Ubuntu :: 320gb Hard Drive Filled Up With An Installation?

Feb 28, 2010

A month or so ago, I built a new box. I installed a previously used 320gb hard drive and a newly bought 1TB hard drive.Before formatting anything, I copied all the contents from the 320gb hd to the 1tb hd using windows, since at that time for some reason I couldn't get Ubuntu to read the 1tb drive.At some point, I managed to format the 1tb drive as ext3 (don't know why I didn't have the ext4 option), and copied the files I wanted backed up from the 320gb to the 1tb drive.Once I did that, I prepared to delete the files from the 320gb drive. The thing is I can't find them anymore. I had made a /Storage directory, and now the 1tb is called like that too.The thing is, the 320gb drive is almost full, but it only has my Ubuntu installation. I keep my file in the 1tb drive, so the 320 should be fairly empty. How large can a Ubuntu installation get? 300+ GB???

Where should I look to see what I'm using the space with? I think (this was about two months ago) I created a directory Storagetempo or something like that. How would I look for it?I realize a solution could be just reinstalling Ubuntu on the 320gb drive, since I have all my other files on the 1tb, but that seems too "windowy" to me.

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Slackware :: 13.37 Boot From A USB 320gb Hard Drive?

Jun 30, 2011

Can Slackware 13.37 boot from a USB 320gb hard drive?

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General :: Hard Drive Filled Up?

May 30, 2010

I have just recently installed Ubuntu 8.04 (i had 10.04, but the video drivers were not compatible). Here's my dilemna. I run the "df" command and notice that it appears as though the drive is 100% full with no space free. Is that correct? And where do I look for the offending file/directory?

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 304072908 304066468 0 100% /
varrun 1037700 108 1037592 1% /var/run
varlock 1037700 0 1037700 0% /var/lock
udev 1037700 68 1037632 1% /dev


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Server :: Can't Run Script After Hard Disk Was Filled

Dec 13, 2010

I have a MythTV backend setup with videos also transcoded to a directory for streaming to my Roku frontend. A week ago, the backend had an issue that caused the hard disk to fill up, which borked a bunch of things up. I've since repaired the damage (and learned a lot about log size settings for logrotate.d). Anyway, my last problem is that a script I wrote to compare the files in the transcoded directory to the MythTV base directory and delete files no longer relevent doesn't work anymore. I get the following error when run by any user, including root:

bash: ./roku-autoexpire.sh: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied

The script worked fine before the hard disk fill, but now I can't seem to get it to work. Both the original MythTV partition and the streaming partition are XFS. Here's the pertinent lines from fstab:

/dev/sdb1 /var/www/mythroku xfs defaults,auto,grpid,exec,user 0 0
/dev/sdc1 /mnt/mythtv xfs defaults,exec,user 0 0
Permissions for the directories are the following:
drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 16384 2010-12-13 19:21 /var/www/mythroku
drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 20K 2010-12-13 20:13 /mnt/mythtv

I tried fiddling with the mount options for the partition, but that didn't seem to solve the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Drive Filled UP With Two 55GB Log Files?

Mar 16, 2010

I realized that I had 0 k free on my drive and when I search to find out what was the problem this is what I have found.

In /var/log/ I had two 55GB files, one called "user.log" and the other "syslog", since it had 55GB I had to tail it and came out with this:

lucian@lucian-laptop:~/luciserver$ tail log_2ndfile_55G_tail
Mar 16 15:40:39 lucian-laptop scanadf: io/hpmud/pml.c 375: SetPml channel_write failed ret=31
Mar 16 15:40:39 lucian-laptop scanadf: sane_hpaio_cancel: already cancelled!
Mar 16 15:40:39 lucian-laptop scanadf: io/hpmud/hpmud.c 632: invalid channel_write state


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Fedora Installation :: EIDE Hard Drive Recognized As Sda Hard Drive

May 1, 2010

Trying to install Fedora 12 using the 6 CDs. Trying to install on an older x86 box.Problem is that when detecting my hard drive, Fedora 12 recognizes it as a sda hard drive instead of hda hard drive. I have no SCSI connected to my computer what so ever. It's an old fashion PATA Western Digital hard drive.If I proceed with the install, Fedora 12 only installs 200MB of the OS from the first CD only. No options for additional software or anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Build A RAID-1 System With The Two 320GB SATA HD's The Machine?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to install a box with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server with a typical LAMP system in order to replace my old Ubuntu 8.04 server I have at my school to have a "backup" system and also trying to replace NIS authentication with LDAP. Well I'm getting stuck on the first step: installation of base system.

I want to build a RAID-1 system with the two 320GB SATA HD's the machine has, I have a little experience in installing RAID because I installed my old 8.04 server with RAID-1 aswell.

I boot my box from an USB stick with Ubuntu 10.04 Server 64bit, the systems boots well, asks me about language, keyboard and so, finds the two NIC cards and the DHCP configuration of one of the card is done. Then it starts the partitioner.

One of the HD's already contains three partitions with an installation of a regional flavour of Ubuntu, the other HD only contains a partition for backups, I don't want to preserve all this stuff, so the first thing I do is to replace the partiton tables of both HD's with a new one. This is done without problems.

Then I go to the first disk, by example, and create a new partition, the partitioner ask me for the size, I write 0.5 GB (or 500 MB), then I select that it has to be a Primary partition at the beginning of the disk, all goes OK. Once created I go to the "Use as: " line, type Enter and select the option "Partition for RAID volume", when I hit Enter the error appears: the screen flickers in black for a second or two, then it shows a progress bar "Starting the partitioner..." THAT ALWAYS GET STUCK AT 47%!!!

Sometimes the partitioner allows me progress a little further (for ex. lets me activate the boot bit of the partition, or it allows me to make another partiton, even once the error didn't appeared until the first partiton of the second HD!!) but it always get stuck with the same progress bar at the 47%.

I've tried a lot of things: I downloaded again the ISO and rebuilt the USB, same result. Downloaded the ISO and rebuilt the USB from another computer, same result. Unplugged all the SATA and IDE drives except the two HD's, same result. Built a CD-ROM instead of an USB, same result. Downloaded the 10.10 server ISO (not an LTS), and the USB stick can't boot, is another error, but only to try.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Onto A Usb Flash Drive Without Using Computers Hard Drive?

Jan 23, 2010

I wanted to know if i can install 9.10 onto a usb flash drive--without using my computers hard drive at all when running ubuntu off the flash drive-

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 11.04 On External Hard Drive Drive?

Jun 19, 2011

I would like to install Linux Ubuntu 11.04 on an external hard drive - its partitioned and ready for Linux.I've downloaded and burnt the .iso file to a DVD so its all good so far...First of all... is this possible without messing up my macbook? I don't particularly want to break into my macbook to disconnect the hard drive (I read on a tutorial for a previous version of Ubuntu that I'd have to do that... - does it still apply to 11.04?) - as it voids the warranty (I checked ).The reason I ask this is because I had a friend who partitioned their internal hard drive and installed Ubuntu on it. But after installation was complete they couldn't boot up Windows 7 or Ubuntu... and it resulted in them having to clean install Windows 7... - I don't want to end up in that situation

Second... If it is possible to install it without messing up my macbook... - Do I just follow the install instructions but just make sure that where possible I make sure that everything is installed on my external hard drive?...I really need someone to put my mind at rest that everything will run smoothly and that I'll be able to run Mac OS X as usual but also that I'll be able to boot from my external hard drive to run Ubuntu.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Move Hard Drive Installation To External Drive?

Mar 30, 2011

i have installed fedora 14 with so many libraries ,development tools installed on my pc but i usually have to present some projects which can run on my system .........and can't be executed or compiled due to absence of libraries and tools there so, i there some way to so that i can use this current installation on my hard drive of my pc to some external media like external hard disk and plug and use that installation anywhere on any system..

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General :: Upgrade Internal 2.5" Hard Drive Vs External Usb Hard Drive For An Old Laptop?

Jan 25, 2010

I got a dell inspiron 1501 laptop with a 80Gb sata drive what is the best solution to add data storage space for someone that love to have multiples operating systems at hand Note: I use mostly linux so I won't need to change my laptop for many years maybe ...

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General :: Move Smaller Hard Drive To Partition On A Larger Hard Drive?

Mar 16, 2010

My parents bought a new hard drive for a laptop that I've owned for several years. It's much larger than the current one, so I plan on splitting it up to dual boot it with Ubuntu.I have no problem with partitioning a drive (I always keep a LiveCD handy), but my question is this: how can I go about moving the existing partition to the new drive? This is a laptop, so I can't simply plug the new drive into another slot.

Also, even if I manage to move it, will Windows still work on the new drive in a larger partition? I've had this laptop for quite a while, and I've lost the recovery discs that came with it a long time ago. I also have a lot of software without CDs to reinstall them with. This makes not reinstalling Windows a high priority.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 11.04 - Screen Filled With Blocks

Apr 27, 2011

This happened when I was trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 from a disc, when I boot from the USB or CD I create of Ubuntu it gets past the selection menu and then I get stuck at this screen, keyboard is completely frozen, no HDD activity light or anything. This happened the same way when trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 This is an ASUS g60jx laptop, I would have assumed this was fixed by now, is their a special graphic mode I have to enter when installing?

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CentOS 5 :: Crashing And What Appears To Be Hard Drive Errors / Bad Hard Drive?

Mar 21, 2009

Sometimes when I do anything write heavy such as transferring backup or downloading large files from the net, the machine crashes almost completely.

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Fedora Installation :: Process Hangs When Hourglass Filled Up

Jun 24, 2010

I tried to run Fedora 13 from a live CD on my old HP Pavilion a375c desktop (512MB RAM,3GHZ CPU,160GB Hard drive). The installation CD boots, shows the Fedora hourglass, but hangs when the hourglass is filled. I have used the same CD on a Lenovo Thinkpad T61 and a Dell desktop with 512MB memory without any problem. So the problem seems to be on the HP side. I've also tried to boot with CDLinux and Ubuntu live CD on the HP machine. All have the same symptom - hangs at the end of the hourglass during boot. Anything I can do to pass this stage? The HP spec is here: [URL].

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Ubuntu :: Use External Hard Drive For Virtual Box Hard Drive?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a laptop with only 30GB storage and I want to install Lubuntu in virtual box but Lubuntu needs 5GB of storage space which i dont have. Could i use an external 160GB hard drive to act as the hard drive for the virtual machine without affecting the files that are already on the external hard drive

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ubunto 8.04 Cannot Detect Sata Hard Drive Or Sata Drive Cdrw?

May 28, 2011

ubuntu 8.04 server can not detect seagate sata hard drive 2tb or sata Lg dvdrw x22 sata drive .is it possible to install it without buying a pci ide sata card?is it possible to get a driver for sata driver and sata drive that can be recognise by ubunto 8.04 server ?or to get the files for 1.44 floppy diskdoes the late edition of unbutu recognise sate hdd and sata cdrw drive automaticly during the installation of the unbutu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Installation Fails Not Paritition Nor Hard Drive Visible

Mar 13, 2011

10.10 installation fails: not paritition nor hard drive visible, Gparted does not start: trying to install 10.10 as a 2nd boot to windows Xp MCE installation. I get the the stage "allocate drive space", but there is not device nor hard drive visible. if I click install now I get an error message, no root file system defined. please correct this from the partitiioning menu.If I sart GPARtition, it does not start.I am totally lost, I have two parititions on hard drive that i created with fresh XP MCE installation, one dedicated to XP, other I reserverd for Ubuntu. Neither one is viisible at the installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Full Installation On USB External Hard Drive?

Apr 26, 2010

I disconnect my internal Windows hard drive first. Then run the installer from the Desktop CD. Everything works great.This is approximately the steps I take: I reboot, everything is good. I reconnect my internal hard drive, boot to Windows, reboot back to Kubuntu, everything is still good. I run updates and follow the instructions of the Comprehensive Multimedia & Video Howto. I reboot again, still no problems. At this point, I figure everything is OK and I have no worries. I boot to Windows and do some work in that environment. The next time I boot to the external Kubuntu hard drive, I get the following errors:

Begin: Starting AppArmor profiles ...
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation On External Hard Drive Fail

Jan 10, 2011

My original intention was to install a distribution of Ubuntu onto an external hard drive so i can use it on different computers. I first downloaded and burned a copy of Ubuntu 10.10 and booted my Acer laptop to it. I then plugged in my external hard drive and tried to install ubuntu onto it by partitioning the external hard drive. After I did that, I booted from the external hard drive on my laptop and it ran the new distribution i created. However, when I tried to boot it from a different computer it said something like "partition not found." So the next time I tried to install ubuntu onto the external hard drive with out partitioning it, using the entire drive. This is what started to cause problems.

Now when I start up my laptop without the external hard drive plugged in i get "error: no such device: xxxx..... grub rescue>. When I start it up with the hard drive plugged in a grub comes up with the new installation, my old ubuntu installation, and my old windows vista.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Error No Hard Drive Detected

Feb 11, 2011

After lot's of research i still can't find any solution to my problem, that's why i'm posting a message here.So, it's been few days now that i'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10, with the live CD, but each time when i must choose where to install it or how to make partition, it just tell me there is no hard drive..(i have two 1 TB sata hard drive )So i tried many things, GParted doesn't find my hard drive either, they appear in the bios (i can run windows), try to uninstall a raid program that might hide the hard drive, but it didn't work either.

So i came to see that i had Marvell 9123 which seems to be a SATA controller, and few people seems to have some similar issue with that Marvell stuff..I'm quite desperate now.. i tried to install ubuntu on a USB drive but my computer just doesn't boot on it (i tried this method for the sb drive URL...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 On Second Hard Drive?

Feb 18, 2010

Just wanted to ask the wisdom of those who installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a second HD (win Xp is allready on the first HD) how this is exactly done. In addition, I read some old threads ( [URL] and one suggestion is to change the second HD (where ubuntu indends to sit) to be the primary HD. If I'm not wrong this requires changing the hardware itself (jumpers), something that I preffer not to do. So I would also like to know if hardware changes are nessasary

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Ubuntu :: Cannot See My Hard Drive During Installation?

Jul 3, 2010

I decided to migrate my PC over to it the problem is though ubuntu cannot seem to find my hard drive when it comes to ask about the Partition Table.At the moment my hard drive is running Windows 7. When I boot into ubuntu from the Live CD I can see the drive in there and browse it so it doesn't look like a driver issue to me.My next though was maybe the install CD was broken to I downloaded it again and wrote to a fresh CD...same thing. I also get an error during boot saying "An unrecoverable error has occurred" but it then continues to boot (this is when booting to the Live CD not windows).

So I then thought OK, I'll try and install Kubuntu then install Gnome over the top of it...same thing on Kubuntu. No error message this time but when it comes to asking me to setup the partitions I just get a blank screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Will Not Recognize Hard Drive?

Mar 3, 2010

I have 4 hard drives in my computer...2x 74gb raptorsand 2x 640gb caviar blacksi just wiped windows 7 from the first raptor to install linux... now when i try to install linux it tries combining the 2 raptors as a raid (which i don't have them set up for)i just want to install it on my 1st raptor.i disabled the dmraid and that took care of it trying to combine them as a raid, but then it won't recognize either of the raptors.so i try gparted to format them. and i succeed.but when i try to install again. it still doesn't recognize the raptors... and only my 640gb blacksso i disconnected the power from the blacks... but to no avail, now no hard drives show up when i'm trying to install ubuntu... i am stumped.sorry if that doesn't make much sense... ask questions and i will be glad to answer them, its very frustrating.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Preparing A Hard Drive For Installation?

May 21, 2010

Ive an IBM Thinkpad T41 that im hoping to isntall Ubuntu on. I installed it with dual boot as windows xp was already on it and all went fine. Now Ive downloaded the lastest Ubuntu release and burnt it to disk. I have several spare hard drives that will slot internally into my Thinkpad Most if not all are formated to NTFS My question is, and believe me i have search for days about this. From what I have searched, -I dont need to format this drive to ext3 to install ubuntu? -However any drives Ive tried all NTFS and tried booting from the CD just cause my installation to hang, just boots to a black screen -The same CD will allow me to install a dual boot so I know its not the Disk. Do i need to format my drive first? I dont want a dual boot system I just want a fresh install

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Drive With 0 Space On It

Jan 24, 2010

I downloaded the Ubuntu installer for windows and it gave me a pop-up saying:
256MB of memory are required for installation. Only 233MB are available. Installation may fail in such circumstances. Do you wish to continue anyway?
This is an odd situation because when I finished installation of Ubuntu the first time (I uninstalled it,) it wasn't responsive and said my hard drive had 0 space on it. I still have about 23GB left on my disk. How do I clear out space so the installation can work properly?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Install/bad Hard Drive?

Feb 20, 2010

I've got a computer where Comodo Time Machine totally wiped out the hard drive..Now when I try to boot up it says I have a registry problem..K, I thought I might be able to save my files, etc., by installing Ubuntu 9.04 to recover them..I put in the disk and Ubuntu booted up fine..I first tried to run Ubuntu without any changes to the computer..It keepsscrolling, fast at first then slows down and it says things like 1238.50734 sr 1:0:0:0:[sr0] Add.Sense:No seek complete or the number and beside it buffer I/O error on device sr0 logical block..The numbers started out in the 600's with basically the same thing but with logical block 321537..I tried to do an install, and it did the same thing..Does anybody know what this is and is there a fix or am I just spit out of luck and my hard drive is nrecoverable..I just did the check disk for errors and it found errors in 2 files.

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Ubuntu :: Move Installation To New Hard Drive

Mar 2, 2010

The HDD on which I currently have my Ubuntu partition(s) (as well as a Windows partition) is dying on me (non-zero bad sector count, with warning pop-ups from Ubuntu). I have already ordered a replacement hard drive*, but I was wondering if there is a simple way to transfer the contents of my current hard drive to my new hard drive in such a way that the new one will be a fully functional replacement (e.g. so that everything will boot and run properly on the new hard drive). Which is a different size (bigger) than the current drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Drive Won't Boot / What To Do?

Mar 9, 2010

I recently put together a computer with scrap parts that I have. It had no operating system on it at all. I downloaded Ubuntu on a different computer and burned it to a CD (I also verified the hash). I put the disk in and followed the instructions. Then when it wanted me to take the disc out and reboot I did so and clicked ok and it rebooted. I changed the boot order so that 0-HDD was first, and it said that the disk failed and wanted me to put in the system cd. Anybody have any solutions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing An OS On A Hard Drive?

Apr 24, 2010

So i have a computer running ubuntu, but i need to use this computer to install another OS to a hard drive connected via USB that will be installed on a laptop. How do i do this with an ISO file?

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