Ubuntu :: Auto Load Last Opened Apps Not Working In 11.04?
May 18, 2011
I had on all previous versions of ubuntu this feature checked - the apps which were opened before I logout would automatically start next time I start my laptop. After upgrading to 11.04 this does not work anymore - How to restore this feature?
I've got an annoying problem that 'man' and some other commands do not auto-complete (via TAB). e.g. typing: man rsyn (TAB, TAB, TAB, etc) will not auto-complete to 'man rsync' however, if i 'sudo -s' & then try the above, 'man' auto-completes everytime. (Directories always auto-complete successfully) My ~/.bashrc contains:
# enable bash completion in interactive shells if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then . /etc/bash_completion
When selecting Extra in Visual Effects, the Nvidia drivers we installed to my computer. However the video playback now look weird till I open the Nvidia Control Panal when the colour become normal again. The first time of open the Nvidia I had to set the Hue to 0. How do get this loading to happen automatically.
Why do some apps in ubuntu update with the update manager and others don't? Like when I installed chrome browser, it updates with the update manager. But a program like wine does not, until I add the ppa for it. What makes it so some auto update and some don't?
I want to write something that will run apps in succession.For example, you'd click on the app icon,and it would start up one application, have questions alert the user to add a file to do something in that program, run that program & finish. Then open up another program to take that file and prompt the user to do something else with it, and so on.Basically I have a friend who needs an auto, completely easy interface to accomplish certain tasks that require multiple application steps to perform.
I need to use FGLRX on my laptop, if I don't, either some OpenGL apps don't load, or the performance is poor.. With FGLRX the performance of the app is great and all work..
However, since Ubuntu 10.10, FGLRX no longer has "smooth" video.. And what I mean by that, even a simple DVD is dropping like 50% of it's frames every second with FGLRX. However, if I use the open source ATI driver, there is no video performance problem and even HD video plays fine, but then GL apps become a problem again..
In Ubuntu 10.04 FGLRX didn't have this problem. I did try to upgrade to the latest FGLRX 10.12, and every time I try on Ubuntu 10.10, I result with X not starting at all..
Here's the kicker though, the built in Movie Player with Ubuntu, works fine no matter which driver is used.. Now this wouldn't be an issue for me, but DVD's don't play right in that player, it runs like it's vibrating, but all other video formats work fine..
I'm at a loss. I gave up Linux a few months ago and wanted to try again, but once again, ATI is letting me down, and this is a laptop, buying a new laptop just because of the GPU is out of the question.
Looking for efficient program for Ubuntu like DVD Flick for Windows to convert one or several mpeg videos to DVD without the necessity to make a menu screen with choice buttons. I want the videos to auto-load and run continuously. I have tried all the programs in the U. Software Center and none have this option. (Or I have not been able to discover it).
I have an Ubuntu/Win7 dual boot system with GRUB as my default bootloader, and I am often distracted by other things when I boot up my PC. Is there any way I can stop GRUB from loading linux automatically after it times out? I would prefer if it never timed out, and I could eternally have the OS selection on the screen until I decide to select an OS.Have been reading the GNU Grub Manual, but I can't make heads or tails of some of the more technical stuff yet and I do not know enough about Terminal to know all of the commands they are throwing at me.
I just installed 10.04 Ubuntu and allow the Manager Updates.
Movie Player and PitVi apps seems to disappear when I load a clip and enlarge the window.
Movie Player will allow a smaller window and the clip to be played but once I stretch the window, it disappear Nope, its not as though I "floored" that window. It's gone.completely.
PiitVi, when loading a clip, once its full loaded, it disappears.
I did try installing and re-installing but same results.
I have just did a fresh install debian jessie today in virtualbox, the X window manager is fxce. By default the default runlevel is 5, and I tried to change the /etc/inittab content:
Code: Select allid:3:initdefault:
and reboot, but it didn't effect to the result, the X-window auto loaded again >.<
I need to change it that will boot in to console mode first, and can run startx if necessary, how can I change it permanently?
I was forced (by an unrelated problem) to reinstall my Kubuntu 10.10 from scratch today, and now I'm having a very annoying problem with the look of GTK apps in KDE.
I know I have to install gtk2-engines-qtcurve to make them blend in, and I know I need to copy some gtkrc files to /root to make it work for apps needing root privileges (e.g. Synaptic).
This has done the job for 80%, but they still don't look the way I they used to in my previous installation (which was Kubuntu 10.10 as well). As you can see in the two attachments, in applications run as a normal user the menu bar is lighter than it should be, and in applications run as root the entire window is this light.
None of the apps will work on DSL. Example Firefox or notepad will not open. FF says input/output error. it is a compaq presario laptop with win xp sp3 in case that is important. I am not sure if the windows reference is important at all?
This morning I bought an Apple wireless keyboard and I got it connected through Blueman. It works like a charm, but I have on problem;
When I log out I can log back in by typing in my password. However, when I restart the computer it seems that bluetooth is not loaded yet and I cannot enter my password. So I have to log in using my wired keyboard, and then disconnect & re-connect to my wireless keyboard using blueman before I am able to use the wireless keyboard.
Is there any way that I can already auto-load bluetooth and connect to my keyboard before I log in?
In firefox, all shortcuts work, for example ctrl+c, ctrl+v, etc. But in Kate for example they do not, in konquerror the same. What could:confused it be? I added russian locale in System Settings->Country/Region&Language and now it works. (I ve got russian language in keyboard layouts).
I just recently installed openSUSE 11.2 (KDE desktop). Like some others, I'm having trouble getting apps working with my iPod Touch. So far, I've tried two apps: amarok and gtkpod. Neither one seems to detect my iPod. When I connect the iPod to my computer, I get a popup indicating that some type of camera has been connected. Also, when I look at dmesg's output, I see stuff related to the iPod (Apple info) and no errors as far as I can tell. But I don't see any device file for it (either under /dev or /media).
I installed the Autocomplete plugin http:[url].... for gedit and it works great. But when I ran it as root "sudo gedit ...", Autocomplete is not on the list of plugin and the auto complete function is not working.Is it possible to make the plugin available to all users?
A very annoying bug has been around for some time now. Auto-complete in the address field on Firefox does not work after Ubuntu resumes after screensaver. What I have to do is to minimise the browser and then maximise it again... it then auto-complete as it should. Surely I cannot be the only one noticing this? I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and Firefox 3.6.13.
I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on Macbook Pro 2,2 hardware. It stills picks up wireless internet (but cannot connect when the networks only have one or two bars...) but the ethernet won't accept a cord. It registers that a cord has been plugged into the computer, but will not connect to the internet via it.
I'm currently running on a live CD of Ubuntu 9.04, and the ethernet cord works fine, so it's not my hardware I'm worried about. (The change in registering cords came about after I re-installed Ubuntu after I wanted to switch to pure Ubuntu rather than running a dual-boot system.) It's something to do with the networking program I have on the system.
I have a movie CD which works on windows but not on ubuntu. It has vcdplay.exe. (Probably that is the reason it doesn't work on ubuntu) I tried with wine roxio. Doesn't work. I have tried with xine,gxine,vlc and movie player. Inside the vcd, it has an mpegv folder. Inside the mpegv folder there is file avesq.dat. I tried copying it on to desktop, but it wont copy properly and I can't rename the file to just avesq instead of avesq.dat.Any idea how can we make such an auto run CD work on ubuntu?
my wired auto ethernet stopped working. It doesn't appear to be my machine or the hub as the connection is fine using windows on the computer.I'm a bit clueless on the Networking front in Ubuntu. I've brought up the Network Connections box and checked that the Mac address is correct (and it is). I've tried it on Lubuntu and Openbox, but still no luck. The only oddity I see is that the Network Connections box says that the auto ethernet connection has never been used .
Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?
I'm using Easytether through my HTC Droid for interwebs running Ubuntu 10.04. However I also have a home network. However when I hardwire into the network via a D-Link router (Auto eth0) my internet no longer works. The same is true when I plug in my iPod. The Droid loses it's connection. What is the problem?
I have this ubuntu machine that lives under my desk and is basically a utility machine. Mainly I ssh to it and get synchronize/backup files, etc.
When I reboot, for some reason the auto mount for my usb drives doesn't work until I actually hook up the monitor and log in to the gui. When I ssh in after reboot, I'm unable to access my USB drives! "Not Authorized"
I'm not sure how to mount a drive from the command line... really I just want the machine to auto mount the drives when it starts up... gui login or no.
I've installed Lubuntu on a Packard Bell EasyNote W3344 D. lsusb displays the usb pen, however it's not automounted. All three options under pcmanfm --> Preferences -- Volume Managment is ticked. I've tried two different usb pens, both formatted fat32 and confirmed working on ordinary Ubuntu. I should add that I previously installed Mint Fluxbox, but eventually reinstalled (choosing Lubuntu) because I wasn't able to enable auto mount of usb pen. Both /mnt and /media remains empty after insertion of the usb pen. Auto mount of optical drive is working properly.
After upgrading GNOME to 2.32 in my openSUSE 11.3 x86_64 running graphic applications with sudo is impossible. (that means it worked before upgrading GNOME)
etam@etam-laptop:~> sudo xeyes root's password: No protocol specified Error: Can't open display: :0.0 From /etc/sudoers:
I'm using Red Hat in a work environment as the system that runs my Netbackup. My predecessor was using 1Tb Western Digital external HD's and they worked great but now were upgrading to 2Tb drives and I have to format them and make sure then work correctly.
I have been able to format them in Red Hat and they have worked with Netbackup however the only way I can get them mounted is by having them plugged in and then restarting the whole system. The older drives are completely plug and play.
Here are the steps that I have been following;
Then I set the file system type with;
Next I create the new filesystem on the drive with the command;
Then I finalize the format with;
Followed by a restart, which of course the drive comes up. But if I unmount the drive and remove it and then plug it back in nothing comes up. Trying to manually mount it doesn't come up with anything. I have attempted this with 3 different brand new Western Digital external HD's.
I've looked in the fstab and when I plug in the old hd's it comes up with the command to mount it. With the new one's its not there unless I do the complete system restart.