Ubuntu Installation :: Clone A USB Startup Disk?
Apr 19, 2011
I often run various computers from my Ubuntu 10.04 USB startup disk. Every now and then, people get interested and want a copy of their own. Since I have installed a few extras (VLC, codecs, flash etc) on the disk, not just the out of the box 10.04, I would like to create a clone of the USB startup disk, to give away. How can it be done?
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Apr 16, 2009
Can this be done and to restore the disk with a similar cat command.
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Jan 25, 2011
I was thinking about make a clone machine. I was thinking about use a old computer that have some SATA connection. One disk is source and then I add some other disk to destination. I going to have Linux on USB stick. I have look at dd and it look nice but what I can see it only use one disk to another.
dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy
is it possible to add more then one destination?
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Jun 11, 2011
I have a 160Gb Hard drive with 3 partitions. sda1, sda2, sda3. sda1 & 2 are just under 20 GB each. the other 120 GB is free space. I have so many 40GB hard drives! I would like to copy (with dd) the MBR, sda1 & 2 to a 40GB hard drive and be able to just use that so I can free up my 160GB hard drives. Typically when I want to clone something, the drives are equal or larger than the original. I'm not too sure about this, and if I use code (show below), will I also get the MBR? #where sda is the 160gb with 3 partitions and drive sdb is a 40GB drive with 2 partitions.
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
Also, is there a way I can do this with 1 line, or have both dd operations running simultaneously?
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Jun 24, 2010
I have downloaded the Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" Minimal CD. I would like to use the Startup Disk Creator to put it on bootable USB. when I run the Startup Disk Creator and click on "other" to select the downloaded .iso, my selection is ignored and does not show in the "Source disc" list of the dialog box.Is there another way to create a startup USB from the minimal CD download?
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Dec 11, 2010
I'm trying to clone a 2GB USB memory stick to another stick just like it (same size and brand). The src drive has three partitions, one fat, one ext2 and one encrypted (in that order). It also has an mbr. I create the clone using the following command:
dd if=/dev/xxx of=/dev/xxx bs=512k conv=noerror,notrunc
Once it's done the mbr, the ext2 and the encrypted partitions seem fine, but the fat one is slightly modified on the clone. Here is a hex dump of the (broken) clones fat partition followed by a dump of the original partition.
0000000 3ceb 6d90 646b 736f 7366 0000 0402 0001
0000010 0002 0002 f800 00bc 003e 0040 0000 0000
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Mar 6, 2010
So i created a USB startup disk on my 32g flash. Worked fine until I went to update the packages on it. Now it wont boot up and it also fails when trying to install on another machine.
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Sep 9, 2011
I used opensuse three years ago. Then I moved to ubuntu, because it was easier for me to use ubuntu at that time. Now, I move back to opensuse again. But I want to know how to clone the opensuse system to another hard disk. I mean I have my opensuse well, I do backup to my opensuse system and restore it to another harddisk with the same partition.
When I used ubuntu, I used a very good small open-source software, named 'Ucloner'. You can find it at ucloner - Backup/restore/clone your Ubuntu, and make Live-Ubuntu. - Google Project Hosting . It is very handy to backup the ubuntu system and restore or clone it to a new harddisk. Especially, when restoring the system, the grub can be installed to the new harddisc automatically with the UUID of the new harddisc (very amazing). But it is only for ubuntu. I am looking for a software with the similar function.
I have tried Clonezilla. No problem to do backup and restore. But I failed to boot the restored system even with the same harddisc. I know it is the problem of GRUB. Even reinstalling the grub, I still can not boot into the system.
My question is
1. is there any software that allows me to backup the opensuse and restore it to another harddisc with the grub installed to the new harddisc automatically?
2. If no software for question 1, what software or application is good to backup and restore the opensuse and how to reinstalled the grub to the new harddisc with different UUID?
3. Since the Ucloner is open-source, is there anybody having interest in change the ucloner code to fit for opensuse? I guess there should be much change, because ubuntu and opensuse are linux both?
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Apr 30, 2011
I have win7 and ubuntu on a 250gb hard drive. I would like to move this to a 1tb drive. Is it possible to clone the entire hard drive, including the MBR? Thought about doing a disk image but unsure if this is the answer. I am using win7 64 pro and ubuntu 10.10.
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Jul 8, 2010
When I attempt to create a USB Live Xubuntu setup via the Startup Disk Creator, the settings for the Persistent drive are disabled/gray. When I perform the setup, no extra space is reserved for the persistant drive.
I've used the same USB drive for Live Ubuntu installations in the past and had no problems.
Does the USB Startup Disk Creator work with Xubuntu?
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Nov 27, 2010
I have a very old laptop with no CD and no Floppy and a BIOS that won't boot from a USB device.I wanted to install Ubuntu on it though so I pulled the hard drive and connected it to my Macbook via a USB-to-PATA adapter. I booted the Macbook off the live CD and tried to install Ubuntu to the USB drive but the install wanted to update the boot partition on my Macbook which I would prefer not to do (I run Ubuntu on the Macbook in a VM). Instead, I used the Startup Disk Creator in Ubuntu 10.04 to make the hard drive from the old laptop an Ubuntu Startup Disk. I put it back in the laptop and it works fine, but when you boot it asks if you want to install Ubuntu and of course you can't because there is no available disk.
I thought about pulling the drive and doing this all again but splitting the drive into two partitions so I could make one partition the startup disk and install to the other, but I was not sure this would work. The disk in question is only 12 GB so I don't have a lot of space to work with. Also, this particular laptop is a huge pain to get the drive out of so if I can somehow fix this without removing the drive again that would be awesome. If there was some way to just convert the startup disk to a "regular" installation that would be ideal.
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Jul 10, 2010
I need to clone a 160GB hard drive with Linux Mint 9 (not more than 10GB used) to a 30GB SSD that is partitioned carefully (aligned to cylinder boundaries) and is currently running Ubuntu (which I wish to overwrite with Linux Mint 9). The SSD has a /boot partition, / and swap. The source (160 GB) does not have a separate boot partition. Can anyone help me fill in the steps below? /dev/sdc will be the source (160GB) and /dev/sda is the target (with partitions 1,2 and swap on 5).
make a copy of /etc/fstab from the target drive before proceeding. Ready the target partitions. Can I reuse the existing destination partitions on the SSD? Ready the filesystems on each of the target partitions. /boot is ext2, / is ext4 and swap is already set up too. As I said, all contain data (Ubuntu) that I wish to overwrite. So what steps are needed here? Do I need to erase anything (files, etc.) before the copy/clone? next, use dd to copy MBR (right?) And exclude partition table:
dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sda1 count=1 bs=446
Mount the source and destination drives:
mount -t ext4 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/source
mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot_target
mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt/root_target
I suppose I can leave the swap partition on the target untouched. Copy the files from the source partition to the destination
cp -a /mnt/source/boot /mnt/boot_target
cp -a /mnt/source/ /mnt/root_target
then I assume I go to /mnt/root_target and delete the /boot directory, right? Change /etc/fstab to reflect the new partitions. I mount by label. Will my partition labels be intact after this? Do I have to make any changes to GRUB? Anything else?
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Sep 16, 2010
im trying to use ddrescue to clone a dying disk to a remote machine using ssh. this is my command:
sudo ddrescue --block-size=4KiB /dev/sda1 - | ssh user@address 'cat /data/backup.img'
it returns the error "cat: can't open '/data/backup.img': No such file or directory"
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Jun 30, 2010
I want to install Ubuntu onto a partition on my external hard drive, but my CD burner is broken so I can't just boot up with a live CD and do it that way. So can I install Ubuntu onto my external hard drive with the Startup Disk Creator that comes installed on Ubuntu? And if not is there another way I can do this?
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Jul 4, 2010
I've got a removeable disk which I want to mount on startup automatically at mountpoint "/backupsystem". If' it's not there I would like to have no error message. Actually after upgrading to 10.4 I get the message: Continue to wait; or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery.". But I don't wand this if the disk is not there that's OK for me. How would I configure fstab to achieve this?
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Aug 19, 2010
I want to make a live USB drive, perhaps even 1 with its own GRUB and a choice of operating systems..Its 16gb so it will fit..or maybe just install multiple desktop environments so I can switch depending on the resoruces of the computer I am using..Gnome>E17>LXDE.But I want it to be a regular account with a root/administrator password, ect. When I use the Startup disk creator or Unetbootin I find that the results are pretty limited. I might as well be using a live CD, but thats not ideal. Alternately, when I just install normally it doesnt always load, even when I hit F8 and tell it to boot from my USB drive.Knoppix based distros seem to work better than Ubuntu based distros in this regard, but I dont want Knoppix I want Ubuntu/Mint and friends.Finally, I have sometimes been having problems 'mounting' or using 'swapon'. Even when I turn on Swap with Gparted Im still not getting the benefit of the large swap area I have created..is this because of how the operating system uses swap? Is there a live distro that will save files and settings to swap before using up ram, by default? If not, is there a way to change the behavior of Ubuntu Live CD?
Is there a reason why we cant make proper paragraphs? Is this site strapped for bandwidth or something? Is the site just acting funny?
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Jan 17, 2011
I use clonezilla cd live to backup my Debain Squeese O.S.,
there is the possibility to create a warm backup (clone disk) of O.S. without restart the computer ?
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May 1, 2011
I used "Startup Disk Creator" to make a bootabel USB drive with 11.04. I followed the guide #2 from (I use 10.04). Everything went fine while making this. I re-booted and selected this USB and selected the "Try it" button. I looked at how 11.04 looks like for about 10 seconds and did not do anything and re-booted.Now there is onlyblack screen with absolutely no text and there is nothing I can do [URL]
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Nov 18, 2010
1GB Dane-Elec stick is what I'm using.
The only thing out of the ordinary I noticed is that when I clicked "Erase disk" I ended up with a choice of two: /dev/sdc (with no indication of free space but a capacity of 983.0MB), and /dev/sdc1 which showed 288MB free before I erased it and a capacity of 980.4MB.
This app has never worked on any system I've tried it on, but this particular machine is an LTS (10.04) with recent hardware so I'd like to get it fixed if possible.
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Mar 23, 2010
I have just clone from my previous IDE hard disk to a bigger IDE hard disk with clonezilla. However, when I boot my system with the new hard disk using the installation disk, it says an error that "no linux partition found on hard disk".
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Aug 5, 2010
What is the best software to clone a hard disk with Fedora
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Oct 2, 2010
I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed in my desktop and is working fine. I would like to clone the Ubuntu with all my settings etc to a USB Flsah drive so that I can take it with me during travel.I don't want to reinstall in USB FLASH rather I want asis Desktop Ubuntu in USB FLASH.
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Dec 23, 2010
What's the best way to transfer across one hdd to another? I want to avoid setting up my kubuntu 10.10 instance again and hoping there's a way to easily clone it across.
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Jan 16, 2010
I'm running Ubuntu on a USB startup disk I created on a USB stick for recovery purposes. I cannot use wifi on my netbook if I boot from he USB. Why is this? Is there any way I can make it work again? (wifi is fine when I boot normally)
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Apr 28, 2010
This utility doesn't work it won't format and won't boot the one time I got it working. Now it has broken my usb flash drive as gparted won't format it to anything . I tried the alternate unetbootin program and now it won't see the flash drive because the startup program trashed it. I still think the external usb devices is the most frustrating part of ubuntu and needs serious fixing. My new netbook install won't see any of my external drives.
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Jun 29, 2010
The Ubuntu Software Centre tell me I have Startup Disk Creator installed. But where is it? I cant see it anywhere on my system
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Jul 18, 2010
I have a 1 tb external hard drive and I was trying to put a windows.iso on it with startup disk creator but everytime I would select the windows iso it wouldn't show up.
Some background:
- the disk images are from the reboot disks that came with my labtop
- I do not have access to windows
Using gparted, I turned my external hard drive into a bootable and put both ISO disc on it. Once I plugged it in my labtop and turned my labtop on, I get an error messages that says "BOOTMGR is missing".
- I ripped the both ISO images from the 2 system recovery disc that I ordered from HP specially for my brand of laptop.
- My CD-ROM drive does not work, or else I would have just used the disc regularly
- The operating system currently on the labtop is Ubuntu 10.04
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Jun 12, 2011
i am trying to make it so that my laptop that has crashed can run Ubuntu. It lacks an optical drive (CD Player) so i am trying to use a USB. After i downloaded the ISO, and then use the extractor like it says here I then went into the flash drive, went to [usb-creator.exe] The problem is that when i try to do this (make the USB the Startup disk) the iso refuses to load on the application, its hard to explain, but here's a picture. Even when i go to click other, browse for the ISO, and open that one, it still doesn't work.
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Jun 27, 2010
My Ubuntu system drive is starting to throw up S.M.A.R.T. errors. I have two partitions on the drive (/home and /) and grub in the mbr. Is there a way to exactly clone this drive to another one so I don't need to reinstall or re-setup anything?
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Dec 3, 2010
My wife's laptop has XP on it, I installed Ubuntu using wubi apparently. I thought I had made a separate partition and made a true dual boot system but I guess I didn't. Is there a way to clone the wubi install to it's own partition and add the boot loader after or am I going to have to do a fresh install and set everything up again? I am surprised that she has taken to Ubuntu as well as she has, I thought she would hate it but she actually prefers it to windows now..
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