Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Option Isnt Showing?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm running kubuntu 10.04. I want to upgrade to 10.10 , but the upgrade option isn't showing in the "update manager".

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Not Showing Upgrade Option In Update Manager

Apr 30, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10, as i want to upgrade to 10.04. I followed the Ubuntu steps mention in Ubuntu.com but my update manager is not showing upgrade option..i tried below command that too did not show any output about the available updates..#do-release-upgrade.Checking for a new Ubuntu release.No new release found.

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Fedora Installation :: KDE Not Showing Up As An Option At Log In Screen?

May 30, 2011

I have a standard F15 installation with Gnome 3 from the live CD. I got bored and decided to play with a few other WMs and DEs. I installed KDE-base, but KDE does not appear as an option at login. Is there something else I need to install? XFCE, Openbox, and Classic Gnome with Compiz all appear in the menu. KDE does not.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.0 Not Showing In Dual Boot Option Menu

Jun 27, 2010

I have install ubuntu and windows in the same computer in their own partition. I think that I have remove something while I was reinstalling some wireless stuff using synaptic. When I launch the computer I get the dual booting but only with memory test and windows. I have the ubuntu installation cd. What can I do to get back the dual booting with the facility to launch ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sharing Disc With Windows 7 - No Option Showing?

Mar 24, 2011

I have just got a new Compaq/HP netbook with Windows 7, and I have downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 (using my main Ubuntu system) and put it on a USB stick to load it "alongside" Windows.

At install phase on the new machine there is no option shown to add Ubuntu alongside Windows; only two options are shown, to erase the disk entirely and load Ubuntu, or the advanced option to select the disk partitioning manually.

I don't want to do either of these!

What happened to the third option, share the disk between operating systems?

I have used Linux for years, and don't want Windows, but it is safer to be able to boot up Windows for some things (testing ADSL line for Orange France, for instance).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Beta 10.04 Upgrade - Upgrade Manager Did Not Give The Option

Apr 16, 2010

I am trying to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 beta. I tried ALT-F2 & ``update - manager -d'' but when Upate Manager opened, it did not give me the option of upgrading to 10.04 beta.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 10.10 To 11.04 Option Missing On CD?

Apr 28, 2011

I downloaded the release version of 11.04 desktop 32bit today and ran into a problem with the upgrade. Not sure if I missed a step or not, but when I booted the CD to do an Install of 11.04 desktop 32bit over 10.10 desktop 32bit I expected to see the upgrade option similar to what is in this link (red arrow pointing to it):[URL]... On my install screen all the other options were there except the upgrade.

Since I was on a schedule for this particular computer I am doing the Update Manager Network upgrade instead but I have 3 other computers to do as well. Any ideas on what I might have missed? Should I have booted to Live version first instead of Install then look for an upgrade option somewhere? I read something that alluded to that on a website.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Upgrade Option In Maverick?

Jun 3, 2011

I have no option to upgrade in the update manager. I suspect that this has something to do with the fact that I haven't been able to install a number of updates for a while (I receive the Partial Upgrade error message). Is there any other safe way to upgrade that can bypass this problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Not Showing Install After Upgrade?

Dec 6, 2010

At first I thought it was a fluke, but it happed on another computer I was a bit late in updating. I'm running 10.04 lucid 32 bit on both computers.

After running the update, everything ran fine. The script ran update-grub and everything seemed ok. However when I rebooted, my laptop booted into GRUB and only showed windows and the recovory partition. Desktop would boot strait into windows with no selection (I knew how to fix it for the desktop since it happed a few days later)

When it first happend on my laptop, I scrounged around trying to repair the OS list, but nothing worked. Eventualy running "grub-install" with the "--root-directory" option on a live CD fixed it.

I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I think I remember there being an update to GRUB when I ran the updater. The fix works, just a bit of a hassle, but I thought I would bring it to someone's attention in case it happens to them.

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Fedora Installation :: Not Able To Use Upgrade Option With LVM?

Mar 11, 2009

Installed fc8 about a year ago. Had to use text mode because of nvidia video card, but got everything working fine. Dual boot with separate physical drives. (XP on 250G, sda; fc8 on 80 G, sdb). Now trying to replace fc8 with fc10 and hope it will work just as good (still have to use text installation) . However, I have some specific questions as I go:

#1. When I try to use the upgrade existing system option, I get an error that says: "Error mounting device / dev/VolGroup001/.Log Vol100 as /: mount: Special device /dev/ dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 does not exist." Does this mean I need to do a fresh install of fc10, instead of upgrade?

#2 (Backed up and started fresh install). Made the selection to only re-partition and use the 80G (sdb) drive. (leaving the 250G, sda disk alone)..However, the partition table that produces shows values for the sda (250G)disk partitions that will be somewhat different (maybe not significantly) than those I observed in XP's disk manager tool. (For instance Windows says my ntfs partition is 206GB, yet the partition table in the fc10 installer (text mode) says ntfs partition will be 211GB). Is this normal? A 5GB difference? (This is where I aborted the install).

#3 I just want to replace fc8 with fc10, and have it work just like before. One more thing: If I go ahead with fresh installation of fc10 will it give me the option of leaving Grub as it is? (on sdb1 and chainload to XP?) Am hooked on Fedora, but need my 250G drive just as it is.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Option To Go From RC To Final Release - Right?

Apr 27, 2010

I installed the RC of Lucid on an old AMD X2 5600 w/4GB DDR2 ram, and put it in the other room and installed LAMP on it to use as a local development server. It works beautifully over the network.

1. There will be an upgrade option to go from RC to final release, right?

2. When upgrading, will this kill my LAMP install? I really don't wanna go from scratch now that I have it all up and running with a load of CMS systems installed for test environments

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Gives No Option To Upgrade To 11.04

Sep 1, 2011

Wanting to update to 11.04. Currently have wubi 10.04 & update manager gives me no option to upgrade to 11.04. Wonder how to update to 11?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make Bootable USB Drive That ISNT Startup Disk?

Aug 19, 2010

I want to make a live USB drive, perhaps even 1 with its own GRUB and a choice of operating systems..Its 16gb so it will fit..or maybe just install multiple desktop environments so I can switch depending on the resoruces of the computer I am using..Gnome>E17>LXDE.But I want it to be a regular account with a root/administrator password, ect. When I use the Startup disk creator or Unetbootin I find that the results are pretty limited. I might as well be using a live CD, but thats not ideal. Alternately, when I just install normally it doesnt always load, even when I hit F8 and tell it to boot from my USB drive.Knoppix based distros seem to work better than Ubuntu based distros in this regard, but I dont want Knoppix I want Ubuntu/Mint and friends.Finally, I have sometimes been having problems 'mounting' or using 'swapon'. Even when I turn on Swap with Gparted Im still not getting the benefit of the large swap area I have created..is this because of how the operating system uses swap? Is there a live distro that will save files and settings to swap before using up ram, by default? If not, is there a way to change the behavior of Ubuntu Live CD?

Is there a reason why we cant make proper paragraphs? Is this site strapped for bandwidth or something? Is the site just acting funny?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Showing Up On The Update Manager To Upgrade?

Apr 28, 2011

Finally I have been waiting for 11.04 to be released, but It is not showing up on the update manager to upgrade. The LTS release only is checked in the settings. Do I have to manually upgrade or do I have to install 10.10 then 11.04? or is it that the servers are quite busy?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sshmenu-applet Not Showing On Add To Panel After Upgrade To 11.04

May 11, 2011

After a dist-upgrade, the sshmenu-gnome applet that I had on the gnome panel is not showing any more.

Also if I try to re-add it to the panel it is not listed at all.

How can I restore it?

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Fedora Installation :: No Upgrade Option Shown During F10?

Jun 8, 2009

I'm trying to upgrade my current fedora 8 box to fedora 10. I downloaded the cd images and burned from the fedora website. After I booted my laptop using the fedora installation cd, the anaconda program started and went immediately to the keyboard selection, language selection, etc. but no upgrade option screen was shown at all until the point that I have to choose my partitions where it was obvious that a fresh installation was being done.

Using crtl+f2 I checked the /tmp/anaconda.log file, whoch has the warning: "step install type does not exist". At this point I do not know exactly what is going on.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Alt/Win Meta Key Option Not Working After Natty Upgrade

May 4, 2011

After upgrading to Natty, my Alt/Win meta key option is no longer working.

I'm using System Settings -> Keyboard -> Layouts -> Options -> Alt/Win key behavior and selecting "Meta is mapped to Win keys".

However the Win key still just pops up the files-and-folders window, and meta is not there.

This worked fine in 10.10. Need this with Emacs...

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade Option Doesn't Appear In Boot Menu

Jul 2, 2009

I have a /boot partition, and the online update process has downloaded the upgrade to /boot/upgrade. The problem is that grub is actually booting from a directory /boot which is in the root partition, but is invisible once the machine has booted, because the /boot partition is mounted over it. The result of all this is that the upgrade option does not appear in the boot menu, because that option has been inserted in the menu.lst (or grub.conf) in the /boot partition. is it ok for me to run:grub-install /dev/sda4(that's the device that contains the /boot partition where the upgrade menu option and data). Also, do I need the --root-directory option, given that the boot directory is the root directory of that partition.

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Ubuntu :: WEP Password Option Not Showing Up

Jan 8, 2011

In the wireless network icon on the menu bar, I try to log into my home network and it won't let me connect.

According to the website, it is a WEP Passcode.

All I see is WEP 128-Bit and WEP 128-bit Hex and ASCII

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Debian :: Grub Menu No Boot Option Showing To Window

Mar 1, 2016

After installation of windows 7 installed debian 8.3. But in grub menu no boot option showing to windows.There ar only two option 1.)to boot in debian and 2.)advanc option for debian ONLY!!

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Fedora Networking :: Broadcomm Driver Not Showing Up As An Option In Network Manager

Oct 2, 2010

a Toshiba L650 laptop, and installed F13 x86-64 on a disk partition using install DVD. The wired ethernet on this is Atheros AR8152, and the Wireless is Broadcomm 4313. Both these devices are not supported by default. So, as per instructions on the Linux Wireless site, and some guidance on this forum, have downloaded the Broadcomm driver tar on another machine, copied it onto the Toshiba laptop using a USB device, and then extracted, and ran the b43-fwcutter. The subdirectory /lib/firmware/b43 is created and has approx 3 dozen files. However, the Broadcomm driver is not showing up as an option in the Network Manager (system-config-network) or in the lsmod command output. I tried to manually add it by doing modprobe b43 command - it then begins to appear in the lsmod, but the option to add the Broadcomm wireless driver during a "New wireless Hardware" is not appearing still. I think, at an abstract level, I need to somehow "tell" the system to add the Broadcomm driver - am just not sure how to do so. On the other hand, the Atheros AR8152 has no driver as of now, so the wired Ethernet is also not connecting. how I can download all the required files on a different machine, and then install it on the Toshiba laptop?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Should There Be Option To Download ISO Option For CD Installation

Jul 18, 2010

when I go to download 11.3 I am presented with the installation medium for a DVD installation with a button that says download DVD. Should there be an option to download an ISO option for a CD installation on this page along with the DVD version? Some of our older machines can only read CD's with a max size of 500+ megs.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Was Working, But Now It Isnt?

Oct 21, 2010

I recently isntalled Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid on my HP Compaq Presario CQ42. Recently being around two to three weeks ago. The first day I had it I didnt have sound due to my alsa version not being updated to 1.0.23 (something like that, i just know .23 was the version i upgraded to) and then along with another fix this solved my audio problem. There were a few issues with the audio after that, such as vlc and other app sounds not working after playing audio in a browser, requiring (as far as i know) a restart every time. This wasnt a big deal and i was getting around to finding out how to fix it but then today...

While at school I closed my laptop lid (as i usually do), but when i opened it again the screen flicked back and forth between some screens that usually show at boot (not bios, something else). Then Ubuntu told me that it didnt detect any of my drivers and that i should start in low graphics mode, and i did, but i made sure to select the just for this session option. I think this may have happened because I was running on low bat at the time but i cant be sure. When i restarted it booted up normally, and graphics and everything were back to normal except...Since that happened my audio has not been working at all. The sound icon is still in the notification panel but there is nothing next to it, eg. volume level. Its not even "--" to indicate mute, there is just nothing there and when i got to sound preferences there is no device under hardware, and when i run the command aplay -l it says there is no sound card found.When i run the lspci -v | less command an audio device is clearly listed :00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05) Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device 1425 Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 11 Memory at 94400000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K] Capabilities: <access denied> Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel

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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitor Isnt Working

Apr 27, 2010

Basicaly I want to know what version fo Ubuntu do I use,Intel Q6600 with a nvidia chipset my dam dual monitor isnt working but thats another problem for me to sort out

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: TV Tuner Isnt Detected?

Dec 27, 2010

I just got a Diamond ATI TV Wonder HD 750 USB, but it appears as though my 10.04 wont detect it. Myth cant find it. I tried to install it on my other comp running 10.10 but no dice. Anyone know of a way to get this Tv tuner card working in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Sound Isnt Working On Monitor

Jul 31, 2011

I got a Sony Vaio, with ubuntu 10.04 running on it. Everything was fine, exept for that i didnt had any sound when i wanted to listen music on ...../my pc.My sound sometimes work, sometimes it didnt. if it works, i and if i wanna listen to like pink floyd.i have a nice big monitor on my desk( actually just a small 23 or 24 inch one.) that monitor is connected to my laptop of where the lid is closed. the sound was coming from my monitor ( there boxes in it.. ) that is to connected with a wire to my laptop ( the sound )on 10.10 and 11.04 and windows 7 was the sound fine, now on 10.04 the sound isnt working on my monitor, my headphones, or my laptop itself.I dont want to change my os, or upgrade it to 10.10 or buy a new soundcard.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Switching Wifi Usb - Old One And The New One Isnt Being Recognized?

Jun 15, 2011

I discovered that the wifi usb dongle i used for years went bad so i got an asus dongle that i cant get working.Might it be because my system is looking for my old one and the new one isnt being recognized? (e.g.wlan setting?)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Creative Sound Card Isnt Working?

Jul 7, 2010

my creative sound card isnt working with my ubuntuit's my 1st time to use ubuntui have a built in sound card but it's not workingwritten Ectiviai dont have an ectivia soung card
i have Creative and Realtiki want the ubuntu to install the Creative

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Find Option To Upgrade Opera

Jul 16, 2010

I would like to upgrade from Opera 10.10 to 10.60. I can't figure out how to do this. I thought it was supposed to give me the choice to make a fresh install or upgrade, but there is no such thing that I can find. I have looked on the Opera Downloads page and on the Synaptic package manager page. Neither of them give me the option to upgrade, only a new install. I would like to keep my old preferences, passwords, etc. I need to upgrade to fix the problems with unresponsive flash players (....., etc.)

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Ubuntu :: Sleep Option Missing After Upgrade To 10.10?

Dec 22, 2010

When I was running 10.04 I was able to select the sleep option in XFCE's logout menu and it worked perfectly. I've just done a fresh install of 10.10 and now the sleep option is missing. How can I bring it back?

I'm running a Sony Vaio Laptop.

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