Software :: /var/spool/clientmqueue Filling Up On RHEL 5.5 - Stop?

Feb 18, 2011

I know that this issue has been brought up before but I can't quite find the answer I am looking for. I have several servers where /var/spool/clientmqueue is filling up with unsent messages. I know this is because I have disabled sendmail on these servers. My question is how do I get it to stop and leave that poor directory alone?

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General :: How To Delete Clientmqueue

Feb 22, 2010

What is Clientmqueue?How to Delete clientmqueue. Is it possible?

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Ubuntu :: Get Email From /var/spool On Its Account?

Jan 14, 2010

Does anyone know a way (the simple the better) to receive all the email that can be found in /var/spool/mail/user to a yahoo or gmail account?

i mean, instead of login to the server and read the messages from /var/spool/root, it will be a lot easyear and faster to found about them, if they will be sent to my email account

i know i can make the cron output be sent by email, if i place in front of the cron line something like :

but in /var/spool/mail/ for root or other usernames you can found many other messages.

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Slackware :: Change Mail Spool Location ?

Mar 2, 2010

Is there a way to change the mail spool location from /var/mail/ to some other place? I'm thinking of users own home directory or $HOME/.mail.

This is because system partition is not big enough to keep all mail from the company and /home is in a different one.

Creating another partition to keep /var or /var/mail seems too much just to keep emails.

Solution: checking /usr/doc/procmail-x.xx/examples/advanced

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General :: Spool Directory Samba Has Been Shared As Printer

Oct 2, 2009

In my samba configuration, I have a strange share.
Share name: MyPrinter
Shared folder: /var/spool/samba
comment = lp
read only = No
print ok = Yes
The spool directory /var/spool/samba has been shared as a printer. What will be the harm caused by it? (I don't know who shared such). And I also wanted to know the security issue due to it..

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SUSE :: Opensuse 11.2 How To Check /var/spool/mail/acer

Jun 11, 2010

What is the message /var/spool/mail/acer for? how do I check the mail? I'm new to openSuSE.

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Hardware :: Remote Printer Starts To Spool Job But Never Finishes?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm trying to set up a remote printer.Printer is on a Vista machineI am on Debian testing.This is the result of smbclient for the remote computer:

$ smbclient -L //
Enter rach's password:


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Slackware :: Mutt Reads Mail Spool Very Slowly

May 11, 2011

Running 13.37 with either the stock or from /testing and the stock mutt I am having to wait 3-8 seconds while mutt reads my mail spool. Hmmm on closer examination read speed is actually fine, pressing F5 to refresh shows the spool immediately. Some odd refresh problem, this with xfce.

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Ubuntu :: Tar: Var/spool/postfix/public/cleanup: Socket Ignored

Jan 21, 2010

Is there an alternate tar package for Ubuntu that supports sockets and such? I know there is in Slackware, which I use when I'm doing stuff on Slackware.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Cannot Locate Mail Spool File - Gmail

Oct 28, 2010

I just dl'd Thunderbird and its working fine with my Hotmail account however I'm having some problems with my Gmail account. I can send emails thru gmail just fine but when I click get mail, the error message: Unable to locate mail spool file pops up. The server settings for this account are Server Type: Unix Movemail Server Name: Local Host Username: (my gmail email - I think this is all set up right, it did it automatically for me.

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Slackware :: Crontab - Fetchmail Sends Output To Mail Spool?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm new to mail via the CLI, so bear with me. I have this line in my crontab:

*/5 * * * * fetchmail
Which does check my mail every 5 minutes fine. But I get the command-line output mailed to


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Debian :: Root Partition Filling Up

Dec 22, 2015

I'm booting to Kali 2.0 live from USB and wanted to add persistence, but I can't get OpenVAS setup. The setup script runs and eventually fails due to no more disk space. Here's my df -h output:

Here's gparted:

When the setup runs it fills up root (/) which is only 872mb. This is a 16gb USB so I'm wondering if there's a way to allocate some of the 11gb of unallocated space to root? I couldn't tell how to do this with gparted, would I need to build a custom Kali iso or something with different partitioning?

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OpenSUSE :: Dolphin Filling .nfs Files ?

Mar 23, 2010

openSUSE 11.1, KDE 4.4.1

I'm getting ~/.nfs file being generated and just filling up

Does anyone know the cause - and how to stop it before it fills my HDD?

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Ubuntu :: Filling Out A Pre-printed Form?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a pre-printed form that I need to fill in. Is it possible to scan it, fill it in on screen, and then put the original form in the printer and get things to print out on that original form? I know that I can scan the form and fill it in on screen and print out on a blank piece of paper, but I need to use the original form

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Ubuntu :: Disk Filling Up - Disparity Between Df And Du?

Feb 19, 2011

For a while my root partition has been filling up for no apparent reason. I I have been deleting things to find out it fills up again in a mater of days. To make it more 'interesting', there is a disparity between what I get from df and what the du command is telling me. After dismounting the other file systems and turning off applications, this is what i get:

output of df -ha


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdf5 69G 66G 54M 100% /
proc 0 0 0 - /proc
none 0 0 0 - /sys


du claims that I'm using 29G on that partition, which sounds about right (this is my OS and basic /home partition, everything else is elsewhere). df on the other hand is telling me here that out of 69G, 64G are in use with only 54M left.

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General :: .snapshot Filling The Nfs Disk?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a lot of data on a nfs store external to an Ubuntu machine. I've had problems with the storage becoming full and have spent a very long time deleting files to get absolutely nowhere! Over 25GB of deletions on the 80GB disk has only cleared 1.5GB of space...

You can see below the hidden .snapshot directory, the disk usage for the nfs-store is coming out at 97GB when the disk is only 80GB in size, and the two directories I want on the disk are about 22GB in size.The .snapshot directory appears to have been made on Friday, I'd like to know if I can:

1) find out what command ran to create/update it

2) re-run the command to update the directory or remove the directory


ideasadmin@ideasadmin-desktop:/nfs-store$ ls -la
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 5 500 500 4096 2010-07-16 17:35 .


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Security :: Tmp Filling Up With Root-tmp Diretories?

Apr 26, 2010

My /tmp directory is being filled up with root-tmp.####. I suspect they are being created by, but they do not seem to get removed.

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OpenSUSE :: X11 Directory Replicating In /usr/bin, Filling Disk?

Dec 5, 2010

Noticed that one of my partitions on openSuse 11.1, mounted as /usr, filled up suddenly with over 20 GB of something. Tracked it down to /usr/bin, in which the X11 directory contains 2353 items and another X11 directory, recursively at least 11 times that I've expanded without reaching the last X11 directory. The newest files in each directory are dated 11/24/10.

Any idea of what's happening? How to stop it before it fills the disk?

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Ubuntu :: File Sharing Filling The Gaps?

Feb 10, 2010

I am relatively new to ubuntu/linux and although I have made some good progress on my server I'm struggling with a few points. I am sure what I'm about to ask has been covered in some other thread/guide but I just cant pick out the missing piece hence my direct question;I have 2 computers; a server and mediacenter.on the server I have installed nfs:

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap


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Ubuntu :: .xsession-errors Is Filling Up Fast

Feb 18, 2011

Just today I started getting notices about lack of disk space on my system. After much digging I found that .xsession-errors and .xsession-errors.old were taking nearly 70GB of space combined. The primary message I'm getting over and over again is: SSL_Write: I/O Error I have been unable to figure out what's causing this error.

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Ubuntu :: Cronjob Results Filling Up / Directory?

Feb 22, 2011

Some of my cronjobs are filling up files in my / directory. How do I make this stop? One of my cron jobs uses wget:[URL].. The bexcb0.php file writes a file and then echos a result if it is sucsesfull. These echo results are being put into bexcb0.php files in my /root folder and are piling up.

My / folder is filling up with files bexcb0.php etc bexcb0.php bexcb0.php.1 bexcb0.php.2 bexcb0.php.3 bexcb0.php.4 bexcb0.php.5 etc How do I make this stop? If I just remove the echo will they stop writing to the / folder?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cron Is Filling Up Logs?

Sep 1, 2011

I am using my ubuntu server as my home router.Everything is working as expected with one exception.y DSL modem is a POS and every now and again it looses connection to the router. Sometimes it needs to be reset and sometimes it does not.Either way, when this happens my ubuntu server needs to reacquire an IP from my ISP. If it screws up when I'm at home it's no big deal, but if it happens when I'm not around my housemates have taken to hitting the reset switch on the server. I'm not a big fan of this so I wrote a script to ping my ISP's gateway. If it's unavailable it bounces the eth0 interface and tries to get an IP. I am running this script every couple of minutes in a cron job. Now I'm getting syslog entries like

Aug 9 20:31:01 portal CRON[9602]: (root) CMD (/opt/
every few minutes. This is annoying and makes the logs useless for troubleshooting. I


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Programming :: Ncurses: Filling Window With Background?

Apr 6, 2010

I have some ideas about writing a small game in terminal ( just for fun ) using ncurses library. I want to use some kind of menus (in Midnight Commander's style), but there are some problems with rendering windows, that I don't understand. I create a window with newwin(), assign a color pair to it calling wattron() (for example, I want to fill a window with blue background), and then I call my own function wnd_fill() :

Code: void wnd_fill (WINDOW* wnd)
int i;


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Server :: BIND Messages Filling Up SysLog?

Dec 9, 2009

I have the following BIND messages filling up my SysLog that I'm hoping someone can explain to me:


Dec 9 09:35:44 dns2 named[30103]: client query (cache) '' denied
Dec 9 09:35:47 dns2 named[30103]: client query (cache) '' denied


I would expect this behavior if " and" wasn't a domain that I hosted. But this is a valid domain that this server should be answering for. In my named.conf I do have the


allow-query { any; };

option on every zone. This is my slave server and I have the primary shut off so I can test this slave server. FYI: So far queriers still seem to be working. The pages for the sites are still coming up via the internet.

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Server :: Edit The Default RHEL CD To Have It Automatically Install RHEL Based Off Of A Kickstart File

Mar 2, 2011

is possible to edited the default RHEL CD to have it automatically install RHEL based off of a kickstart file that I will store locally on the CD. My plan would be to put a cd in a server and have the OS automatically being installed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Proc Folder Is Filling Up Filesystem?

Mar 1, 2010

My filesystem is almost full and the problem is in the proc folder.What does that folder contain and can I delete something from it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Stopping 10.04's Snmpd From Filling Up Syslog?

Aug 12, 2010

When building 8.04 servers, I reconfigure snmpd's logging options to prevent copious low priority messages being logged whenever our network management workstation polls them. I edit /etc/default/snmpd and change line 11 from:

SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null ...'


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Ubuntu Servers :: Max Limit On Filling Up A Non-root Partition?

May 18, 2011

I have a number of servers I manage, and one of them is archiving old data that is never modified on a separate partition. This partition is at 100% capacity. A friend of mine says this is an unsafe way to keep this partition, even tho I don't plan to add any more data to it or change anything within. I know I can archive the data to dvd, but I'd like to keep the data online for my users.

What are your opinions on this? Can I keep this archive partition at 100% capacity? Or do I risk some sort of data corruption? Should I mount this partition as read-only to help prevent any corruption?

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Server :: Disk Filling Up - How To Track Down Rogue Files

Feb 5, 2010

I'm running an OpenSuse 11.2 box at home which updates a mysql database 4 times a day then posts 34Mb to my website. It's exactly the same amount of data each time, and my scripts*TRUNCATEs then rewrites the database with the latest data - so the database size remains the same.

There's a problem (I think with the script) however which means that everytime the script runs, approximately 34Mb of space on my hard disk is mysteriously taken up. I'll have to get that script fixed...

I can't, however find the files which are eating up my diskspace at the rate of 140Mb per day. I've done various searches (mainly with Dolphin) including hidden files immediately after running my flaky script and looking for any files created/modified in the previous few minutes when the 34Mb has disappeared.

There are LOTS of files in /proc (which I don't think is actually on my HD right?) and also in /var. There's nothing much in /tmp (on a separate partition) or any log files that I can see. The box has been running this script daily for the last 6 weeks so I'm hoping there's a load of files somewhere I can get rid of, then fix my script.

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Software :: Any Tool For Automatically Filling In Javascript Forms?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm at a web page for an organization and I want to get a bunch of information -- say the addresses of 20 members of the organization. The web page presents a javascript form looks something like:

First name: (textbox)
Last name: (textbox)
State: (textbox)
Member status: (radiobutton)
Find: (button)

It then provides the mailing address and telephone number of the member. I don't want to enter the data by hand 20 times, but would prefer to fill out the form automatically from data in a text file or database or script or whatever. Is there a tool in linux for doing this? I looked up curl, but it seems that I can do it in curl only if they are html forms, but not js forms (or more correctly, I haven't figured out how to do it). Moreover, the page returned by curl is not the page that comes up in firefox; I don't know why.

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