Debian Hardware :: AMD Quad M4A785TD-V: Monitor Freq Out-of-Range, Blank Screen?
Mar 14, 2010
Last Thursday, 3/11, I installed a new mother board (ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO), AMD Athlon II X4 Processor, 4Gig DDR3 ram (RIP JAWS), 1 SATA DVD drive, along with my 2 IDE HDD's. The display was OK during BIOS review, and boot UNTIL it came to mounting x-graphics, at which point the screen went black, and a display message came up saying Out-of-RangeHf: 30KHz-70KHzVf: 50Hz-90HzCurrent Frequency:90.3KHz, 60.0Hz.
Does anyone know what is causing this? I mean, is there no way that Deb 5 X86 is going to run on a quad 64-bit system, or can something else be wrong? Before changing hardware, I had seen indications that this system was backward-compatible to older systems, and the more in depth study I've done since seems to verify this.y be, however, that I completely mis-understand what I am reading - this is all pretty new to me.
I tried booting into Debian 4, Libranet 3, and Linspire 6. They all complained loudly, but differently, about x being inoperable. I can't tell you how they complained because I can't go back and check them. THAT is because, in BIOS, I was testing the system with all the different options for "Internal Graphics", to see if one would work. One of these options was "Disabled". Oh-ho-ho! BAD MOVE!!! it's disabled, all right, including BIOS! I can't believe it. There was no warning, whatsoever. I assumed no engineer in his right mind would allow that option to lock out the BIOS without SOME kind of warning. I'm going to try to call ASUS tech support tomorrow to see if they have a solution, but if anyone knows how to reverse this, please let me know. I suppose the only answer is a separate graphics board. But I don't want to get that if I can't use this MotherBd.-processor setup.
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May 27, 2011
Just now did a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 into Dell PowerEdge 1750 using KVM console and 15" monitor. When booting into Ubuntu, the monitor went "frequency out of range". After reading Ubuntu forum someone suggested holding left shift while Grub is loading, it wouldn't even budge.
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Mar 28, 2016
I am running Debian 8.3, and I'm running Gnome 3.14.1.I have an external monitor plugged in with HDMI, and while Linux is loading both screens are on duplicate. Once the GUI kicks in, only the external screen works, so I have to enter my password blindly. Then, I open a terminal and run
Code: Select allsudo echo 950 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
and the laptop screen turns back on.
I'm wondering: Is there a way to streamline this so that it happens on boot, but after GNOME loads?Or: Is there a better method to solve this?
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Jun 4, 2010
When i turn on my monitor the screen goes blank, but the 'on' button is lit up. Any ideas of what the problem could be?edit: When i turn off and turn on my monitor, it displays what's on my computer for a couple of second and than the monitor turns off again.
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Jul 8, 2011
I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 along side windows 7 ultimate. But the problem is as soon as I switch on my computer. There is only a blank screen with my TFT screen displaying a msg "Out of Range"
Then suddenly Ubuntu loads without showing any option to load windows 7.
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Mar 6, 2010
i tried to install linux mint, at first i got 'out of range' with black screen msg but used compability mode and got past it and installed mint on my HD. a moment after it updated my nvidia drivers and after reboot I got the out of range message again, which leaves me in the situation where i cant do pretty much anything I tried editing xorg.conf added VertRefresh 60-75 and Modes "1440x900_75.00"
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Jul 2, 2010
i just did a graphic install of debian lenny and when i finished the installation and restarted the computer the grub boot menu appeared and i selected debian and nothing happened the monitor just displayed a message saying "out of range" i have a dell studio xps 1800is it my graphics card (it shouldn't be) how do i start x server in a different resolution (if screen resolution is the problem
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Jan 18, 2010
My last Linux install was SUSE 6 on an early ISA based Pentium clone. I'm used to Unix / bash from OS X, MinGW, QNX & BeOS... none of these rely heavily on X. But I'm thinking that Linux is so popular, I'm doing a lot of my Windows stuff under MinGW, why not just stick Linux on and be done with it.So I've polled the various distros, I'm a power-user / dev so Ubuntu doesn't seem like me, and I'm not familiar enough with Linux to go Gentoo just yet, but the way I slim Windows and OS X installs down to just what I need. I love apt-get and like FreeBSD installs I've seen, but want some Linux kernel goodness for my self, so I have chosen Debian.
I grabbed the amd64 build of lenny DVD 1, partitioned up and installed a bare system that I can apt-get the bits I want later.Here's the problem... When the install completes rebooting sends the graphical login to a frequency my old Hanns-G TFT can't handle.I can Ctrl-Alt-F1 back to the terminal or boot in single user mode, and everything seems to be good until you go GUI.Here's what I've tried.
I've renamed /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.oldI ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorgI've reinstalled using both simple GUI and Expert GUI using both kernelsI've tried adding nvidia-* packages with apt-get and aptitudeI remember there used to be a frequency tuner app for SUSE 6 and XFree86, but it seems that sort of thing is depreciated in modern Linux.Info? My GFX card is an nvidia GT 220, the motherboard is an ASUS P5QL Pro, the Monitor (Hanns-G) is attached via RGB HD-15 D-Sub (sadly that's all I have access to right now) and it's native resolution is 1280x1024 4:3 @ 60Hz, but in heXPee it will sync at that resolution at 60, 70, 72 or 75Hz, though it does get fuzzy at 75Hz.I'm fairly certain that X is working, just not at a frequency my screen can display... how can I fix this from single user, or regular bash terminal?
---edit--- Forgot to mention I ran dpkg-reconfigure on the XServer. :s It didn't offer video drivers, only to change from gb 105 keyboard layout and ps/2 mouse. I set the META key to the logo key while I was there, but it wasn't really helpful in any other way.
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Feb 23, 2010
I'm a newbie so apologies if there is a trivial answer to this.
I (maybe somewhat rashly) tried to connect my tv to my laptop (Dell Latitude D400) running Ubuntu 9.10.
I plugged in the cable, went to the System>Display menu, where it had detected the model and make of tv (Samsung 19" LCD) (I think the resolution was 1650 x 1050 or similar). I clicked the box to activate the second monitor with the "Virtual resolution" adjusted. It told me to log out then log back in.
I accordingly logged out but then couldn't log back in. It had evidently changed the resolution not only on the 2nd monitor but also on the laptop monitor. A box was visible on screen but completely illegible/unclear since the laptop monitor couldn't display that resolution.
After a few restarts and button pushes it is now restarting at a terminal (I enter my username/password at a command prompt on an otherwise blank screen rather than the graphical interface loading up).
Question: are there any commands that could change the resolution back to its original settings then restart the Ubuntu graphic interface? Some thing similar to the "load with last known good configuration settings" option in Windows maybe.
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Mar 15, 2010
I am running an AMD Athlon 64 with an NVIDIA 6600 video built into the motherboard (PC Chips). My monitor is a 19" LCD with a standard VGA connector. I tried installing Lenny and everything went smoothly. However, when I rebooted, the monitor said "Signal out of range." I had this happen with a live CD of another distro too.
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Feb 16, 2010
I just replaced my PSU and now my computer is not booting up. To make sure that my new psu is not causing the problem, I put my old one back in but it still doesn't boot up. My system powers on, motherboard led glows, the processor starts running and so does the graphics card. The monitor stays blank though. Nothing shows up on the monitor. Just a blank screen with the monitor led blinking. What could be the problem ? It was working fine before I replaced my psu.
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Jul 31, 2011
Natty install -- ATI 9800 is the video board.
I installed Natty on it with the machine hooked up to a Samsung LCD with a 1680x1050 resolution over DVI. No problems at all. I want the box to pretty much output MP3s and web video, so I'm not needing much. When I take the box and hook it via DVI to my LCD, I get a blank screen on boot up. I try sticking the natty CD in it, and I get a blank screen trying to live boot it too. The LCD doesn't do 1680x1050, so I brought it back to my Samsung and set the default resolution to something nice and safe: 1280x1024. Still the same behavior. When I take splash mode off, I see a "load fallback graphics devices fail" error as it is booting up. Hard for me to think the driver is the fault here when it works on my over LCD just fine.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a new ubuntu 10.04 install, it is the third that I have done recently. On this particular install (unlike the others) the screen goes unexpectedly blank at seeming random intervals and any motion restores the screen. It is acting like a screen saver with the blank screen option set. My screensaver preferences are set to use a screen saver 'for a 7-minute idle period. The lock screen option is off. For AC power management never is chosen for "put computer to sleep" and 30 minutes is chosen for the "put display to sleep" option.
This is a compaq presario desktop.
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Feb 5, 2011
I just installed ubuntu 10.10 did a clean install, formatting the previous ones. Install completed successfully, rebooted, entered in GRUB, chose linux, linux starts the my screen goes black, there is no signal coming to my monitor, linux runs fine though i think because I hear the ubuntu login drum. I press ctrl+alt+F1, but can't get to console either, the screen is looking for input signal. Should note the I have a Palit NVdia 9600GT gpu because I saw that people with NVdia card sometimes have similar problems.
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Feb 19, 2009
In installing Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux in my HP Laptop running on FC6,the rpm for debuger shows a dependency error for On searching in my system, and I downloaded and installed the rpm package "xorg-x11-libs- .8.2-37.FC4.49.2.1.i386.rpm"(rpm for FC6 was not found) with 'rpm -i' option. On rebooting Fedora, nothig displayed in monitor except few initiliation messages. I booted the system with FC6 installation DVD and tried to uninstall by mounting as 'chroot /mnt/sysimage' with 'rpm -e' command, but en error message comes as "error, the package 'xorg-x11-libs- .8.2-37.FC4.49.2.1.i386.rpm'is no installed". On booting from the system, i found the same problem.
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Aug 19, 2010
I changed may graphic card, earlier I used NVIDIA FX5500 with nvidia driver, now I was trying to use ATI Radeon 7500, but there are problems with graphic configuration. At first attempt server started but after I changed a screen resolution the monitor went blank. I restarted a computer but after the X server started immediately the monitor wnet blank. I found that for completely for me unknown reasons Xorg was trying to use an NVIDIA glx module with radeon driver. I removed this nvidia driver, I expected ubuntu would be able automatically to set up a proper configuration, but instead of ubuntu complained about a missing driver. I also tried manually to set up some basic config using Xorg -configure but after that the Xorg server was stuck.
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Jun 14, 2010
I don't get any sound with any version of Lenny on my new ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO motherboard. However the sound works fine when I boot from the Debian Live 60 Alpha1 AMD64 KDE DVD. I can always wait until Squeeze is released and then do an upgrade but I'd like to get the sound working now. Any suggestions?
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May 23, 2010
I'm having an annoying issue with my display configuration.
Some specs:
Motherboard: MSI 760gm-e51
CPU: AMD Phenom II 955 Quadcore
MEM: 8Gbs DDR3
VGA: ATI Radeon HD4850
ATI Radeon 3000 (on board)
All four monitors work fine with two X servers ( 2 monitors each instances) on Ubuntu 9.10 with surroundview enabled in the BIOS. I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.4 and all i get is 4 blank screens. when i disable surroundview in the BIOS with PCIE as default display the HD4850 work great. I should add that on both installs i used the latest atalyst 10.4. It seems like there's something wrong with Ubuntu 10.04.
Here's the xorg.conf of the working Ubuntu 9.10:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 1050
Screen "amdcccle-Screen[1]-0" 624 0
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Mar 6, 2010
I certainly do not consider myself a Debian power-user, but I do presently have 3 Lenny systems and 1 Squeeze system running fine in my home on "older" hardware. However, for the past week I have been trying to get yet another system running, and I have hit the wall. This is on a new home-built system with an AMD Athlon II X4 and an ASUS M4A785-M motherboard. The Lenny installation was done with a net install of the AMD64 variety.
I always get a "Monitor frequency out of range" error whenever I boot. I can do a CTRL ALT F1 to get to command line, but I have no success getting to GUI. I have read numerous posts of similar monitor frequency problems with various distros, and most point toward HorizSync, VertRefresh, etc settings in xorg.conf. I have played with a myriad of options there, but I still get the "frequency out of range" error after a reboot. I have swapped monitors to no avail (monitors that work on my other Debian 32-bit systems). I really don't think the problem can be the xorg.conf file, since I have tried the exact same file as on the other machines. (Also, those systems seem to be more than happy without custom HorizSync and VertRefresh options in their xorg.conf files.)
On this new computer, I am using the motherboard's integrated video output (theoretically a ATI Radeon HD5200).I don't know if special options are needed in xorg.conf for this???I am able to successfully boot to GUI with multiple differentCD Linux distros; however, no such luck with the Debian installation. I would prefer to stay with Debian if possible, but I cannot live by command line alone on this system.Please let me know if there is something else that I should try before punting and moving to another 64-bit distro.
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Feb 28, 2011
Installed Debian OK in Windows XP Computer.After boot in Debian, the screen goes black and reports "Out of range"
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Apr 28, 2011
I've installed Debian 6.0.1 with kernel 2.6.32 and I've got an issue with my Ayre QB9 usb soundcard.MPD says: problems opening audio device. I have MPD running as root.Below I've copied a bit of output from terminal that might give someone a clue.dmesg (The second to last OSS line I've only seen once, but as it involves audio I though I might include it. The last line is sometimes there and sometimes not. I can't figure out why.
[779.384053] usb 5-1: USB disconnect, address 2
[783.028037] usb 3-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2
[783.249119] usb 3-2: New USB device found, idVendor=21b4, idProduct=0130
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May 9, 2010
I am having the same problem, as soon as X tries to load my screen just goes blank. I have an ATI Radeon 9550. At first I tried switching between VGA and DVI as well but upon ruling that out, I switch to my on-board video card and that is working thus far, but I'm trying very hard to figure out a way to be able to switch back. Anyways I'll check back in later on if I have any new information I will post.
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Mar 13, 2010
I know that these forums aren't M$ support forums, but any mention of Linux and open source there just ends up in "don't use Linux"-type replies, so i figured i should ask it here. I have a quad-boot setup (Win7x64-Win7x64-K9.10x64-K9.10x64). I am in the process of migrating this setup to another (bigger) HDD. The Win7 system partitions were cloned using 3rd paty imaging software, Linux system partitions were cloned directly (cat /dev/sda5 > /dev/sdb5), data partitions were freshly created and populated with files copied from old partitions.
As the hard drive is bigger than previous one, i decided to add a little more space to Win7 system partitions. So when creating new partitions, i left 5GB unallocated space between them in order to grow the partitions later. I cloned the new partitions, ran the chkdsk with all options on to make sure the resulting partition survived the migration, then checked if it is readable under Linux (it was), used KPartitioner to grow the partition to the new size, again booted into Win7 Recovery, ran chkdsk with all options on, removed bootloader and made a new one using bcdboot.
Now, my Linuxes boot OK (there was some wankery involved but nothing too serious), but neither of my two Win7 can. I checked the bootloader, fiddled with different settings (e.g. removed setting the root by UUID), even tried to manually boot it from commandline - to no avail. After "chainloader +1" and "boot" it just does nothing. No error messages, nothing at all - the console screen doesn't even clear.
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Jan 28, 2010
Up until a couple days ago, my computer had no problems suspending to ram. However, now when I suspend, and later hit a key on the keyboard (usually space) to resume, all I see is an illuminated black screen. I can't even open a tty via Ctrl+Alt+F1. I can however ssh into the machine.he only possibility I can think of is that I am no longer running kdm. I just use "startx" to star an openbox-session.
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Sep 11, 2015
I have an system that d8.2 appears to install correctly. On first (or subsequent) boot, I get the DB8 load screen, then a quick fsck, then nothing. I appear to have some sort of environment running as I can move a mouse pointer, but nothing else.
CTRL-ALT-F2 results in the mouse pointer vanishing, but nothing else. I expected to end up at the CLI.
I have tried different installs and options, always the same result. This machine ran an earlier version with issues.
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Jun 18, 2015
I have this machine (motherboard ITX Jetaway NF94-270-LF based on CPU Atom N270, full specs here) as a server for some time now (about 4 years). Debian 8.1 is installed on it.
Two days ago, after a power failure, the machine was not able to complete the boot process. I attached a keyboard and a monitor (on VGA port, the motherboard also as a DVI one, but I don't have a suitable monitor) to be able to see what's happening and interact with the machine. Unluckily, at a certain point during the booting sequence the screen goes blank and the monitor goes in standby mode; apart from that, the boot process continues in the background.
As far as I can recall, this behaviour existed for at least a couple of years (if not from the beginning) and the boot process was always completed successfully until two days ago.
The screen goes blank after the setup of the keyboard mapping. I tried everything to avoid the screen going blank: in the Grub menu I set the "vga" parameter, the "nomodeset" parameter, the grub_gfxmode parameter, I removed the "quiet" option, I removed the "load_video" line, I forced the BIOS to only use the VGA port for the video and so on, in order to disable or configure differently the video and the framebuffer. All these stuff had no effect at all: the screen keeps going blank at the same point during the boot process.
The only way I was able to use a fully booted system through keyboard and monitor was via the rescue mode of the Debian 8.1 netinst image. But that way, of course, I wasn't able to observe the normal boot process. So, I checked the boot parameters of the rescue mode and I found that the only usefull parameter was "vga", which I already used and was ineffective.
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Aug 23, 2013
I have some problem with Debian 7. Just installed Debian 7 wheezy.
Motherboard Intel D2500CC, graphics - Intel GMA 3600. Monitor (BenQ V2200 Eco) connected via VGA cable. No X server installed.
After GRUB boot as soon as modesetting kicks in, the monitor loses the signal and goes black. Keyboard does appear to be active, as Ctl-Alt-Del will cause a reboot.
I tried nomodeset, vga=791, 771 etc kernel parameters, but this won't work.
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Nov 3, 2013
I installed wheezy/LXDE yesterday in my HP netbook (first-time Debian user) and I am unable to get suspend/hibernate to work properly: after I come back all I get is a blank screen, although the computer seems responsive (CapsLock and such do respond).
I installed firmware-realtek from non-free (for rtl_nic/rtl8105e-1.fw, which was missing at install), nothing changed. I have acpi installed (it came by default). My graphics card is an Intel GMA 3650 (I see in internet that this is a problematic one). I just want a lightweight Linux to replace the default W7S.
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Aug 4, 2010
I have recently got the Linux bible 2010 and it came with a cd and dvd containing multiple distro's of linux. I have tried them all with the same problem. Everything until the actual GUI desktop shows up from the live disks as well as an actual debian install, when I get to the desktop however out of range shows up. I have a video card hooked up, figured that might be the problem, it was not. I tried the on-board video and it also did the same thing. I also tried a different monitor, which did not work.
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Oct 4, 2010
I am a Windows Server guy trying to stay afloat on this Linux installation I am doing so please bear with me. I have installed RHEL 5 and installed the updated NVIDIA 256.53 certified driver. Upon rebooting everything was great. I got to the X server login and entered my user name and password. The very next thing I see is "Out of Range" error on my monitor. I know that I needed to verify that my xorg.conf file had the proper refresh rates specified in it for my monitor, which I have done.
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