General :: Make Easy Graphic With Gcc In Ubuntu 9.10?

Feb 18, 2010

I have made a little easy c program where i can se my leds on the parallelport ./p 0 no leds

./p 8 led 4 lighting
./p 64 led 7 lighting

How can i make a window around my program? Kindly ole hasselbalch oz6oh as radioamateur

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Ubuntu :: Easy Way To Make Your Own Internet Server?

May 14, 2011

I am thinking of making a website, but I decided, "hey, can't I just make and host the website myself without spending any money??"
I am just wondering, is this possible? Is there an easy way to have your own website and get it online for free by hosting it on your own computer dedicated to it? It would save me money.

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Networking :: Make NFS Mounts Easy To Find For OpenSuSE 11.2 Users?

Oct 29, 2010

Our organization uses OpenSuSE servers (NFS/LDAP/SAMBA/more...) and are in the works migrating all the workstations for users to SuSE from Windows as well.

I like how in windows the mapped network drives are all listed in My Computer. OpenSuSE has a similar "My Computer" that lists current drives, and general PC info (in KDE, which is what we use in the office). Is there a way to list mounted drives in here, so that users can easily find the network drives? I'm open to alternatives to listing it in SuSE's sysinfo page, as long as it doesn't mean telling my old school windows users, "oh yeah, all your network drives are in /mnt/shares/...they wont have a CLUE what that means. It HAS to be easy for them to navigate to.

My attached image is just a screen shot of SuSE's "My Computer" so you can see where I would ideally like to put the shares.

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Ubuntu :: Make Simply Graphic In Gcc?

Feb 24, 2010

I would like to make 2 vertical lines and two horizontial lines around this program. I use gcc as compiler.

* Simple parallel port output control program for Linux
* The program output the data value to PC parallel port data pins
* (default lpt1 I/O address 0x37. The data values are given as the
* command line parameter to the program. The number can be
* in decimal (0..255) or hexadecimal format (0x00..0xFF).

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Ubuntu :: Why Do Ati Graphic Drivers Make The Encryption Password Screen So Ugly

Mar 1, 2011

Is there a way I can get the clean screen back for when I enter the encryption password during boot? It was quite clean and nice before the drivers but now it just looks awful

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Graphic Driver - It Keeps Saying Graphic Card Is Outdated?

Mar 30, 2010

So I finally got ubuntu..I wanted to play team fortress 2.Runs great in wine etc.But 1 problem.It keeps saying my graphic card is outdated.I cant see anything.So I downloaded the driver from nvidia website.Followed some instructions.But it says cannot open binary file or something.Is there any other way to update graphic drivers.Cause I realy still want to play some windows games.Mount&blade, Atlantica online,team fortress 2 etc

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphic Driver - Enemy Territory It Comes Back With Error On Graphic Card

Nov 8, 2010

i justy got me a dedi box and there is no graphic driver installed on it, or it dont work :/ VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] but wen i try installing enemy territory it comes back with error on graphic card


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Ubuntu :: Guild Wars Graphic - None Of The 3D Graphic Parts Works

Oct 28, 2010

I have an ubuntu PC with 512 MB ram and an 3d graphic card that can normally support Guild Wars on windows xp. I installed the game with Wine an the game opens, I can see my character menu but the problem is none of the 3D graphic parts works, I just see a black screen.I even installed directX.

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Networking :: Make The "Wired Network Disconnected" Graphic Stop Appearing?

May 15, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a brand new laptop, an install done by the company I ordered the notebook from. I have some limited experience with Linux and Ubuntu especially.I know that I'm not connected to a wired network. I haven't so much as plugged in a network cable, but the graphic appears erratically on the right hand side of the screen like I am connecting, then disconnecting. I've tried disabling the eth0 connection altogether, but no dice. I can't figure out how to make it stop.

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Fedora Installation :: Messed Up Strips Graphics (its Not Due To Graphic Card, Graphic Card Is Supported 7600gt)?

Apr 8, 2009

In Fedora 10, I cannot get to the installer because it shows these messed up strips graphics (its not due to my graphic card, my graphic card is supported 7600gt) in non-quiet install it shows logical errors and i/o errors.

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General :: Easy Way Of Demonizing In 5.4

Mar 30, 2010

I know there is a program called upstart that can make it easy to make small daemons. I can't get this program to configure on CentOS. I get all sort of errors concerning pkg-congfig, libnih, and dbus. I am working on a node.ja application and this is a pain to start and stop all the time, so I want to create a deamon for this which makes it easy to start and stop.


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General :: .bashrc Ubuntu Eee Easy Peasy The Specifics Of An Alias?

Oct 21, 2010

I successfully edited the .bashrc file to get ruby version manager (rvm) working. Now I would like to turn that setting into an alias so that if i type the word 'ruby' into the terminal it not only goes to the rvm settup but also defaults to my webdev folder which is in my user home directory and also exicutes a command that will open up gedit ready to be used as the text editor for editing the .rb files. Can this be done i would settle for some added code for the 'if then' statement: so far it looks like this:


I don't want to mess with the default setup on this system too much and think things could get out of hand if i am not careful. So am cautious about doing anything at this stage. I wonder if it is possibel thought to setup that whole 'if then' statement as an 'alias'. I read a few referances to alias and looked in the manual like any good newby should but am needing your help please. getting out of the MSwindows mind set and into the linux logic is not so easy but is a great experience

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General :: Easy Way To Drain A Laptop Battery To 0?

Jul 16, 2011

I need a way to kill my battery in my Ubuntu laptop. Is there any mind numbing tasks I can Ubuntu do that will eat up the battery? I have already shut off the power management options. The battery is giving my issues and and someone said I should discharge it fully an recharge it from 0.

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General :: Need Distro Easy To Setup And Install

Feb 28, 2010

I have this ancient Dell Dimension V333 with a Pentium II 333 MHz and 320MB RAM that my family needs for web browsing, word processing, etc. What I need is a distro that is easy to setup and install and easy to use because they have only ever used windows (and a little ubuntu).

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General :: Easy-install Will Not Work When Clicked - Dreamlinux 3.5

Apr 30, 2011

When I click on the Easy-install icon, I see the cursor change to a watch, and then it stops, and Easy-install does not start. I have run:


apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install libgtk2-ruby libgtk2-ruby1.8

The latter being recommended when I searched google (Apparently apt-get sometimes removes ruby which easyinstall uses) It turns out I did need ruby, But my easy-install remains closed...

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General :: Can't Seem To Find Any Easy To Use Cyber Cafe Timer

May 19, 2010

I have been trying to configure a cyber cafe timer and I have so far tried Mkahawa and CCL. However the problem is following the instructions since most of them require you to be conversant with the Gnome commands..

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General :: Easy Way To Find Out Like Which Items Don't Match Between 2 Files Regardless Of Order

Mar 15, 2011

I have following 2 files



Both are reverse of each other. Now, basically if you see, the contents are same, but in different order. Is there any easy way in which i can find out like which items dont match between 2 files, regardless of order. Lets say i add to File1. Now the result of such comparison should be only ''. Currently if i am comparing both files using diff, it gives me all the lines.

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General :: Easy Way To Explicitly Deny User Sudo Permission?

Jun 8, 2011

I am attempting to configure my sudoers file, and have quite a few questions.If you can answer any/all of them, I would be grateful.

-Is there a way to set it up so that root gets notified if a user tries to use a command they are not allowed to?

-If something like this already exists on my system, how do I set it up/use it/ read root's messages?

-I see a lecture=always default exists, but can I customize this lecture?

-Is there an easy way to explicitly deny a user sudo permission?

-I see there is an ALL wildcard. Is there something similar to a NONE wildcard?

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General :: Best And Easy Tool To Use In System To Back Up Data From Windows?

Apr 20, 2010

I want to know which backup tool is used in Linux to back up data from windows machine to linux machine, is amenda? Please guide me.

Also tell me where to download it from?

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General :: Media Player (Windows Or Linux) That's Easy To Control With A Gamepad?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 that I'd like to be able to use as a remote control for a media player on my PC. I currently map the gamepad to certain hot-keys for use with VLC, but I can't say it's ideal.Is there a media player out there that's easy to control with a gamepad and supports a wide range of file types?Bonus points if it has an internal video library.

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General :: Software Rec - Easy Way To Share Screen - Voice Chat On System?

Aug 15, 2011

Currently I'm using Arch Linux. I'm more used to Linux now, but for communication, I still have some problems:

My main software which I use on Windows is Skype and TeamViewer to share screen / voice chat to do pair programming with my friends. is too simple and it doesn't help much with only chat.

Is there any good way to deal with this problem?

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General :: Recommend A Free Clock That Sits In The Taskbar And Is Easy To Install

Aug 8, 2011

Can someone recommend a free clock that sits in the taskbar and is easy to install. I am using Mint 11 but for some reason the clock does not show.

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General :: Good Distro Version Which Easy For Bioinformatics Software Installaion?

Feb 16, 2010

I want to know which linux distro version is good and easy for installing bioinformatics software installation...

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General :: Script (Case & IF Statement Syntax) - Easy To Answer If Know Shell Scripting

May 6, 2011

Im a bit stuck with a simple script that im practicing with... im trying to get my head around some simple scripting. Basically i want to write a script that will work as below: It will ask the user to enter their userid. If its correct it will say 'Correct' If its the wrong id (But the ID exists in /etc/passwd) then it will say 'incorrect' If its not a valid userid it will say 'doesnt exist'. What i have so far is:


# If the user enters their own userid they will get a comment saying 'correct' $LOGNAME) echo "Correct";;

# If they enter another users ID (That exists in the /etc/passwd), then they get a message to say 'incorrect userid used'. Im not sure what i need to do here to get it to check the /etc/passwd to see if the input exists in there.... im guessing some kind of simple 'if' statement to say ---- "if 'input' exists in /etc/passwd then echo "incorrect userid used"

# If its entered incorrectly and not a valid ID then they will get this comment. Again, im guessing this part would be similar to te above option..... *) echo "not a valid ID";;

Ive managed to work out how the basic Case staements work, but to add a conditional statement based on the input, i just cant figure out. I have tried looking on google, and found some help but it doesnt really explain how i check the input against the /etc/passwd.

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General :: Ubuntu Is Running In Low Graphic Mode?

Jun 24, 2011

I am using ubuntu 11.04 on dell insprion 1545. But I am facing a problem that when I start laptop a message shows on the black screen that says

Ubuntu is running in low graphic mode. Your screen, graphic card and input device setting could not be detected correctly, you will need to configure these yourself

I have read that there is a file Xorg.conf that contain the graphics card information. I have also use the command

sudo cp /etc/x11/xorg.conf /etc/x11/xord.conf_backup

but its not working.

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General :: Make Error - Make[2]: *** No Rule To Make Target

Oct 7, 2010

I am getting an error as below.

How do I resolve the error: make[2]: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `mpg123'.

How can I resolve this error.

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General :: Support For Multiple Monitors In Ubuntu / Using Graphic Card From AMD

Sep 8, 2010

how is the support for multiple, two or more, monitors in ubuntu (10.04) when using a graphic cards from AMD(/ATI), for example the HD 5770. (Which I'm currently using). I know that DP is required to use three monitors on a regular card. But other than that, will it work? Am I to expect a lot of work to be able to get it working? Or will it simply be impossible? (And yes, I know that AMDs(/ATI) drivers aren't always the best... Although changing to a card from nvidia at this moment isn't possible)

The background to my question is that I'm thinking about buying another monitor, same model as the current one I'm using, and later on perhaps expand to buy another one.Tried to search for it but wasn't able to find how the support would be in linux, and ubuntu in particular, since most I found is about the windows support, which should work quite easy and therefore isn't relevant.

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General :: How To Enable 3d Graphic Effects In Slackware13.1

Aug 6, 2011

I recently installed slackware 13.1 in to my laptop.Then i could installed pro priority nvidia driver.It worked fined but i couldn't enable 3d desktop effects.When i try to enable it give the following error, Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.

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General :: Graphic Tool To Monitor Traffic Over A USB Port?

Apr 19, 2011

Is there a graphic tool that can monitor the traffic over a USB port?

ie like system monitor for network traffic but over a specific port?

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General :: Possible To Add More Than One Graphic Device Driver To Xorg.conf

Jul 24, 2011

Is it possible to add more than one graphic device driver to xorg.conf and it will load automatically? It is important to autodetect because I am using the configuraiton read only. This is because it's a custom LIVE CD.This is what I currently have, and it works!

Problem is if I put my Live CD in my brothers machine, it fails to load because it uses a Radeon driver!I can preinstall the ati packages I need, so all i need to know is how do I make it work?

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