Ubuntu :: Make A Partition Of The Free Space Available From Windows Partition
Aug 18, 2011
i am following the installation process and its very unclear whether or not a dual boot will occur and how i can make a partition of the free space available from my windows partition etc....i dont want to go through the process and find myself losing all my data and my windows partition i also cant seem to select a partition less than 86% of the total capacity of hdd so im def sure they're not taking my dual boot desires into consideration.
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Jul 2, 2010
I'm relatively new to ubuntu. I want to run ubuntu alongside my windows partition. I have shrunk the volume that leaves me 50 gb of free space for ubuntu. Will the system automatically set the system and mount volume sizes? If not can I have some tips on manually using the 50 gb to set it up.
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May 29, 2011
I have around 30gb of free space in my partition table immediately before the Linux partition. I want to resize my linux partition to take up this space.
I tried booting with live cd, sucessfully umounted the hard drive but found I could not resize the partition. On clicking the 'edit size' button, partition manager recognised the free space before the partition but when i reduced this, the 'ok' button was greyed out. (it was not greyed out for the windows partition so I could, in theory, increase the windows partition to take up the free space but this is not what i wanted to do).
I am pretty sure that I had managed to unmount the drive correctly as the padlock symbol had dissapeared (I took the attached screenshot, which does show the lock symbol, after rebooting into my normal system).
Anyone got any ideas as to why it wont allow this? There is no reason why i can resize the partition to take up the free space BEFORE it is there?
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Jun 15, 2010
Currently, my partitions are set up as such:
83GB ext3 free space
~10GB ntfs HP/Vista Recovery Partition
~93GB Ubuntu (Hardy Heron)
I tried to just have two partitions (recovery and ubuntu), but because of the different file systems, and the placement of the hp recovery partition, it has to be right in the middle. This is basically what I want to do:
1) Reinstall Hardy Heron on a new (smaller) partition from the free space partition.
2) Once it's working properly, format the rest of the hard drive (getting rid of the recovery partition) and create a single ext3 partition.
3) Install another distro on this new partition.
Does anyone foresee any complications with all this slicing and dicing of my hard drive for which I should/could prepare?
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Nov 5, 2009
I now have Windows XP installed, with 30GB of free space on the end of my hard rive. If I install linux there, will it cause Windows XP to fail? Last time I tried this, it says hal.dll was not found. However, that may have been caused by having five partitions. Do u think its safe now that I'll only have 4? Will Windows XP fail if I put in a partition in the free space?
Why does it says I'm using Safari in Windows, I'm using Google Chrome
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Dec 15, 2010
My debian 5 is up and running smoothly and act as file-server in the middle of windows network jungle using samba the only problem is, after backup an external hdd (213 GB) to my /home partition, I end up with message say that I'm running out free space. Fyi my debian installed on 1TB SATA disk, and I separate my /home partition from system what happen to my free space ? here is screenshot of my disk, using disk usage analyzer: is there is a way to get my space back or something missing on my setup.or I have to reinstall my debian and use LVM when partitioning my disk?
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Apr 22, 2011
Whilst in fedora i deleted files off my second hard drive to free up some space, i deleted over 10gb worth of data. When booting back in to my windows partition it doesnt recognize the free space instead it thinks the hard drive is still full even though i deleted the data.Not to sure as to why this has happened, as im sure i have deleted stuff of this hard drive before from my linux partition.Any help would be greatly appreciated as my 70gb hard drive is full with only 20gb of data to show for it
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Oct 10, 2010
I recently installed ubuntu alongside windows 7 on my machine. I ardly know anything about partitions, but I managed to shrink the windows partition to make space, abd then use the ubuntu installer to create the ubuntu partition. But I hadn't realized that there were actually 3 Windows partitions - "Acer C:", "Recovery", and "System, Active, Primary Partition".
So I didn't know that I should have made the ubuntu partition "Extended", which means that I can't make new partitions anymore. Is there anything I can do without reinstalling ubuntu?
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Aug 7, 2010
I currently run a dual boot with Windows Vista and Ubuntu Lucid. I have been using Ubuntu for quite a while now, but kept around Windows "just in case." I have decided that keeping Windows is unnecessary and my Ubuntu partition is running out of space. I was wondering how I could format the Windows partition and add that space to the Ubuntu partition without having to format my entire computer.
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Jan 11, 2010
I deleted Win7 from my dual boot but I cannot seem to merge the 160 gig's of free space into my ubuntu partition, ran the live gparted but it will not let me expand the ubuntu partition!
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May 25, 2010
OK so basically I have 3 partions on my 500 gb. hdd.
1. Windows 7 64-bit (375gb partion)
2. Ubuntu 9 (50gb partion)
3. Ubuntu 10(75gb partion)
Is there anyway I can remove Ubuntu 9 and allow Windows 7 to use that 50gb that was once used by Ubuntu 9.
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Jul 10, 2010
I'm dual booting Win7 with Ubuntu 10... I just 'shrunk' some disk space in my NTFS partition (about 60gb); and want to assign it to my current Linux partition. In the 'disk utility', I see 60gb 'free' and unformatted. How can I take this 60gb and add it to my current Linux partition (/dev/sda5)?
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Nov 16, 2010
I am trying to install Ubuntu on a computer that will do a dual boot (Windows XP and Ubuntu). My drive is 1.5TB. I have installed WinXP first creating 20GB partition for it. Rest of the drive remained as an unpartitioned space. Now, on top of that I am trying to install Ubuntu. I got as far as the screen that asks me to partition hard drive. What I would like to do is to create the following partitions:
/ - where the system will go (20GB)
/swap - well, swap (5GB)
/media - for my media files (rest of the HD ~1.4TB)
Unfortunately, I was unable to do so (or it is beyond my noob Linux skills). The only two partition types available were Primary and Logical. When I created two partitions:
I got an error that warned me to go back and "rethink" my strategy (do not remember exact error). When I tried auto-partition free space, I got:
but / took the whole remaining 1.5TB of the drive. How do I create the three partitions that I would like to have?
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Feb 15, 2010
I screwed up with my Ubuntu Server Grub2 on 9.10. I want to know since I just did a reinstall on top of the old one. Can I eliminate one of them (doesn't matter) and return it to Ubuntu and 7. Now grub shows the new install, win 7 and the old ubuntu's that I had before and they all 3 work. so how can I restore grub in the old ones to a default setting and then eliminate the new one? or just eliminate the old ones? Or should I do what I think is prob what I will have to do and completely reinstall Windows and then put Ubuntu back on?
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Jan 24, 2011
I have a notebook with dual boot windows and Ubuntu 10.10 on a 80 Gig hard drive. The windows XP partition was initially installed and took up the whole drive (dev/sda1). I then freed up some space and created and installed Ubuntu (/dev/sda6) and swap (/dev/sda5) on an extended partition (/dev/sda2). Initially I only freed up 3.6 Gig which I thought would be more than enough but not any more. I cannot even install the updates as there is only 100 Meg left which is not enough. I then freed up more space (8 gig) from the windows partition to allocate to Ubuntu.
My problem is that I can't seem to find to now allocate this "freed-up" space to Ubuntu? I realise that I have to boot-up from a the Ubuntu live disk so that the hard drive is not mounted to allow changes but I'm still unable to change the partitions. I'm using GParted.
The drive looks like this currently:
[...NTFS] [...Unallocated] [...Extended{(ext4),(linux-swap)}]
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Apr 8, 2011
I'd like to wipe free space on a fat 32 partition, momentary by doing
cat /dev/urandom >garbage
That stops each time the file is 4GB big, as this is the maximum supported filesize for fat32 partitions. So I redo the command, only writing now to "garbage2" or so.Is there any more elegant way to do that? Maybe by script which automatically generates new file names, until the disc is full?
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Feb 24, 2010
I just installed a new hard drive with OS X on my iMac G5 PowerPC. The drive size is 1TB. OS X Leopard is currently only using about 80 gigs of that space. For some reason, at the disk preparation from my live PowerPC Ubuntu install, the entire bar is green with only 8kb of (white) free space. I want to partition the computer to add Ubuntu to it, but I don't want to risk partitioning my hard drive and losing any data affiliated with the current o/s installed on it (OS X Leopard). What is the best way to go about doing this? A manual partition?
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Apr 28, 2010
I'm a new user to Linux & Ubuntu. My system is Windows 7 in one partition, one partition has free space to load my data, another partition is present to load Ubuntu. Can somebody please tell me how to go about the installation process when I'm already having an OS preinstalled?
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Feb 26, 2011
Some months ago I decided to give a chance to this 'Linux thing'. However, being uncertain of the usefulness and friendliness of it all, I decided to keep my Windows 7 partition untouched and just make a 30 Gb partition to "try out" Linux. As it turns out, it's been some 2 months since I last booted Windows and was now wondering if there's a way to "steal" some space from that W7 partition and add it to my Ubuntu one without messing up files. Some kind of major defragmentation, leaving an empty part of the disk which I could "attach" to my Ubuntu partition. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS version.
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Apr 26, 2011
I shrinked the /home partition using resize2fs command by 1GB and what had happened to remaining my free space .
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Dec 16, 2010
I have two 250 GB drives setup with hardware RAID 1. I had on sda and sdb: 20 GB swap, 20 GB /, 198 GB /srv all was good until I started to run out of space on 20 GB /. So I booted the server with Suse 11.3 live cd and reduced the size of 20 GB swap to 10 GB and 198 GB /srv to 150 GB on sda and sdb.
All good so far, then tried to increase 20 GB / to 60 GB, but the Partition setup says the Max Size can be 20 GB, I have checked and I have 42.88 GB of Unpartitioned space. I have rescanned, rebooted, Server is still running fine by the way, but the 42.88 GB of free space is not made available for the expansion of 20 GB /.
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Jul 13, 2010
Using a small hard drive (180 GB) dual booting windows XP for gaming and Ubuntu 9.10 for my other stuff during install I didnt know how much of each partition i would use, so i did 50-50 1 for ext3 and one for NTFSHowever after awhile it seems I have run out of space on my NTFS and have tons of unused space on my ext3.What I am wanting to do is shrink some of that ext3 down and give it it NTFS, I did a little searching and found a couple of old posts but I was a little sketchey on em. Simply looking for some personal Methods or Tools you have used and a starting point of how to use them.
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Dec 12, 2010
I recently upgraded to a bigger hard disk. I used CloneZilla to copy my 150GB ext3 /home partition on my Ubuntu system to a shiny new 800GB ext3 /home partition. However, I've filled it up to almost 150GB, and I keep getting warnings that I have only 300MB available. It looks like the free space is being reported incorrectly. GParted recognizes the size of the partition as 800GB, and Nautilus reports the same when I boot from a live CD. I've tried using tune2fs to remove the reserved blocks and e2fsck -f to fix any errors, but nothing's changed.
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Jan 24, 2011
I had installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a W7 OS, as a dual boot. I have removed Ubuntu, and now have that space as "free space". Between the original partition (c:) and the free space, there is a partition that contains the laptop mfg's factory image. I want to recover that free space back to the original c: partition. I was reading about GParted, but do not want to attempt anything until I have some expert advice.
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Dec 22, 2009
After running photorec I went from having ~30 gb of free space to having 0 bytes of free space. I have deleted all the results of photorec and various other large files and removed them from trash but it still has not freed up any space. Also, my firefox no longer has back/forward functionality which I'm sure would be fixed by a reinstall but seeing as I have 0 space, I can't really do that. Any thoughts?
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May 17, 2010
I just downloaded the new fedora and proceed to install it into a free space of 11GB on my HDD. As such the partitioner is unable to create more than 1 partitioneven if free space is available, it reports not enough free space seen if its present. As such it can create only one of the three partitions i.e., swap or / or /home duw to which cannot proceed ahead.' Some more details me running Xp as the other OS on my system.
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Aug 22, 2011
restore a partition images on another machine to the unused space on my laptop. I'm using netcat and dd to restore the partition.
On laptop:
nc -l 9000 | dd bs=1024 conv=notrunc,noerror seek=<some block pos> of=/dev/sda
On W/S:
dd if=part.img bs=1024 | nc 9000
The problem is that fdisk -l displays start & end sectors of the partitions and I need to know blocks. How do I determine the block number after the last partition to start writing this image?
cat /proc/partitions
Displays blocks per partition. I could add those numbers up but is sure would be nice to have a utility that just give you what you need.
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Dec 7, 2009
I have decided that my partition table does not meet my needs Barrymore, and I want to shrink the "/" partition by 80GB, and then create another file system on that space. I did some research on-line, and I'm not sure which way is the easiest and more secure way to perform the change with out putting the "/" file system on risk.
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Oct 4, 2010
I recently tried a frugal/poor mans install of knoppix that I placed in a folder in the root partition of /home (hda7) in opensuse 11.3. I decided to delete the folder and contents. The hard drive was busy for several minutes and after it was finished, I checked the disk usage and found that / was at 97% capacity, up from what was 10gig of free space. I could not find any traces of the deleted folder or its contents, so I used puppy linux and ran e2fsck on the / partition. Puppy linux reported 1.9gig free space and opensuse reported .5gig free space. My concern is if the deleted folder is taking up space in the root partition that I can not locate and why the difference in reported disk space usage in hda7. Also, if more packages are installed, where are they placed (/ or /home)?
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Aug 16, 2009
I have just over 20GB of empty space on C:. When I click it under disk-management, the window comes up and says I can only resize it 192 MB less than what it is. But I have 20GB free. Any ideas on what is wrong? I also have this odd 9.56GB partition that is empty. DM says it's "EISA configuration"...whatever that is. I am planning to allocate about 10GB for F11 if this pans out ok.
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