Ubuntu Servers :: Stopping 10.04's Snmpd From Filling Up Syslog?

Aug 12, 2010

When building 8.04 servers, I reconfigure snmpd's logging options to prevent copious low priority messages being logged whenever our network management workstation polls them. I edit /etc/default/snmpd and change line 11 from:

SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null ...'


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Server :: BIND Messages Filling Up SysLog?

Dec 9, 2009

I have the following BIND messages filling up my SysLog that I'm hoping someone can explain to me:


Dec 9 09:35:44 dns2 named[30103]: client query (cache) 'www.domain.com/A/IN' denied
Dec 9 09:35:47 dns2 named[30103]: client query (cache) 'www.domain.com/A/IN' denied


I would expect this behavior if "domain.com and anotherdomain.com" wasn't a domain that I hosted. But this is a valid domain that this server should be answering for. In my named.conf I do have the


allow-query { any; };

option on every zone. This is my slave server and I have the primary shut off so I can test this slave server. FYI: So far queriers still seem to be working. The pages for the sites are still coming up via the internet.

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General :: Check The Snmpd Is Really Running Apart From Service Snmpd Status?

Feb 8, 2010

I have six linux Centos 5.0 Servers. I had to configure the snmp client. I just created a pretty basic configuration snmpd.conf file

Code: rocommunity CompanyCom

I installed all of these


4 of them are working fine, the application installed on can query 4 servers but I got 2 Linux Centos that are in a DMZ, and my networking team already opened ports and configured NAT but the SNMP Server is not able to query them how can I check the snmpd is really running apart from service snmpd status? might be related with the DMZ configuration?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cron Is Filling Up Logs?

Sep 1, 2011

I am using my ubuntu server as my home router.Everything is working as expected with one exception.y DSL modem is a POS and every now and again it looses connection to the router. Sometimes it needs to be reset and sometimes it does not.Either way, when this happens my ubuntu server needs to reacquire an IP from my ISP. If it screws up when I'm at home it's no big deal, but if it happens when I'm not around my housemates have taken to hitting the reset switch on the server. I'm not a big fan of this so I wrote a script to ping my ISP's gateway. If it's unavailable it bounces the eth0 interface and tries to get an IP. I am running this script every couple of minutes in a cron job. Now I'm getting syslog entries like

Aug 9 20:31:01 portal CRON[9602]: (root) CMD (/opt/ChkAndFixNetwork.sh)
every few minutes. This is annoying and makes the logs useless for troubleshooting. I


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Ubuntu Servers :: Proc Folder Is Filling Up Filesystem?

Mar 1, 2010

My filesystem is almost full and the problem is in the proc folder.What does that folder contain and can I delete something from it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Max Limit On Filling Up A Non-root Partition?

May 18, 2011

I have a number of servers I manage, and one of them is archiving old data that is never modified on a separate partition. This partition is at 100% capacity. A friend of mine says this is an unsafe way to keep this partition, even tho I don't plan to add any more data to it or change anything within. I know I can archive the data to dvd, but I'd like to keep the data online for my users.

What are your opinions on this? Can I keep this archive partition at 100% capacity? Or do I risk some sort of data corruption? Should I mount this partition as read-only to help prevent any corruption?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Root Mailbox Filling With Cron Messages?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm getting the following messages sent to my root account mailbox. It appears to be reporting an issue finding ntpdate, however when running the following command:

aptitude show ntpdate | grep State

It shows as installed and any ntpdate commands work with no issues, so I have no idea why this is getting regularly reported?

From root@mydomain.co.uk Wed Feb 03 18:20:01 2010
Return-path: <root@mydomain.co.uk>
Envelope-to: root@mydomain.co.uk
Delivery-date: Wed, 03 Feb 2010 18:20:01 +0000


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Ubuntu Servers :: Hard Disk Filling Up \ Mount /var/log/data To New HDD?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a directory /var/log/data its about 80 GB,It filling up quit rapidly.I don't have much space left in the system them So i will attaching another External HDD.My question is that i need to mount /var/log/data to new HDD.So i have old data and pulse new coming up.I don't want to copy data from /var/log/data then mount new HDD to /var/log/data you know what i am taking about is there a simple way like linking or any other.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Stopping X From Autostarting?

Feb 15, 2010

Ok so I just installed Ubuntu server 9.10. It started out as cmd line only, I ended up installing ubuntu-desktop package from apt ran startx, and from that point on when ever I start the server I get the gui login screen instead of the original cmd line prompt. Now Ive been surfing around the net trying to figure out how to get it back to the original cmd prompt login screen, I really want to use startx when i need a gui.. the main reason I installed this package is really for all the libraries that it contains as i will use a few programs (firestarter, powertweak etc) that use a gui and I figured to make my life simpler i would just install the entire gnome desktop package so i will have everything i need when i try to run these misc programs (most of them will be run thru x11 forwarding as this server will only have internet and power plugged into it) Ive tried disabling gdm startup Ive even removed the /etc/init.d/gdm file all together and it still starts X (i moved it to /usr really but it should(?) work the same as deleting it). there is no other desktop manager to my knowledge (kdm etc).

Ive tried rcconf it says gdm is disabled (i tried disabling it before removing gdm from init.d and nothing), I went thru trying to disable anything that has to do with xserver so far I have only found x11-common I dont think it starts up x but i disabled it anyway. Ive also tried "update-rc.d -f gdm remove" that doesn't do anything either seems no matter what i try i cant stop the gui login screen from popping up.How do i get it to start with the original cmd prompt login?? i am considering reinstalling to get it back but i will lose all my work and that will defeat the purpose

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Ubuntu Servers :: Syslog Servers - GUI As A Posed To A CLI

Jan 24, 2011

Ive been asked by my boss to set up a ubuntu machine that will be used as a syslog server. He wants a GUI as a posed to a CLI. He would also perfer to have it non web based. We already have cati installed but he is not keen on the syslog side of that. Does anyone know of any other syslog programs?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Syslog On A 8.04.4 LTS - Log The Messages From A Linksys Router

May 2, 2010

On this Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS server, I want to log the messages from a Linksys router. So I made this change to "/etc/init.d/sysklogd" SYSLOGD="-r" Then in "/etc/syslog.conf" I added the following to the top of the file: Code: if $fromhost isequal 'Linksys' then /var/log/Linksys.log & ~

Then I rebooted the server. But there is no "/var/log/Linksys.log" file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Syslog-ng Halts At 6:25am Everyday?

Nov 9, 2010

I wish it was under better circumstances...very morning at 6:25am syslog-ng stops logging, right after it attempts to log rotate. its odd... the daemon doesnt die... it gets a new PID, but doesnt write the output to /var/log/syslog.Yet if I manually restart or reload syslog-ng it works great... its just like it doesnt like the logrotate...I have googled around and tried a few things...first I changed the postrotate in the logrotate.d/syslog-ng

/var/log/syslog {
rotate 7


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Ubuntu Servers :: Syslog Daily Restart Time?

Jul 13, 2011

Is there a way to force the syslog ie /var/log/messages to restart at say 1:00 am instead of 7:55 or so each morning?

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Server :: Logging To 2 Syslog Servers?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm guessing its possible but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do this.I've tried playing with entries at the top of my syslog.conf file like:

*.* @ # 1 server, works file
*.* @, # doesn't work
*.* @ # nor this
*.* @,@ # nor this
*.* @ @ # nor this

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General :: Best Open Source Syslog Server / Syslog-ng Which Is Not Fulfiling Requirement?

Dec 11, 2010

I am looking for an open source syslog server which accumulate the each and every log of Windows, Solaris, Linux and network devices. Currently I am using Syslog-ng which is not fulfiling my requirement in Windows clients, as I need the logs of every action which user performed after logon.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Hangs On "Stopping Save Kernel Messages" Or "stopping System V Runlevel Compatib?

May 16, 2011

Boot of a new minimal system hangs on "Stopping save kernel messages" or "stopping system v runlevel compatibility". I have ubuntu minimal iso x86_64 from usb stick created with unetbootin (don't have a cd drive on the machine in question), and after that I didsudo aptitude install gnome-terminal network-manager-gnome gdm geditsudo rebootnever got a system back. Annoyingly I can't boot into the recovery mode either, and it seems the keyboard is only semi-responsive (i.e. many dead keys when at the grub menu).qualms about reinstalling, but I've done this a few times and ended up at the same place every time.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Email Notify With Syslog - If It Finds A Certain Thing In The Log?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm running a syslog server on ubuntu 7.04. Can I somehow have it email me if it finds a certain thing in the log? For example. I'm running a PRI and when the PRI goes down, it logs a "DEACTIVED" in the log. I would like an email telling me this so I know to get on it and fix it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Webmin And Syslog-ng Won't Start On Boot After Upgrade From 8.04 To 10.04

Sep 16, 2010

I recently upgraded a Ubuntu server from version 8.04 to 10.04 and after a reboot the webmin and syslog-ng server do not start at boot anymore. I can start them manually by doing /etc/init.d/webmin start and /etc/init.d/syslong-ng start and everything works fine until I root again. Granted this machine is rarely rebooted but when it is, I don't want to have to remember to start these services. I have tried a full removal of syslog-ng and reinstall but to no avail. The entries are in the rc directories like they should and the links are valid.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Kernel Errors - Syslog Output At Random Intervals

Jan 28, 2011

I am running a headless Ubuntu 10.04 server with the 2.6.32-28-generic kernel. For what I can figure out no single direct cause I get a high load average and the following syslog output at random intervals. Generally the load average will drop back down to normal however the kernel errors will still continue What little I have been able to find has pointed to memory issues. I am not totaly convinced this is the cause as the server will be showing >50% free when the errors are happening.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Syslong-ng -> Mysql For Cacti Syslog Plugin Setup?

Aug 16, 2011

I guess with major changes to syslog-ng, php-syslog going to licensing cost, and major overhaul to the syslog plugin with cacti - alot of documention was either disjointed, outdated or I just couldn't find it.this was performed on an 11.04 Ubuntu Server tall. I already had Cacti up and running and just needed to make it also a syslog collector.This guide assumes you already have mysql running, and cacti is already in place. If something looks wrong - please correct me. I am doing this from memory - trying to remember what all I had to do, and not a super admin.Required ubuntu install packages:libdbd-mysql syslog-ngcacti install packages:[URL]

Stop syslog-ng if you want. Changes should not take effect until you restart it.Should save the default syslog-ng configuration if you want to be safe. Below is the absolute minimum you need to get this working.Configuration on ubuntu is location in /etc/syslog/syslog-ng.conf Also make sure you fill in the proper username and password for mysql.

@version: 3.1
#Bare minimum syslog-ng configuration


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Server :: How Clients Handle Offline Syslog Servers

Apr 19, 2011

How do clients handle offline syslog servers?Will the log files be buffered locally to be sent to the syslog server when it comes back online, or will any log data generated during downtime be lost in cyber space?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Turn Up The Level Of Logging That DHCP Server Is Writing To SYSLOG?

Feb 14, 2011

turn up the level of logging that my DHCP Server is writing to SYSLOG?I can't seem to find a syslog.conf file to edit.

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Fedora Servers :: Syslog Listening On Port 514 For Both Firewall And IDS Logs?

Jan 17, 2010

Currently Im having a syslog server that consolidate firewall logs on port 514 udp. Im also having a IDS device that I wish to push its logs to this particular syslog server so that I can retrieve my IDS logs on this server as well.

Is it possible to do so?Having syslog listening on port 514 for both firewall and IDS logs? If it is possible will the logs be recorded in a single log file?Or will it be recorded in a separate log file ie. firewall.log, IDS.log etc?? I wish to have them in separate individual log files or else there will be hard time segregating the log entries in a single file. Can anyone advice on how to achieve this??

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mysql Error Stopping MySQL Database Server Mysqld?

Jun 17, 2010

I have installed Mysql in Ubuntu 9, for the use of roundcube database.After installing iam getting the error like this

* Stopping MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ]
* Starting MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ]
* Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables.

So because of this in the roundcube configuration its giving the error message that MYSQL is not installed. So Kindly give me a idea how to solve this.

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OpenSUSE :: Stopping The Screen Saver And Stopping The Screen Locking?

Jan 23, 2011

In December I finally filled up my root partition and broke Suse 11.1. I therefore resized my partitions and installed Suse 11.3 on /root. I didn't not touch my /home partition.

I notice that when I leave my machine and come back the screen has locked. I have tried to turn off the screensaver, but it hasn't worked. I have Googled, but unfortunately the screen shots don't look like what I have and the instructions to stop this do not seem to match what I am seeing on the screen.

Is there a way to do this via the command line?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Stopping Gnome When Installed From Gnome-core?

Jul 19, 2010

I installed Gnome on my server using the gnome-core and xinit packages so I could use MySQL Workbench.I start up Gnome when I need it via startx./etc/init.d/gdm doesn't exist so I can't use gdm start or gdm stopHow can I stop Gnome and the X server in this situation?

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CentOS 5 :: Replacing Syslog With Syslog-ng?

May 5, 2009

trying to replace syslog with syslog-ng. When I:

yum erase syslog,

wants to remove everything else that (presumably) has syslog as a dependency. how do I replace the dependency on syslog with a dependency on syslog-ng?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Syslog Files Accumulating Searching For Setting To Delete Old Syslog Files?

Oct 7, 2010

I noticed in my system that my root partition is getting full. I found a lot of old compacted syslogfiles. Had a look at etc/sysconfig editor eg cron but could not find a setting which allows to delete files older than a month. Where and how could I influence this ? I deleted manually all syslog files older than a month. Approx 6GB

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Red Hat :: Snmpd Log Error Parsing, Skipping?

Jul 21, 2009

I would like to know if what this log error mean and how i can resolve this matter. I would like to verify if this is a misconfiguration or a bug on my settings

the log error is:

snmpd:error parsing ', skipping

the RHEL version used was 4 update 4 64 bit

the snmp packages installed were:

net snmp-lib - 5.1.2-11
net-snmp-lib - 5.2.1-0.2

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Make SysLog Server In Ubuntu 10.04

Sep 10, 2010

I wanted to make a SysLog Server in Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop to collect the startup log of all the workstation inside the local area network,which should have a similar functionality to this guide here:Debian Syslog Server..However, when editing the sysklogd, i noticed it was empty and does not have any default values, along with the /etc/syslog.conf, which does not also exist.

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