Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - Error Transferring Track

May 2, 2010

I get this error when i "extract to library" a cd in rhythmbox:

Although it does copy it ok, i have listened to them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error Transferring Songs To Ipod Touch In Rhythmbox

Aug 17, 2010

anyone know how to fix this issue:Error Message reads as follows Error while getting peer-to-peer dbus connection: The name :1.50 was not provided by any .service files

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Transferring Music To IPod Touch 4.2.1 In Rhythmbox

Aug 3, 2011

A while ago, my iPod Touch was on the 3.1.3 firmware and when I would drag songs onto it from within Rhythmbox it worked perfectly. The filenames would be changed to follow Apple's weird naming conventions, and they would appear in the music library on my iPod. Then, I updated to 4.2.1 and I could no longer mount the iPod (this was a known issue, and someone made a fix, but I didn't bother with it) so I wasn't able to connect to it and transfer any more songs through Rhythmbox. Recently I noticed that I can now mount the iPod again and browse it in Rhythmbox (it must've been fixed in an update). However, I can't (successfully) transfer songs to it.

When I drag songs onto the iPod, Rhythmbox displays the "transferring __ songs" status, and they get added to the iPod's list of songs shown in Rhythmbox. However, they aren't visible in the iPod's actual music library. And when I reconnect the iPod to browse the music on my iPod in Rhythmbox, the newly transferred songs are no longer there. But the space left on my iPod has definitely decreased. So I went into my iPod's iTunes_Control/Music folder and noticed that all the songs I transferred are actually there in the F## folders, but they didn't get renamed to follow Apple's naming scheme (so instead of being named something like LNXQ.mp3 they just retain whatever the old filename was). So does anyone know what's going on? Rhythmbox definitely used to be able to transfer the songs in the "correct" way which ends with their filenames being changed and the songs being added to the iPod's music library. Why isn't this happening correctly anymore? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Cant Fetch Track Info?

May 21, 2011

All cd's I try to load give me unknown audio. This is occurring on three different boxes running Natty. Was working fine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Won't Play First Track Of Several .mp3 Albums / Sort It?

Aug 26, 2010

I've been experiencing an odd issue since I upgraded my main desktop to Lucid - namely, that the first track on several albums doesn't appear in the Rhythmbox library. The rest of the album will show up and play just fine. I installed Exaile to see if it was just a Rhythmbox bug, and the tracks appear in the library, but will not play (it just skips through the whole track, as it would if the MP3 codec isn't installed or configured correctly). Did a clean install of Lucid yesterday, which was also of no help.

The files are all .mp3, non-VBR encoding (320kbps, IIRC...not that it should really matter). They are stored in an NTFS partition I use to share data between Windows XP and my Linux installs.

Funny thing is, the tracks show up and play just fine in XP and on OpenSuse 11.3 (KDE version). It also works fine on my laptop, which is also dual-booting XP and Lucid, with the tunes stored on the Windows partition.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox: Editing Track Name Changes File Size Drastically?

Feb 21, 2010

I changed the case of one letter ('N' to 'n') in a track name using Rhythmbox and the result is a file which is 7727 bytes smaller than the original (I saved a copy of the original file before editing the track name). The file is in ogg/vorbis format (160 Kb/s). I changed the track name back and the file size didn't change. However, the contents of the file are still drastically different (vastly more changed than merely the letter in the track name).I'm worried that Rhythmbox is doing something dreadful like decoding the file, changing the track name, and then completely re-encoding the file from scratch (meaning it runs the decoded audio through the lossy encoder to regenerate the file). Does anyone know whether or not Rhythmbox is doing this when the user edits the meta data (like the track name, artist, etc.)?

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Ubuntu :: Add-on For Rhythmbox Which Recognizes Track Info?

Mar 2, 2011

Is there an add-on for Rhythmbox which recognizes track info from the sound of the track like the shazam app?

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Fedora :: Rhythmbox Crashing On Playing / Transferring Music

Dec 23, 2010

My rhythm box crashes every time i play a song or try to transfer music to my ipod. It usually will play one song but then it crashes. Everything was working fine last night, then today it stopped working right.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Rhythmbox Stops Playing - Track Progress Speeds Up

Feb 27, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 yesterday. When I opened rhythmbox music player, I dragged over some mp3 files to play. It asked me if I wanted to install mp3 support. Naturally I selected yes, as I have several times before. Everything appeared to install correctly and music started playing. The first track finished fine. The second track made it roughly 20 seconds and then the sound stopped. I switched back to the desktop that rhythmbox was on (I had been browsing firefox on the other desktop) and noticed that the progress bar for the song was moving very fast and would continue doing so on every song. The progress bar would cycle through the length of a 3:40 song in about 6-8 seconds. But there was no sound.

I should also note that the reason I used rhythmbox (RB) was because I tried to install Amarok 2.2, which did install, but I couldn't get the program to work when I opened it. So I decided to settle for rhythmbox. So the first time I encountered this error on RB was the first time I used the program, and the first time I used RB was after I had installed Amarok 2.2 and couldn't get it to work. Idk if this is relevant or not, but I figured I would include it anyway.

Anyway, I have tried a number of potential solutions:

1) Changing the hardware profile for my multimedia.
2) Making sure my bios is set up properly. I have a soundcard, so I disabled onboard audio.
3) I thought maybe Pulseaudio was the problem, but didn't try to resolve it because this thread from he Ubuntu forums appears to be outdated for Karmic Koala, so I didn't take my chances using it.
4) Uninstalling Amarok, however, I couldn't locate all the dependencies to uninstall them
5) Installing "libxine1-ffmpeg" manually since another forum on ubuntuforums had recommended that. However the deb-installer failed with this output

Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libavcodec1d (>= 0.cvs20070307)

6) Booting to the LiveCD for Kubuntu (Kx) 8.04-2, Kubuntu 9.10, and Ubuntu (Ux) 9.10. I went through the process of opening RB, loading music, installing mp3 support. For Kx 8.04-2, I got an error telling me I needed to install "libxine1-ffmpeg" manually, which I did via deb-installer. Everything worked great. For Kx 9.10 and Ux 9.10, I got the already mentioned error about the unsatisfiable dependency. So I could go back to Kx 8.04-02 (which many of my friends here at LFO know this has been my favorite distro+version for almost two years now). However, I can't be stuck with it just because of some minor issues.

I should also note that video on firefox (e.g.; ......com) is very slow and usually greys out firefox until it stops working. Yes, I have installed flash player and jre 6.0 via synaptec. :D So this is apparently an overall multimedia problem, which doesn't surprise me because it seems that both Ubuntu AND Kubuntu have been having more multimedia problems since fall of 2009 (at least based on what I have gathered from forums while searching out my current problem). Whether that is related to the 9.10 releases and later, or not, I don't know.

Another option I have is to try Mint, which I have had very good experiences with in the past. But I don't want to leave the *buntu family as I am very partial to it and really enjoy the time-saving convenience of the deb-installer.

Other info:


ATI Radeon 4670, 2 GB RAM Crucial Balistix, 80 GB hardrive, 3.2 Quadcore, SIIG DP Soundwave 4 Channel PCI soundcard

Screenshots of Hardware Profile:

dmesg output:

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - When Doubleclick On A Song To Play, It Doesn't Play And Rhythmbox Quits?

Jan 31, 2011

Whenever I plug my Zune in, Rhythmbox recognizes all the songs on it but when I doubleclick on a song to play it, the song doesn't play and Rhythmbox quits. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I'm running a Dell XPS 410 with 4GB RAM and a 1.75 GHz processor.Also, I imported a CD and it plays fine.

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Ubuntu :: Error Transferring File

Aug 4, 2011

I get an error message every time I want to save a background to my usr.share...backgrounds folder. Code:Error opening file '/usr/share/backgrounds/aurora2.1.jpg': Permission denied.Is there any way I can get permission to transfer the file to this folder? I would like to have some of my own pictures in this folder so I can use them for login screen backgrounds.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cant Get Iphone To Work Beyond Transferring Pictures

Mar 27, 2010

I cant get my iphone to work with Ubuntu beyond transferring pictures. I have tried ifuse, isky, gtkpod etc. nothing seems to work, and many of the times I run into errors messages when following the tutorials. Ubuntu 64 bit 9.04 acer aspire 8730

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Creative Zen 16GB - Transferring Album Art?

Jul 20, 2010

I've tried for some time now to get my Zen 16GB working properly with Ubuntu 10.04. I've tried Rhythmbox and this works for mp3s but album art is not transferring. I have latest 0.13 Rhythmbox and now at leat the mp3's go in directories under Music, but the .alb file is put a root and not ar is displayed.

I have tried gnomad2 and the latest (2.9.4?) crashes with 10.04 when reading the Zen. I can't drag and drop in nautilus and the it is connected as gphoto and the tags are not copied over. So, for all you Zen users.. how are you trandfering mp3's (with album art!) over to your Zen's?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Hard Drive To A New Computer / GRUB Giving An Error Message?

Nov 16, 2010

Today, I finished assembling my dream computer. I can boot it into the BIOS, and I checked that everything was working correctly through there. Anyway, I attempted to transfer the hard drive from this computer to that one. This computer is a Dell (blech) Optiplex GX280 with an Intel processor and integrated graphics. The new one has an AMD Phenom II processor with an ATI card and an ASRock motherboard (drastically different machines, I know...) When I try to boot, GRUB gives me an error message that says something like:

blah whatever cannot find /dev/disk/by-uuid/372de761-9577-48be-ba19-c6b2890cb229
Did I do something wrong installing the hard drive? Or is this a problem that is going to happen no matter how hard I try to make it not happen? If the second is true, will it help if I wipe the disk and reinstall Ubuntu on the new computer?

P.S. I know similar threads about transferring hard disks have been posted, but no thread has mentioned this error.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.3 Error - Transferring The Install Image To Hard Drive

Oct 12, 2009

Machine is a Dell PE 1750. Previously running 5.2 or 5.1 32 bit. Tried to install 5.3 i386 but getting this error,

Error An error occurred transferring the install image to your hard drive. You are probably out of disk space.

Click ok Install starting Starting install process. This may take several minutes. Exception Occurred
Traceback (most recent call first ):
"/tmp/treedir.14202/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda/yuminstall.py", line 711, in _run
self.ts.ts.scriptFd = instLog.fileno()


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ipod Touch - Transferring Songs To The Device?

Aug 15, 2010

I am on Ubuntu 9.10 and Will soon buy a ipod touch 4g. I would like to if there are any applications that could allow transferring songs to the device from Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Transferring Music To Sony Walkman NWZ-S545

Sep 6, 2010

I have a Sony Walkman NWZ-S545. I have Rhythmbox 0.12.8. I have a System 76 amd64 computer. I have run Ubuntu (now 10.1) for a couple of years and before that Linspire and haven't had MS Windows for years.

What I want is to be able to simply transfer music files from my computer to the Walkman. Nothing fancy. Drag and drop is fine. (I was hoping that it would be shown on the desktop, that I could open it and access it and drag files to it.)

I looked in Ubuntu help and found: "Ubuntu will work with most portable audio players, including iPods. Normally, all you have to do is plug the player into your computer and then use Rhythmbox to copy songs to and from the player."

When Rhythmbox didn't recognize it and no icon appeared on my computer screen indicating it was plugged in as an external device, I went back to Ubuntu help and found and installed the mtpfs and mtp-tools packages and made sure that the MTV plugin in Rhythmbox was checked. Now Rhythmbox could see the Walkman BUT could not play any songs! And there was no Walkman icon on the desktop.

When I tried to play the 5 sample songs on the Walkman, I got one of these 3 errors:
a. Couldn't start playback - no file name specified for reading
b. No URI set
c. Unable to copy file from MTP device: PTP Layer error 02ff: LIBMTP_Get_Filemetadata(): call to ptp_mtp_getobjectpropssupported() failed.

(BTW, my Rhythmbox setting under preferences - music is for .ogg - can see other options under edit but cannot switch to them. My mp3 songs transferred from my external hard drive to Ryhthmbox beautifully and play just fine)

After further searching, I read I should confirm that libmtp8 was installed and I found that it was.

So I went to Ubuntu Rhythmbox help and read: "If Rhythmbox Music Player does not detect your device as a portable audio player, you can create an empty file named .is_audio_player at the top level hierarchy of the filesystem of your player."

OK - I am stuck here at several levels:
1) Is this what really needs done?
2) If so, how? (I searched ".is_audio_player" and came up with several comments and how-tos, all seeming to involve going into the root directory and inserting an empty file somewhere. First of all, I can't get into my root directory even as the administrator with full privileges! Secondly, I know enough to know that even if I could - I shouldn't!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Transferring M4a Files To IPod Touch With Amarok

Mar 10, 2011

I downloaded Amarok 2.4 today and am attempting to use it to sync my music to my iPod Touch. .mp3 files transfer perfectly, but for some reason any .m4a file is being reassigned a .mp4 extension and being relegated to the 'Video' app on the iPod. I do realise that an .m4a is just .aac audio in an mp4 wrapper, why Amarok and/or the iPod is deciding to treat them like a video instead? It's doing it both to my own ffmpeg-encouded .m4as as well as unprotected .m4as from the iTunes Store (relics of my time on Windows). Anyone know what might be going on with this? Ubuntu 10.10 NE, Amarok 2.4, iPod Touch 2G (... possibly 3G, but I'm pretty sure it's a 2G) running firmware 4.2.1

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Multimedia :: WMP Track Tagging - Ubuntu Alternative?

Jan 8, 2010

I made the switch to all Ubuntu and I'm loving it.One of my favorite Windows features was in Windows Media Player.If I added an audio track to WMP, I could search within WMP (using internet) to find the album info.It was something like, right-click, "Find album info"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Add Mp4a Track To Mp4 Video

Jun 7, 2010

I have an mp4 video which includes a 5.1 audio stream, while I only have stereo speakers from my computer. It is hooked up to my receiver through the audio out (headphone) jack from the back of the machine. Anyway, I have a stereo audio stream for the video, but I can't figure out how to add the mp4a stream to the mp4.

I have checked out avidemux, but it doesn't seem to handle mp4a files. I don't want to transcribe the video, simply add the audio to the mp4 container. Does anyone know how to accomplish this in Ubuntu?

It seems that the mp4a is us encoded as AAC.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Remove Mp3 Track Information?

Jun 19, 2010

Some mp3 songs will have track informations like website address etc etc..How to remove those information...?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Fix A Video's Audio Track

Mar 22, 2011

I've recorded some video in the field, i.e. outside, windy, noisy, etc. I would like to strip out the audio, clean it up in Audacity and then repatriate it back to the video. Video is in .mp4 format.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Can't Get Track Info

Jun 5, 2011

If I insert music CDs into my disc drive, Banshee can't fetch the track information and just displays everything as Track 1, Track 2,etc...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: HDE (SiGma Micro) 1c4f:3002 - Video Not Transferring

Dec 28, 2010

I am attampting to get an HDE Webcam to work with Ubuntu 10.10. Ths lsusb entry is:

Bus 002 Device 002: ID 1c4f:3002 SiGma Micro

The webcam is detected as /dev/ideo0, but when I attempt to use it, I get the following message in dmesg and a black screen instead of video.

[ 3124.878851] uvcvideo: Failed to query (135) UVC control 11 (unit 2) : -32 (exp. 1).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Select DTS/AC3 Track By Default On A MKV Multitrack?

Jan 10, 2010

what can i do if i want that smplayer selects the DTS/AC3 track from a multitrack MKV file by default? for example, i've added for some MKV an AC3 audio track in order to use it with my receiver but on the MKV the "track 0" is on AAC and the "track 1" is on AC3 and always smplayer starts with the "track 0" so smplayer will select the "track 1" doing nothing by me side.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Using M-Audio Fast Track Pro With Mixxx

Jun 1, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 and it works like a charm, pretty much all over. However I seem to have problems using my M-Audio Fast Track Pro with all four channels - primarily when using Mixxx. I hate to switch between Win7 and Ubuntu just for the use of my VCI-100. Is there a way to have Fast Track Pro work? I tried almost any of the solutions found around here - but i simply cannot get it to work.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: OpenShot - No Sound From Audio Track?

Jun 8, 2010

I have recorded some video, and now wanted to add some sound.I added a sound track, but when it's playing, I can't hear anything.I'm usually running Jack - for Ardour/Hydrogen etc... - I can't find anywhere in OpenShot to change the Audio to Jack, so assume it's not supported.I have killed Jack in the hope that Alsa will work with OpenShot, but still I have no sound.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Import A CD Each Track Is Displayed Twice In The Library

Oct 1, 2010

Whenever I import a CD each track is displayed twice in the library (but only one mp3 file is made) with one track displayed as being a few seconds longer than its duplicate.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Completely Copy A CD Including Track Spacing?

Jan 7, 2010

I have some cds that have tracks that run right into each other (ie one finishes and seamlessly moves into the next one without pause). How can I backup my cds retaining their original sound?Prior to Ubuntu days, I used to just rip in mediaplayer in windows and then use then use that playlist to burn to a cd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Acidrip - Can't Read DVD Track - Why Is So / Faulty Disc?

Sep 26, 2010

I've been trying to rip DVD's using AcidRip but whatever DVD I try I get the same error from AcidRip - Can't Read DVD track. Faulty Disc?

After reading the forums I've tried /dev/dvd ,/dev/sr0 (Found by using the Disk Utility), /Media/DVD Title etc and tried running AcidRip both as myself and Sudo without success.

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