Ubuntu :: Drive Filled UP With Two 55GB Log Files?

Mar 16, 2010

I realized that I had 0 k free on my drive and when I search to find out what was the problem this is what I have found.

In /var/log/ I had two 55GB files, one called "user.log" and the other "syslog", since it had 55GB I had to tail it and came out with this:

lucian@lucian-laptop:~/luciserver$ tail log_2ndfile_55G_tail
Mar 16 15:40:39 lucian-laptop scanadf: io/hpmud/pml.c 375: SetPml channel_write failed ret=31
Mar 16 15:40:39 lucian-laptop scanadf: sane_hpaio_cancel: already cancelled!
Mar 16 15:40:39 lucian-laptop scanadf: io/hpmud/hpmud.c 632: invalid channel_write state


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General :: Hard Drive Filled Up?

May 30, 2010

I have just recently installed Ubuntu 8.04 (i had 10.04, but the video drivers were not compatible). Here's my dilemna. I run the "df" command and notice that it appears as though the drive is 100% full with no space free. Is that correct? And where do I look for the offending file/directory?

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 304072908 304066468 0 100% /
varrun 1037700 108 1037592 1% /var/run
varlock 1037700 0 1037700 0% /var/lock
udev 1037700 68 1037632 1% /dev


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Ubuntu :: 320gb Hard Drive Filled Up With An Installation?

Feb 28, 2010

A month or so ago, I built a new box. I installed a previously used 320gb hard drive and a newly bought 1TB hard drive.Before formatting anything, I copied all the contents from the 320gb hd to the 1tb hd using windows, since at that time for some reason I couldn't get Ubuntu to read the 1tb drive.At some point, I managed to format the 1tb drive as ext3 (don't know why I didn't have the ext4 option), and copied the files I wanted backed up from the 320gb to the 1tb drive.Once I did that, I prepared to delete the files from the 320gb drive. The thing is I can't find them anymore. I had made a /Storage directory, and now the 1tb is called like that too.The thing is, the 320gb drive is almost full, but it only has my Ubuntu installation. I keep my file in the 1tb drive, so the 320 should be fairly empty. How large can a Ubuntu installation get? 300+ GB???

Where should I look to see what I'm using the space with? I think (this was about two months ago) I created a directory Storagetempo or something like that. How would I look for it?I realize a solution could be just reinstalling Ubuntu on the 320gb drive, since I have all my other files on the 1tb, but that seems too "windowy" to me.

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Ubuntu One :: Web Store Get Filled And Corrected?

Jan 4, 2010

I use one PC only, I paste some files and folders into the U1 folder. Files upload to the webstore, I can see them via the web. Now, *what* is subsequently used as a *reference* for content? For example, what should happen if I rename a folder in the PC U1 folder? Should the new name later appear appropriately on the webstore? What should happen if I use the web access, and delete a folder in the webstore? The PC U1 folder remains full, does the web store get filled and corrected? At a time when the webstore is complete and correct, if the contents of the PC U1 folder is deleted by me, will the webstore contents act as a form of backup? Or will the webstore contents also get removed by U1 process?

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Ubuntu :: Root Filesystem Is Getting Filled Up

Jun 18, 2010

Lately however my root filesystem is getting filled up every night-- I come in in the morning and have notices that I have 0 bytes remaining. There's tons of room on the disk, but the root is full. Here's what it looks like with a df -h:


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Ubuntu :: 56GB Of 65GB Filled But 57.5GB Free?

Feb 16, 2010

i have a HP wx8000 with a scsi drive on it that has a max capacity of 65GB. my HDD reports that it has 57.5 Free. it also reports that i have 56.2GB used. i am really confused at this point. it was a brand new install 5 days ago.

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Ubuntu :: Zero-filled A Micro Sd Card, Now It Won't Allow To Repartition?

Sep 4, 2010

i have an 8gb sandisk micro sd card that i was having problems with, so i decided to zero it out, problem is now i can't repartition it.i have tried gparted, the disk won't appear, but when it is attached, i can see a /dev/sdb in devices that isn't there otherwise.is it possible to create a new partition table on this, and how?also i am trying to 'sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb' but it is saying

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Ubuntu :: Saving PDFs With Filled-in Forms?

Oct 2, 2010

I read few threads from 2006, and at that time it seemed there was no good way to save a PDF which had data input in the form fields. Has this changed? Printing is not really an option, since I won't fill these forms in one sitting. When I save with Ubuntu's default PDF viewer, the form field data does not seem to be saved along with the PDF.

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Ubuntu :: Wubi Disk Filled During Distro Upgrade?

Apr 22, 2010

I have 0MB left on my Wubi disk. How do I enlarge the virtual partition for Wubi if I don't have enough space to install anything?

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Ubuntu Security :: Samba Fileserver Filled With Viruses?

Sep 23, 2010

I've prepared a Samba fileserver at work without much too problems and I've prepared a batch file to mount it as z: letter on windows machine at startup.As a sad result the share gets filled with many viruses and became a vehicle of infection.

folder1 ----> folder2 and many other files and folders

folder1 has a condivision access read and write for everyone so I get no problems with passwords for all those who have access but i use ntfs security to do it read only (viruses act like if a pendrive is connected and mainly put infected files just in the "root" of it, in my case in folder 1) and then give everyone full control in folder2. I've been trying to understand how to do this but I'm quite new to linux and smb.conf really scared me. I've tried samba graphical tool which was a lot easier but I'm not able to achieve this kind of result: no need of user password for users to mount the share and no write possibilities in folder 1 and full control in folder 2.

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Fedora :: Swap Never Used And Memory Filled Up

Sep 12, 2010

I've an 8GB swap (I know, overkill, but I don't have space issues, and I'd rather have too much instead of too less). The problem is that my physical memory fills up, and the system crashes, but swap usage is ALWAYS 0%
Mem: 8060580k total, 5193436k used, 2867144k free, 1013788k buffers
Swap: 8388604k total, 0k used, 8388604k free, 2262112k cached
Setting aside the fact that I can't trace why memory usage goes up to 8GB with just firefox/terminals/pidgin, why isn't my swap EVER used?

Also, if I run
# top
2301 hugo 20 0 1887m 665m 38m S 19.9 8.5 267:38.63 firefox-bin
1811 root 20 0 166m 67m 10m S 10.8 0.9 128:04.59 X
1973 hugo 20 0 306m 78m 16m S 0.8 1.0 42:30.04 compiz
2024 hugo 20 0 487m 13m 8836 S 0.2 0.2 2:14.73 Terminal
1980 hugo 20 0 333m 7228 5492 S 0.1 0.1 0:54.49 lxpanel
7048 hugo 20 0 15016 1168 820 R 0.1 0.0 0:00.03 top
(The rest are all "0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0")

If add up all of the RES columns, I get <1GB. If I add all the VIRT column, I get about 3GB. Where's the other 2GB being used? This goes up all the way to 8GB, without being able to add up where my memory's going.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 11.04 - Screen Filled With Blocks

Apr 27, 2011

This happened when I was trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 from a disc, when I boot from the USB or CD I create of Ubuntu it gets past the selection menu and then I get stuck at this screen, keyboard is completely frozen, no HDD activity light or anything. This happened the same way when trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 This is an ASUS g60jx laptop, I would have assumed this was fixed by now, is their a special graphic mode I have to enter when installing?

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Server :: Can't Run Script After Hard Disk Was Filled

Dec 13, 2010

I have a MythTV backend setup with videos also transcoded to a directory for streaming to my Roku frontend. A week ago, the backend had an issue that caused the hard disk to fill up, which borked a bunch of things up. I've since repaired the damage (and learned a lot about log size settings for logrotate.d). Anyway, my last problem is that a script I wrote to compare the files in the transcoded directory to the MythTV base directory and delete files no longer relevent doesn't work anymore. I get the following error when run by any user, including root:

bash: ./roku-autoexpire.sh: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied

The script worked fine before the hard disk fill, but now I can't seem to get it to work. Both the original MythTV partition and the streaming partition are XFS. Here's the pertinent lines from fstab:

/dev/sdb1 /var/www/mythroku xfs defaults,auto,grpid,exec,user 0 0
/dev/sdc1 /mnt/mythtv xfs defaults,exec,user 0 0
Permissions for the directories are the following:
drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 16384 2010-12-13 19:21 /var/www/mythroku
drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 20K 2010-12-13 20:13 /mnt/mythtv

I tried fiddling with the mount options for the partition, but that didn't seem to solve the problem.

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Debian Multimedia :: Piece Of Screen Don't Want To Be Filled With Windows

Nov 9, 2010

Just installed Debian 5 Lenny on my PC and found myself in front of strange problem: 3/4 of my screen is filled by graphics on default, i mean 1/4 of screen is just GREY on logon screen, and then when GNOME starts i got the lower pannel on the bottom of 3/4 of screen, but suddenly i can take it and put it on the bottom, like it should be.

same stuff with maximizng the windows. when i maximize by just pressing one of those right-top buttons - it just fills 3/4 of screen. but if i maximize it by hands at first and THEN press the button - everything feels great.

something inside me says that i should post xorg.conf


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Fedora Installation :: Process Hangs When Hourglass Filled Up

Jun 24, 2010

I tried to run Fedora 13 from a live CD on my old HP Pavilion a375c desktop (512MB RAM,3GHZ CPU,160GB Hard drive). The installation CD boots, shows the Fedora hourglass, but hangs when the hourglass is filled. I have used the same CD on a Lenovo Thinkpad T61 and a Dell desktop with 512MB memory without any problem. So the problem seems to be on the HP side. I've also tried to boot with CDLinux and Ubuntu live CD on the HP machine. All have the same symptom - hangs at the end of the hourglass during boot. Anything I can do to pass this stage? The HP spec is here: [URL].

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SUSE :: How Do One Make Window Manager To Be More Feature Filled?

Nov 13, 2010

I have Soad Linux installed. E17 environment really works fast for me. But I have a question, how do the one make window manager to be more feature filled? For example other e17 Linux distributions has a full path of file directory on the window tools frame so you can simply click on any directory from this list like "Home/Media/Movies" and you are brought back to the selected directory (Home for example). I managed to find how to enable it, but that section of windows manager doesn;t seem to work well, it is too small horizontally so in order to see other directories the one has to click small arrows and scroll. Resizing doens;t allow to make it bigger, how could I fix that?.

Also how do the one make the mounted mediums list on the left, similar like in gnome windows manager? I found a control panel which lets you choose between KDE, Gnome and LXDE (I think) for e17 But changing between them doesn't seem to change anything. Yes I rebooted the pc so it could take the effect, but no changes were made.

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Slackware :: EPSON CX6600 On 13.1 - Printing A Page Filled With Black Ink ?

Jun 30, 2010

I've been able to print with other distros (Mint, Sabayon) without problem so I'm guessing the way my printer is configured with Slack must be wrong. My CX6600 is recognized and when I try to print, it responds, but by printing a page filled with black ink. I have tried printing in Okular, Firefox and OpenOffice with the same result.

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Ubuntu :: After Updates - Stayed To Black Screen Then Filled Up With Error Messages Like About Trace Call

Nov 5, 2010

Two days ago I downloaded and installed new updates after upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10. After the update I was informed I needed to restart. Once my laptop booted up again it stayed to a black screen and then filled up with error messages like something about trace call or call trace?

I had no way to get into my system but I did have some minor success starting in an old kernel. However after a while it would freeze like the graphics driver was going wrong.

Two attempt later of reinstalling 10.10 from disc after deleting the drive content and after updating it would go back to the same.

So I have now disabled updates as I haven't a clue on which one(s) is causing these problems.

I am on a HP Pavillion dv7 with nVidia graphics card and running 64amd Ubuntu.

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Fedora :: Copy Files In Ftfs Drive To Ext3 Drive?

Dec 4, 2009

i want copy files in ftfs drive to ext3 drive. how am I do this?

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Programming :: Make The Program Check If Either On Of The Input (either $Title Or $Author) Is Not Filled Up

Jan 11, 2010

Title : Author : Price
France : Mark : 40
Persia : John : 50

how i arranged my database. I am trying to write aprogram which does a search either using Title, Author or both.


but i am still unclear on how i am able to make the program check if either on of the input(either $Title or $Author) is not filled up, and if one of it is not filled up, use the other one which is filled to do a search.

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Programming :: Does The "Exhibit A" Section At The Bottom Of The MPL Need To Be Filled Out Within The License Text Itself

Mar 1, 2011

Does the "Exhibit A" section at the bottom of the MPL need to be filled out within the license text itself? Is just including the "boiler-plate" license comment from [URL] in all source files and a verbatim copy of the MPL sufficient to cover a project?

There are blanks within the "Exhibit A" section that look like they should be filled out, yet it doesn't make sense that the license text should need to be modified in addition to the boiler-plate license comment.

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Ubuntu :: Pen Drive - Can't Erase The Files Or Format The Usb

Jan 13, 2010

I use a Kingston 1 GB USB to install a Acer one with ubuntu 9.04 and works perfect, the problem come wen i try to erase the USB. I can't erase the files or format the usb. How can I mount the unit with the RW options. The sistem say "the unid is label Read Only"

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Files On Flash Drive

Jul 8, 2010

When I delete files from my usb flash drive on my Karmic laptop (press del key), the properties of the drive remain unchanged (available space/used space). It looks like the files/folders have been deleted, but when I go to my windows machines, the files and folders are now in a folder marked "Trash".Am I missing a step when attempting to delete the information when connected to my ubuntu laptop?

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Ubuntu :: Access To Files On Installation Drive?

Aug 2, 2010

i've just installed 10.04 lts onto an external usb drive and everything seems to be working smoothly - except i cant work out how to access the other files on the usb drive. - i used the wubi installer to install ubuntu onto the drive.

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Ubuntu :: Can Read But Not Copy Files From UFS Drive

Aug 15, 2010

My Freenas server is currently off line for the moment pending the arrival of some thermo paste and I need to get some files off one of the drives. The drive is formatted in the UFS file system.I am using a usb to sata converter to hook the drive up to my laptop which is running 10.04.I am then able to browse the files by going to my /mnt folder. The problem is I cannot copy any of the files. I get a permission error. I have tried chmod 777 command to change the permission but I get an error about it being read-only. I tried running nautilus as root to copy the files but I still get a permission error. Using nautilus as root to change the permission or alter any of the read/write options fails because the drive is read only.

From what I understand I can only mount the drive as read only because its UFS and I can't change the permissions because its read only. Sounds a bit like an endless loop lol.Running Freesbie (freebsd live cd) didn't do me any good as it didn't even detect my hard drive and I don't want to learn a new OS just to transfer my files.ny advice would be appreciated. I really don't want to wait until my thermo paste comes and I will be on the road for the next couple of weeks so I won't even be able to get it setup. I need these files now.

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Ubuntu :: External Drive. All Files Not Showing Up?

Aug 29, 2010

I have an western digital elements external drive that is mounted on ubuntu 9.10. It mounts ok however when I go to a certain folder on the drive only some of the files show up. HOwever if I try to access it thru another program (xbmc file manager) all the files show up.

The files are there but I cannot view them. Also if I copy or move a file to that folder is dissappears but the file is still on the drive.

Any help. I also already hit show hidden files and nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Copying Files From One Drive To Another?

Nov 15, 2010

I've got two external hard drives, a 2TB and a 320GB. I've recently come from Windows 7. On Windows 7 I wrote a batch file which checked whether both hard drives existed and then copied a couple of folders from the 2TB to the 320GB without overwriting. I've been trying to work out how to do the same under Linux without much luck. I've tried rsync but it looks like it overwrites. Does rsync overwrite?

If it helps, the batch file I wrote in Windows

if exist D:320GBDrive (if exist H:2TBDrive (xcopy H:2TBDrive* D:320GBDrive /I/E /-Y < C:decline_copy.txt))

Which basically checks for drive D:, checks for drive H: and then copies the contents of the folder on drive H to drive D and says no every time it asks to overwrite.

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Can't See Flash Drive Files

Nov 23, 2010

I recently decided to install Ubuntu (ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso) to my 16GB flash drive (was fat32 originally, tried ntfs as well had boot issues,went back to fat32) to boot from it using the method on this page using the Universal USB Installer. Install worked great, Ubuntu works great, problem is I can't see the rest of the files on my flash drive.

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Ubuntu :: EXT4 External Drive / Cannot See All Files

Dec 3, 2010

I have an external USB drive formatted to EXT4.I can browse all folders without a problem. However, I can only see files under (I'm guessing this value) 400mb. Where a folder contains file(s) over that size, I cannot see the larger files. I am able to see smaller files in the same folder (eg jpgs).Looking at the properties of the drive, it says 584GB used. However, the "Contents" are only shown as 89GB and then a message saying "some contents unreadable".

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Ubuntu :: Mounting New Drive With Media Files?

Feb 2, 2011

I don't know anything about Unbuntu I installed it because I had a virus and I didn't have a copy of windows. I have an extra HD with lots of media on it. At first it seemed to show up but then it disappeared. I did the sudo commands and the disk shows up as sdb. I have no idea what I am doing or what to do and all the guides keep talking about adding partitions and programs I have to dl from the net. This is a stand alone computer with no net connection.

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