I have created some new weblogic domains in linux machines and I migrated the related scripts. All works ok but the following.
In stop script it seems that after the execution reaches the following command (which performs the actual shutdown of the server) the script lets say that it pauses(?) its execution. The server is actually stopped, but I found that to continue to execution of the script I need to hit Ctrl+C or Enter. I seems that some sort of user interaction is required.
The command is the following:
Code: ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp ${CLASSPATH} weblogic.Admin FORCESHUTDOWN -url ${URL} ${UIDPWD} ${SERVER_NAME} 2>&1 I am positive that all parameters are defined correctly. After all the script works. The only thing that comes to mind is the 2>&1 for redirection of the output. Could this need different syntax?
Is there any means of converting a VMware VM into a KVM VM? If there is no direct way is there a KVM tool that will convert a running system into a KVM VM like VMware has? If that exists it would be possible to run it on a VMware VM to produce a KVM VM?
I have Fedora on SATA HDD 80Gb.Now I want to move all partitions to the 500Gb one.Some of partitions will remain the same size, some will increase. I tried that with Paragon Hard Disk Manager,but after it was done I found a problem, that they can't pass fsck checkup.It says something about cross linked files and on the root partition it failed at all with warning something about bad superblock.what is the easiest way to move to the big HDD? What soft should I use? Maybe it's sufficient to boot from CD, create new partitions and copy all files from source partitions to destination ones?
I have used Ubuntu for 4 years. I'm thinking of trying Fedora. I have a 1TG HD with three partitions(/,/ home, swap).Any suggestions about how to migrate? Do I clean /home of programs files? Just my personal files? Etc.
I have a working system running some older fedora, and new hardware running a fresh, new fedora install. I want to basically transfer my computer's "soul" into the new system ( user's stuff, firewall configuration, the various server & security configurations, etc.) and basically any customizations and non-hardware related packages installed that weren't part of the standard fedora install process. I'm looking for a magical easy button I can push to do all this (pause for laughter). Essentially, I want to "upgrade", but starting with a clean install on a different computer with different hardware. I have a vague idea of what needs to happen, like copying the /etc/*.conf files, /home directory, etc. but this seems very tedious, and the likelihood of me forgetting or overlooking something is 100%, and copying over entire disks or partitions wholesale is not necessary, and does not work for this scenario. I need to place/merge just the right files/directories in just the right places with surgical precision. Is there a utility for this? Maybe a way to diff the packages of the 2 computers and install the difference? Or at the very least some sort of checklist that could be scripted for my system? I'm desperately trying to avoid the pain, human misery & suffering encountered getting everything in the 1st system going.
Can we migrate to make version 3.81 in Fedora 14? make 3.82 is made available in make Fedora 14 which has compatibility issues with make files of 3.81 version.
I've been running Fedora 10 in a computer with Asus motherboard,M2V, but I want to move the hard drive with Fedora 10 installed on to another computer with Asus motherboard,M2NPV. The reason I mention both motherboards by their name is because both of them are almost identical except for the boards.
When I try to boot Fedora 10 in the one with M2NPV, the boot process complains that it can't find the root file system.
The Fedora OS was installed on one hard drive with the following partitions:/boot partition LVM Volgroup partition swap partition.
It appears to me that the boot loader can't find /boot partition and thereby the initrd.img.
I tried to rebuild initrd.img, but the rescue disk could not find the installed OS.
i am planning on installing virtualbox on a fedora 9 machine and would like to know if it is possible to migrate another fedora 9 (totally seperate) machine to a virtualbox as a guest OS.
I found 2 previous posts, one from 2005 and one from 2006. The 2005 post was not very helpful and the 2006 threads are not exactly what I was expecting. So I wanted to ask the question to be sure. I have already stood up the new fedora 12 server. The old server is also fedora 12. I need to migrate local users and sendmail mailboxes. In the past couple of years the environment was small enough to create a copy of the users and then have the users mail themselves, but I want to start migrating users/mailboxes properly.
On a unix level I am a jr admin, but I have extensive senior level experience as a windows engineer and network engineer. I do feel comfortable with using the unix command line, but usually operate the unix systems thru webmin because I am not familular with more complex commands. Ideally a software solution to migrate users and/or mailboxes from one server to another is what I am looking for, but in leiu of a software solution I still need to migrate user accounts and their mailboxes. LDAP is not in place, but if the process becomes easier with LDAP I am willing to do what is needed to set up LDAP. (I have no previous experience setting up LDAP)
I do not want to change my mail server from sendmail to different software. At least right now. Both systems are up and running. They can connect to each other via public ipv4 address' only. The new server has already been installed and configured with all the software to match the old server. How do I migrate users and sendmail mailboxes from one fedora 12 server to another fedora 12 server?
I am using openSUSE 11.2 on my work computer and I wanna migrate to openSUSE 11.3. My concern is the fact that I have some "must have applications" that I had a lot of problems with them at installation on 11.2. Is there any possibility to create something like a restore point and if these applications are not functioning to come back to 11.2?
It's me again, I wish to be a little more organized. I incidentally installed Ubuntu on the same partition as my main Windows 7.
Is there a possible way to "migrate" this Ubuntu OS to another partition, keeping all of the settings. Also, would "migrating" the OS interfere with GRUB2?
I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and have been using an encrypted ext3 setup (created with the alternative installer CD) ever since Hardy or so. Is it possible to migrate my partitions to ext4 without formatting/reinstalling ?
Our hardware that is running DNS is very old (Pentium 1 Redhat release 6.2), and I want to migrate the DNS Records to a new computer (Pentium 4 Debian Lenny). There is no GUI environment on the old server: no Gnome or KDE. I may consider using VMware Workstation for this project.
1. I don't have very much DNS experience. Is this a painless process?
2. Are there commands that I can run to export the DNS records from the old server?
3. Are there commands that I can run to import the DNS records to the new server?
4. What other advice do you have that could help this process?
I installed 11.3 as a "fresh" install (not upgrade) into a second partition, so now I have both my current 11.2 and the new 11.3 as a dual boot.
I'd like to migrate my old KDE (4.4.3) settings to the new 11.3 (KDE 4.4.4) installation, most importantly KMail and its archived mail folders. My plan was to copy the kmailrc file from the ~/.kde4/share/config/ folder and overwrite the default kmailrc that's on 11.3 and then replace the ENTIRE ~/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/ folder on 11.3 with the one on 11.2 (including the hidden files and folders).
My questions are:
1. would this work, or am I missing other files and folders.
2. Would I be better off just copying the entire ~/.kde4 folder from 11.2 partition to 11.3?
I was not sure if Desktop meant 'Desktop vs Server', or Desktop as in relation to Windows Managers.
I want to move a domain from one web host to another. I also want to preserve my email. Does anyone have a recommendation for software which will allow me to:
(1) Copy current web host email locally (2) Switch web hosts (3) Populate new web host with local copy
I've looked at imapcopy and imapsync. Unfortunately, both want Server -> Server. I briefly looked at setting up a local IMAP server (dovecot-imap), but it is clear that this is more ISP-grade. I did not see a quick example of user management in [URL], and I don't really want to spend days working on the configuration.
Any recommendations for software that allows me to 'backup' and 'restore' to/from a local file store?
I'm moving a user from an old 8.x Xubuntu install to a different machine with 10.04 installed. I want to migrate all the user's files and settings to the new machine. I see Ubuntu has a migration assistant, but the limited documentation I've found on it talks about using for in-place upgrades from older/other OSes.
Ideally, something like this would work like the Apple Migration Assistant or Windows Easy Transfer. If so, how do I access this? Anyone have a tutorial? If not, can someone point me to instructions to move the proper folders, create the user, assign permissions, etc.?
I have recently tried to migrate to kubuntu. I am reading manuals and studying the matter right now, trying to find help via googling and stuff, but for some (i suppose, trivial) matters i just cannot seem to get help and reading manuals leads me nowhere.I am sorry if my questions seem trivial or are answered in manpages or on this forum, i tried searching and didnt found...
1) how to correctly install something, for which a "Stable Source Release" is provided. Especially when options are to be set
2) how to get knowledge about what version of something (in this case, ntfs-3g) is installed in my system, and what kind of options were set when it was installed
3) what exactly happens when i type "make" withing a folder i just extracted my "stable source release" gzip to?
4) what exactly happens when i type "make install", how does it know where to put what files, make changes to my system etc...
5) how to undo what it (make install) has done (because i had already corrupted one installation of kubuntu by simply doing an unsuccessfull make install of an x-fi driver package and then an alsa package)
6) when i install something with "apt-get install <packagename>" does the downloading of "source stable" happens and "make install" is ran for me, or something else?
7) Do gui package managers just do the "apt-get install <package name> " for me when i check to install something or do they do something extra aside from that? Like synaptic?
8) when i install something with the same name, but different version, what happens? like if i do an "apt-get install XYZ" of version 2.0 when i already have XYZ of version 1.0 installed, will 1.0 get overwritten by 2.0 or will i have both installed in my system?
9) how do i know which "options" are used when i do apt-get install of a package? for example, if package says "build with this option to achieve this result" how do i know if this option is on or off or can i control it when i apt-get install this package?
10) if i installed something with "make install" - can i later uninstal if with apt-get uninstall package or i have to somehow manually remove files? what is the common procedure?
11) if i installed something with "make install" - can i later upgrade it with "apt-get"?
12) why i read in books, like for example here (http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz), that i should partition my disk in multiple partitions:
- one for swap - one for / file system - one for /usr - one for /tmp - one for /var - remaining space goes for /home
because then if one gets overflown, full or broken, it wont affect the others, and you can afford to loose some and it eases the recovery of system in case of a fault but then, kubuntu installs itself just in two partitions, swap and the rest? Is multiple partitions scheme outdated or?
13) Why if i ctrl-alt-f1 out of my KDE and run kate (any gui program), it says "cannot connect to X server" while xserver is indeed running on my pc (otherwise how would kde work?)
14) what is under ctrl-alt-f12, f11 etc, it is a blank screen with a cursor in top-left
15) is there a way to set the vga mode for tty's that are accessible with ctrl+alt+f(1-6) to 80x50 (i prefer that over the 80x25 that is set by default there) i've read that you could do that in lilo config files you just do vga=extended but now kubuntu uses grub so... how do i do that?
16) i've read that "linux is good because you can shut down an app that hangs your pc by going to terminal and sending a kill signal, something you cannot do in windows because windows has no way to escape a frozen gui"
But when i had a way to test that in practice (today i tried some decoration scheme for my KDE and it froze my desktop) i found out i have a freaking lot of processes running (with ps -A) and.... well, what should i have done to unfreeze my desktop? And how do i know what exactly hangs my PC in order to terminate it? (like in windows - you very frequently have a nearly dead non-responding pc, but doing CtRL-ALT-DEL shows that "system idle" has about 3/4 of your processor time and there is no problem with memory consumtion either, yet system barely can respond to your input")
17) i've heard and read about "linux needs no reboot" but in practice, installing nvidia drivers requires reboot, for example. So, is it really true or there is a way to make those drivers go without rebooting, they just tell me to reboot because i'm considered a newbie who doesnt know that "linux does not need reboot"?
18) KDE is very annoyingly preventing me from doing anything in "LEAVE" menu without a 30second-confirmation box (shutting down in 30 s...)... and i dont seem to see any settings for that in the gui... same goes for asking me to close my tty's - can it do it by itself? what config file should i edit?
19) As i read, linux filesystem philosophy is that settings go into /etc and that everything is a file, so, in order to change anything in my system it boils down to editing a file. Now, why do the files are so scattered? For example, why does alsa config file live as a hidden file (starts with .) in my home, and a file to set up mounting behavior lies in /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla or /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy.
Do only system apps like mount use /etc for their configs, and how do i generally know where to look if i want to change something (like in windows, i'd go look in the application path, in my user folder's corresponding folders - my documents, application data etc and in registry).
20) As i read, linux ideology is about program scattering istelf all over the file system. Countrary to windows where program occupies a folder in which it nests its own folder tree (like data, sound, themes), a linux is said to put binaries into /bin, configs into /etc and so on. What happens if programs are called the same or use same files? For example, if two people make a program with a same name or use same file (for example, alot of windows programs used to use settings.ini to store user settings, if that would be in a same folder...?) or make a same short name for their program (like a long program name abbreviated to three letters for simplicity, but what if two programs have same abbreviations?).
I want to change my partition configuration, and migrate my install to a drive I haven't used in a while.I've followed the steps which I have seen in several locations, but for some reason I can't boot into it (hopefully it's something simple )Here's what I've done so far:Deleted all of the partitions on the drivecreated a new EXT4 and swap partition on the drive (and others that are currently unused)mounted the new drive, and rsynced the old drive with this command:
I'm about to migrate from a single 1TB drive on my Mythbuntu system to a two-disk setup with a 500GB drive for boot, root, home, etc. and the entire 1TB drive reserved for MythTV and shared videos.
In addition to being on a different hard drive than now, the partition numbers are somewhat wonky currently; I originally dual-booted Windows on sda1, which will no longer be the case. sda2 is the current myth partition and is the back half of the drive for some reason I won't go into here. Partitions 3 through 7 work all right now as root, swap, home, and space reserved for a virtual machine, but I'd like them to be 1 through whatever just for keeping me sane.
Is there a good way to do this? I was going to use remastersys to install my current install there, but I'm not certain all the data I need for a seamless install will fit on the 4 GB jump drive I have. I can mount the old partitions and copy some stuff over afterwards, but it would be nice if there were a way to just dump it on and have it mostly work. I've had to jump through some hoops to get it working the way it is now (which is quite well) and I'd like to avoid doing that again. Plus, with MythTV, there's a lot of setup involved after installation which I'd like to avoid since it's correct now.
If there is a good way to clone the partitions to the new drive, a big thing would be that the boot sector has to come over too, or can be rebuilt without needing an install. I've had a situation where that didn't happen, and the result was a lot of wasted time and effort.
I need to migrate data from Lotus Notes (LN) to MySQL system. I googled around, but didn't find much information about it. The LN has an option to export data like Lotus 1-2-3, which allows you to open the data into excell, but nothing apparently to MySQL. I also opened the MySQLMigration-ToolKit. In the import DataBase System, it doesn't appear LN as an option of supported systems. We are trying to keep things using freeware and cross-platform, although sometimes providing final customer products that run on MS. There is any tool available around, or should we go and code the routines to read the tables from Lotus to MySQL using a programming language like C?
I have postfix and mysql set up on one server running Ubuntu 6.10. I have to upgrade all them at their current versions and ensuring current email service on line. So, I installed in other machine the current versions of the same programs. The oldest server is the current MTA, the new machine is on line but I don't know where I should make changes that allow me move some mailboxes from one to other. I tried reassigning priorities in them MX's records but it didn't work.
I trying to Migrate NT4 Domain to Samba-3 following the example in: [URL] where they mention "This migration process makes use of Linux system tools (like useradd) to add the accounts that are migrated into the UNIX/Linux /etc/passwd and /etc/group databases. These entries must therefore be present, and correct options specified, in your smb.conf file, or else the migration does not work as it should. " how to specify these (with correct options) in the smb.conf file? what are the parameters?
'm using Debian 6 (Squeeze) and I'm trying to migrate away from Apache to Nginx, but my Nginx installation seems to be showing some weird behavior.
aptitude install nginx-extras
/etc/init.d/apache2 STOP /etc/init.d/nginx START
the configuration file /etc/nginx/global.conf syntax is ok [alert]: mmap(MAP_ANON|MAP_SHARED, 33554432) failed (28: No space left on device) configuration file /etc/nginx/global.conf test failed
I want to do an apparently simple task but since I migrated to Opensuse I found no way to do it. I have an enhanced install of Opensuse 11.3, where I added softwares from different sources according to my needs. Now that it's working fine I would like to make the same kind of install for two friends of mine and for a virtual machine on Virtualbox. In Ubuntu I used remastersys and in few minutes it created a live DVD with all the content of my system, and all of this offline, without downloading anything else. In Opensuse the only resources that most resemble that are Kiwi and Suse Studio.
But it seems that in both the softwares must be downloaded from repositories online. That would not work for me because it would take a very long time to find out all the packages I installed, from what repositories and my internet connection is very slow so I could not do it all at once. I tried Clonezilla but I was not able to restore the content of my Opensuse partition to a different machine. It gave me error messages, didn't make the restore and I didn't find a solution anywhere online. How can I transfer the content of my Opensuse installation to another computer without having to use online resources?
I am currently considering migrating an openSUSE X86-64 system from 11.3 to 11.4. There seem to be 2 possibilities, upgrade or reinstall. Opinion seems to be divided on the process of upgrading from the DVD.I have not been able to find any reasonable guide to using either method to migrate an 11.3 system to 11.4 and have the 11.4 system in the same working state as the 11.3 system was. What I have found for the reinstall method is trivial. for the upgrade method I have seen a reference to running rcrpmconfigcheck but I have been unable to find a man page for it on my 11.3 system or via google.
Does such a guide exist? It should be created by the openSUSE project for each release.If it works the upgrade process looks to be the best method. The last 2 migrations were via the install method. 10 to 11 but also 32 to 64 bit and then 11.1 to 11.3 onto a new machine before moving the data across. Both rebuilds took many days.I have seen many posts saying that it is very quick to rebuild the system. As little as 2 hours has been quoted. I have not yet seen an explanation of how they do it. I suspect that they rebuild systems regularly and have it all scripted or their systems are very simple. An explanation of how it is done would be interesting.Given that I do migrations once or twice a year, building and testing a script to do the migration is probably not worth the effort especially as the only test machine is very old and slow