Ubuntu :: Blank Screen (ATI) On TV When It Works On Monitor?
Jul 31, 2011
Natty install -- ATI 9800 is the video board.
I installed Natty on it with the machine hooked up to a Samsung LCD with a 1680x1050 resolution over DVI. No problems at all. I want the box to pretty much output MP3s and web video, so I'm not needing much. When I take the box and hook it via DVI to my LCD, I get a blank screen on boot up. I try sticking the natty CD in it, and I get a blank screen trying to live boot it too. The LCD doesn't do 1680x1050, so I brought it back to my Samsung and set the default resolution to something nice and safe: 1280x1024. Still the same behavior. When I take splash mode off, I see a "load fallback graphics devices fail" error as it is booting up. Hard for me to think the driver is the fault here when it works on my over LCD just fine.
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Feb 23, 2010
I'm a newbie so apologies if there is a trivial answer to this.
I (maybe somewhat rashly) tried to connect my tv to my laptop (Dell Latitude D400) running Ubuntu 9.10.
I plugged in the cable, went to the System>Display menu, where it had detected the model and make of tv (Samsung 19" LCD) (I think the resolution was 1650 x 1050 or similar). I clicked the box to activate the second monitor with the "Virtual resolution" adjusted. It told me to log out then log back in.
I accordingly logged out but then couldn't log back in. It had evidently changed the resolution not only on the 2nd monitor but also on the laptop monitor. A box was visible on screen but completely illegible/unclear since the laptop monitor couldn't display that resolution.
After a few restarts and button pushes it is now restarting at a terminal (I enter my username/password at a command prompt on an otherwise blank screen rather than the graphical interface loading up).
Question: are there any commands that could change the resolution back to its original settings then restart the Ubuntu graphic interface? Some thing similar to the "load with last known good configuration settings" option in Windows maybe.
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Feb 14, 2011
I have an Acer Aspire One AOA110 (SSD version that came w/ Linpus Lite) that my brother gave to me several months back when it stopped working. I've been trying various ways to revive it or make it useable, but haven't had any luck so I figure it's time to look to the community for ideas. I have already updated the BIOS to the latest (v3310) version, so I don't think it's the common issue these netbooks have where they don't even post. I'm kind of thinking the GPU died halfway or something. If I could just get it to work in a command line only mode, I'd be happy.
The netbook will post fine, but when I try to boot into Linux, the screen will go blank part way through the boot process. I don't ever remember hearing sound afterwards so I don't know if just the screen is blank or if the computer is locked up as well. I have tried several distros, but all of them seem to run into the same issue. Some with text based installers (Debian) get all the way through the install, but won't get all the way through the boot process. I'm only trying to get to a command line, not into X or anything graphical. Arch Linux also uses a text based installer, but I couldn't even get into the installer before the screen goes blank. I've tried changing some of the kernel options such as nomodeset, vesa and framebuffers options, but didn't have much luck with them either. I've also tried some older versions of Ubuntu (I think back to either 8.04 or 8.10) and tried the text installs, but I can't remember if I couldn't get into the installer or if I just couldn't boot, I want to say I couldn't even install. Mind you it's not random, it's always at the same point for a particular distro.
So the other small twist to this all is that FreeDOS works fine, besides not being able to get the sound card or network card working. I can play games, set different resolutions in ZSNES, etc. This seems a little odd to me, but I'm hoping it makes perfect sense to someone reading this.
I want to be able to run Linux with a command line interface, but I can't find the right distro/settings/whatever that it stays in the video mode (vesa?/framebuffer only?/I'm not even sure what to search for) where I keep the display and get to a command line. Any thoughts on what's happening when the screen goes blank or what I can do to get Linux working on here again?
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Feb 16, 2010
I just replaced my PSU and now my computer is not booting up. To make sure that my new psu is not causing the problem, I put my old one back in but it still doesn't boot up. My system powers on, motherboard led glows, the processor starts running and so does the graphics card. The monitor stays blank though. Nothing shows up on the monitor. Just a blank screen with the monitor led blinking. What could be the problem ? It was working fine before I replaced my psu.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a new ubuntu 10.04 install, it is the third that I have done recently. On this particular install (unlike the others) the screen goes unexpectedly blank at seeming random intervals and any motion restores the screen. It is acting like a screen saver with the blank screen option set. My screensaver preferences are set to use a screen saver 'for a 7-minute idle period. The lock screen option is off. For AC power management never is chosen for "put computer to sleep" and 30 minutes is chosen for the "put display to sleep" option.
This is a compaq presario desktop.
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Jan 5, 2011
I've run into a strange problem with GDM that I haven't managed to find a solution for yet, either by trying myself or googling, and I have run out of good ideas. I'll just infodump here about the problem and what I've tried etc;
I installed Ubuntu on a new PC a few weeks ago, setting it up with autologin for my mom and a separate user for myself, using the on/off-icon menu in the top-right corner to switch to my own user and back as needed, and logging the user out when done. This worked quite well.
However, a few days ago, this stopped working; logging out or trying to switch now leaves me with a blank black screen, without even a mouse pointer (but not off, the backlight is on).
EDIT: To clarify, this is an issue that only affects the GDM login screen, but that affects it whenever it is used, wether it is on boot (when not set to autologin), after logging out, or when trying to switch user.
At this point, I can usually use Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get a textmode login, and Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get back to the auto-logged in session (assuming I tried to switch, not logout).
I can't think of anything specific I did or installed around then that should be related in any way...
I tried disabling autologin and restarting gdm, which left me with the same black screen (which is still there after rebooting), instead of the expected login window. I managed to re-enable autologin by manually editing the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file, so that it would at least work for mom.
I've also tried to change which user is auto-logged in, thinking it might be a problem with my user account, but both users get an automatic session just fine when I restart gdm.
I thought it might be a problem with the video driver, but that's not the case - if I run zenity --info as root with DISPLAY set correctly, the dialog box appears on the screen just fine. It has no borders or titlebar (there's no windowmanager), and is apparently without keyboard focus, so since there's no visible mouse pointer I can't click the OK button... But since it appears, X is apparently up and running just fine, just has nothing to display other than a black background.
I tried purging and reinstalling gdm and gnome-session(-bin|-common), but that didn't help any.
Running ck-list-sessions after trying to switch indicates that there's a new session there, with session-type = 'LoginWindow', so it appears to think everything's fine.
Enabling debug output in the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file did get me some more debug output in the gdm logs, but it didn't really tell me anything, there weren't any obvious problems that I could see.
After some looking around, I've guessed that it's supposed to be running gdm-simple-greeter, which I assume would display a login box; trying to run it manually doesn't work though (it's missing some environment variables, and trying to add them based on the abovementioned debug output doesn't really help).
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Jul 14, 2015
When I mount Debian 8 live into VMWare Player 7.1.2 64bit, it works awesome with and without graphics acceleration enabled i.e I can get into the desktop and all that.
But, when I installed it, the reboot is just a blank screen. I am not sure how I can proceed from now.
I am on Windows 7, 64bit Ultimate.
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Feb 5, 2011
I just installed ubuntu 10.10 did a clean install, formatting the previous ones. Install completed successfully, rebooted, entered in GRUB, chose linux, linux starts the my screen goes black, there is no signal coming to my monitor, linux runs fine though i think because I hear the ubuntu login drum. I press ctrl+alt+F1, but can't get to console either, the screen is looking for input signal. Should note the I have a Palit NVdia 9600GT gpu because I saw that people with NVdia card sometimes have similar problems.
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Aug 19, 2010
I changed may graphic card, earlier I used NVIDIA FX5500 with nvidia driver, now I was trying to use ATI Radeon 7500, but there are problems with graphic configuration. At first attempt server started but after I changed a screen resolution the monitor went blank. I restarted a computer but after the X server started immediately the monitor wnet blank. I found that for completely for me unknown reasons Xorg was trying to use an NVIDIA glx module with radeon driver. I removed this nvidia driver, I expected ubuntu would be able automatically to set up a proper configuration, but instead of ubuntu complained about a missing driver. I also tried manually to set up some basic config using Xorg -configure but after that the Xorg server was stuck.
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Jul 2, 2009
I have this very frustrating problem... I'm trying to build a Linux-based HTPC (Home Theatre PC). I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty as the operating system, and it works fine when I have it connected to my 17" Samsung monitor. However, when I connect the HTPC to the TV via VGA I get a black screen after "startx" (I can access the console through recovery mode though). Ubuntu is running gnome, so I guess it's a gnome related problem?
I would have thought it was a problem with the drivers to graphics card, but since it's working on my 17" monitor I've ruled that out. The TVs resolution is 1024x768. What can be causing this? Apperently there's some difference between my monitor and my TV (forgetting the fact that it is indeed a TV, not a monitor), but what? I've previously run Windows on the same hardware without problems, and thought I should give Linux a shot. It doesn't look good...
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Feb 19, 2009
In installing Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux in my HP Laptop running on FC6,the rpm for debuger shows a dependency error for libXft.so.1. On searching in my system, foundlibXft.so and libXft.so.2. I downloaded and installed the rpm package "xorg-x11-libs- .8.2-37.FC4.49.2.1.i386.rpm"(rpm for FC6 was not found) with 'rpm -i' option. On rebooting Fedora, nothig displayed in monitor except few initiliation messages. I booted the system with FC6 installation DVD and tried to uninstall by mounting as 'chroot /mnt/sysimage' with 'rpm -e' command, but en error message comes as "error, the package 'xorg-x11-libs- .8.2-37.FC4.49.2.1.i386.rpm'is no installed". On booting from the system, i found the same problem.
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Dec 10, 2009
I have just installed OpenSUSE 11.2 on an Intel DQ35JO motherboard and XFX 9500GT 512MB video card. After installation the desktop looked fine on the Sony LCD TV I have connected to the 9500GT via a DVI to HDMI cable.
After the first reboot after installation I added the Nvidia repository via the add community repository function in the software sources option in YaST2. I then proceeded to install the Nvidia G02 drivers and the nvidia-settings package. At this point after a reboot I would get a blank screen. Hitting ctrl-alt-F1/F2/F3/F4/F5/F6 has no effect, I could not get any of the virtual consoles to appear. I had to SSH into the box and reboot into runlevel 3.
Once I had rebooted into runlevel 3 I logged in as root and executed "sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia" and got an error message that the configuration server could not be started. I tried executing "sax2 -r -m 0=vesa" and received the same error:
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Mar 28, 2016
I am running Debian 8.3, and I'm running Gnome 3.14.1.I have an external monitor plugged in with HDMI, and while Linux is loading both screens are on duplicate. Once the GUI kicks in, only the external screen works, so I have to enter my password blindly. Then, I open a terminal and run
Code: Select allsudo echo 950 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
and the laptop screen turns back on.
I'm wondering: Is there a way to streamline this so that it happens on boot, but after GNOME loads?Or: Is there a better method to solve this?
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Jun 4, 2010
When i turn on my monitor the screen goes blank, but the 'on' button is lit up. Any ideas of what the problem could be?edit: When i turn off and turn on my monitor, it displays what's on my computer for a couple of second and than the monitor turns off again.
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Mar 28, 2010
I have to hold a presentation using a projector in a few days and I have to bring my own laptop, so I tried hooking up a second monitor to test if it works. As it turns out, the second monitor works fine, but then my main screen is messed up. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm doing this on a HP Pavilion DV4000 laptop. My main screen shows just the bottom (cca) 400 pixels of the wallpaper, no bottom panel, no desktop icons. And I'm kind of scared to remove the second monitor now cause I don't know what I'll do if I don't get the main screen back.. Well, other than installing 9.10 beta that is..
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Mar 14, 2010
Last Thursday, 3/11, I installed a new mother board (ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO), AMD Athlon II X4 Processor, 4Gig DDR3 ram (RIP JAWS), 1 SATA DVD drive, along with my 2 IDE HDD's. The display was OK during BIOS review, and boot UNTIL it came to mounting x-graphics, at which point the screen went black, and a display message came up saying Out-of-RangeHf: 30KHz-70KHzVf: 50Hz-90HzCurrent Frequency:90.3KHz, 60.0Hz.
Does anyone know what is causing this? I mean, is there no way that Deb 5 X86 is going to run on a quad 64-bit system, or can something else be wrong? Before changing hardware, I had seen indications that this system was backward-compatible to older systems, and the more in depth study I've done since seems to verify this.y be, however, that I completely mis-understand what I am reading - this is all pretty new to me.
I tried booting into Debian 4, Libranet 3, and Linspire 6. They all complained loudly, but differently, about x being inoperable. I can't tell you how they complained because I can't go back and check them. THAT is because, in BIOS, I was testing the system with all the different options for "Internal Graphics", to see if one would work. One of these options was "Disabled". Oh-ho-ho! BAD MOVE!!! it's disabled, all right, including BIOS! I can't believe it. There was no warning, whatsoever. I assumed no engineer in his right mind would allow that option to lock out the BIOS without SOME kind of warning. I'm going to try to call ASUS tech support tomorrow to see if they have a solution, but if anyone knows how to reverse this, please let me know. I suppose the only answer is a separate graphics board. But I don't want to get that if I can't use this MotherBd.-processor setup.
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Aug 29, 2010
I just want to be able to copy the files from a cd that is only compatible with windows to and new cd that is compatible with ubuntu
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May 9, 2010
I am having the same problem, as soon as X tries to load my screen just goes blank. I have an ATI Radeon 9550. At first I tried switching between VGA and DVI as well but upon ruling that out, I switch to my on-board video card and that is working thus far, but I'm trying very hard to figure out a way to be able to switch back. Anyways I'll check back in later on if I have any new information I will post.
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May 17, 2010
When i use my computer (whether it's going online, typing, playing a flash game, or coding) I get these "Black Flashes" that are becoming longer and more frequent. A "Black Flash" is when my computer screen turns blank (but you can still see the backlight) and i have to press the NUMpad ENTER button, shake my mouse furiously, or click my mouse, which sometimes causes undesired actions, but gets me my screen back. sometimes the Black Flashes last a milisecond or 5 seconds or i have to hold the power button and restart because it won't come back on.
Toshiba P205-S6337 Laptop
Ubuntu Karmic Koala
2.39 GB of RAM
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Dec 26, 2010
Is there a known problem with the Lubuntu 10.10 image here? I have downloaded it to two different computers, then burned the images to two different blank CD's (different brands) and neither loads. Both only get as far as the Lubuntu menu, once ENTER is pressed at that point to load the LiveCD, a blank screen eventually appears with a flashing cursor at the upper left of the screen, that's it. They were both burned using the slowest burn speeds available.
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Jan 26, 2011
The day started as usual until I got the very bright idea to install Ubuntu. A new OS along side W7, that sounded great. I checked some guides on the Internet, it was all very straight forward. Install it and Grub will show you the OS:es when you boot up. I installed Ubuntu, rebooted. After the BIOS messages the screen goes blank and my screen on-button begins to blink, as if trying to find a signal, I press enter, it reboots instantly. After BIOS messages I get to a screen that says "GRUB error: uknown filesystem grub rescue>"
I've looked through everything here and nothing works. I've tried to fix the mbr-thingy using Windows Repair and even though it says "one partition was updated with new boot-thingy" when I reboot, I get into that very same grub rescue. I think my setup has something to do with it. I run RAID0 (2x360Gb hard drives), first having C: at 50Gb and then the rest as F: for programs and such. What I did was that I shrunk the F: part and then used that as partition for Ubuntu. Also please have a look at these screenshots, my partitiontables and such seems completely wacky to the raid: Where should the boot-loader go? I'm very, very new at this. I've had Ubuntu Netbook remix on my netbook for a time but still treat me as an utter beginner.
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Oct 9, 2010
I'm trying to test out using xubuntu 10.04 on my one computer and keep getting a black/blank screen after selecting the 'try' menu option.Is there a way to fix this?I have tried some of settings via F6 with no luck.
FYI -The CD works fine as I have tested it on other machines.The version I am trying is xubuntu x86 (although I have tried ubuntu 10.04 x86 with similar results).I can Alt+Ctrl+F1 fine and get to the cmd prompt
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Jan 14, 2011
I fixed this issue on 10.04, but just recently (1 hour ago) upgraded to 10.10 and am having the same issue. Machine boots fine, but the screen is blank for most of the boot, and plymouth is up for about a half second before I get to the login screen.I've tried searching the threads, but for the life of me I can't find the solution and can't remember what I did to fix it on Lucid.
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Apr 15, 2011
like any other Linux newb, I came to Ubuntu because my Windows crashed one time too many. And I chose Ubuntu because "it just works". But these past few days that hasn't been true. I'm posting this from a netbook with Ubuntu, and am having no problems whatsoever, but normally I use an Acer Aspire 5920G laptop. I'll include the specs as written on the sticker:
* Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5250 (1.5GHz etc)
* Up to 1024 MB Nvidia Geforce 8600M GS Turbocache
* 2 GB DDR2
Let me know if you need more details, and I'll add them later. Now, what happened was I clicked "hibernate" while leaving Firefox open. (I've done this hundreds of times, no problem) And when I went to turn it back on the next day there were weird graphical glitches in the loading screen, and it booted to the "tty1" prompt screen. I did a lot of googling and found quite a few posts about it, but the solutions either didn't work, or I didn't understand them. After trying several different suggestions from this forum and others, I managed to delete the graphics drivers. That enabled me to boot in low graphics mode, and naturally, I tried a whole bunch of things to make it work properly again. That only made it worse. Now it went straight from the loading screen to just blanking out and turning the display off. So, I tried new things. Over and over. The weird thing is even when I disconnected my harddrive and ran from a Live USB, the problem persisted. Could there be an issue with the graphics card itself? Anyway, after reconnecting the harddrive I tried to boot again. And it suddenly worked. Even HDMI to my bigger screen worked.
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Feb 23, 2010
I'm playing with dual monitors. I have an NVIDIA GT220 set up so that my monitor and my TV are running as extended desktops. Everything is working well enough, but there is one annoying bit I've noticed:
If I'm watching ..... on monitor 1 in fullscreen and working on monitor 2, clicking anything in monitor 2 kills full-screen in monitor 1. Is this something that can be fixed somehow or is it a hardwired "feature"?
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Aug 7, 2011
I am having problems getting my external monitor to work. When I plug in the monitor, both the laptop screen and the external monitor go black. When I unplug the monitor, the laptop screen works again.
When I startup with the external monitor plugged in, neither screen works or teh computer hangs or something.
I have had the external monitor going on a couple of occasions. I did manage to configure my monitors through System Settings > Display. I turned off the laptop monitor as I just want to use the external. But after rebooting, things didn't work.
I have a Thinkpad E420, Fedora 15
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Mar 20, 2010
I am having problems with the refresh rate if the screen. In the refresh mode of the monitor in the monitor options have only one option 60Hz. I have LG 24 + ATI Radon 3870, and have already installed the ATI driver via Ubuntu download center.
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Jul 18, 2010
Recently the power went when i was using ubuntu and my system shut down since the ups took too long to supply power. So i started my system and choose to boot linux, but it said display drivers not detected, linux running in low graphic mode, and it said 1. run windows in low graphic mode for now...2. reset to previous graphic mode- i chose this and it restarted, since then the ubuntu loading page appears and then my monitor goes blank although my processor is running.....why is this happening?.....i have a ati 5770 graphic card through which it should display.
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Oct 19, 2010
i have upgraded to 10.10. my monitor works perfectly in one user account but in the other user account it is just lines. is there any way to fix this?
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May 17, 2010
After the login screen, my laptop screen is active but the external LCD monitor hooked to my laptop goes blank which was active to that point.
Here are quite a few details which might help you in diagnosing the problem
alt + clt + f1 takes the monitor screen to command line but alt + clt + f7 fails to bring it back to GUI. The monitor just freezes!!
Contents /etc/X11/xorg.conf
# xorg.conf (X.Org X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
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