Ubuntu :: Easy Way To Make Your Own Internet Server?

May 14, 2011

I am thinking of making a website, but I decided, "hey, can't I just make and host the website myself without spending any money??"
I am just wondering, is this possible? Is there an easy way to have your own website and get it online for free by hosting it on your own computer dedicated to it? It would save me money.

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General :: Make Easy Graphic With Gcc In Ubuntu 9.10?

Feb 18, 2010

I have made a little easy c program where i can se my leds on the parallelport ./p 0 no leds

./p 8 led 4 lighting
./p 64 led 7 lighting

How can i make a window around my program? Kindly ole hasselbalch oz6oh as radioamateur

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Networking :: Make NFS Mounts Easy To Find For OpenSuSE 11.2 Users?

Oct 29, 2010

Our organization uses OpenSuSE servers (NFS/LDAP/SAMBA/more...) and are in the works migrating all the workstations for users to SuSE from Windows as well.

I like how in windows the mapped network drives are all listed in My Computer. OpenSuSE has a similar "My Computer" that lists current drives, and general PC info (in KDE, which is what we use in the office). Is there a way to list mounted drives in here, so that users can easily find the network drives? I'm open to alternatives to listing it in SuSE's sysinfo page, as long as it doesn't mean telling my old school windows users, "oh yeah, all your network drives are in /mnt/shares/...they wont have a CLUE what that means. It HAS to be easy for them to navigate to.

My attached image is just a screen shot of SuSE's "My Computer" so you can see where I would ideally like to put the shares.

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Server :: Easy To Learn Server-side Language?

Oct 18, 2010

Coming from a C and C++ background, with a little SQL at university, I was wanting to move to web development and implement an idea of mine for evaluating movies. In a nutshell, the idea is this: produce a score for each movie by only taking into account opinions of people of your age and psychological profile, as derived from a questionaire. Or a score derived from the opinions they have given about other movies, the more match there is with your opinions about those movies, the higher the coefficient for their opinion in the production of the movie score.What's the easiest way to implement this, what language is the easiest to learn?

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Networking :: Squid With Iptables - Make Clients To Browse Internet Only From Proxy Server?

Jun 14, 2010

i have the following ip assignments

fedora (iptables)
eth0 -private :
eth1 -public :
squid proxy
my clients range

how can i make my clients to browse internet only from proxy server my network is NAT 'ed. Please specify a iptable rule to allow internet access for my clients to browse ONLY if they come through proxy server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Garmin-Asus Gps Mobile Phone Is Excellent / Easy As Mobile Internet Connection

Aug 29, 2010

I just want to tell everyone how good the Garmin/Asus A10 mobile phone is as an internet modem.I am in Australia and Mobile internet is an expensive thing to have. cheapest is dodo but i had a few problems trying out a friends usb modem.Anyway i was in the market for a Gps phone and discover this one. it is Android phone and pretty cheap so far it is very good gps, camera, mp3, and phone is excellent.BUT here is the clincher. when you plug it into the computer, the phone screen lights up and gives you 3 options.

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Server :: Easy File Sharing On Windows... Without SMB?

Jun 16, 2010

Question for the sys admin types:So, say you want to do file sharing in an environment with a lot of Windows clients, but you want the shared data on a Linux server. You can use SAMBA, and that will make all the Windows clients happy (provided, of course, that you can get SAMBA working correctly). But is this your only option?I mean, obviously you can use ssh/sftp. But the Windows sftp clients I have tried don't make the file sharing process as simple for non-techies: you either just get a command-line, or you get some kind of two-pane application view like with filezilla or cuteFTP; it isn't as integrated into the desktop as what you get when using native SMB file sharing.So, is there Windows software you can install that can make the file sharing experience very non-expert friendly with some protocol like ssh/sftp or NFS?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Easy Install From Usb To Hard Drive?

Jul 8, 2011

By using ISO2USB for CentOS/RedHat I installed with out having to burn A single cd or dvd. Super easy and free from source forge. Link[URL]... Unplug the USB drive and take it to the machine to be installed.Reboot the machine and choose USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu. Choose Hard drive installation method and select /dev/sdb1 as partition that holds ISO images. Use sda drive for installation and choose to review the partitioning layout. In advanced bootloader options, change drive order to "sda sdb". Proceed with the installation.

So easy it should be a tool in every admins box. I hope I saved you some time and headaches.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Connect To The Internet \ Unable To Make Any Connection To The Internet?

Jun 4, 2010

After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04, I'm not able to make any connection to the internet with either my netbook through WiFi or my computer on wired LAN. I can, however, ping my Solaris machines and Macbook. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Internet / Make It Possible?

Jun 16, 2010

I downloaded and installed Ubuntu 10.0.4 LST.

But it can not connect to the internet or LAN.

My nic card is: Inte(R) PRO/100 VE

How to configure it ?

NB: But the internet connection works fine when I run the ISO image from VMWare Player.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect To Wireless Internet In 10.10 / Make It Possible?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a 10.10 installation through Wubi.

I can't connect to my wireless network.

I use the icon in the top right to try to connect but there does not seem to be a utility that searches for connections, or if there is it is not doing anything. Instead it seems that I need to set up the connection manually. I put in the SSID from the router, though I was never asked for this info in windows, but it wants my MAC address, which I can't find on the router. It also doesn't automatically ask for my wireless key which seems very strange; it only asks for it if I select WPA2 from a drop down menu.

The ubuntu official guide on this told be to go into hardware drivers and enable proprietary drivers. There's no such thing but there is "additional drivers" and when I go into this it says there aren't any.

As an aside I've had a funny experienc with Ubuntu. I installed it on my laptop and thought it was great. Everything worked fine, connecting to the internet seemed to happen almost instantly just by putting in the wireless key, and I was thoroughly impressed. However, since I've installed 10.10 on my desktop through Wubi I've had nothing but problems. I can't even play media from my external hard drive.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Internet / Make It Possible?

Jul 29, 2010

I cant connect to the internet wirelessly or with a RJ45 connection. Last week my son came round and thought it was very call the internet worked fine then. Then he downloaded a programme called wireshark. Since the installation of that programme there has been no internet. Even the internet icon on the top bar has gone Aswell as the network manager section has vanished from the preferences menu. I have uninstalled wireshark thinking it will correct its self but havent had much luck. I am running Ubuntu 10.4 (lucid) Kenel Linux 2.6.32-generic GNOME 2.30.2

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Ubuntu :: Make Wireless Internet Connection Work?

Oct 26, 2010

It's my very first time to use Ubuntu. I have just installed it but I can't figure out how to make my wireless internet connection work..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Way To Make Internet Radio On System

May 21, 2011

Well I'm not very sure how to make an Internet radio on Linux.Well basically I googled it.and I did not get quite convincing enough results so.What is the best way to make a Internet radio on linux?

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Ubuntu :: Crunchbang System Cannot Connect To Internet / Make It Possible?

Apr 26, 2010

I recently installed Crunchbang Linux on my Eee PC 1005HA. My problem is that i can not connect to the internet. My wireless does not work and wired connection does not work either. I've read a lot of other things and nothing has helped. Any replies would be awesome.

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Fedora :: Can't Make Internet Connection?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a computer with two hard drives that plugs directly into the modem. When I run on my Windows XP drive I can get internet. On my fedora drive I can not even get a ping. If I type ping google.com I get ping: unknown host google.com If I type ping I get connect: Network is unreachable

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General :: Internet Won't Work / Make It Possible?

Jul 10, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.04 and my Internet wont work properly I can go on sites like Google but almost any other non Major website i cannot visit

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Internet / Make It Possible?

Aug 7, 2010

I can not connect to internet using Fedora 9. But I can connect using Windows XP on the same machine. I have a ADSL modem & the modem is connected to the Ethernet Port of my Computer.

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Ubuntu :: Internet Connection Sharing: Tutorial Doesn't Make Sense?

Feb 5, 2010

At home I'm currently running Hardy on a desktop machine and Jaunty (Eeebuntu) on an EeePC. I often connect the desktop to the internet via a cellphone as modem. I also often connect the EeePC to the desktop via crossover cable and SSH into the desktop so I cam watch video files from the desktop on the EeePC from the sofa or bed.

I'd like to be able to use the desktop's internet connection from the EeePC. This means I have to set up the desktop so the EeePC can share its connection - this involves setting up the desktop as a gateway I believe?

Looking around for info on how to do this, I found this guide [URL]...in-ubuntu.html - but unfortunately it seems this guide has not been written correctly. It repeats itself in one section (below: repeated section in bold):


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card - Can't Make Switch Until Have The Internet Working

Apr 11, 2010

I've decided I want to cross over to Ubuntu from Win vista but there's one thing i cant get working. My wireless card. My wireless card is a Xterasys xn 2523g I can't make this switch until i have the internet working.

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Fedora Networking :: Make The Internet Go Through The Firewall To Network

May 14, 2011

I am new with IP tables stuff and i have a problem....i have a pc Contain a fedora OS and i want to make a small network (4 PCs Contain XP OS) and using the pc of fedora OS as a firewall i want to Prevent the ping (i think it called(ICMP)) in the privat network and prevent one of the PCs from Browsing internet(prevent port 80 and 81 as i think) and i still don't know how to make the internet go Through the firewall to the private network...

Note: WAN = eth0
LAN = eth1

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Make OS Connect To Internet Automatically?

Feb 16, 2010

I have to manually connect to the internet (e.g. "activate"). How can I make the OS connect to the internet automatically?

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General :: Make Internet Go Through Firwall To Private Network?

May 14, 2011

I am new with IP tables stuff and i have a problem....
i have a pc Contain a fedora OS and i want to make a small network (4 PCs Contain XP OS) and using the pc of fedora OS as a firewall
i want to Prevent the ping (i think it called(ICMP)) in the privat network and prevent one of the PCs from Browsing Internet(prevent port 80 and 81 as i think)
and i still don't know how to make the Internet go Through the firewall to the private network...

note: WAN = eth0
LAN = eth1

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General :: Make Settings For Internet Connection On System?

Aug 13, 2010

I,m new to linux. I don't know how to do settings for Internet connection.
so, please send me complete detail of how to make settings for Internet connection.

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General :: Make Local Web Page Accessible From Internet?

Dec 23, 2010

On computer, I have apache server, configured at port 80, running. In local network, web page is accessible by my local IP (192...). Although, when I want to get to the page from the internet, I don't know right ip address, since router's one should be local, and also, router has it's own web page running at port 80. So I guessed that my server IP would be modem's one, which I don't know. Sometime in past, I figured out address of modem too, but it has it's own application running. Also, router supports port forwarding (which I guess, is needed), but I don't know how to get using to it. what address from internet should I have? How should I determine it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Slow Internet Browsing / Make It Fast?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm running 11.2 on a Dell Latitude D630. Everything has been great other than issues with Suspend and hibernate not working correctly. However after about a month of use browsing the web has really slowed down bad. It doesn't seem to matter if it's in Firefox or Chrome either. I am using a wireless connection that is getting the signal at 85-95%. Even though I still tried using a direct cat-5 connection to the router and it was still slow as well. I have the fastest broadband connection my cable offers and my windows boxes on the same network are still flying.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lenovo T410 11.04 Fresh Install Very Slow Internet Connection / Make It Up?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm a newbie and try to switch from Win7 to Ubuntu 11.04 with unity desktop.

My internet connection is slower than hell, and I dont know how to fix it. I tried with disable Ipv6 but it doesnt make any difference. Not sure if its disabled proper because if i do code...

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Fedora Networking :: Assigning IP(V4)address To Machine And Make It Accessable In Internet?

Feb 11, 2010

I want to make make my fedora machine access-able over the internet. I want to assign IPV4 address to this machine( I already have one IP address ) which can be used for this. What configuration changes I need to make in fedora to make it accessable to the external world

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - When Connect Internet Via Wifi - Input Password - Make My Computer Slow To Halt

Jun 28, 2011

My Netbook is ASUS EeePc HA900, I already use Ubuntu 10.04 is ok, nothing problems, then I upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10, it is still Ok. But when I upgrade to ubuntu 11.04, it have problems with Wifi, when I connect Internet via Wifi, just input the Password, it make my computer slow to halt, and have to turn the power off to shutdown the computer.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Secure Fileserver Over Internet - Opening Samba Ports Make Default Particularly Vulnerable To Penetration?

May 26, 2011

I'd like to set up a fileserver for myself and a few trusted individuals. I'm computer savvy and I use various linux servers frequently for work, but this is my first time trying to setup my own. Is it possible to have a Samba server setup so it is both secure and facing the Internet? Two questions:

Will opening Samba ports make my default Ubuntu server particularly vulnerable to penetration? More than having an SSH server running? Does Samba/ can Samba be configured to encrypt traffic or is it sent plainly? If so, does Windows and Mac support this secure communication?

If not, what would you suggest? I'd like to achieve something like a network drive and at a difficulty level that my parents could use this if they really wanted to. I will be storing things like financial information and tax returns, but no weapons-grade secrets.

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