Ubuntu :: DD Disk Clone For Some Partitions

Jun 11, 2011

I have a 160Gb Hard drive with 3 partitions. sda1, sda2, sda3. sda1 & 2 are just under 20 GB each. the other 120 GB is free space. I have so many 40GB hard drives! I would like to copy (with dd) the MBR, sda1 & 2 to a 40GB hard drive and be able to just use that so I can free up my 160GB hard drives. Typically when I want to clone something, the drives are equal or larger than the original. I'm not too sure about this, and if I use code (show below), will I also get the MBR? #where sda is the 160gb with 3 partitions and drive sdb is a 40GB drive with 2 partitions.

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
Also, is there a way I can do this with 1 line, or have both dd operations running simultaneously?

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Security :: Clone Hard Disk With Cat /dev/sda >/media/disk/backup?

Apr 16, 2009

Can this be done and to restore the disk with a similar cat command.

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General :: Copy / Clone Usb Stick That Have Several Partitions?

May 6, 2010

Is there a good way from the shell to copy/clone a usb stick that have several partitions?

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Ubuntu :: Use DD To Clone One Disk To Many

Jan 25, 2011

I was thinking about make a clone machine. I was thinking about use a old computer that have some SATA connection. One disk is source and then I add some other disk to destination. I going to have Linux on USB stick. I have look at dd and it look nice but what I can see it only use one disk to another.
dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy
is it possible to add more then one destination?

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Ubuntu :: USB Disk Clone With Dd But Still Not Exact Copy?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm trying to clone a 2GB USB memory stick to another stick just like it (same size and brand). The src drive has three partitions, one fat, one ext2 and one encrypted (in that order). It also has an mbr. I create the clone using the following command:

dd if=/dev/xxx of=/dev/xxx bs=512k conv=noerror,notrunc

Once it's done the mbr, the ext2 and the encrypted partitions seem fine, but the fat one is slightly modified on the clone. Here is a hex dump of the (broken) clones fat partition followed by a dump of the original partition.

0000000 3ceb 6d90 646b 736f 7366 0000 0402 0001
0000010 0002 0002 f800 00bc 003e 0040 0000 0000


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Ubuntu Installation :: Clone A USB Startup Disk?

Apr 19, 2011

I often run various computers from my Ubuntu 10.04 USB startup disk. Every now and then, people get interested and want a copy of their own. Since I have installed a few extras (VLC, codecs, flash etc) on the disk, not just the out of the box 10.04, I would like to create a clone of the USB startup disk, to give away. How can it be done?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Clone The 11.4 To A New Disk

Sep 9, 2011

I used opensuse three years ago. Then I moved to ubuntu, because it was easier for me to use ubuntu at that time. Now, I move back to opensuse again. But I want to know how to clone the opensuse system to another hard disk. I mean I have my opensuse well, I do backup to my opensuse system and restore it to another harddisk with the same partition.

When I used ubuntu, I used a very good small open-source software, named 'Ucloner'. You can find it at ucloner - Backup/restore/clone your Ubuntu, and make Live-Ubuntu. - Google Project Hosting . It is very handy to backup the ubuntu system and restore or clone it to a new harddisk. Especially, when restoring the system, the grub can be installed to the new harddisc automatically with the UUID of the new harddisc (very amazing). But it is only for ubuntu. I am looking for a software with the similar function.

I have tried Clonezilla. No problem to do backup and restore. But I failed to boot the restored system even with the same harddisc. I know it is the problem of GRUB. Even reinstalling the grub, I still can not boot into the system.

My question is

1. is there any software that allows me to backup the opensuse and restore it to another harddisc with the grub installed to the new harddisc automatically?

2. If no software for question 1, what software or application is good to backup and restore the opensuse and how to reinstalled the grub to the new harddisc with different UUID?

3. Since the Ucloner is open-source, is there anybody having interest in change the ucloner code to fit for opensuse? I guess there should be much change, because ubuntu and opensuse are linux both?

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Copy / Clone Entire Disk Including MBR?

Apr 30, 2011

I have win7 and ubuntu on a 250gb hard drive. I would like to move this to a 1tb drive. Is it possible to clone the entire hard drive, including the MBR? Thought about doing a disk image but unsure if this is the answer. I am using win7 64 pro and ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Non-system Disk Or Disk Error With Manual Partitions

Apr 9, 2010

This is the third 9.10 install to do this on two different laptops, so wondering what's up...

In both cases, the goal was to leave a large chunk of unpartitioned disk after the Ubuntu partitions, for a second OS install or a filesystem Ubuntu cannot create like NTFS.

When I install with manual partitions, the system can't boot and asks for me to insert a system disk and press any key. When I reinstall telling Ubuntu to "use the entire disk" it then works.

First laptop, first try:

Remainder of the 500GB disk is free space.

Fails to boot, "insert system disk".

First laptop, second try without the /boot partition:

Remainder of the 500GB disk is free space.

Fails to boot, "insert system disk".

"use entire disk" works perfectly.

Second laptop, first try:

Same thing, non-system disk or disk error, insert system disk.

Second try "use entire disk" is currently in progress but I expect the same to happen.

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General :: Clone A Larger Disk To Smaller With Cp?

Jul 10, 2010

I need to clone a 160GB hard drive with Linux Mint 9 (not more than 10GB used) to a 30GB SSD that is partitioned carefully (aligned to cylinder boundaries) and is currently running Ubuntu (which I wish to overwrite with Linux Mint 9). The SSD has a /boot partition, / and swap. The source (160 GB) does not have a separate boot partition. Can anyone help me fill in the steps below? /dev/sdc will be the source (160GB) and /dev/sda is the target (with partitions 1,2 and swap on 5).

make a copy of /etc/fstab from the target drive before proceeding. Ready the target partitions. Can I reuse the existing destination partitions on the SSD? Ready the filesystems on each of the target partitions. /boot is ext2, / is ext4 and swap is already set up too. As I said, all contain data (Ubuntu) that I wish to overwrite. So what steps are needed here? Do I need to erase anything (files, etc.) before the copy/clone? next, use dd to copy MBR (right?) And exclude partition table:


dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sda1 count=1 bs=446

Mount the source and destination drives:


mount -t ext4 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/source
mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot_target
mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt/root_target

I suppose I can leave the swap partition on the target untouched. Copy the files from the source partition to the destination


cp -a /mnt/source/boot /mnt/boot_target
cp -a /mnt/source/ /mnt/root_target

then I assume I go to /mnt/root_target and delete the /boot directory, right? Change /etc/fstab to reflect the new partitions. I mount by label. Will my partition labels be intact after this? Do I have to make any changes to GRUB? Anything else?

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Ubuntu :: Use Ddrescue To Clone A Dying Disk To A Remote Machine Using Ssh?

Sep 16, 2010

im trying to use ddrescue to clone a dying disk to a remote machine using ssh. this is my command:


sudo ddrescue --block-size=4KiB /dev/sda1 - | ssh user@address 'cat /data/backup.img'

it returns the error "cat: can't open '/data/backup.img': No such file or directory"

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Debian :: Create A Warm Backup (clone Disk) Of O.S. Without Restart Computer?

Jan 17, 2011

I use clonezilla cd live to backup my Debain Squeese O.S.,

there is the possibility to create a warm backup (clone disk) of O.S. without restart the computer ?

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CentOS 5 :: Clone - Says An Error That "no Partition Found On Hard Disk"

Mar 23, 2010

I have just clone from my previous IDE hard disk to a bigger IDE hard disk with clonezilla. However, when I boot my system with the new hard disk using the installation disk, it says an error that "no linux partition found on hard disk".

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Software :: Finding A Software To Clone A Hard Disk With Fedora?

Aug 5, 2010

What is the best software to clone a hard disk with Fedora

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Ubuntu :: Test Disk - With Extended Partitions ?

Jul 16, 2010

Something bad happened to my partition table, so right now I'm working from a Live CD. My partition table is completely screwed, although the data on the lost partitions hasn't been overwritten. I've been messing around with TestDisk for about an hour, but I still didn't figure out how to fix my problem.

Before the crash, I had 5 partitions:

And here comes the extended partition:

TestDisk can see all those five partitions. I can mark swap as Logical, but I can't do so with the 400GB NTFS partition - there is just no selection. Turning on "expert mode" didn't help. I have read about using sfdisk to fix partition table, but I don't think I'm able to do it by myself.

Here's how it looks in TestDisk:


And, here is my slightly modified sfdisk table dump:


I've filled sizes according to TestDisk's findings. First 3 partitions were OK, the problem lies in the extended partition holding 2 logical ones.

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Ubuntu :: Format Disk With Corrupted Partitions?

Aug 9, 2010

I got a 40GB seagate HDD which has got through some unsuccessful windows and linux installations and now all the partition tables are corrupted... I tried to format with System>Administration>DiskUtility but it gives this error when I'm do: Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sdb: Input/output error gParted was not even useful since it didn't not even detected the drive...

Isn't there any simple way to format the crap from the Ubuntu 10.04 Live CD? I believe that on windows, there wouldn't be that problem since the "format c:" crap just format the drive without asking questions. All I want to do is to format the drive so I can create partitions later. Also, I have only access to the live CD and I don't have any Diskette drive installed.. I believe we now live in a world where this crap isn't needed to fix a computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Add Any More Disk Space To Latter Partitions

Mar 4, 2011

I am installing 10.10 on my PC. I have changed the hardware and the previous install was for a x64 I now have x32. I ran the live disk and have selected install. I am now on the partition page, (manual). I am happy with the concept of partitioning and which partition is which, but I can only change the linux partition. At the moment I have @60G NTFS, 1G swap and @18G Linux. I want to reduce linux partition to about 12G (which is fine I've done that) I now have free space. I want to increase the swap partition to 2G and the remainder to be added to the NTFS partition. However, I can't add any more disk space to the latter partitions. The Swap partition has the space bar available, but the increase is greyed out and on the NTFS partition, there is no option at all.

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Ubuntu :: Hard Disk Performance - Partitions ?

Apr 6, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 is dual booted but it is my primary OS.

Unfortunately it's on the outer edges of the disk in an extended partition.

This has always bugged me, with regards to read/write performance.

Do my concerns of reduced performance have any foundation? Should i bite the bullet and format the drive installing ubuntu first?

I ran the disk read benchmark and my read speeds were 100MB/Sec at the beginning of the test to just 55MB/Sec at the end. I have no idea if the position of the test has any bearing on the position of the disk or whether the speed recorded is affected by other factors such as the tests function or simulation.

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Ubuntu :: Write Speed For Hard Disk And / Or Partitions

May 10, 2010

I have what seems to be a hard disk Write speed problems with my first hard drive. Timing the cp command of a 700 Meg file takes about 8 secs from disk 2 to 3 but takes 25 minutes from disk 2 to disk 1.

Here are the details:
Kubuntu 9.04 (Kernel 2.6.28-15-generic)
Hard Disk 1 : /dev/sda (WDC WD2500KS-00MJB0)
/dev/sda1 ext3 / 10 Gigs
/dev/sda2 extended 222 Gigs
/dev/sda5 linux-swap 2 Gigs
/dev/sda6 ext /home 220 Gigs

Hard Disk 2 : /dev/sdb (WDC WD2500AAKS-00F0A0)
Partitioned :
/dev/sdb1 ntfs 16 gigs
/dev/sdb2 xfs /home/eric/data_drive 216 Gigs
Hard Disk 2 : /dev/sdc (ST3500320AS)
/dev/sdc1 xfs /home/eric/data_drive2 465 Gigs

By doing 'time cp ...sdb1/test.avi ...sdc1' takes about 8 seconds and same vice-versa. the command 'time cp ...sdb1/test.avi ...sdb1/test1.avi takes about 11 seconds and the same holds true if sdc1 is used But copy sdb1 or sdc1/test.avi to either sda1 or sda6 and it takes 25 minutes. Same problem if I copy from the same drive partition (sda). I have booted a livecd Knoppix 6.2 and the same problems happens.. So safe to say it's not Kubuntu. The only thing that is left to do is backup and reformat the partitions as XFS and try again. I also did a full smartcontrol Extended test and no errors. Checked all the various logs and nothing found.

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Ubuntu :: New Hard Drive - Copy The Partitions On My 175 GB Disk To The New One?

May 17, 2010

I just bought a new 2 TB hard disk to replace my old 175 gig one. I currently am dual-booting Lucid Lynx and Windows 7, and rather than go through the process of reinstalling both, then reinstalling all my programs, settings, and everything, I was wondering if there's a way I can just copy the partitions on my 175 GB disk to the new one, grow them to fill up the rest of the free space on the new 2 TB disk, and then plug that HD into the primary master plug on my motherboard... will that work?

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Disk Image / Archive Of Old Partitions?

Jun 30, 2010

I am installing Linux on some spare space I left over from my previous two Windows installations.

From within Linux, what's the most risk-free way of imaging these two partitions and saving them to a single image file or archive? I want to preserve the entire partition because I have no idea what I may have forgotten to copy. What is the most suitable program that can do this?

Is there any way to run the partition in a virtual machine at a later date?

After this is done, I want to delete those old partitions and extend my Linux ones.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't See Either Windows Or Hard Disk Partitions

Nov 9, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit on my laptop HP pavilion 3046ee . When I reach the partition part , it doesn't detect the Windows 7 os , and doesn't detect any hard disk partitions ( it sees the whole hard disk as one unallocated partition ). I faced the same problem when I tried Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount Hard Disk Partitions ?

Dec 22, 2010

Im new to ubuntu. How to auto mount hard disk partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Lvm Volume Shown In Test Disk But Not The Partitions

Jan 29, 2011

I have 2 hdd

lvm was created in 2nd partition type primary.

yesterday i had deleted all partitions in the first drive of windows only from ubuntu disk utility. today i went to install windows and the partition space was shown as [139gb] , i thought this is the first hard disk. But my guess is windows must have taken the free space on my home partition inside lvm[ 150gb which roughly translates to 139 GiB.

SO first i deleted the whole partition of 139gb which was shown different in unallocated space as a slight less figure and then i created a 30gb partition on that space shown and went ahead, windows post creation again showed 139gb and then gave a message on next window that partition does not contain data to install windows xp. Strange i thought, this becoz next screen before the format partition as ntfs is all to be shown. Then i just felt something fishy and rebooted and then ubuntu of 2nd hdd is not booting.

I ran test disk from gparted live cd and i find td recovered the boot drive but not the 2nd primary partition in which lvm [root,home,swap] is created. It shows the lvm as 279gb. But not the 3 logical partitions inside it.

Now when i boot post the grub menu i get the following message

This disk contains all my data and the first drive was also wiped out full. test disk is not able to get anything on that windows drive.........

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Ubuntu :: Use GParted To Make Partitions Then Install Disk?

Jun 17, 2011

I will be installing Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS. The partitioning install section is text based and IMO a bit cryptic. I was wondering: Can I first set up my partitions with Gparted live disk and then pop-in the server install disk and install using the partition structure I made with GParted?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Erasing The Entire Disk Or Specifying The Partitions Manually

Jan 28, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 alongside windows on my laptop's harddrive. When I was going through the procedure it gave me the option of a guided partition of my harddrive... however there was an error. At this stage I unplugged my external harddrive because it's sometimess a bit dodgy and restarted the installation process. However everytime since that I have tried to install, it only gives me the option of erasing the entire disk or specifying the partitions manually

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Disk Partitions Not Detected In 10.10 LiveCD

Nov 21, 2010

I tried to install ubuntu 10.10 today through livecd. but the partitions in my 60gb samsung harddisk are not detected. My entire harddisk is shown as unallocated free space. Also gparted is not detecting the partitions as well. I am currently not facing any problems with my partitions in windows xp. I tried the solution given here (to no avail): [URL]. I have had no such problems with previous versions of ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Overwrite The Whole Disk - Recognize The Existing Partitions?

Jan 8, 2011

I have reinstalled XP and conseqently messed up Grub and lost Ubuntu. I am trying to do a fresh install but the installer insists on trying to overwrite the whole disk. I downloaded the alternate instal ISO as this has got over this problem in the past but this also wanted to overwrite the whole disk. It recognises the Sata Raid array as being nfts (this is my main data disk) but it doesn't recognise the existing partitions on my main disk:

18G windows
18G Old Ubuntu
113G nfts data disk

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Seen By Gpart And Disk Manager - Not By Installer

Apr 11, 2011

Wanting to dual boot XP with UBUNTU. Live CD verified good.

ran df in terminal:

Ran sudo fdisk -lu in terminal:

Partition table entries are not in disk order

Originally I had two partitions for Windows xp of 100 gig each. I cleared / backed up the second partition and created two 50 gig partitions, splitting the second into two linux (using Gparted) partitions labelled root and swap.

Disk Utility sees this hdd as a RAID component. It is connected through a RAID controller.

The installer (in allocate drive space step) doesn't see them for some reason.

AMD Athlon 64+clawhammer processor
Asus A8N-SLI mobo
hdd as above
2 Gig RAM
DVD / CD Burner

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General :: Make The Partitions On The Hard Disk?

Jan 4, 2010

I want to make the transition from windows (sick of it). Im using Lenovo G530 Laptop and was wondering which would be the best Linux Os (meaning Ubuntu, fedora or something else). Keep in mind that I mostly use my laptop for college work and a lot of video and audio editing. I also want to be able to run Dual operating system (meaning that I wanna run both Linux and Windows) from the same computer as it might be easier for me to make the transition a little bit more easier. That being said I need someone to give me tutorials (video preferred) on how to make the partitions on the hard disk and step by step instruction on how to install both the two OS in my laptop.

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