13, 2011

I've tried FXP and rsync, none worked and I can't find much info on how to get them working, just alot of google results with people in the same situation as me!

I want to transfer files from 1 remote server to another remote server... a fairly easy task in which I'm sure there's an easy solution, I just can't find it.

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Ubuntu :: Error On Startup - Error Where Found When Mounting The Disk File

Apr 20, 2011

I was installing last night some applications , then i forgot to plugin my laptop so suddenly it turned off , anyways today i turned it on , while booting it gave me this error : "error where found when mounting the disk file /"so i press I to ignore , and it works , but now how can i fix this error?

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General :: Transferring Mp3's Over To The Ipod

Jan 21, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Rhythmbox recognizes my ipod just fine.. and i have no problem transferring mp3s over to the ipod. but when I unplug the nano from the computer it says I have 0 files under music.. yet 4.5GB are missing out of the 8GB. what in the world?? When I double click the IPOD on my desktop it shows all the mp3s too, but when I unplug it's like it's an empty ipod like nothing transferred, but yet it says synchronizing....

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Debian Installation :: Transferring Settings From Ubuntu To Squeeze?

May 14, 2011

Looks like I finally have the time to install Squeeze in the next few days. I have the DVDs here and ready to go! Once I finish housekeeping and do multiple backups, I'll be ready to have a go at this I would like to transfer the settings stored in /home from Hardy to Squeeze. Can I just copy and paste? Or will the difference between the two make that risky (or impossible). I am especially concerned about .gnome and .gnome2. I really don't want to have to reconfigure everything from scratch but I also don't want the file transfer to break things.

I would also like some advice about the install. It would be safest to unplug the three active drives, hook up the new 1TB and install / and /home partitions without the possibility of disaster. However, I eventually want to dual boot with the Hardy install. When I reconnect the Hardy disk, will Squeeze find Hardy if I sudo update-grub? Hardy is in ext3 and boots with Grub legacy. Do I need an MBR or is it OK to just boot from Squeeze's /.

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