Ubuntu / Apple :: Restore Partition To Make It Mac Readable

Jul 12, 2011

I have an ibook G3 500 mhz with 600+ MB of RAM and now I want to get rid of my Kubuntu partition. I have now installed Kubuntu 10.04. I've been using Kubuntu on my ibook for a long time, but due to kubuntu being soooo heavy on this old machine, I want to erase it and make that partition Mac OS X usable.I don't have a DVD drive so I cannot use the Mac Installer nor the cd's What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: Make An Image Of Windows Partition To Save Time And Effort When Wanting To Restore?

Aug 6, 2010

Am quite new to Ubuntu (10.04) and have recently reinstalled XP. I want to make an image of my windows partition to save time and effort when wanting to restore this. I read the Ubuntu documentation on Drive Imaging [URL]..community/DriveImaging and am wondering if I've done things ok?

I've booted using the Live CD. Windows is on sda1 and is a 50GB partition. I have a hidden ntfs partition on the same hard drive at sda9 of 10GB. The first time I tried this I got an error regarding my output file saying "Not a directory". I'm assuming that was because I hadn't mounted sda9. It also reported an error saying permission denied on sda1. I then mounted sda9

sudo mount /dev/sda9 /mnt

I then changed to root as I thought not being in that was why I was getting the permissions error.

sudo -s
I've then done the following;
dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=1024 | gzip > /mnt/sda1.bin.gz

The terminal window is just showing a flashing cursor in the bottom left corner under the above command line input. Is the fact that my mount partition being smaller than my windows partition going to cause a problem or will gzip solve that? My Windows install occupies about 7.5GB of the 50GB partion.

I'm not sure if dd is just taking a long time to complete the task???

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Software :: Why Have To Make Files World Readable?

Mar 17, 2011

Linux permissions have always frustrated me. They are really annoying to work with and very unversatile compared to NTFS.Here's my current situation, and I don't understand what's going on here.

I have a server with a smb share, a user on another machine is in the group that is assigned to those files. The files are chmodded 770. If the user is in that group then technically that user should have access to those files... but it does not. If I chmod to 775 then the user has access. WTF? Why? I don't care given it's a local server, but still, if I have to make files world readable for a single user to have access even though I granted those rights through the filesystem and through samba, then that's a huge security issue, and it's no wonder we're not seeing Linux used for enterprise file servers.

Another thing that pisses me off with linux permissions is when a new file is created, the permissions arn't inherited. This folder gets lot of data added to it but it defaults to whatever the default permissions are. I need to run a script to periodicly fix all the permissions. To me this is really messy.

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General :: Restore An Ext2 Partition From A Msdos Partition?

Oct 2, 2009

I had an Ubuntu desktop 9.04. While I wanted to format my second hard drive with gparted, I have selected my system HD () with all my datas (/home, ...).In fact, my error is I have selected to rebuild my partition table and now I have lost all partitions . I would like to know how to restore my datas.

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Fedora :: How To Make Drives Readable / Writable In Fedora 14?

Dec 29, 2010

I decided I could get by without WIN7 on my computer on a permanent basis, so re-installed Fedora 14 on drive SDA (Drive 0), previously occupied by WIN7, and formatted all other drives in the system (SDB, SDC, and SDD to EXT4.The install went well, and everything is working except one thing - I cannot get SDB,SDC or SDD to copy files one to the other. The message I get is that permissions do not allow this process. The automount works OK, and I can access the contents of individual files on these drives, but as far as copying goes, there is no go.What other parameters do I have to add to the automount in /etc/fstab to allow for this read/write function, or am I looking in the wrong area entirely?I have searched these forums and the Internet in general, but I cant seem to find anything specific to this problem.

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Ubuntu :: DVD Not Readable With 10.04 Was Readable With 9.04

Aug 6, 2010

I have a DVD which I can open and play on a machine running 9.04 but I can't get to open and play it on a machine running 10.04.How can I diagnose and prefereably fix the problem?

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General :: Deleted An LVM Partition - Restore The Partition

Aug 23, 2010

I was dicking around today and I deleted an LVM partition, is there anyway I can restore the partition and add it back to my volume group or is it game over?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: RFIt Partition Tool Not Working - Error: "MBR Partition Table Is Invalid, Partitions Overlap"

Aug 23, 2010

I installed Ubuntu as shown in the wiki and when I went to restart it gave me a lovely blinking cursor and nothing else. So I held down option, loaded into osx, reinstalled rEFIt and got my menu on startup. Unfortunately, the partition sync tool doesn't seam to be working, it gives me an error: Status: MBR partition table is invalid, partitions overlap. Error: Not Found returned from gptsync.efi

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Hardware :: Ran Mkfs.vfat Over Top Ntfs Partition - Any Way To Restore Ntfs Partition Info?

Oct 12, 2010

I was attempting to format a flash drive, and well, used the wrong sdX device. I've run DiskInternals Partition Recovery tool, and all my files are still there (you have to pay $139 to have it restore the files). Is there any way using tools in linux to restore the ntfs partition/files? It was a single disk with the partition taking the entire drive. I've tried mounting it with the -t option, but it says invalid ntfs signature. Man, two lessons the hard way, make sure you backup (duh) and be careful what you type as root.

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore Partition UUID

Sep 4, 2010

After installing another OS on second drive, UUID for swap on my main system was missing. In other words there is no appropriate symlink in /dev/disk/. I've tried to create it manually, but it dissappears again after rebooting. Temporarily i solved this problem by adding in /etc/fstab direct address to swap device. The question is how to restore UUID for swap partition correctly?
sudo blkid /dev/sda6
/dev/sda6: TYPE="swap"
/dev/sda6 is swap partition.
Also i've tried to use tune2fs:


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Ubuntu :: How To Restore Partition Table

Oct 8, 2010

I got swap space full error and the ubuntu version of "blue screen of death". I used Disk Utilities to delete a 2.1GB unused partition. When I tried to create a swap space partition (with Disk Utilities) it failed. In the mean time ubuntu did some security updates. When I tried to create again Disk Uilities did not complain but only created a small ~ 500 kB partition. I deleted that and reboot and got "unknown filesystem grub rescue>". I booted from a USB key successfully. Now Disk Utilities and File Browser can see all the partitions and files on the hard drive, but GParted thinks the entire hard drive is unallocated. I vaguely remember that there are two partition table on the hard drive. It may be that one of them was deleted (when I removed the ~ 500 kB partition with Disk Utilities earlier maybe?). It seems at least the other partition table is still intact since Disk Utilities and File Browser can still see all the partitions and files. Is it possible to restore the deleted or damaged partition table and make the hard drive bootable again?

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore Deleted Truecrypt Partition

Feb 16, 2010

my /dev/sdb was a truecrypt partition that was mounted when I accidentally deleted the partition in gparted (instead of sdc, stupid). I'm pretty sure I haven't overwritten anything since then, but I'm not sure how to go about recovering this one. To confound the problem, the only way I can install stuff to my ubunut machine is by downloading on a windows machine and transferring by memory stick.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Table Gone / Restore It?

Feb 23, 2010

I have searched and didnt find a situation like mine so i thought id ask. i have a dual boot setup on my hp pavillion windows vista /dev/sda1 and backtrack linux 3,while trying to install backtrack 4 (which is ubuntu based) i deleted the former partitons for bt3. im not quite sure what i clicked but using the ubiquity installer it deleted my partition table so now my entire drive is listed as unallocated space. i have some very important files on my windows partition other wise i would just format and start over. how can i restore the partition table and boot to windows to atleast grab the important stuff. the drive hasnt been formatted so the info is still there i just cant get to it anyone have any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Partition Table Was Deleted / Cant Restore?

Mar 2, 2010

I was working on creating a partition on a new hard drive I was planning on using for storage. I wasn't paying attention and chose to delete the partition on my master. I am running a dual boot with Vista and Ubuntu. When I rebooted It will only go to the Grub> prompt. Ive ran TestDisk and though that I had corrected the problem but it didnt. After running TestDisk again here is what It came up with.

Disk /dev/sda - 320 GB / 298 GiB - CHS 38914 255 63
Partition Start End Size in sectors
L HPFS - NTFS 0 32 33 28554 254 63 458734027
L Linux 28555 1 1 38585 254 63 161147952
L Linux Swap 38586 1 1 38912 254 63 5253192
Structure: Ok. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to select partition.
Use Left/Right Arrow keys to CHANGE partition characteristics:

After writing the table above I rebooted. Windows prompted me for my restore disk. I rebooted to the live cd again and ran Fdisk.


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Ubuntu :: Restore Data From Sata Hd Partition

Sep 4, 2010

Ive installed ubuntu for the first time today, i have a hdd of 500gb, that had 65gb occupied with music, movies and games.

What i did during installation:

it asked me where to install it, so i created a new partition of 100gb ext4 type, to install it there, and i was going to leave the rest for the data, but it wont let me do it, so i went back and selected the "exchange type swap linux 0x82 type" for the 400gb partition.

Then installed it, and now i cant find my data, and i have only 100gb of space in the hd, if i use the "disc utility" i can see the other 400gb, and change partition type, but i dont want to lose my data..

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Ubuntu :: Restore Partition Table With Fdisk?

Jan 28, 2011

what I did was: - have NTFS (450GB + 4GB linux-swap + 44GB ext3 with ubuntu 10.10 upgraded from ubuntu 10.4). Ntfs partition contains data only, no windows.

- either with partition magic or paragon I tried to resize the NTFS and since then parted doesn't like my partitions anymore, but Ubuntu boots and works just fine..

- I took the output from fdisk -l and decided to remove the swap partition - ubuntu won't boot saying it needs the swap (although it was never mounted and i deleted the swap while ubuntu was active)

I have the following output from fdisk -l:

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


**NOTE: Since the partitions are not on cylinder boundaries, using parted to recreate the partition table may not be good enough.. I don't have a backup of the partition table.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Partition With Unknown Filesystem

Apr 11, 2011

I recently did a clean install of 11.04 Beta, and I must have done something wrong with the mount points during installation, which resulted in me having a different home folder mount point or something. The old partition on which I have my home folder needed to be mounted manually. I did that once, and then upon reboot, I couldn't access the partition anymore. Disk Utility now shows the partition as "unknown filesystem".

The output of fdisk is as follows (if that helps at all):

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


On a side note, I tried using TestDisk to restore the partition, but I only created a DD image of the damaged partition, but now I'm stuck, as I'm not sure how to mount it, or if it's possible to retrieve files if I succeed in mounting the image.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Mount Partition To Restore Grub2?

Apr 26, 2011

I recently installed windows 7 and of course it got rid of grub2 for me. I tried restoring it but when I try to mount the ubuntu partition (sda3, extended filesystem) I get the error "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"

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Ubuntu :: Restore Grub2 On Encrypted Partition?

Jun 10, 2011

I had to reinstall Windows, which has obviously overwritten my lovely Ubuntu Natty

I would like restore grub2, however failling to do so

I'm running:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 crypt1
Enter LUKS passphrase:
key slot 0 unlocked.


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Ubuntu :: Make A Partition Of The Free Space Available From Windows Partition

Aug 18, 2011

i am following the installation process and its very unclear whether or not a dual boot will occur and how i can make a partition of the free space available from my windows partition etc....i dont want to go through the process and find myself losing all my data and my windows partition i also cant seem to select a partition less than 86% of the total capacity of hdd so im def sure they're not taking my dual boot desires into consideration.

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OpenSUSE :: Restore Kernel 2.6.34 And Make X Work?

Sep 13, 2010

I've tried to install a package (cifs-mount) and I didn't realized that my kernel was downgrading. I use OpenSuse 11.3 (kernel 2.6.34 if I remember) and installing package for mounting cifs (mout.cifs, umount.cifs), now my kerenl is 2.6.31. The video card is Nvidia and now doesn't work. Only can access console. How can I restore kernel 2.6.34 and make my X work?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make A New Partition When Have Only Primary Partition ?

Feb 22, 2011

creating a new partition when i have only primary partition on my 40gb harddisk.

what i did while installation was selected use entire partition and now i want a additional partition other than primary ?

I want to assign 10GB for Primary one and wanna create Two 14GB partitions , I Also dont know what Swap partition Is.

Since i am a month old ( January 2011 ! ) UBUNTU user who hates MS Windows now, if i gets this problem solved , i can convince more people to replace their OS to Ubuntu .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Testdisk Can't Restore The Partition - Just Deleted

Aug 8, 2010

I tried to install Ubuntu next to XP. After restart - no XP and no Ubuntu. Something wrong with loader I guess, I see command line prompt (of the loader I guess).

So I restarted from liveCD. But no "Repair Install" option like in XP CD. So, I deleted partition to install again on top of old, then learned a loader possibly could be fixed.

So, the problem is: testdisk cannot restore partition I deleted. I didn't write on disk anything. May be swap space after couple reloads from liveCD corrupted it?

It complains "The harddisk (...) seems to small!", it sees some other partitions and doesn't see what Gparted and Disk Utility.

Let me know the best approach to get back XP running (having Ubuntu would be good too).

Here below are the screen captures for details.

Quich Search results. Can't recover what's found. Why 4 partitions are found? Notice, "The harddisk seems too small !" Could this be a problem? HDD is not Maxtor anymore

The gap is there but no deleted partition shown

Essentially same thing... going for deeper search

Deep Search hasn't recover anything new. And shows same results as Quick Search (2nd testdisc image )Hit "continue"...

Now the partitions shown as deleted because of overlapping. The partition to be recovered is still not in the list.

Anyway, my final goal is to get WinXP back and if possible, install Ubuntu. It's nice that installer still sees the XP. Too bad the loader doesn't. how to get it done.

Unlike during installation of XP, ubuntu doesn't offer to utilize the deleted partition. Is it going to stay empty/unallocated? Forget the empty space, will I get XP running if I continue and install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Restore GRUB2; Can't Mount Partition?

Apr 29, 2011

I get the error - 'You must specify the filesystem type'.I used the syntax on the GRUB2 page:mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt but it returns the above error.Is there additional parameters to the code???

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Software :: Restore To Original State After A 'make Install' ?

Feb 26, 2011

I was in real doubt where to put this, so I hope I picked the right forum; otherwise, my apologies!

I want to build Roadsend PHP on my system. There seems to be no way to do this with the package manager, so I have to build it from source.

Turns out it depends on something called 'Bigloo'. Again no luck with the package manager, so I had to build this one from source too.

I took version 3.0c (Roadsend website recommends this version), did a

./configure && make && make install

, which did the job. Builing Roadsend worked, but I got a runtime error, which had to do with the Bigloo version.

No problem, I tought, then I'll just install Bigloo 3.1a. I did a "make uninstall" in the 3.0c dir, and tried to build 3.1a. This also worked, but now when I try to make Roadsend, I reports:

*** ERROR:bigloo.heap:
Release mismatch -- Heap is `3.0c', Bigloo is `3.1a'

So, somehow, there are still traces of 3.0c on my system. Maybe some file that didn't get deleted or some table entry that hasn't been undone?

My question is: How can I remove all traces of this version? Apparently, "make uninstall" is not thorough in this case.

And: Is there a general solution to remove everything when I did a "make install". So that my system is in the same state as it was before I ran the command?

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General :: Cannot Restore Ntfs Partition

Jul 26, 2011

On my computer on the first disk /dev/sda was installed win2k system bootable with
native win2k bootloader. I created imges of that partition using Ghost4linux na Clonezilla. Images were placed on the second computer using sshfs. For all this tasks i used PartedImage LiveCD.

I removed old partition and created a new ntfs partition on the same disk. When I used GParted or native Win2k partitioner the partition I get was smaller: the difference is a few bytes. Finally I used the Linux fdisk. Now the size was OK, but after restoration win2k was unbootable: I tried to recover the win2k but it was even impossible to locate a system on the partition. So I tried to move all the partition at the very beginning of the disk. Now at least I was able to mount (under Linux) the partition. But again win2k was unbootable and unrecoverable.

It seems for me that the partition is missplaced. According to Ghost4Linux the partition begins with an offset 0x56. I suspect that it should be rather 0x80.

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General :: Restore NTFS Partition After Using Dd?

Jun 17, 2011

I recently tried to make a backup of an ntfs partition using dd.For example.. "sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sda1" which made a copy of one partition to another, not realizing that it would wipe the ntfs filesystem and image across the linux partition. Is there anyway i can undo this to get back all the data which was on the ntfs drive? Cfdisk still sees the partition as NTFS. Have also tried photorec to try to retrieve the data but to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Select An Option To Make The Open Folders On Shutdown, To Restore On Startup?

Jun 17, 2011

I've recently upgraded to 11.04.Till now, I could select an option to make the open folders on shutdown, to restore on startup.There was an option to restore running applications

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Ubuntu :: Restore Access To Thinkpad Rescue And Recovery Partition?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a brand new Lenovo Thinkpad T400. Lenovo claims that it should boot into recovery mode if the blue 'ThinkVantage' button is pressed during boot. However, this does not happen after I have installed Ubuntu (Koala). First of all, nothing happens when I press the blue button, and no recovery partition is visible in GRUB boot menu. However, the partition itself is still there. The question is how to boot from it?

I found some tips from [URL], however, they are for GRUB, but my Ubuntu comes with GRUB2. I tried to adapt their instructions to my case. I added this to /etc/grub.d/40_custom:

menuentry "Rescue and Recovery" {
insmod ntfs
set root=(hd0,3)


That, however results in message about bootmgr missing at startup.

One option would be to start Windows and reinstall Windows MBR, but this would nuke my GRUB, and things could quickly go downhill from there as I am using full disc encryption for my Ubuntu partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Restore An Accidentally Deleted Encrypted EXT4 Partition ?

Feb 2, 2010

I accidentally deleted my root ext4 partition, which I had encrypted. I am unable to log into any os since I am blocked by a Error 17. Is it possible to retrieve an encrypted ext4 partition, does it even matter that it was encrypted.

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