Ubuntu :: USB Disk Clone With Dd But Still Not Exact Copy?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm trying to clone a 2GB USB memory stick to another stick just like it (same size and brand). The src drive has three partitions, one fat, one ext2 and one encrypted (in that order). It also has an mbr. I create the clone using the following command:

dd if=/dev/xxx of=/dev/xxx bs=512k conv=noerror,notrunc

Once it's done the mbr, the ext2 and the encrypted partitions seem fine, but the fat one is slightly modified on the clone. Here is a hex dump of the (broken) clones fat partition followed by a dump of the original partition.

0000000 3ceb 6d90 646b 736f 7366 0000 0402 0001
0000010 0002 0002 f800 00bc 003e 0040 0000 0000


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Ubuntu :: Possible To Copy / Paste An Exact Clone Of A System Already Installed?

Dec 30, 2010

Id like to know if its possible to somehow copy an EXACT copy of my linux from one computer to "paste" on another!

And how would I be able to do this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Schedule An Exact Disk Copy

May 30, 2010

Best way to do a scheduled backup of a server (PowerPC, Ubuntu 9.10), when an exact copy of the linux partition would be made on a disk of the same size? It seems there are several solution, but I have problems choosing the best.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Copy / Clone Entire Disk Including MBR?

Apr 30, 2011

I have win7 and ubuntu on a 250gb hard drive. I would like to move this to a 1tb drive. Is it possible to clone the entire hard drive, including the MBR? Thought about doing a disk image but unsure if this is the answer. I am using win7 64 pro and ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Md5 Hash Of HD - Verify Exact Copy?

Oct 19, 2010

I am in the process of cloning a HD. Before I wipe the original drive I was wondering if there was a tool to create something like a md5 hash of the entire drive to verify that I have an exact copy. It does not necessarily have to be an md5 hash and any command line BASH options would work for me as well.

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Fedora Servers :: Create Exact Backup / Copy?

Mar 14, 2011

I want to backup my server that godaddy is hosting and install it on my linux system at home. In other words I want to have a clone of my server at home, like what timemachine does on mac (carries files and programs from one mac to another to make a clone).

How do I do that? I create an image file an iso file? or what? How?

I want to do this incase my server burns up over there. I don't want to reinstall all the programs and do the set ups manually again.

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Security :: Clone Hard Disk With Cat /dev/sda >/media/disk/backup?

Apr 16, 2009

Can this be done and to restore the disk with a similar cat command.

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General :: Copy A File And Rename It At The Same Time While Copying It To The Same Exact Directory?

Jun 26, 2010

Create a copy of the file above and call it commands.sorted. Use the vi command to manually sort this file. I.e. use yy to copy a line, P or p to paste a line, and dd delete a line. Order the commands with the two lines starting with double quotes first. Then list the rest of the command in alphabetical order.

Anyone have any ideas what he's talking about? Can I copy a file and rename it at the same time while copying it to the same exact directory again? Now sure what the two lines things means either. I have an email out to him but it usually takes a long time for him to answer me. I got alot of work to do so everytime I get hung up it kills me.

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General :: Copy A File With Certain Name Pattern For Which Exact Place In Complex Directory-structure Unknown?

Sep 19, 2011

I want to copy all files with the name XYZ* into one folder. The problem is that the files are in different subfolders and that not even the depth of the folder structure is the same for all files. Luckily, at least each file has a unique name.

Of course, I thought about the cp command but I guess the depth of the folder structure needs to be the same for this to work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An Exact Image Of A Hard Disk?

Sep 8, 2010

this is in the wrong section, but I wasn't sure where to put it. Since the background to my problem is kind of long winded I've split this post into two sections: Short version of problem

I have a PC that has two internal drives: one drive (drive A) is empty, and the other (drive B) has a copy of windows vista installed. At the moment the PC boots from drive A. I'd like to transfer everything from drive A to drive B, so that this new disk will boot and behave nicely and windows will still function.

Is there any easy way to do this in ubuntu? I'm guessing I can use something like dd, but will this copy the boot sector and will I have to mess around with the partition table? Long version of the problem

Today I built a new PC for my dad with two internal drives. He was previously using vista on a laptop which died a few days ago, and I'd like to install vista on one disk of the new PC, and ubuntu on the other disk.

He has a licensed copy of Vista for his laptop, but it came as a "system restore" disk, and so I can't install vista directly onto the new PC. I have an identical laptop to his, so I took out the drive from his laptop, put it in my laptop, and did a "system restore" from the disk that came with the laptop. I then took out the drive from my laptop, and put this inside the new PC. It boots up fine, and I installed all the necessary drivers and etc to make windows work.

Now instead of using a slow/small laptop drive inside the new PC, I'd like to be able to clone the data on laptop disk and this onto one of the bigger/faster internal drives of the new PC. How can I do this from ubuntu, so that the new drive will boot windows?

I'm fairly certain it can be done using dd, but how do I make sure the information in the boot sector (or partition table) is correct for the new drive? I'm asking this because when I put my laptop drive into the new PC initially, I had connected it as an external drive, and when I tried booting from this there was an error, something like "Invalid partition table" (I think). I figured that when I did a "system restore" on my laptop, the drive was the only drive available, so this would be HDA, or SDA in the boot record of that disk. But when I added it to a system where other drives were available, it was no longer at that same location, so the boot loader couldn't find the data it was looking for to load the system.

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Ubuntu :: Make A File Of An Exact Size For Disk Benchmarking?

Dec 6, 2010

Is their a command I could use to do this? It needs to be 32MB (33,554,432 bytes), can be either random data or just a blank file, though random data would be preferable, and well... that's it.

Though also, is their a way I could copy the file in a terminal and it print out the info such as average speed and/or total time it took to complete. I'm trying to fight some bad reviews on this flash drive I bought that performs very well, and since stupid comment vs stupid comment doesn't win anything I need to apparently be the first to actually test this drive throughly.

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General :: Copy / Clone Usb Stick That Have Several Partitions?

May 6, 2010

Is there a good way from the shell to copy/clone a usb stick that have several partitions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Drive Clone / Partition Copy?

Jan 16, 2011

I have a very specific issue that I am having trouble resolving. I have an old laptop and a new laptop with a smaller HDD. I want to copy the windows partition from the new lappy to the old bigger HDD so I have room for Ubuntu. All of my files are on a Maverick install on the old lappy. How can I get all my files and windows to the old HDD and into the new laptop. I am a little stuck on this one because of my limited options.

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Ubuntu :: Use DD To Clone One Disk To Many

Jan 25, 2011

I was thinking about make a clone machine. I was thinking about use a old computer that have some SATA connection. One disk is source and then I add some other disk to destination. I going to have Linux on USB stick. I have look at dd and it look nice but what I can see it only use one disk to another.
dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy
is it possible to add more then one destination?

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General :: Clone Or Copy Entire System To External Bootable HD?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a 16GB Ubuntu Webserver running on a Transcend SMART CF chip (Yes I know all the reasons not to). I want to move that entire system (OS, Files and structure) to an external bootable HD that will probably be closer to 100GB. What's the easiest way to do this and have it be plug and play. By which I mean I can then plug the drive into a new system and boot it up just as it was running on the old system.

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Ubuntu :: Exact Copy Folder / "slow Method"?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm trying to make an exact duplicate of just a folder (about 15 gigs) and I want to do it a "slow method" (basically I want to avoid any possibility of corrupting files. Is there something more useful than cp, I've been using that and I've noticed at least a few files have gotten corrupted.

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Ubuntu :: DD Disk Clone For Some Partitions

Jun 11, 2011

I have a 160Gb Hard drive with 3 partitions. sda1, sda2, sda3. sda1 & 2 are just under 20 GB each. the other 120 GB is free space. I have so many 40GB hard drives! I would like to copy (with dd) the MBR, sda1 & 2 to a 40GB hard drive and be able to just use that so I can free up my 160GB hard drives. Typically when I want to clone something, the drives are equal or larger than the original. I'm not too sure about this, and if I use code (show below), will I also get the MBR? #where sda is the 160gb with 3 partitions and drive sdb is a 40GB drive with 2 partitions.

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sdb1
Also, is there a way I can do this with 1 line, or have both dd operations running simultaneously?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Clone A USB Startup Disk?

Apr 19, 2011

I often run various computers from my Ubuntu 10.04 USB startup disk. Every now and then, people get interested and want a copy of their own. Since I have installed a few extras (VLC, codecs, flash etc) on the disk, not just the out of the box 10.04, I would like to create a clone of the USB startup disk, to give away. How can it be done?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Clone The 11.4 To A New Disk

Sep 9, 2011

I used opensuse three years ago. Then I moved to ubuntu, because it was easier for me to use ubuntu at that time. Now, I move back to opensuse again. But I want to know how to clone the opensuse system to another hard disk. I mean I have my opensuse well, I do backup to my opensuse system and restore it to another harddisk with the same partition.

When I used ubuntu, I used a very good small open-source software, named 'Ucloner'. You can find it at ucloner - Backup/restore/clone your Ubuntu, and make Live-Ubuntu. - Google Project Hosting . It is very handy to backup the ubuntu system and restore or clone it to a new harddisk. Especially, when restoring the system, the grub can be installed to the new harddisc automatically with the UUID of the new harddisc (very amazing). But it is only for ubuntu. I am looking for a software with the similar function.

I have tried Clonezilla. No problem to do backup and restore. But I failed to boot the restored system even with the same harddisc. I know it is the problem of GRUB. Even reinstalling the grub, I still can not boot into the system.

My question is

1. is there any software that allows me to backup the opensuse and restore it to another harddisc with the grub installed to the new harddisc automatically?

2. If no software for question 1, what software or application is good to backup and restore the opensuse and how to reinstalled the grub to the new harddisc with different UUID?

3. Since the Ucloner is open-source, is there anybody having interest in change the ucloner code to fit for opensuse? I guess there should be much change, because ubuntu and opensuse are linux both?

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Fedora :: Disk Copy Utility - Should Be Able To Not Only Copy Files But Boot Sector And Everything

Sep 1, 2010

I have a 160GB harddrive which I installed a F12, would like to upgrade to a bigger drive, but I hate to have to re-install everything.

Recommend a good disk copy utility? The utility should be able to not only copy files, but boot sector and everything. So I just need to make a copy, change my BIOS to boot from the new drive and run everything as before.

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General :: Clone A Larger Disk To Smaller With Cp?

Jul 10, 2010

I need to clone a 160GB hard drive with Linux Mint 9 (not more than 10GB used) to a 30GB SSD that is partitioned carefully (aligned to cylinder boundaries) and is currently running Ubuntu (which I wish to overwrite with Linux Mint 9). The SSD has a /boot partition, / and swap. The source (160 GB) does not have a separate boot partition. Can anyone help me fill in the steps below? /dev/sdc will be the source (160GB) and /dev/sda is the target (with partitions 1,2 and swap on 5).

make a copy of /etc/fstab from the target drive before proceeding. Ready the target partitions. Can I reuse the existing destination partitions on the SSD? Ready the filesystems on each of the target partitions. /boot is ext2, / is ext4 and swap is already set up too. As I said, all contain data (Ubuntu) that I wish to overwrite. So what steps are needed here? Do I need to erase anything (files, etc.) before the copy/clone? next, use dd to copy MBR (right?) And exclude partition table:


dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sda1 count=1 bs=446

Mount the source and destination drives:


mount -t ext4 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/source
mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot_target
mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt/root_target

I suppose I can leave the swap partition on the target untouched. Copy the files from the source partition to the destination


cp -a /mnt/source/boot /mnt/boot_target
cp -a /mnt/source/ /mnt/root_target

then I assume I go to /mnt/root_target and delete the /boot directory, right? Change /etc/fstab to reflect the new partitions. I mount by label. Will my partition labels be intact after this? Do I have to make any changes to GRUB? Anything else?

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Ubuntu :: Use Ddrescue To Clone A Dying Disk To A Remote Machine Using Ssh?

Sep 16, 2010

im trying to use ddrescue to clone a dying disk to a remote machine using ssh. this is my command:


sudo ddrescue --block-size=4KiB /dev/sda1 - | ssh user@address 'cat /data/backup.img'

it returns the error "cat: can't open '/data/backup.img': No such file or directory"

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General :: Dd Copy - Hard Drive Clone Fails When Mounting Root Androotblock - /newroot Failed

Oct 27, 2010

I am trying to replace an old, smaller, and dying laptop hard drive with a newer one, using a USB external drive. I first tried cloning disk to disk with Clonezilla, but it failed after cloning my root, swap, and /home directories it froze when it tried to reinstall grub. After 2x trying, I switched to dd, which I have never really used (I am fairly new to Linux in general). The actual command I used was:


dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror

All seemed ok and after approximately 2 hours my 80GB drive had been cloned onto my new 250GB, with dd giving what appeared to be a satisfactory closure summary. I tried to mount and access the drive from my external USB enclosure but could not view it, though the data is there, I believe, as the size and bytes show... The error that Dolphin is giving me is:


error - wrong fstype, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1 Missing codepage or helper program or other error. When I installed the new drive directly into my laptop, it begins to boot (Sabayon 5.4, 2.6.35 kernel) but almost immediately I get (handwritten down, but this is close):


detected real_root
mounting /dev/sda1 on /newroot failed: input/output error
!! Could not mount specified ROOT, try again
!! Could not find the root block device in .


I am assuming that my issue has something to do with grub, and maybe specific UUIDs that don't match (?) but I'm not really certain. I have both Grub Legacy 0.9x and the newer Grub 2 installed (Sabayon is already moving over) but I still boot with Legacy, not with the new 2, as I don't know how to switch, and am not sure if I should yet. I thought that dd copied bit for bit, and I added the noerrorï just to try to get it all transferred, so I don't know what went wrong exactly, though something seems wrong with grub and the bootloader, I guess...

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Ubuntu :: Very SLOW File Copy Speed (disk To Disk)

Mar 27, 2011

i have amd athlon x2 3gb RAM ddr2 two hdd one 80gb other 1tb in this computer i got only ubuntu all disk in EXT4.i want to copy 10gb many file of 700mb or 1gb ( many linux ISO )the transfer is 1mb/s this is SOOO SLOW.i did a touch /forcefsck just in case but nothing happen it is still slow!!what might be the problem ??

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Debian :: Create A Warm Backup (clone Disk) Of O.S. Without Restart Computer?

Jan 17, 2011

I use clonezilla cd live to backup my Debain Squeese O.S.,

there is the possibility to create a warm backup (clone disk) of O.S. without restart the computer ?

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Fedora :: Clone Drive - Tools Do Full Drive Copy?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a 120 gig drive that I'd like to clone before it fails completely. I was thinking I'd pull the drive from the server and build a separate machine that has it's own os installed and the source and destination drive. Does anyone know of any linux tools will will do a full drive copy? Additionally, If possible, I'd like to move to a larger drive. how I'd migrate the 120 drive to a 400 or so? 1 idea I have is to install os on 2 new drives to where it they will boot, Then boot with one and copy source to the newly created destination drive.

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General :: Disk To Disk Copy Fedora 12?

Aug 17, 2010

S.M.A.R.T.tells me my primary fedora drive has lots of bad blocks,so I ordered a used identical drive from ebay.I want to do the very basic process of making a full backup of my existing drive - so as to replace it with a more or less identical replacement. Logically identical - not necewsarily sector to sector identical.im not literate in unix and its children - and seem to find a plethora of descriptinos of how to do what I want to do. which is

1. format the drive - what you may call low level format - ie op sys independent.

2. create a partition system compatible with my existing disk.

3. copy everything from my existing disk to the new disk.

4. put existing disk on the shelf as a backup and start to use new disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy Hard Disk Have 10.04 And Ext4 To 1000 Hard Disk?

Sep 23, 2010

I want to copy hard disk have ubuntu 10.04 and ext4 to 1000 hard disk for new 1000

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CentOS 5 :: Clone - Says An Error That "no Partition Found On Hard Disk"

Mar 23, 2010

I have just clone from my previous IDE hard disk to a bigger IDE hard disk with clonezilla. However, when I boot my system with the new hard disk using the installation disk, it says an error that "no linux partition found on hard disk".

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Ubuntu :: Copy Old Notes From My Old Disk To New Disk - Where Does Tomboy Saves Notes ?

Jan 14, 2010

i have switched disks and i want to copy my old notes from my old disk to new disk.so which folder does tomboy saves data so i can copy them over?

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