Ubuntu / Apple :: Optimize 10.10 For EMac

Oct 19, 2010

I snagged the 10.10 alternate install ISO for PPC and got it up and running on a 1ghz G4 eMac with 1gb of RAM and a 60gb HDD. It runs... OK. It could be a lot better. I'm planning to shut off the bluetooth and CUPS services since neither apply to this system; are there any other services I can shut down, or any other tricks I could do to make it run a bit more smoothly?

What about alternate window managers? I realise that the PPC platform kinda limits me, but what about TWM or FVWM?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Install 10.04 On EMac?

Jul 2, 2010

I have downloaded the Ubuntu 10.04 alternate PPC to install on my old emac.

It starts fine the installation process, and I want to have only Ubuntu on this machine so I erased all the mac partitions and create 3 new partitions

/ = root
and /home

Everything goes well until I get the message that there is not a partition called Apple_bootstrap and I get stuck there.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Compiz On EMac G4 With NVIDIA GeForce 2 MX?

Aug 16, 2010

How can I make Compiz work on this eMac? It's the original, 700 MHz, 1 GB RAM, Ubuntu 10.04. It was enough trying to get the xorg.conf file to show any video, but now I want to be able to use compiz so I can have a faster experience.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cannot Swap Boot Order - Emac?

Feb 3, 2011

With my ubuntu iso in the dvd drive, I do not get any boot from options for it to be used as boot drive within the boot order from the boot control panel. On startup with the alt key pressed I only get the Mac drive but when I change the boot to the other option (network) and press the alt key on startup, I get the boot order screen with the Mac HD and also the Ubuntu iso but cannot get the Ubuntu to highlight and use, just the Mac remains highlighted. On the same screen I get a very small wrist watch to the left of the screen that the mouse can move up and down but not to the side.

I am using a windows usb keyboard and usb mouse, I have used all manner of keyboard combinations to get the Ubuntu disc to highlight but nothing seems to work. Within the drive section, the "My Mac" drive is locked and cannot partition it or change anything about it. Has anyone any ideas that I can try? I did not want to get a Mac keyboard and Mouse as yet seeing as I wish to change the operating system to ubuntu.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: EMac Can't Drop Into A Shell After 10.04 Install

Jul 28, 2011

I recently came into (temp) possession of two Original, white, 700 MHz eMacs. I have only started to play on one of these so far. Installed Ubuntu 10.04 PPC from Alternate Install CD - two times actually (because I thought I may have screwed something up the first time), but both times it seemed to go without a hitch.

After install and restart, I cannot drop into a shell, all I get is the black screen. I'm probably forgetting something really obvious, but I've tried Holding "Shift" and "F1" and control+alt+F1 (and F2, F3, F4, F5, F6), tried the esc key; with two different Apple USB keyboards. I'm really just wanting to load an xorg.conf file and reboot.

Should I have been trying to do this just after install, but before restarting? I can get into Open Firmware just fine, but have no idea what I'd do from OF except start off the CD again. I should mention I installed Debian just fine and am pretty confident MintPPC would work flawlessly, but I am trying to get Ubuntu 10.04 on here.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: EMac CD Drive Won't Stay Open When Told To Eject

Jun 20, 2011

I have tried eject /dev/cdrom, sudo eject, pressing the eject button but whenever i do , it just opens for like 1 second then closes right back. is this fixable within Xubuntu, or is this a physical problem with the cd drive?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Optimize And Sell IMac G3

Jul 6, 2010

I am finally coming around to selling my iMac G3s and eMac. I will reformat the drives in them and put on Puppy Linux for the iMacs and Xubuntu on the eMac. If I can, I will repair OS X on them all and will dual boot if possible. All of this will be done using the Intel iMac via Firewire. I would like to know if there is a way to make these machines any faster (without money) and "safer" so the next owner feels sure they won't be failing on them soon.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: EMac And IMac File Sharing With Ethernet Cable And Other Cable?

Oct 12, 2010

how I could file share, or make the whole Hard Drive (HDD) accessible to another computer. The two other computers I have are a Toshiba Laptop with Ethernet and USB, and a iMac Intel with Firewire, USB, and Ethernet. Putting these to use along with:

Three Ethernet Cables
Two Printer Peripheral USB Cables
The Two Computers
A 2GB Flash Drive

That is all I can think of right now. I do not want to use CDs. In a way, I would like to do a network boot. So, how do I get the whole HDD visible to the others computers (either/both) and be able to write to it? I want to put Xubuntu on it, and earse the rest of the Hard Drive. The computers getting this are the iMac G3s and the eMac G4. The eMac has 256MB RAM, 40GB HDD, and a 700MHz processor. Two iMacs have 128MB RAM, 40GB HDD, and a 600MHz Processor. The other iMac is the same as the rest but has a 500MHz processor.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing Ubuntu On A EMac G4 Power PC ?

Aug 18, 2010

I am planning to do a full install of Ubuntu 10.04 on my eMac G4 Power PC (PPC). It has 512 MB of RAM, 40 GB of space, and its running Mac 10.4.11 Tiger.

I need help booting off the DVD. Can anyone Give me a guide on how to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a old eMac G4 Power PC?

I plan to install this instead of the Mac OS because it is very slow and buggy.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: EMac Best Ubuntu Release And Flash?

Nov 11, 2010

I am putting ubuntu onto a ppc (emac 1.25Ghz) and I was wondering weather to go with the last officially supported release (6.10) or to try the newest (10.10)?

The machine will only be used to play music and brows the web, nothing heavy but it MUST play flash content (primarily from .....). I have had varying degrees of success on an older G4 ppc (700 Mhz) but never got it to play flash. are the open source alternatives to flash any good on the machine?

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General :: SH - How To Resume Stopped Job On EMac

Apr 8, 2011

How can I resume a stopped job in Linux? I was using emacs and accidentally hit ctrl-z which blasted me back to the console. I can see it when I type 'jobs'
[*****]$ jobs
[1]+ Stopped
emacs test_queue.cpp

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General :: Booting From CD On Emac Powerpc

Aug 8, 2010

I have an emac powerpc that runs Mac OSX version 10.4. I am having trouble booting from a live cd. Holding down C does not work an I have tried different commands in open firmware and none of them work.

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Software :: What Emac File Do Choose For Launcher?

Oct 18, 2010

emac is new to me and I want to create a panel launcher ie. icon shortcut but there are 4 choices and I don't know the difference in function or usage between them: emacs, emacs-23.2-no-x11, emacs-23.2-with-x11, emacsclient.I want to learn how to use emacs so which one of these versions do i choose?

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Ubuntu :: Optimize For Speed?

Jun 25, 2011

i didn't know where to post this so i decided on "General" section. I'm working with kind of an "old" computer, low HDD and graphics, but decent amount of RAM and good processor ( for an old computer, and it was bough for company use ) So i want to speed things up a bit, i don't mind waiting a bit longer when GIMP is loading, but FireFox is giving me issues, loads slower, and internet isn't as fast as its suppose to be, i started playing a game on facebook recently and it was fine, but lately it takes for ever to load and do things in it, i tweaked some options in it, and its better, but now when i click response time is slower ( altogether is quicker but still not enough )
Is there anything i can do?

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Ubuntu :: How To Optimize The Lynx Desktop

Jun 14, 2010

I have the most recent version of Ubuntu, and I'd like to optimize it. I have 888MB RAM and an older celeron processor. Here are the only things I use on a daily basis:

Apache2 / PHP5 / Mysql
Pidgin (IRC chat client)

I feel like there is a lot of extra stuff I could remove, but I don't want to just start removing random things that may break dependencies, etc. I want to do this b/c it seems like my desktop is sluggish most of the time.

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Ubuntu :: Optimize Boot Speeds?

May 3, 2011

Unfortunately my ubuntu installation wakes 31 seconds to get to the boot screen, almost identical to my windows 7 partition. I've already configured grub to my needs, so reducing the counter has already been done, but I have no idea what else to do for my boot speeds when it comes to ubuntu. If anything I can live with these times, but it would be very nice to have it boot at lightning speeds I may even buy a SSD when I get the money.

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Debian Hardware :: Graphics Card On EMac Running Squeeze

Apr 27, 2011

I installed the powerpc version of Debian Squeeze 6.0.1a on an eMac. According to the Wikipedia article, these systems had an nVidia geforce2 MX graphics card, and the system is using the Debian open nVidia drivers from install. I've gotten everything working on it, except the graphics are off. It's acting like either it can't handle the resolution or all the colors and looks a little like it wants to run in 256 colors. It's not unusable, just annoying. I know that it can handle a normal resolution because it was doing fine under Mac OS X puma before I wiped it and installed debian (I put debian on it because I needed a modern web browser, and the ones available under that version of Mac OS X weren't doing the job). I went to the nVidia website, but they only have the driver for x86 Linux. I need it for the G4 powerpc. Any ideas? I'm used to running Ubuntu on x86 machines, so the powerpc thing is throwing me a bit.

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General :: How To Optimize Ubuntu Desktop To Run Webserver

Jan 30, 2011

I am using ubuntu desktop edition to run My drupal website on Intranet. I know for running web servers best thing to install is ubuntu server editions, but due to some problem i am using Desktop edition.I installed XAMPP on my machine an my website is up and running. I want to know how can i optimize my machine?? Since I will not use very less features of desktop editions are there any things which I can remove or stop which will free memory and cpu consumption, are there any packages which i should install to increase the performance of my ubuntu??

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Ubuntu :: Speed Up/optimize Xorg.conf?

Jan 12, 2010

i'm stuck with software rasterizing atm on 9.10, on 8.04 i had indirect rendering which was faster. how i can speed things up? :)

this is my current xorg.conf.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"


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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Optimize With Current Hardware

Aug 27, 2010

I run Ubuntu 10.04 in 64 bit. My current hardware specs are:

(2) Nvidia 8800 GTS
Asus Crosshair 1
AMD Athlon X2 5200+
2GB DDR 3 Corshair ram

How can I utilize my hardware to it's full potential using Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Would Like To Optimize DSL Connection / Performance

Sep 3, 2010

My DSL is working and my computer is on line but I would like to optimize my connection for better speed. I found a utility for this at speedguide.net but it was written for Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Optimize Resources - Ram Maximum Support ?

Feb 3, 2011

The PC is AMD Duron, 370 Mb memory, Hd Maxtor 80 Gb, S.O. 10:10 maverick Ubuntu, Linux Kernel 2.6.35-24-generic.

Gnome 2.32.0

Who can I analyze this screen:


In particular, what are all the mistakes, how much ram maximum support, what kind and where can I find the physical space for the three DIMMs that are missing in the list.

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General :: Optimize Implementation Of DSR Algo In UBUNTU 9.1 Using NS 2.34 ?

Feb 25, 2010

I need to optimize the implementation of DSR algo using NS-2. Now i need to identify the first of all "the parameters which i can change and which are effective in optimization point of view." I want to get into the c++ code as well as header files which are used to implement DSR algo.

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Ubuntu :: Compile From The Source Code To Optimize Hardware

Feb 7, 2010

Recently I was trying to use Gentoo, and I was really impressed of how it is faster than Ubuntu in running applications, specially when I build wine and was able to run Oblivion at a reasonable speed. I would like to know if there is a way to compile Ubuntu from source code, to optimize it to my hardware.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Optimize My Internet Connection Settings?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm looking for a newbie friendly guide on tuning stuff like TCP and whatnot. I installed a program on my sister's Windows computer called Internet Cyclone and it did all the settings itself, but I can't seem to find such a program for Linux. I kinda want to learn to do it myself too, so can you point me to a newbie friendly guide on how to optimize my Internet connection settings?

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Debian :: Optimize RAM And CPU Usage Under Lenny?

Sep 12, 2010

Howto optimize RAM and CPU usage under Lenny?

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Server :: How To Optimize Samba Performance

Jan 4, 2011

I have installed a linux server, centos gui server with Raid1, his role will be only a file server. I installed samba and configured it. The file system is EXT3. the server got 4 gigs of memory.There is a program in windows that writes files to the share.I searched and i found that there is some commands that you add and they boost the performance.

I got complains that the writes are not fast enough. Before me another IT guy configured the file server and it was faster, what he told my customer that he changed some command of cache but i dont know exactly what he did. I have been asked to find how to boost the performance.Please give me more commands to try to boost the performance of Samba or tell me if i need to change anything..

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Server :: Optimize Apache 2 In Centos 5

Mar 28, 2010

I saw many people were talking about how to optimize apache and mysql here and also in other forums and blogs. I am currently hosting some sites and some IRCD processes (a tiny network)in a dedicated server with spec:


Intel Dual Core 1.6GHz E1200
160 HDD
10Mbits port

We got about 30,000 to 40,000 page views per day. I would like to ask people here about the opinion of apache and mysql optimization based on this server spec and current number of page view.

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Programming :: How To Optimize The Shell Script

Jan 30, 2011

Go through the following script


for(( i=65; i<=90; i++ ))


This code creates a file in which it writes a huge amount or records. But it takes a huge amount of time. Is there anyway of optimizing it?

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Ubuntu :: Optimize The Nvidia Private Drivers And Remove The Lag Effect?

Nov 21, 2010

After having tried to fix the plymouth without any successfully result (i am meanning the thread i began few weeks ago and sited here: [URL]. I decided to keep nvidia's privates drives on giving up any hope to fix the plymouth bug and, right now, i would like to optimize or configurate the drivers properly like it is on Mandriva One 2010.

Perhaps someone is not exactly understand what i want to say. Well, i was using Mandriva One 2010 before installing Ubuntu Maverick and i have noticed there was no a low latency, lag effect, low performance or a lack of initial smooth and clean windows moves in Mandriva One 2010 but on Ubuntu there is.

This is very hard to explain for me, for example, If i use the "flip windows selector" (i mean, pressing "<Super>+Tab" keys) show me this effect too slow initially but if i forced the GPU for a while (repeating and pressing the keys), the lag effects vanished and then, the flip windows selector works nicely fast, clean and smooth. Now if i stop to use that effects, let the Nvidia GPU repose a while and use again the flip windows selector again, the lag effects come up again.

This fact does not just happen using the "flip windows selectos", any effects which minimize, resize or maxime the windows generate that annoying initial lag effects, for example, a simple minimize windows:

I am in despair with this, i do not if i have to do some change in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, what i have to configurate in the "Nvidia X server Settings" or in the "compiz manager settings" application.

Anyone knows a tutorial about how to optimize the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu? or the Compiz effects to reduce the lag effets?

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