Ubuntu :: Bash Commands' Auto-complete Not Working For Some Apps?
Jan 15, 2010
I've got an annoying problem that 'man' and some other commands do not auto-complete (via TAB). e.g. typing: man rsyn (TAB, TAB, TAB, etc) will not auto-complete to 'man rsync' however, if i 'sudo -s' & then try the above, 'man' auto-completes everytime. (Directories always auto-complete successfully) My ~/.bashrc contains:
# enable bash completion in interactive shells
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then
. /etc/bash_completion
I installed the Autocomplete plugin http:[url].... for gedit and it works great. But when I ran it as root "sudo gedit ...", Autocomplete is not on the list of plugin and the auto complete function is not working.Is it possible to make the plugin available to all users?
A very annoying bug has been around for some time now. Auto-complete in the address field on Firefox does not work after Ubuntu resumes after screensaver. What I have to do is to minimise the browser and then maximise it again... it then auto-complete as it should. Surely I cannot be the only one noticing this? I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and Firefox 3.6.13.
I had on all previous versions of ubuntu this feature checked - the apps which were opened before I logout would automatically start next time I start my laptop. After upgrading to 11.04 this does not work anymore - How to restore this feature?
How do I have an auto completion feature for scp? I often need to 'scp ' a file to a remote server, then I type:
PHP Code: scp someprogram paulga@pinherstforestrain.math.edu I'd begin to type tab before or after the input of @. But the available choices are mainly: @localhost6, @localhost.localdomain, @localhost, etc..
Which file records these hosts name? Second, to execute a program in current directory, I have to type ./program, how can I omit the prefix, or I could type it as I type "octave",etc.
I am backing up data from a remote server onto a local ntfs partition. It seems that the rm -rf and cp -a commands are taking a long time to complete in what should be short, incremental backups.Has anyone had similar problems when backing up to an ntfs partitionHere is my rsnapshot.conf:
I've noticed on a couple of occasions that e-mail address auto-complete drop down lists have e-mail addresses in that I have never entered (!!) They all seem to be for people with the surname fenton at either gmail or hotmail. Is it likely that I have been hacked?
Despite enabling the "auto-complete" to complete an e-mail address from my personal Address-book, it doesn't work. After pressing on the "To"-button, no e-mail address is visible in the list of contacts. That is strange since the contacts are visible within the address book itself. However, when I typed the name of a contact within the "Search"-field of the address book, it also shows no result. Strange... Additional info: two days ago I replaced addressbook.db in Debian manually by the addressbook.db from Ubuntu 11.04 (I'm migrating from Ubuntu 11.04 to Debian Squeeze). It seems that there is no connection between the visible contacts in the address book and the rest of the Evolution. How can I solve it?
I just installed F15 and although different, I like it a lot. One thing I don't like, however, is the default auto-completion of environment variables in the terminal. In F14 and older, if you type for instance
ls $HOME and hit TAB, auto-complete will list the contents of $HOME to search deeper, so to say. But in F15, the terminal automatically escapes the $ sign. If you do the same as above, you get
ls $HOME
instead of
ls /home/benny/
how to change the auto-complete settings of the terminal so that $'s are not escaped anymore?
Why do some apps in ubuntu update with the update manager and others don't? Like when I installed chrome browser, it updates with the update manager. But a program like wine does not, until I add the ppa for it. What makes it so some auto update and some don't?
I want to write something that will run apps in succession.For example, you'd click on the app icon,and it would start up one application, have questions alert the user to add a file to do something in that program, run that program & finish. Then open up another program to take that file and prompt the user to do something else with it, and so on.Basically I have a friend who needs an auto, completely easy interface to accomplish certain tasks that require multiple application steps to perform.
I've spent some time searching for answers to this and I haven't found much at all.Please feel free to post pointers to other threads that discuss this particular problem, if you find any.The problem is that in bash I want to mount an iso file to inspect the contents with the command:Code:sudo mount myCD.iso CDMount -o loopThe command works fine, but pressing tab to complete either the iso filename or the CDMount directory does not work. The completion suggestions I get are existing mountpoints which The completion suggestions should include the files and directories in the current directory. This worked with Ubuntu 10.04 and not with 11.04.
is there a way to setup a file to click that will auto activate commands?example, i want to load a program on wine and jump straight to it. but the program is in "program files" and "fallout tactics" so to load in terminal i have to use $ cd ~/.wine/dosdeviecs/c:/Program Files/Interplay/Fallout Tactics/ $ wine BOS.exe -wgand i want to find a way to activate BOS.exe with -wg either by a launcher or by the "configure wine" options but i dont know what -w or -g associate with?
For as long as i can remember, using arrows (and home/end) in a bash shell that has a command running would print some fancy ^[[A caracters and then return the prompt at the end of this.
Now this behavior has changed. Using the arrows while a command is running actually moves the cursor on the screen. When the command completes the prompt appears at the new cursor position which is kind of strange and messes the screen.
For testing, just enter "sleep 10" and during the wait move the cursor with the arrows and home/end.
What happens when the script executes is that the ssh connection works and parks me at the remote hosts's shell login. Therefore, the "firefox" command refuses to execute. I need to know how to make the "ssh" connection occur, stay open, and go into the background so that the rest of the script can execute.If I could also do this with the "firefox" line so that the entire term window could be closed would also be helpful.
I would like to be able to connect to a machine, list a directory, wait long enough for me to see the results then move on to the next machine.This is failing:
I'm trying to create a bash script that will open firefox, evolution, gedit (specific file), etc. For the most part it works, but after it opens evolution or gedit, it pauses execution, until I close that app down.
I don't want to have this done at login, i want to pick and choose when I open them all.
I'm trying to write a bash script that will simultaneously ping a host and execute a traceroute at the same time. I would like the results to output to a text file.