Software :: Finding A Software To Clone A Hard Disk With Fedora?

Aug 5, 2010

What is the best software to clone a hard disk with Fedora

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Security :: Clone Hard Disk With Cat /dev/sda >/media/disk/backup?

Apr 16, 2009

Can this be done and to restore the disk with a similar cat command.

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CentOS 5 :: Clone - Says An Error That "no Partition Found On Hard Disk"

Mar 23, 2010

I have just clone from my previous IDE hard disk to a bigger IDE hard disk with clonezilla. However, when I boot my system with the new hard disk using the installation disk, it says an error that "no linux partition found on hard disk".

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Fedora :: Clone The Identical Hard Drives?

Jan 12, 2010

I have two identical 73 GB Scsi ulta320 scsi drives, Fedora web server is install on one drive with all web files and etc. I wish to make an exact clone of the drive that will boot and run everything as the current drive does now. Is there a download of a program I could download or purchase that would boot and make an exact clone to do the above.

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Software :: Finding A GTK Clone Of KSCREENSHOT?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a lightbox runnign an old CPU pentium III with Debian Stable with Icewm. It works very well, I have not Gnome nor KDE because they are too demanding in ressources. I am glad of using app running often GTK, e.g. geany with rocks. since I would like to do cropping or "screenshooting" with a given screen area selection, a clone of Kscreeshot would be ideal. Anyone would know what could be employed for that purpose?

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Software :: Finding An Agenda Lotus Clone Or Similar Using GTK?

Feb 6, 2011

finding an Agenda Lotus Clone or similar using GTK?

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Hardware :: Master Hard Disk Error After Installing Ubuntu 8.10 / Hard Disk Died

Apr 8, 2009

after installing Ubuntu on one WD 500 GB hard disk and after making mistake and pasting wrong code into Terminal:my OTHER WD 500 GB hard disk that was also in the system (I guess it was "hd1") - died.The problem must be, I guess, I typed wrong code: "hd1,1" instead of "hd0,0".)500 GB (NTFS) of data was on that other (non-Ubuntu) hard disk, and now I can not access it anymore. While booting, system gives "Hard Disk Error" warning and stops.One again: I installed Ubuntu od one hard disk and at the end of instalation I pasted wrong code for GRUB, giving address of another hard disk. Now that other hard disk has error and will not work

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy Hard Disk Have 10.04 And Ext4 To 1000 Hard Disk?

Sep 23, 2010

I want to copy hard disk have ubuntu 10.04 and ext4 to 1000 hard disk for new 1000

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Hardware :: Adding Second Hard Disk With Windows To Boot With Grub On First Hard Disk

Jul 7, 2009

I have a sata 320 gb with mandriva linux 2009.1 on it.And it is what curently atached to my cpu. It is shown as 'sda' in the partition table.I also have another 40gb hard disk with windows xp installed on it.It is shown as 'hda' in the partition table . Now what i want to do is attach this 40gb hard disk to my pc and configure grub on my 320gb hard disk('sda') so as to boot windows xp(which is residing on the second hard disk,'hda')Can anyone tell me if what im doing is feasible or not? If it is feasible,can anyone suggest me how to get it working. I know i just need to add 2-3 lines to my grub.conf, but dont know what exactly i need to write.

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General :: Changing GRUB From An External Hard Disk To The Internal Hard Disk?

May 14, 2010

I had a dual boot (windows 7 + debian), both of them installed in my internal hard disk, with the GRUB in it. I have recently installed a second linux distro (mint), but I put it in an external hard disk. Now the GRUB allows me to boot any of the three operating systems, but I need the external disk to do it. It seems that after the mint installation the GRUB is now working from the external disk (if the external disk is not connected, the machine does not boot.) �Is there a way to change the location of the GRUB, to the internal hard disk of my laptop?

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Hardware :: Check Hard Disk For Errors. Possible Hard Disk Failure?

Jun 21, 2011

I was using Terminal and browsing a directory in my home folder. My "home" directory is located on "/dev/sdb1". When in Terminal I typed "ls" in one of my directories and the output was garbage. The output didn't show the files in the directory. I think it said something like, "input/output error". Unfortunately, I didn't write the exact error down. Instead I rebooted.The hard disk with the problem is:

$ sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdb
[sudo] password for brian:


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Ubuntu :: Use DD To Clone One Disk To Many

Jan 25, 2011

I was thinking about make a clone machine. I was thinking about use a old computer that have some SATA connection. One disk is source and then I add some other disk to destination. I going to have Linux on USB stick. I have look at dd and it look nice but what I can see it only use one disk to another.
dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy
is it possible to add more then one destination?

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Hardware :: How To Clone A Hard Drive

Feb 13, 2009

how to clone a hard drive i managed to change the drive (12G) on the wife's old laptop for a spanking new 60G where i will be able to install Slackware.Even though her operating system is Windows Millenium everything went smoothly for the transfer , i used an older version of Gparted (0-3.4.10 i think).

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Clone The 11.4 To A New Disk

Sep 9, 2011

I used opensuse three years ago. Then I moved to ubuntu, because it was easier for me to use ubuntu at that time. Now, I move back to opensuse again. But I want to know how to clone the opensuse system to another hard disk. I mean I have my opensuse well, I do backup to my opensuse system and restore it to another harddisk with the same partition.

When I used ubuntu, I used a very good small open-source software, named 'Ucloner'. You can find it at ucloner - Backup/restore/clone your Ubuntu, and make Live-Ubuntu. - Google Project Hosting . It is very handy to backup the ubuntu system and restore or clone it to a new harddisk. Especially, when restoring the system, the grub can be installed to the new harddisc automatically with the UUID of the new harddisc (very amazing). But it is only for ubuntu. I am looking for a software with the similar function.

I have tried Clonezilla. No problem to do backup and restore. But I failed to boot the restored system even with the same harddisc. I know it is the problem of GRUB. Even reinstalling the grub, I still can not boot into the system.

My question is

1. is there any software that allows me to backup the opensuse and restore it to another harddisc with the grub installed to the new harddisc automatically?

2. If no software for question 1, what software or application is good to backup and restore the opensuse and how to reinstalled the grub to the new harddisc with different UUID?

3. Since the Ucloner is open-source, is there anybody having interest in change the ucloner code to fit for opensuse? I guess there should be much change, because ubuntu and opensuse are linux both?

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Ubuntu :: DD Disk Clone For Some Partitions

Jun 11, 2011

I have a 160Gb Hard drive with 3 partitions. sda1, sda2, sda3. sda1 & 2 are just under 20 GB each. the other 120 GB is free space. I have so many 40GB hard drives! I would like to copy (with dd) the MBR, sda1 & 2 to a 40GB hard drive and be able to just use that so I can free up my 160GB hard drives. Typically when I want to clone something, the drives are equal or larger than the original. I'm not too sure about this, and if I use code (show below), will I also get the MBR? #where sda is the 160gb with 3 partitions and drive sdb is a 40GB drive with 2 partitions.

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
Also, is there a way I can do this with 1 line, or have both dd operations running simultaneously?

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General :: Use Hard Disk Image Like A Regular Hard Disk?

Apr 6, 2010

If you have a hard disk image (including partition table, multiple partitions,...), is it possible to let Linux treat it as a regular hard disk?

By "regular hard disk" I mean I would like to have the image show up as, for instance, /dev/hdx and its partitions as /dev/hdx1,...

(I know I can mount one of the partitions in the image using "mount -o loop,offset=x ..." but I don't really like this option.)

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Ubuntu :: Clone A Hard Drive Using Dd & Netcat?

Jan 7, 2010

i'm trying to clone a hard drive using dd & netcat.


on target:
nc -l -p 1333 |dd of=/dev/sdb
on source:
dd if=/dev/sdb |nc 1333

However after a while since the process was initiated I get a

I/O error in filesystem ("....") meta-data dev ...block 0x..... ("xfs_read_buf") error 5 buf count 512 XFS: size check 2 failed

Further digging showed that the target hard drive was less in space by 100 kb. Both are 1 T drives seagte but different models, hence the diff in space maybe.The data on the original drive is only 900 GB.

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Ubuntu :: USB Disk Clone With Dd But Still Not Exact Copy?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm trying to clone a 2GB USB memory stick to another stick just like it (same size and brand). The src drive has three partitions, one fat, one ext2 and one encrypted (in that order). It also has an mbr. I create the clone using the following command:

dd if=/dev/xxx of=/dev/xxx bs=512k conv=noerror,notrunc

Once it's done the mbr, the ext2 and the encrypted partitions seem fine, but the fat one is slightly modified on the clone. Here is a hex dump of the (broken) clones fat partition followed by a dump of the original partition.

0000000 3ceb 6d90 646b 736f 7366 0000 0402 0001
0000010 0002 0002 f800 00bc 003e 0040 0000 0000


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Ubuntu Installation :: Clone A USB Startup Disk?

Apr 19, 2011

I often run various computers from my Ubuntu 10.04 USB startup disk. Every now and then, people get interested and want a copy of their own. Since I have installed a few extras (VLC, codecs, flash etc) on the disk, not just the out of the box 10.04, I would like to create a clone of the USB startup disk, to give away. How can it be done?

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General :: Clone A Larger Disk To Smaller With Cp?

Jul 10, 2010

I need to clone a 160GB hard drive with Linux Mint 9 (not more than 10GB used) to a 30GB SSD that is partitioned carefully (aligned to cylinder boundaries) and is currently running Ubuntu (which I wish to overwrite with Linux Mint 9). The SSD has a /boot partition, / and swap. The source (160 GB) does not have a separate boot partition. Can anyone help me fill in the steps below? /dev/sdc will be the source (160GB) and /dev/sda is the target (with partitions 1,2 and swap on 5).

make a copy of /etc/fstab from the target drive before proceeding. Ready the target partitions. Can I reuse the existing destination partitions on the SSD? Ready the filesystems on each of the target partitions. /boot is ext2, / is ext4 and swap is already set up too. As I said, all contain data (Ubuntu) that I wish to overwrite. So what steps are needed here? Do I need to erase anything (files, etc.) before the copy/clone? next, use dd to copy MBR (right?) And exclude partition table:


dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sda1 count=1 bs=446

Mount the source and destination drives:


mount -t ext4 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/source
mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot_target
mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt/root_target

I suppose I can leave the swap partition on the target untouched. Copy the files from the source partition to the destination


cp -a /mnt/source/boot /mnt/boot_target
cp -a /mnt/source/ /mnt/root_target

then I assume I go to /mnt/root_target and delete the /boot directory, right? Change /etc/fstab to reflect the new partitions. I mount by label. Will my partition labels be intact after this? Do I have to make any changes to GRUB? Anything else?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Clone / Expand To New Hard Drive?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm looking to move my 10.04 installation from an 80 GB HD to a 250 GB HD.

Last week, I successfully moved a Windows system from an 80 GB HD to a 320 GB HD using Clonezilla. However, I must have missed a command option, as I wound up with only 80 GB used on the new drive, and the remaining space unused. I used PartedMagic to resize the partition to use the full space, and all is now well.

Back to my Ubuntu move, on the second machine, I currently have three partitions - /, /swap, and /home. I'd like to expand / just a small amount, leave /swap sized as it is, and give most of the drive space to /home (as that is where I am running out of space). I think I have two options:

Option 1: Use Clonezilla to clone the drive (3 partitions), and then use PartedMagic to move/resize the partitions as desired.

Option 2: Use PartedMagic to set up 3 partitions to the sizes I want, then use Clonezilla to copy to the new partitions.

Option 1 seems to be the easier way. But, is there another option, a better way? Perhaps there's a command option in CloneZilla that I'm just not seeing, which would allow me to do the move in one step?

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Ubuntu :: Clone A Dual Boot Hard Drive?

Jul 3, 2011

I currently have a 160GB hhd running Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows XP, with the following partition configuration:

sda1 Windows NTFS (primary-active and boot and system)
sda5 Linux Swap (logical)
sda6 Linux Ubuntu ext3 (root)
sda7 Linux Ubuntu ext3 (home)
sda2 other

I have Grub2 installed, which provides me the choice at boot to start either Ubuntu or XP. This currently works fine.

I want to clone this hhd and transfer to a new, larger hhd, and have several questions, since I don't want to make a mistake with something so crtical. 1) Which software is generally considered the safest, most reliable and easiest to use (dd, Gddrescue, Clonezilla, Paragon, Macrum Reflect, Easeus, Drive Image XML, or something else)?

2) Which software will be able to copy and include both operating systems in the partitions to be cloned?

3) Will that software change the booting process or options in the cloned copy in any way? I've read where using Easeus corrupts Grub2 and thus requires re-installing Grub2!

Are there any other concerns, considerations or factors I need to consider in cloning the hhd; e.g. prior formatting an external hhd, and with what file system? I've also read where FAT32 would be the choice, but don't really know for sure.

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Ubuntu :: Clone A SGI IRIX Hard Drive Over The Network?

Jul 5, 2011

I want to clone an SGI IRIX hard drive over the network. The hardware is ancient, no usb, and the CD rom is shot, its scsi and Im worried I wont be able to get it to boot a live cd.

if I run dd on a running computer, what consequences might there be?

dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -1 - | ssh user@hostname dd of=image.gz
where /dev/sda is the local IRIX computer and of=image.gz is a free partition else where.

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Ubuntu :: Clone A Windows Hard Drive With Ntfs?

Mar 13, 2011

sudo ddrescue /dev/sda /home/custom/user/sda_image.img /home/custom/user/logfile

problem is would not mount under /mnt to see if it worked

sudo ddrescue /dev/sda /home/custom/user/sda_image.iso /home/custom/user/logfile

the sda_image.img file is 55gb the other one tht is .iso is 0gb so now trying

dd if=/dev/sda of=/home/custom/usr/sda_image.iso

waiting to see what is going on any body got any advice on how to make the image work?

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Hardware :: Can Clone Failing Hard Drive Easily?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a 3 weeks old PC which I've just finished getting set up with Ubuntu 11.04 and W7 in a Virtual Box. Now the drive has started making rumbling noises and doesn't always boot.The engineer from Dell is coming tomorrow to replace the drive, but what can I do about transferring the whole old drive to the new one in full working order, quickly?

I've been using rsync to keep backups of my home folder, so I've got the data side covered. But I don't really want to spend the next couple of weeks re-installing all the software, printers etc all over again. So is there a quick, easy way of replicating the old drive with partitions, VB, etc (I'm not that good at using the terminal) ?

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Copy / Clone Entire Disk Including MBR?

Apr 30, 2011

I have win7 and ubuntu on a 250gb hard drive. I would like to move this to a 1tb drive. Is it possible to clone the entire hard drive, including the MBR? Thought about doing a disk image but unsure if this is the answer. I am using win7 64 pro and ubuntu 10.10.

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Fedora :: Keep Getting "A Hard Disk Is Failing" Warnings From The Disk Utility

Jun 8, 2011

I am on F15 32-bit with GNOME 3. I keep getting "A Hard Disk Is Failing" warnings from the Disk Utility, very frequently. Is this a serious issue? Because I knew this to be a bug in Palimpsest DU back in F13/14. Also how can I disable any notifications from this application?

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Ubuntu :: Need Clone LVM Encrypted Hard Drive To Bigger Size

Dec 22, 2010

I need to clone LVM encrypted to a bigger size hard drive.
Need help with MBR, how should I do it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Drive Clone / Partition Copy?

Jan 16, 2011

I have a very specific issue that I am having trouble resolving. I have an old laptop and a new laptop with a smaller HDD. I want to copy the windows partition from the new lappy to the old bigger HDD so I have room for Ubuntu. All of my files are on a Maverick install on the old lappy. How can I get all my files and windows to the old HDD and into the new laptop. I am a little stuck on this one because of my limited options.

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General :: Software Booting - Trying Clone To Another Hard Drive As Back Up

May 8, 2011

I have a mini ITX computer that runs a software that I have been trying to clone to another hard drive as back up. When I do clone it, it is the exact same copy down to every byte. When I try to boot from the cloned hard drive, it starts booting, then displays some text:

Then is says some of the files are not found including a encryption signer key not found.

I do no know the next step I need to take. Is this becasue it is running off a different hard drive? I do not understand a bzImage too well, but does it have anything to do with that file?

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