Ubuntu :: 10.04 - White Bars Coming Up On Screen?

May 9, 2010

After being on the computer for awhile, it suddenly stops and goes to the purple screen like one would see when turning the computer on, only slightly distorted. after a few moments it switches to a black screen with a flashing _ but you can't type anything, and then it changes so it's blank, and these white bars start to flash on the screen. I just put 10.04 on my computer about two days ago, it's been doing it since. When I first tried to upgrade from 9.10 I encountered a huge error of some sort so I just put a brand new install onto the computer from CD.

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Ubuntu :: Black And White Bars Half Way Down Screen

Jun 29, 2010

I am using a emachine w2925 desktop and I installed the newest ubuntu. And it randomly goes to a black screen with white bars vertically half way down the screen that flash between bars and a black screen every few seconds.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: White Screen Coming When I Log On To GNOME Desktop / Fix It?

Jun 22, 2009

When i log on to GNOME desktop a white screen is coming.so i am not able to see the desktop..So i always log in to kde desktop..Do i have to change something in x0rg.conf file...

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Ubuntu :: Constant Crashing - Screen Will Go Black And Then It Will Start Flashing Like White Bars

Dec 20, 2010

My computer keeps having some kind of meltdown. i really cant explain it other than the screen will go black, and then it will start flashing like white bars, or different colored bars. this happens at such random times i cant exactly pinpoint what sets it off.

the only thing i may have a clue to is that in my update manager, there is one thing that is a distribution update that i cant check to have it installed or anything like that. its then "Gij" and its description is it is "the gnu java bytecode interpreter" i just dont know if i should just go back to an earlier form of ubuntu because these problems didnt start happening until i upgraded to the new ubuntu

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Installation :: Black Screen After Blue And White Bars On Fedora Live Cd Boot / What To Do?

Nov 7, 2009

I get past the count down. The bars run across the top. Then my lcd monitor announces it has no signal and goes to sleep. Had this problem with earlier versions of Ubuntu, particularly 8.04. Was fixed in 8.10.

get Fedora 11 up and running?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Resolution - Screen Looks Fuzzy In Certain Places Especially White Areas And Bars At The Tops And Bottoms Of Pages

May 19, 2011

I am having some issues with my screen resolution. I am not sure if it is a monitor or graphics card issue. I believe I have the ATI x300 card. I am gunning a dell dimension E510. My monitor is a MAG Innovision. The screen resolution keeps changing. I had this same issue with 11.3. Also, the screen looks fuzzy in certain places, especially white areas and bars at the tops and bottoms of pages. By fuzzy, I mean it will be a color that doesn't belong there and it will kind of look like static, in either a line, or a blob, or just the whole box. I recently had to disable all desktop effects because they would make the screen unusable.

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Debian Multimedia :: Compiz With NVidia - White Bars And Screwed Rendering

Feb 12, 2010

I installed compiz with nvidia trouble is when I run compiz white bars or lines (bars) appear in open windows (icewease, gedit, etc.). They disappear after a few moment and reappear when scrolling a page. BTW everything works fine with metacity running as window manager.

Here is my xorg.conf:
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (randy@juliet2) Fri Sep 5 15:03:39 PDT 2008
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (randy@juliet2) Tue Jun 24 10:44:02 PDT 2008
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
EndSection .....

I have the nvidia driver 173.14.09 installed. Running Debian Lenny stable x64 and turion x2 with a geforce 8200M G graphics card with dual screens. I first installed the debian repos compiz, then upgraded to the tuxfamily repo version. I installed the nvidia driver 190 from nvidia's website and that fixed it!

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General :: Linpus Lite - Desktop Shows Black And White Bars

Jun 10, 2010

I prefer ubuntu (which I have been meaning to install for a while) but my netbook currently has linpus lite on it. (It's an acer aspire one). One night I left the netbook sitting open (forgot to close it), and when I went to use it the next day, when I started it up, the desktop did not show the normal icons in the background. It still showed the bar at the bottom with the connection icon, power icon, etc. as well as the "Internet" search bar in the top right corner.

But instead of the usual linpus desktop icons, there are just black and white horizontal bars, with some coloured dots in the black bars. I can still use the terminal to open firefox, and presumably other programs. It still connects to wifi signals, and the bottom bar looks normal and functional. I am posting this message right now with my netbook, and it doesn't seem to have lost any functionality. I would much rather just click on things most of the time instead of opening terminal for everything.

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Red Hat :: Black Screen (power Saving) Is Not Coming Up On Login Screen?

Nov 24, 2008

I have a few machines set up and running Red Hat 4.1.2-42 in a computer lab. I also have a single test machine running the same version. The machines in the lab work flawlessly.However, when machines are on the login screen, they don't go into power saving mode. That is, after a certain amount of inactivity, the idle login screen should be replaced by a black power saving screen. But this does not happen. The monitor should go into standby (the little green light becomes orange, and the whole screen shuts down until you move your mouse again...you know the drill).I know this is supposed to be the case because this works on the test machine. It just doesn't work in the lab. I think it has something to do with gdm, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot / Hangs On Black Screen With A Flashing White Dot In Top Left Corner Of Screen?

Jun 1, 2010

After succesfully installing Ubuntu 10.4 x32 and rebooting pc hangs on black screen with a flashing white dot in the top left corner of my screen, i've tried installing it twice with the same results.

my setup is: Asus p5q-e,
4 gig of corsair dual ram,
ati 4850 graphics,
onboard audio.
ahci mode
win 7 installed on intel ssd, and xp on a samsung 320 gb sata 2,
i had this configuration running fine for 2 months without boot loaders,
on pc start up i choose from which hdd to boot from.

i installed ubuntu on the samsung drive where it was recognised fine, wiped it all and installed automatically.

pls let me know if there is anything i missed, and advice if possible in what to do.


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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen With Vertical Bars

May 6, 2010

I'm still getting some vertical lines through my splash screen, they are just a little darker purple than the rest of the screen, but disappear over the ubuntu logo/text/dots. I've tried the following from the faq, which made the screen at least show up, which is wasn't doing before.

Users should experience a much faster boot however some users may experience problems with Plymouth after the nVidia graphics driver has been enabled. Users may experience plymouth using lower graphics resolution. [URL]

Graphical solution : [URL]

Command line :
(Some of the fixes put forward dont work for everyone.)
One that works for nVidia and to try is this.
gksu gedit /etc/default/grub
and add the line in BOLD.
# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1680x1050 Save the file and run
sudo update-grub
The resolution chosen should be your monitors native resolution.

Other graphics card users may get a black screen with flashing cursor and then a very short duration plymouth. [URL]. One fix for this is to create this file.
gksu gedit /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
and add this option FRAMEBUFFER=y, save the file.
sudo update-initramfs -u

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Ubuntu :: Weird Bars On The Side Of Screen?

Aug 25, 2010

I suddenly have a couple of unexplained black bars on the right side of my screen. I recently installed conky and guake, and GNOME Do, but the problem happens whether or not they're running. I've tried rebooting, and turning off desktop effects.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Screen Not Coming Back On?

Apr 22, 2011

So I just recently switched to Ubuntu because my computer's hard drive with windows died. When I bought a new hard drive, it was just easier to use Ubuntu. Anyway, I really like the operating system so far, and have had no problems except for one: When I close the screen on my laptop, the screen won't come back on when I open it. The buttons on my keyboard light up and everything like they should, but the screen stays black. I have tried doing Ctrl + Alt + F keys with no luck. I am very new to Ubuntu so please go slowly. I am using Ubuntu 10.10 on an HP Pavilion Dv4 laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Using Autohide For Top & Bottom Bars On A Touch Screen?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a Fujitsu P1610 convertible running 9.10. I only like the two bars visible when I need them otherwise they just take up valuable screen space, especially on a 8.9" screen.

My problem is I cannot make the bars come up by moving the cursor via my finger. It works fine if I move the pointer via a mouse but that is not an option when in tablet mode. How can I make them come up when I move the cursor to their location via my finger?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Horizontal Bars Across Screen On Boot Up

Jan 21, 2011

Everytime I boot up and get to the log in screen there are these horizontal bars across my screen how do I fix this? Is it my graphjcs card or something because I got an older hp pavilion laptop thats about 4 years old and is there a way to get these bars off my screen so I can see my laptop more clear?

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General :: Menu Bars On Ubuntu Not Appearing After Second Screen Added

Jun 8, 2010

I just set up a separate monitor, I am running Ubuntu 10.04, I use the nVidia graphics driver, Now the Bars on the top and the bottom of the screen won't appear and can't be used. I rebooted w/ out the second monitor and now it disabled itself. I can't get the terminal option at the login screen. When I rebooted the first time w/ the second screen icon's on the desktop appeared. Now nothing appears, but the background. I opened up my browser (Google Chrome) by my key combinations for those who are wondering how I posted this.

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Ubuntu :: Locked Screen Flashes Between Vertical Bars And Terminal

May 14, 2010

Ubuntu 9.04 works fine, I have just installed Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx without problems, it runs fine but after a while the screen starts flashing and the only way out is to reboot with ctrl-alt-del. First of all I get a pale purple screen with blocks of random colour in the middle then it goes on to flashing between two screens. In one the top half of the screen is vertical black and white stripes and the bottom half is black, in the other it is a terminal screen with this distributed across it:

Starting common Unix printing system cupsed
Pulse Audio configured for per-user-sessions
Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt support
Checking battery state

On the latest occasion the text was "could not write bytes: Broken pipe" repeated all over the screen, followed by "checking battery state".

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Ubuntu :: Video Drivers - Screen Black With Random Bars Of Color

Apr 11, 2010

I'm a little new to ubuntu. I installed a video driver and after restarting I got as far as the login screen where I saw that the driver did not work: screen is mostly black with random bars of color. I was only able to restart in recovery mode mode. I tried the fix graphics option, which did not work and also some commands that I've seen posted in other threads. So far, still cannot delete the problematic driver or boot up normally successfully.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Black Bars Flash Across Screen In Fullscreen Video?

Jul 31, 2011

i've got a mythbuntu 10.10 box connected to my tv; sometimes i want to use it to watch internet tv. owever, when i try to resize videos to full-screen, sometimes black bars intermittently flash across the entire screen. this does not happen when the video is in a window or on the web page, only when going into full-screen mode. unfortunately, on some of these sites, even the "large" in-page video selection is still too small to be comfortably watched from the couch.

i'd suspect it's something with flash, but a similar thing happens when i'm using skype inside a windows xp on vmware. black bars flashing across when in "full-screen" but just fine when zoomed up inside a window. and i don't think vmware video output is flash-based. so it may be something else entirely.

also, this doesn't happen on all internet video - i've only had it happen on video from nbc.com and nfl.com (i haven't really had the opportunity or reason to try many other sites yet), and it was only a little noticeable from the nfl.com but nearly unwatchable from nbc. yet if i go to videos, i have no trouble getting any of their videos running full-screen.

i have an integrated geforce 8200 graphics, and i'm running the nvidia proprietary drivers version 256. i'm not running 260 since its vdpau capability is questionable, and i need that for mythtv. i have a 64-bit system.

does anyone have any ideas regarding this? the fact that i'm getting consistently good results from videos yet consistently bad ones from the tv networks makes me wonder if it's something i'm even going to be able to fix.

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Slackware :: Brightness Control Screen Bars Do Not Show Up

Feb 18, 2010

I have searched online with no success. The brightness control is working fine on my laptop. Problem is that the bars don't get rendered on screen. Instead I get like a static white line on screen everytime I press the brightness control. On boot however, I can see the correct bars. It is once I start my xsession, the bars do not show up. Here are my specs:

Slackware 13
Xorg Radeon driver

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen After Updating / Like No Signal Is Coming To Monitor

Jul 13, 2011

I have just "finished" updating my Ubuntu 9.10. (somehow I knew that something is going to go wrong), and now my PC starts, works fine for a few seconds, then I get a black screen for a moment, and then my monitor starts acting like PC is off.Interestingly I think that otherwise everything is working just fine and that I just can't see anything due to the black screen (monitor is flashing like there is no signal coming from PC).

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General :: The Screen Saver Keeps Coming On When Running A Simulator?

Dec 19, 2010

I still want the screen saver to work BUT NOT !!! when I'm using the joy stick only distro slackware screen saver default screen blanking

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CentOS 5 :: Black Screen Coming Up After Login Using One User

Apr 12, 2011

When I login to my machine I can see a BLACK screen and my mouse pointer. This is not happening with other users.Few days ago when I tried login to my machine I noticed this. I can access ssh session and do stuff there but some time I need GUI.I can login fine using other users. This is only happening with one specific user.I have just noticed that if I try loggin with the same user which have issues using NX client it shows us a BLACK screen, then if I open xwin then I can see three new windows top panel, bottom panel and Desktop.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Booting - When Screen Loads Up - It Is Missing The Top And Left Hand Side Navigation Bars

Jul 7, 2011

I have recently downloaded and installed Ubuntu 11.04 inside my copy of Windows. When I boot my laptop, I have the option to either boot in Windows or Ubuntu. When I boot in Ubuntu, I get the login screen all OK. But when the screen loads up, it is missing the top and left hand side navigation bars. It then appears to be trying to refresh itself (unsuccessfully) as after about 30 seconds the screen goes black and then the wallpaper image will come back, still without the navigation bars. This keeps on happening until I reboot the machine. The only way I can get the screen to reboot OK is to run the repair option on boot up.

I have notices that after the above has taken place and I have finally got the system to boot all OK by running the repair option, the system will not connect to my mobile broadband via the USB dongle. Not sure if they are related, but at this point they seem to be.

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Ubuntu :: White Screen After Login?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm suddenly experiencing a white screen on my laptop after logging in, possibly as a result of some routine updates last night although I can't find any posts here today recounting similar problems.It's possibly Compiz related as I can get to a visible desktop by blindly using Alt+F2 and entering "metacity --replace". Maybe even a problem with my video drivers?

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Ubuntu :: Random White Screen

Oct 25, 2010

I'm new to ubuntu but I've installed ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and it seems to work fine. But it keeps freezing up on me (sometimes a solid white screen, other times with vertical lines on a white background) and then becomes non-responsive. Sometimes there is a small (about 1in) square where the mouse was when it froze.I have a fairly old computer (emachines T6522). Is there something I can do to keep it from crashing?

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Ubuntu :: Getting A White Screen That Flickers On And Off

Oct 29, 2010

Recently I've keep getting a white screen that flickers on and off, on my Samsung NC10 netbook.

It only seems to happen when I'm running off mains power, and screen brightness is 100%. Stops when I lower the screen brightness.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Bypass This White Screen

Mar 18, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 off a desktop. I was using it for quite a while up until last night when out of nowhere while surfin', and browsing, the screen just turned white, I've tried restarting by powering off manually, as I couldn't get it to any other way. After the computer restarts, it might flash black for a sec a couple of times, then back to being white again, the BIOS screen doesn't even show up. It sounds like in the background the computer might still be loading up. My monitor is a 21"LCD, if that means anything?

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Ubuntu :: White Screen In Corner After Boot / What To Do?

Jan 26, 2010

I have been using Netbook Remix 9.10 and it's been great until this morning.

Today when I turned it on, after Grub and the loading screen, the system brought up a smaller white screen in the corner with my username@machinename"~$ as the first line.

This looks like a terminal window. I can see my folders and use the system but I get no GUI anymore. Not sure why this is happening.

Tried booting into Recovery and updating the system, but to no avail. I've also searched the forums for the last few hours but have not found anything similar.

Anyone have any idea what to do? code...

Not sure if this is relevant to my problem or not. However, I do remember this happening on my desktop version of 9.10... that was solved by installing 9.04.

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Ubuntu :: White Box In Top Left Corner Of Screen?

Feb 28, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire 5220 with and AMD processor and 1 GB of RAM. I had Windows vista and now have Dual Boot Vista / Kubuntu 9.10 clean install. Recently a blank white box appeared in the upper left corner of the screen. About 10-20 minutes after I log in it appears and disappears after 1-2 hours.

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