Ubuntu :: 11.04 Unity Not Saving Favorites?

Apr 12, 2011

Every time I logout and log back in the Unity panel resets to its default state. I'd like it to save my favourite applications and their locations on the panel. I'm completely updated and thought this might be a permission issue or some such. I wanted to see if anyone had this problem or if anyone knew where unity saved its files before I filed a false bug report.

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Ubuntu :: Find Folders Not In Favorites In Unity?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm trying to get to grips with unity. Today I wanted to look at the "Ubuntu One" folder, but it doesn't appear in the list of favourites. So how do I find it or how do I home the /home/user folder using the Files & Folder link from the unity launcher.

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Ubuntu :: How To Add IE Favorites To Mozilla

Feb 2, 2010

I have a Favorites folder from my Windows computer that I saved on my Ubuntu computer. How do I add it to Mozilla ?I do not have a HTML file or IE on this computer to import.

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Ubuntu :: Favorites From IE To Firefox?

Mar 18, 2010

How do I import my favourites from my IE in windows to firefox here in ubuntu? I do have access to the windows files here but can I just copy all the url files and paste them into firefox's bookmark folder or how can I solve this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Create Web Shortcuts In Favorites?

Sep 19, 2010

Have just put Ubuntu Netbook Remix on an old laptop for parental units. They pick it up in thirty minutes. I have got the bloody Broadcom wireless working. I have got Skype set up. I have done everything except put some web shortcuts to pages like Yahoo Mail on the Favourites page because... the Hell? How do I do that?

No, bookmarks in Firefox aren't good enough. I want a friendly icons on their desktop. This has to be incredibly obvious

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Ubuntu One :: U1 Windows Port / Favorites Mgmt Via Web Interface ETA?

May 1, 2010

I have some legitimate business needs for the U1 Windows client port. Is there an ETA for this project completion?

Also, I have a personal need for management of the Favorites synching via the web management interface. When will this be rolled out?

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Fedora :: Add Executable .jar Link To Favorites?

Jul 10, 2011

I have a new Fedora 15 installation on my Lenovo T61 laptop. I have converted it from Windows 7 and am having some trouble getting it set up as desired. In particular, I am trying to add an executable link to a .jar file to my Activities Favorites bar.

I have tried right-clicking the icon from the Activities Application display to add to favorites like I can do with any other application but right-clicking does nothing. Dragging to the favorites bar does not work either. When I click on the icon, it just opens the Archive Manager so that may be related to the problem. The .jar file does actually run but I have to find it in the file manager, right click and then select Open With Java. what can I do to add a link in the Activities Favorites bar that opens my .jar file?

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General :: Can All Browsers Have Same Bookmarks / Favorites

Apr 26, 2011

Although this questions is not directly related to Linux and is more browser specific. I want to know is there any way that all my browsers have same set of bookmarks/favorites. I currently have 3 browsers that I use (chrome, Mozilla,and IE8) if I add a bookmark to one of my favorites is it possible to access the same bookmark list is some different browser. Is this possible?

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Software :: Cannot Restart IExplorer - Favorites Not Appearing

Mar 23, 2009

I installed IE 6.0 with ies4linux on Ubuntu Desktop. After closing IE6, I am unable to restart it after calling IE via command line or by clicking on the desktop icon, without restarting my computer. When I run ps -a I can see IExplorer.exe running but no browser appears. The same with IE 5.5. Is there something I have to configure?

I also have difficulty with the "Favorites" menu in IE under Wine. I can only bookmark urls by creating them in the default "Links" folder they provide. Otherwise, the Favorite does not appear in the drop-down menu. Nor does it appear if I create another folder or rename the Links folder. Is this a bug in IE on Wine? Or is this related to a problem in the installation?

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Ubuntu :: Open Nautilus File Manager / Favorites Or Places Items Using Hotkey(s)?

May 1, 2011

Is it possible to somehow open Nautilus file manager, or favorites, or places items using hotkey(s)? Simply going to the launcher just to open the file manager is annoying, and I'd really find it convenient to somehow launch the Nautilus using hotkey(s)

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Fedora :: Resize Icons And Favorites Panel On Left Side Of F15?

Jun 14, 2011

How do I resize the icons and or favorites panel, on the left side of F15.

Also I noticed that fedora 15 is casing my laptop to run hotter than windows 7.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance - Disable The Unity Dock But Not Unity Feature Where Min / Max / Close Go Into The Command Bar?

Jul 17, 2011

1. I didn't like the icon theme and changed it to Ubuntu Mono Light. But is there a way to get the Min/Max/Close buttons to how they are in Radiance when maximized, or is that dependant on something else?

2. Is there a way to disable the Unity dock, but not the Unity feature where the Min/Max/Close go into the command bar?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firefox - "saving Image As" It Fails To Offer "saving Window"?

Feb 4, 2010

Having openSUSE 11.2, Firefox (latest release) is having some issues when comes to "saving image as", it fails to offer "saving window"? Konqueror works normal, what could be the problem with Firefox?

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Ubuntu :: Unity - Mythtv Or How To Hide Unity Launcher

May 8, 2011

Just moved to Ubuntu 11.04 with unity and only have one problem...For most of my desktop needs I prefer to have the Unity Launcher up all the time (fullscreen apps don't cover it), and have set this option with ccsm.

However, when I watch mythtv, it is also under the launcher (and the top panel as well). How can I force mythtv to cover the launcher?
What I really need is a keyboard shortcut to hide the launcher, but the only shortcut is for "show launcher". (I guess the devs assumed everyone would want it hidden by default).

This, by the way is not my usual way for viewing mythtv. I have a projector attached to the desktop PC and it doesn't get a Unity Launcher by default (in Twinview), so no probs. However, occasionally I want to watch something on my computer screen, and that is when this issue arises.

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Ubuntu :: NBE Auto-switching To "Favorites"

May 12, 2010

I just installed a copy of 10.4 NBE and every time I open an application the program "minimizes" and the GUI goes back to "Favorites". How can I correct this?

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Fedora :: Backup From My Email And My Favorites From Mozilla - Which Folders To Backup

Aug 10, 2011

I want to make a backup from my Email and my Favorites from Mozilla.

But which folders I have to make a backup from.

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Ubuntu :: Saving As Much Space As Possible?

Jan 5, 2010

I got a regular 9.10 Ubuntu but want to uninstall as much as possible to save space. I got only a 4 GB HDD for my virtual machine. I just use it for surfing. So I basically only need a browser and a few other net apps

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Any Way Of Saving Project?

Feb 22, 2010

Yesterday I spent a good couple of hours putting together a video. When I shut down, Lives flushed my entire project because it uses a tmp working directory and places it as default in tmp.Today, I changed the working directory to Video, thinking this would be safe. Instead, the programme quit half-way through editing and I have now lost another good couple of hours.is there any way of saving my project?I can still see the .lay file but there doesn't seem to be any way of opening it.

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Ubuntu :: Grub 2 Personalization Not Saving

Apr 22, 2010

I tried to change the default colours in the Grub 2 Boot loader following instructions in: [URL] pecifically colors are set by: set color_normal=black/black "set color_highlight=magenta/black" in /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme I opened as root and edited this file but the changes done seem to stick. It's still all black/white when I boot.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance Settings Not Saving / Fix It?

Apr 29, 2010

I've installed Lucid, and so far the only problem I'm having repeatedly is that my appearance settings aren't saving. Every time I reboot I have to change the visual effects from "none" to "normal", whereupon it searches for drivers and changes the settings. Any ideas what could be causing this and how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Gsynaptics Settings Not Saving?

May 4, 2010

I followed the instructions for installing Gsynaptics on 10.04 to configure my touchpad and it seems to be working. except, something seems to override my settings whenever I close Gsynaptics or after about 10-20 seconds has passed.

Mainly, all I'm trying to do with it is use it for a simple way for me to turn my touchpad on and off since it's overly sensitive and causing problems. Does anyone know why gsynaptic changes may not be sticking?

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Ubuntu :: Gedit Not Saving To Sshfs?

May 6, 2010

I just updated to 10.04 from 9.10 and suddenly gedit is saying I don't have permission to save files in an sshfs-mounted directory. Nothing I've found through Google works.

* I'm mounting using `sshfs james@of1-dev-james:/home/james/projects $HOME/projects`

* `fuse` is listed in /etc/modules

* I'm a member of the `fuse` group

* Using `newgrp fuse` before mounting stops gedit from seeing the mounted directory at all.

* /dev/fuse belongs to `root:fuse` and has `crw-rw-rw-` permission.

* Other apps e.g. `nano` have no problem reading/writing to this directory.

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Ubuntu :: Saving All Of Settings In A Session?

Jun 17, 2010

I've been playing around with my gnome set up and getting it to look nice, but every time I log out, it messes itself up in just a couple of ways. I saved the session, but that doesn't appear to be catching everything. The problems I'm having -I disable trackpad clicking with "sudo trackpad notap", but I need to reenter this every time I log in or it's turned back on again.

No matter what I do to screenlets, I can't seem to get it to remember that I only want ONE picture frame on my desktop when I boot up, and only ONE CPU monitor. It instead boots up 2 and 3 respectively.I have set stickynote to open up automatically, but it never boots up to the screen, only the panel above. I then have to double click on it to get it to open.Is there a way to save not just the session but every setting you've got running currently on a Ubuntu machine, and then load them automatically when you boot?

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Ubuntu :: Saving Emails In Evolution?

Jul 18, 2010

Im my office everyone uses Windows but I use Ubuntu (and I love it) for interaction with windows only apps I use a windows VM in virtual box but I use evolution for my emails as I think it runs far better than outlook could ever dream of running.

From time to time we have to save emails for proof of orders etc. As most of you may well know outlook saves emails in .msg format but evolution saves them in .mbox format. At the moment I am saving them in .txt so the windows users can read them in notepad. I really need to be able to save in .msg format though to ensure all the formatting remains and the other guys in the office can open them in outlook.

Is there a way for me to either 1. Save directly to .msg format from evolution or 2. convert .mbox to .msg after i have saved the email? Google is usually my friend and comes up with answers for me but on this occasion hasn't been any good.

If I don't find a work around for this I will have to revert to using Windows (which I really dont want to do).

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Ubuntu :: Disable The GDM/X Power Saving?

Aug 24, 2010

I recently installed the first non-virtual Ubuntu server in our office (to put it in perspective, it's outnumbered several to one by Windows servers). It had an inexplicable array failure, and now it's been retasked to run VMware Server for testing purposes since we don't trust it at the moment. For the sake of ease of use, on this server I decided to install Xubuntu desktop x64, rather than Ubuntu server as I've done with a couple others.

This server is on an old school 8-port Linksys PS/2 KVM. It's got a CRT monitor in the middle of a rack of somewhat aging equipment. The problem I'm having is somewhere between the KVM, this old monitor, and some power saving... when Xubuntu tries to put the monitor in standby, instead it gets this vertically scrolling garbage. The Windows servers in this rack don't have any problem putting it to sleep, but I figured I might as well just turn off DPMS on this particular server.

So I logged in via SSH, stopped GDM, generated a /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and changed Option "DPMS" to Option "NoDPMS" which according to the manpage should take care of it. I also changed the GDM video mode with this xorg.conf so it's definitely being used. Following some other suggestions I found in my search, I issued "xset s off" and "xset -dpms" but this hasn't disabled monitor power saving either. I've been restarting GDM each time I change something. 5-10 minutes later it's scrolling garbage again. What's it going to take to turn off monitor power saving at the GDM logon screen?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Why Isn't VLC Saving EQ Preferences

Dec 1, 2010

I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I have VLC player running and its becoming increasingly frustrating to have to consistently change my VLC equalizer options as soon as I start the program. Is there a way to save this?

Also, everytime I click on a song that I want to listen to, a new VLC window opens up. Is there a way to be able to click on a song and not have a new window show up, stop the old song, and have the new song play?

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Ubuntu :: Keystrokes Not Getting In The Buffer While Saving?

Jan 4, 2011

Issue: My wife can type about 70wpm. And uses the computer to write short stories. She has been bitten before and as a results saves often. In fact she CTRL+S (saves) at the end of most sentences and every paragraph out of habit. In MS Word she could keep typing while the computer saved, and once MS Word was done saving it would drop all the buffered text onto the page. OpenOffice3.2 doesn't work this way. She has discovered that while it is saving and she is still typing the text doesn't go into the buffer and she looses the text she has typed. She is reporting to me that she looses a couple of words since the saving takes about 1-3 seconds.

My thoughts before I get home tonight: I was thinking of whipping out the video camera and showing everyone.Switch to LibreOfficeSee if it happens in other applications, maybe plop her down in gedit and see what happens, it could be an when writing to HDD keyboard buffer doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Not Saving Monitor Settings?

Jun 23, 2011

I have two monitors. One on my laptop, and one hooked into the VGA port on the laptop. I want to use these as an extended desktop.

I can set everything up correctly, but after I reboot, or shutdown, all of those settings have to be manually put in again. This is consistent.

how to get these settings to be permanent?

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Ubuntu :: Saving Output In File

Feb 16, 2010

I am using system() command to save command output in txt file and i am storing in one character variable.

For example Code: system("ls>output.txt"); but what should i do when i have to save another one command output in the same txt file continuously, for example


The output of these 2 commands should come in one txt file continously it should get over write.

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Ubuntu :: Saving Open Office To Powerpoint?

Feb 28, 2010

I need to have a video in a powerpoint like presentation. I make the presentation with Impress, open office, save as a .ppt and when i close it and open it again, the video isn't there.

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