Ubuntu :: Cannot Find Option To Upgrade Opera

Jul 16, 2010

I would like to upgrade from Opera 10.10 to 10.60. I can't figure out how to do this. I thought it was supposed to give me the choice to make a fresh install or upgrade, but there is no such thing that I can find. I have looked on the Opera Downloads page and on the Synaptic package manager page. Neither of them give me the option to upgrade, only a new install. I would like to keep my old preferences, passwords, etc. I need to upgrade to fix the problems with unresponsive flash players (....., etc.)

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Ubuntu :: Opera 11 Upgrade With Adobe Flash Update?

Dec 21, 2010

I upgraded Opera to version 11.00, and also upgraded on my computer Adobe Flash to version (or 65 if I recall). The Flash update reflects properly in Firefox and Google Chrome, but unfortunately it does not show up properly in Opera. It shows that Opera has as the flash version. Why is this not updating with the Opera and Flash updates?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Beta 10.04 Upgrade - Upgrade Manager Did Not Give The Option

Apr 16, 2010

I am trying to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 beta. I tried ALT-F2 & ``update - manager -d'' but when Upate Manager opened, it did not give me the option of upgrading to 10.04 beta.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Find Option To Set Hibernation Time

Feb 21, 2010

This may be a noob question, but I can't find the option to set the computer to hibernate after a given idle time. In the Power options there is an option to suspend, but not to hibernate.

Is there other way to set the hibernation time?

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 - Cannot Find Add / Remove Programs Option

May 15, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.4 and cannot find add/remove programs in applications at all, it just isn't listed there. Is there anyway for me to download it. I've looked in software centre and cannot see it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Find The Option Foe The G++ Compiler

Jul 29, 2010

I cannot install g++ on my ubuntu...i can't find the option foe the G++ compiler in the Ubuntu Software centre...and while typing G++ in the terminal I get a message that tells me to add some pentium...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Option To Hide Screenelts?

Dec 3, 2010

I installed screenlots daemon program, and it's great, but I can't find option to hide screenelts when there is a window over them. So, if I open window I want to hide screenlets and I want that they appear only on desktop and dissapear when I open a window.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gftp Editor \ Can't Find The Option?

Jan 29, 2010

I feel rather daft asking this but I can't find the option. I have gftp connected to a remote site and I want to edit a file. I click on the edit option and get an error that I must specify an editor in the options dialogue. I can't find the options dialogue can someone tell me where it is.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Find Software Source Option In 10.10

Oct 22, 2010

I have upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04, a a200 laptop, real old desktop (Pentium 4 with sdram), and did a complete install on a I5 with 4G of ram without any problems at all. However I could not find the "software source" option that was under Administration in 10.04 and earlier. I am in Australia and getting all of the updates from the main U.S. based server is a really slow. I used the optus server before and got much quicker updates. Is there a choose server option in 10.10 that I missed?

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Ubuntu :: Kmenu>leave - Can't Find An Option To Shutdown

Mar 3, 2011

I am running kde 4.5.1 and when I go to kmenu>leave, I see everything but an option to shut down ,

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Ubuntu :: Sleep Option Missing After Upgrade To 10.10?

Dec 22, 2010

When I was running 10.04 I was able to select the sleep option in XFCE's logout menu and it worked perfectly. I've just done a fresh install of 10.10 and now the sleep option is missing. How can I bring it back?

I'm running a Sony Vaio Laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 10.10 To 11.04 Option Missing On CD?

Apr 28, 2011

I downloaded the release version of 11.04 desktop 32bit today and ran into a problem with the upgrade. Not sure if I missed a step or not, but when I booted the CD to do an Install of 11.04 desktop 32bit over 10.10 desktop 32bit I expected to see the upgrade option similar to what is in this link (red arrow pointing to it):[URL]... On my install screen all the other options were there except the upgrade.

Since I was on a schedule for this particular computer I am doing the Update Manager Network upgrade instead but I have 3 other computers to do as well. Any ideas on what I might have missed? Should I have booted to Live version first instead of Install then look for an upgrade option somewhere? I read something that alluded to that on a website.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Upgrade Option In Maverick?

Jun 3, 2011

I have no option to upgrade in the update manager. I suspect that this has something to do with the fact that I haven't been able to install a number of updates for a while (I receive the Partial Upgrade error message). Is there any other safe way to upgrade that can bypass this problem?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Is Disabled Everywhere Look / Can't Find Option To Turn It On

Apr 20, 2010

I just installed ubuntu on my d620.The wireless card seems to exist and looks fine but I don't know how to turn it on.It says the network is disabled everywhere I look but I can't find the option to turn it on.I know this is probably simple. Below is the output from various commands.I included my service tag which you can use on the dell site to find specifics about my hardware.I can't do ifconfig wlan0 up which is the only solution I've found online so far.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Find Any Option On Sound Preference Menu?

Jul 3, 2010

I am using 9.10(64bit). I want to add custom .wav sound as system sound theme.i.e when i close a program ubuntu will play a sound(custom). I can't find any option on sound preference menu. I searched in google but failed to find any useful post.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Option To Go From RC To Final Release - Right?

Apr 27, 2010

I installed the RC of Lucid on an old AMD X2 5600 w/4GB DDR2 ram, and put it in the other room and installed LAMP on it to use as a local development server. It works beautifully over the network.

1. There will be an upgrade option to go from RC to final release, right?

2. When upgrading, will this kill my LAMP install? I really don't wanna go from scratch now that I have it all up and running with a load of CMS systems installed for test environments

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Option Isnt Showing?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm running kubuntu 10.04. I want to upgrade to 10.10 , but the upgrade option isn't showing in the "update manager".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Gives No Option To Upgrade To 11.04

Sep 1, 2011

Wanting to update to 11.04. Currently have wubi 10.04 & update manager gives me no option to upgrade to 11.04. Wonder how to update to 11?

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Fedora Installation :: Not Able To Use Upgrade Option With LVM?

Mar 11, 2009

Installed fc8 about a year ago. Had to use text mode because of nvidia video card, but got everything working fine. Dual boot with separate physical drives. (XP on 250G, sda; fc8 on 80 G, sdb). Now trying to replace fc8 with fc10 and hope it will work just as good (still have to use text installation) . However, I have some specific questions as I go:

#1. When I try to use the upgrade existing system option, I get an error that says: "Error mounting device / dev/VolGroup001/.Log Vol100 as /: mount: Special device /dev/ dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 does not exist." Does this mean I need to do a fresh install of fc10, instead of upgrade?

#2 (Backed up and started fresh install). Made the selection to only re-partition and use the 80G (sdb) drive. (leaving the 250G, sda disk alone)..However, the partition table that produces shows values for the sda (250G)disk partitions that will be somewhat different (maybe not significantly) than those I observed in XP's disk manager tool. (For instance Windows says my ntfs partition is 206GB, yet the partition table in the fc10 installer (text mode) says ntfs partition will be 211GB). Is this normal? A 5GB difference? (This is where I aborted the install).

#3 I just want to replace fc8 with fc10, and have it work just like before. One more thing: If I go ahead with fresh installation of fc10 will it give me the option of leaving Grub as it is? (on sdb1 and chainload to XP?) Am hooked on Fedora, but need my 250G drive just as it is.

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Fedora :: Can Not Find Option To Make Task-bar Transparent

Jan 10, 2010

i am sorry, but i can not find the option to make the taskbar transparant.i have kde 4.3.4

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Fedora :: Cannot Find Option To Boot F12 After Vista Reinstall

Nov 5, 2010

Recently, I reinstalled(recovered) Vista in my dual boot (with FC12) HP Laptop. After Vista recovery, I did not find any option to boot FC12. I tried to install grub in rescue mode from my Fedora DVD with command "$grub-install /dev/sda", but could not succeed. There was a message like 'grub-install not found in /sbin'.

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Software :: Find Option In Wicd Properties Or Configuration?

Mar 22, 2010

i'm using WICD as my wireless network manager. wicd on slackware 13. I need to configure dynamic WEP with authentication, user name and password like shown on the pic. i couldnt find that option in wicd properties or configuration,

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Not Showing Upgrade Option In Update Manager

Apr 30, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10, as i want to upgrade to 10.04. I followed the Ubuntu steps mention in Ubuntu.com but my update manager is not showing upgrade option..i tried below command that too did not show any output about the available updates..#do-release-upgrade.Checking for a new Ubuntu release.No new release found.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Alt/Win Meta Key Option Not Working After Natty Upgrade

May 4, 2011

After upgrading to Natty, my Alt/Win meta key option is no longer working.

I'm using System Settings -> Keyboard -> Layouts -> Options -> Alt/Win key behavior and selecting "Meta is mapped to Win keys".

However the Win key still just pops up the files-and-folders window, and meta is not there.

This worked fine in 10.10. Need this with Emacs...

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Fedora Installation :: No Upgrade Option Shown During F10?

Jun 8, 2009

I'm trying to upgrade my current fedora 8 box to fedora 10. I downloaded the cd images and burned from the fedora website. After I booted my laptop using the fedora installation cd, the anaconda program started and went immediately to the keyboard selection, language selection, etc. but no upgrade option screen was shown at all until the point that I have to choose my partitions where it was obvious that a fresh installation was being done.

Using crtl+f2 I checked the /tmp/anaconda.log file, whoch has the warning: "step install type does not exist". At this point I do not know exactly what is going on.

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General :: Use '{}' To Redirect Output Of A Command Run Through Find's -exec Option?

Jan 10, 2011

I am trying to automate an svnadmin dump command for a backup script, and I want to do something like this:

find /var/svn/* ( ! -name dir -prune ) -type d -exec svnadmin dump {} > {}.svn ;

This seems to work, in that it looks through each svn repository in /var/svn, and runs svnadmin dump on it.

However, the second {} in the exec command doesn't get substituted for the name of the directory being processed. It basically just results a single file named {}.svn.

I suspect that this is because the shell interprets > to end the find command, and it tries redirecting stdout from that command to the file named {}.svn.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade Option Doesn't Appear In Boot Menu

Jul 2, 2009

I have a /boot partition, and the online update process has downloaded the upgrade to /boot/upgrade. The problem is that grub is actually booting from a directory /boot which is in the root partition, but is invisible once the machine has booted, because the /boot partition is mounted over it. The result of all this is that the upgrade option does not appear in the boot menu, because that option has been inserted in the menu.lst (or grub.conf) in the /boot partition. is it ok for me to run:grub-install /dev/sda4(that's the device that contains the /boot partition where the upgrade menu option and data). Also, do I need the --root-directory option, given that the boot directory is the root directory of that partition.

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General :: Flag - Option To Discard Case Sensitivity To Find Package Installed Or Not?

Aug 25, 2009

Is there a flag or option to discard case sensitivity to find whether package is installed or not?

from http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/s1-rpm-query-parts.html


Note, however, that RPM is a bit picky about specifying package names. Here are some queries for the C library that won't work:

rpm -q libc-5.2.1
Let say I want to find out whether PyQt is installed or not but not sure the exact case, i.e. pyqt or Pyqt or ....

is there a way to find whether a package is installed or not without knowing its case exactly?

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General :: OS Change - Install - Option To Upgrade And Maintain The Additional Software ?

Sep 17, 2010

I need to change from CentOS 4.8 to Redhat Enterprise 5.

1) What is my best option to upgrade and maintain the additional software that I have installed in /opt & /usr/local?

2) Process to reinstall/configure the additional drives during & after the install?

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General :: Did Not Find Any Option For Root Password For Root User In Ubuntu 9.10?

Mar 2, 2010

i used opensuse 11.1 ...there is option for root user to create password for root...but for ubuntu i did not find anything like that...so how can i create root password....or how can i use root

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