Ubuntu :: Can't Migrate E-mails From T-bird 2 To T-bird 3?

Feb 24, 2010

So after installing T-bird 3, I've pointed it to my old profile folder (which had a different name), and all of the settings seemed to be imported fine: I get all the folder and all of mail accounts, and also when I check e-mail, in status bar at the bottom I see how it successfully connects to all my mail servers and checks them. However, there are a lot of issues in the process:

1. It doesn't download any e-mail (but I know for a fact that there is a lot of it)

2. When connecting to every new server, a message asking me to wait while the folder is being processed pops up. Which happens even on the mail check upon the startup when it is certain that this is the first time it check the e-mail.

3. If an indexing feature is enabled, it hangs up with a message "Determining which messages to index in Sent" or something...My total e-mail folder is about 500 MBs, so it shouldn't be that bad, right?

4. But even if that feature is disabled - and that is the most important problem - all of my folders are empty!

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Ubuntu :: Thunder Bird Out Going Server?

Aug 17, 2010

think I have a quick question about outgoing server, how do I change the port number, I don't see an option for it anywhere. I kept getting this error when I try to send an email.

Code: Sending of message failed. The message could not be sent because connecting to SMTP server smtp.live.com failed. The server may be unavailable or is refusing SMTP connections. Please verify that your SMTP server settings are correct and try again, or contact the server administrator.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Firefox & T'bird Won't Connect But Can PING

May 2, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One that worked fine with version 9.* of Ubuntu, then I upgraded to v10.1. Now Thunderbird, Evolution, and Firefox (Namoroku?) can't connect, either wirelessly or by Ethernet cable, to my ISP. I get error messages like "connection timed out" or "cannot find {link}". I can PING my ISP from Terminal, though, and I have the machine set up for dual boot with Windows 7 and Firefox works fine under Windows.

I have no idea what to look for or where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the output from sudo lshw -c net

description: Ethernet interface
product: Atheros AR8132 / L1c Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
vendor: Atheros Communications


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Programming :: Bird Eye View Game Shadow

Mar 25, 2011

I've been working on this console-based game (in c) in which the player walks around touches floating orbs which do things etc. And I want to make it so that an object on the map blocks the sight of the player, which is something I haven't tried until now. This is the part of the code which handles this sort of thing :

void uncover(int shadow)
int wp,
pp, // point placement
mp, // maximum pp value // (that's what she said)
lp; // light placement .....

This <works> but isn't very nice. What I would like to do is to change the third to last if statement, which is really more of a geometry problem, which could be frased as :
given points (x,y) , (plist[pp].x,plist[pp].y) and (wp,hp) create a conditional which tests weather or not point (wp,hp) is within the shadow cast by light-source (x,y) being blocked by an object at (plist[pp].x,plist[pp].y), [with some width, ~1]
but there isn't a geometry forum, and it's somewhat more related to programming.

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Server :: Make VSFTP So One User "bird" Logs Into To A Specific Directory Like /foo

Jan 19, 2011

Im trying to make it so one user "bird" logs into to a specific directory like /foo

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Fedora :: System Monitor Not Opening / Thunder Bird Opening But Not Showing Any Folder Including Inbox?

Nov 20, 2010

i am using Fedora 14. Once system get hanged during opening a video file so I had to restart the system by pressing restart button. But after restarting there are few problems appearing like system monitor not opening and Thunder bird opening but not showing any folder including inbox.

---------- Post added at 04:54 AM GMT ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 AM GMT ----------

Looks like SElinux has stopped working

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General :: Fetchmail Does Not Delete Mails Received Mails From Server

May 2, 2011

I use this command to fetching mail from gmail it work good but it does not retrieved mails from server as I read from manual.


fetchmail -d0 -F -K pop.gmail.com

What is wrong and what should I do?

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General :: How To Block User From Sending Out Mails But Still Able To Receive Mails

Mar 19, 2010

am using qmail and have webmin, all is running smoothly, but i have users spamming other staff accounts.The question: How do I block a user from sending out mails but still able to receive mails. Just denying access to sending mails?if anyone can guide me to do it via terminal as well as webmin.Why webmin you ask, because I have tried it once it works but sadly it block both incoming and outgoing mails.

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Fedora Installation :: Incoming Mails Went Well, But Outgoing Mails Not?

Nov 19, 2009

As a beginner I installed Fedora 11 yesterday. Everything went well until I installed Evolution and Thunderbird. Incoming mails went well, but outgoing mails not.

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Ubuntu :: Migrate To Another Partition?

Aug 11, 2010

It's me again, I wish to be a little more organized. I incidentally installed Ubuntu on the same partition as my main Windows 7.

Is there a possible way to "migrate" this Ubuntu OS to another partition, keeping all of the settings. Also, would "migrating" the OS interfere with GRUB2?

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Ubuntu :: How To Migrate To Ext4

Dec 19, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and have been using an encrypted ext3 setup (created with the alternative installer CD) ever since Hardy or so. Is it possible to migrate my partitions to ext4 without formatting/reinstalling ?

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Fedora :: How To Migrate From Ubuntu

Nov 17, 2010

I have used Ubuntu for 4 years. I'm thinking of trying Fedora. I have a 1TG HD with three partitions(/,/ home, swap).Any suggestions about how to migrate? Do I clean /home of programs files? Just my personal files? Etc.

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Ubuntu :: How To Migrate Email (One Web Host To Another)

Jan 23, 2010

I was not sure if Desktop meant 'Desktop vs Server', or Desktop as in relation to Windows Managers.

I want to move a domain from one web host to another. I also want to preserve my email. Does anyone have a recommendation for software which will allow me to:

(1) Copy current web host email locally
(2) Switch web hosts
(3) Populate new web host with local copy

I've looked at imapcopy and imapsync. Unfortunately, both want Server -> Server. I briefly looked at setting up a local IMAP server (dovecot-imap), but it is clear that this is more ISP-grade. I did not see a quick example of user management in [URL], and I don't really want to spend days working on the configuration.

Any recommendations for software that allows me to 'backup' and 'restore' to/from a local file store?

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Ubuntu :: Migrate User From Old Install

Jun 2, 2010

I'm moving a user from an old 8.x Xubuntu install to a different machine with 10.04 installed. I want to migrate all the user's files and settings to the new machine. I see Ubuntu has a migration assistant, but the limited documentation I've found on it talks about using for in-place upgrades from older/other OSes.

Ideally, something like this would work like the Apple Migration Assistant or Windows Easy Transfer. If so, how do I access this? Anyone have a tutorial? If not, can someone point me to instructions to move the proper folders, create the user, assign permissions, etc.?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Migrate To Kubuntu

Jun 3, 2010

I have recently tried to migrate to kubuntu. I am reading manuals and studying the matter right now, trying to find help via googling and stuff, but for some (i suppose, trivial) matters i just cannot seem to get help and reading manuals leads me nowhere.I am sorry if my questions seem trivial or are answered in manpages or on this forum, i tried searching and didnt found...

1) how to correctly install something, for which a "Stable Source Release" is provided. Especially when options are to be set

2) how to get knowledge about what version of something (in this case, ntfs-3g) is installed in my system, and what kind of options were set when it was installed

3) what exactly happens when i type "make" withing a folder i just extracted my "stable source release" gzip to?

4) what exactly happens when i type "make install", how does it know where to put what files, make changes to my system etc...

5) how to undo what it (make install) has done (because i had already corrupted one installation of kubuntu by simply doing an unsuccessfull make install of an x-fi driver package and then an alsa package)

6) when i install something with "apt-get install <packagename>" does the downloading of "source stable" happens and "make install" is ran for me, or something else?

7) Do gui package managers just do the "apt-get install <package name> " for me when i check to install something or do they do something extra aside from that? Like synaptic?

8) when i install something with the same name, but different version, what happens? like if i do an "apt-get install XYZ" of version 2.0 when i already have XYZ of version 1.0 installed, will 1.0 get overwritten by 2.0 or will i have both installed in my system?

9) how do i know which "options" are used when i do apt-get install of a package? for example, if package says "build with this option to achieve this result" how do i know if this option is on or off or can i control it when i apt-get install this package?

10) if i installed something with "make install" - can i later uninstal if with apt-get uninstall package or i have to somehow manually remove files? what is the common procedure?

11) if i installed something with "make install" - can i later upgrade it with "apt-get"?

12) why i read in books, like for example here (http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz), that i should partition my disk in multiple partitions:

- one for swap
- one for / file system
- one for /usr
- one for /tmp
- one for /var
- remaining space goes for /home

because then if one gets overflown, full or broken, it wont affect the others, and you can afford to loose some and it eases the recovery of system in case of a fault
but then, kubuntu installs itself just in two partitions, swap and the rest? Is multiple partitions scheme outdated or?

13) Why if i ctrl-alt-f1 out of my KDE and run kate (any gui program), it says "cannot connect to X server" while xserver is indeed running on my pc (otherwise how would kde work?)

14) what is under ctrl-alt-f12, f11 etc, it is a blank screen with a cursor in top-left

15) is there a way to set the vga mode for tty's that are accessible with ctrl+alt+f(1-6) to 80x50 (i prefer that over the 80x25 that is set by default there)
i've read that you could do that in lilo config files you just do vga=extended
but now kubuntu uses grub so... how do i do that?

16) i've read that "linux is good because you can shut down an app that hangs your pc by going to terminal and sending a kill signal, something you cannot do in windows because windows has no way to escape a frozen gui"

But when i had a way to test that in practice (today i tried some decoration scheme for my KDE and it froze my desktop) i found out i have a freaking lot of processes running (with ps -A) and.... well, what should i have done to unfreeze my desktop? And how do i know what exactly hangs my PC in order to terminate it? (like in windows - you very frequently have a nearly dead non-responding pc, but doing CtRL-ALT-DEL shows that "system idle" has about 3/4 of your processor time and there is no problem with memory consumtion either, yet system barely can respond to your input")

17) i've heard and read about "linux needs no reboot" but in practice, installing nvidia drivers requires reboot, for example. So, is it really true or there is a way to make those drivers go without rebooting, they just tell me to reboot because i'm considered a newbie who doesnt know that "linux does not need reboot"?

18) KDE is very annoyingly preventing me from doing anything in "LEAVE" menu without a 30second-confirmation box (shutting down in 30 s...)... and i dont seem to see any settings for that in the gui... same goes for asking me to close my tty's - can it do it by itself? what config file should i edit?

19) As i read, linux filesystem philosophy is that settings go into /etc and that everything is a file, so, in order to change anything in my system it boils down to editing a file. Now, why do the files are so scattered? For example, why does alsa config file live as a hidden file (starts with .) in my home, and a file to set up mounting behavior lies in /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla or /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy.

Do only system apps like mount use /etc for their configs, and how do i generally know where to look if i want to change something (like in windows, i'd go look in the application path, in my user folder's corresponding folders - my documents, application data etc and in registry).

20) As i read, linux ideology is about program scattering istelf all over the file system. Countrary to windows where program occupies a folder in which it nests its own folder tree (like data, sound, themes), a linux is said to put binaries into /bin, configs into /etc and so on. What happens if programs are called the same or use same files? For example, if two people make a program with a same name or use same file (for example, alot of windows programs used to use settings.ini to store user settings, if that would be in a same folder...?) or make a same short name for their program (like a long program name abbreviated to three letters for simplicity, but what if two programs have same abbreviations?).

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Migrate To New Partition?

Oct 4, 2010

I want to change my partition configuration, and migrate my install to a drive I haven't used in a while.I've followed the steps which I have seen in several locations, but for some reason I can't boot into it (hopefully it's something simple )Here's what I've done so far:Deleted all of the partitions on the drivecreated a new EXT4 and swap partition on the drive (and others that are currently unused)mounted the new drive, and rsynced the old drive with this command:

sudo rsync -va --exclude=/media --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --progress / /media/ubuntu


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Ubuntu :: Migrate To New Hard Drive?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm about to migrate from a single 1TB drive on my Mythbuntu system to a two-disk setup with a 500GB drive for boot, root, home, etc. and the entire 1TB drive reserved for MythTV and shared videos.

In addition to being on a different hard drive than now, the partition numbers are somewhat wonky currently; I originally dual-booted Windows on sda1, which will no longer be the case. sda2 is the current myth partition and is the back half of the drive for some reason I won't go into here. Partitions 3 through 7 work all right now as root, swap, home, and space reserved for a virtual machine, but I'd like them to be 1 through whatever just for keeping me sane.

Is there a good way to do this? I was going to use remastersys to install my current install there, but I'm not certain all the data I need for a seamless install will fit on the 4 GB jump drive I have. I can mount the old partitions and copy some stuff over afterwards, but it would be nice if there were a way to just dump it on and have it mostly work. I've had to jump through some hoops to get it working the way it is now (which is quite well) and I'd like to avoid doing that again. Plus, with MythTV, there's a lot of setup involved after installation which I'd like to avoid since it's correct now.

If there is a good way to clone the partitions to the new drive, a big thing would be that the boot sector has to come over too, or can be rebuilt without needing an install. I've had a situation where that didn't happen, and the result was a lot of wasted time and effort.

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Ubuntu :: Migrate Emails And Setting From One TB Installation To Another?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to migrate my emails and (at least) account settings from Thunderbird 2 that is installed on my main machine here, and move them to another Windows-based installation of Thunderbird.

I tried searching here and Mozilla.org, but can find no answer. Since the source Thunderbird installation is the one installed on my Ubuntu machine, I thought I'd start here. (plus, I get better answers here)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Migrate A System From One Machine To Another?

Mar 4, 2010

How do I migrate a system from one machine to another. By this I mean install a new system on a new machine then have a copy of all the settings etc from the old one copied to the new one.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migrate To 10 Beta From Gentoo?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm just trying to migrate to Ubuntu 10 Beta from Gentoo. One option in the installer intrigued me. It said something like (from memory) "Use password to log in and decrypt my home directory".

What happens behind the scenes when I choose this? (How) can I enable this later on? (I didn't activate it because I wanted to migrate my Gentoo user's home as painless as possible.)

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Ubuntu :: How To Migrate User Home Directory

Sep 29, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit

I ran following command to change username;

# usermod -c "Real name" -l new_username old_username

but forgot adding -m option to move the contents of the old home directory to the new home directory.

# ls /home

how to fix it. /home is on partition /dev/sda3 NOT on root directory

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Ubuntu :: Migrate Logical Partition To Primary?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10

I have been running a dual boot system for a while now and I haven't logged onto the Windows side for quite a while. I'm ready to whack it.

What I want to do is get rid of sda1, sda2, sda3 partitions(all Windows related) - migrate my Linux install(sda5) to a Primary partition, migrate the swap out of the extended partition, and then make everything else my "data"(ext4) partition...so basically go to 2 primary partitions and a swap.

I know how to ultimately get to my one big "data" partition, but the part I'm not so sure or comfortable with is whacking the current Primary partitions and migrating the Ubuntu install to the new primary partition.

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 13 102400 de Dell Utility
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2 * 13 1926 15360000 7 HPFS/NTFS


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Ubuntu Installation :: 'migrate' / Upgrade To 11.04 Xubuntu From 10.10?

Apr 16, 2011

I am currently running 10.10 Merekat as 11.04 will use the horrid unity enviroment i am looking into ways to have the next version work how iI want not how cannonical want therefore i ask the following What is the best way to 'migrate' to 11.04 xubuntu from 10.10 ubuntu? Is it just a case of re-pointing the repo's towards xubuntu.org & then removing Gnome?

I know this is probably an odd question but i seriously cannot live with unity as my desktop & just do not want it installed even if i wont use it! If this change is too big then i may move away from ubuntu altogether but as i have used it since warty warthog i am obviously reluctant

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Ubuntu Servers :: Migrate Users To New Installation?

Jun 23, 2011

How do I migrate my user list to a new server installation? I thought that just copying /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow would be enough. I recently tried upgrading a lightweight bazaar server to 11.04, and the upgrade crashed. I had to perform a new installation of Ubuntu to recover operation of the system. I installed on a different hard drive. I had a dozen other people with user logins, so that they can get or modify bazaar repositories.

The new installation is running, and I can read all of the files on my old system's / drive. I tried copying the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files onto my new /etc -- but that did not seem to work. (When I looked using the System->Administration->Users-and-Groups GUI tool, there were no users visible, so I restored the old files.) What I intended to do was to clone the /etc and /home trees over to the new system. What am I missing?

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Ubuntu :: Migrate Evolution Mail To Thunderbird?

Jul 7, 2011

Since it has been announced that 11.10 will likely ship with thunderbird instead of evolution, I now am wondering how i am going to migrate my mail spool to the new application.

Is there a migration/import utility to transfer mail/contact/settings from evolution to thunderbird?

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Ubuntu :: Migrate To A Larger HD, Dumping Windows?

Aug 13, 2011

I currently use Xubuntu on a dual boot system, a laptop. The hard drive is to small (30 GB shared between Xubuntu and windows), so I want to clone the existing drive, but I do not want to clone windows.

I bought a 120 GB hard drive, and want to dump windows totally. If I download clonezilla and burn it to a cd, can I instruct it to only clone the Xubuntu system? I think I would run clonezilla from a cd, download everything to my USB drive, then remove the small hard drive. Then, install the bigger drive and restore everything to the newer and larger drive. Will this work??

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Fedora :: Migrate VMware To KVM?

Jun 11, 2009

Is there any means of converting a VMware VM into a KVM VM? If there is no direct way is there a KVM tool that will convert a running system into a KVM VM like VMware has? If that exists it would be possible to run it on a VMware VM to produce a KVM VM?

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Fedora :: Migrate On A Bigger HDD?

Jul 24, 2010

I have Fedora on SATA HDD 80Gb.Now I want to move all partitions to the 500Gb one.Some of partitions will remain the same size, some will increase. I tried that with Paragon Hard Disk Manager,but after it was done I found a problem, that they can't pass fsck checkup.It says something about cross linked files and on the root partition it failed at all with warning something about bad superblock.what is the easiest way to move to the big HDD? What soft should I use? Maybe it's sufficient to boot from CD, create new partitions and copy all files from source partitions to destination ones?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrate From 11.2 To 11.3?

Jul 20, 2010

I am using openSUSE 11.2 on my work computer and I wanna migrate to openSUSE 11.3. My concern is the fact that I have some "must have applications" that I had a lot of problems with them at installation on 11.2. Is there any possibility to create something like a restore point and if these applications are not functioning to come back to 11.2?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Migrate Script From HP-UX?

Mar 1, 2011

I have created some new weblogic domains in linux machines and I migrated the related scripts. All works ok but the following.

In stop script it seems that after the execution reaches the following command (which performs the actual shutdown of the server) the script lets say that it pauses(?) its execution. The server is actually stopped, but I found that to continue to execution of the script I need to hit Ctrl+C or Enter. I seems that some sort of user interaction is required.

The command is the following:
Code: ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp ${CLASSPATH} weblogic.Admin FORCESHUTDOWN -url ${URL} ${UIDPWD} ${SERVER_NAME} 2>&1 I am positive that all parameters are defined correctly. After all the script works. The only thing that comes to mind is the 2>&1 for redirection of the output. Could this need different syntax?

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