Software :: Install Qt Framework - When Configuring, It Tells That "QtDBus"?

Jan 6, 2011

I tried to install qt framework on linux, but when configuring, it tells that "QtDBus". I need the QtDBus module to install qbitorrent on my computer. My OS is CentOS 5.4, I installed qt and qbitorrent when I was using CentOS 5.3 and there was no such problem.

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Software :: Install Framework In Ubuntu?

May 30, 2009

Any idea about how to install framework in ubuntu.n

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Networking :: Can't Install Mac80211 Framework / Solve This?

Jan 26, 2011

I tried installing the mac80211 framework on ubuntu 10.10 but after i install it and restart my system , none of my network connections work.
i found a solution to that problem which is a very weird solution. because none of the network connections are working . i try to activate the wireless driver from the System->Administration->Additional Drivers. But it fails , but after it fails my wired network connection comes back online. and then i have acccess to the internet . After that i activate the wireless driver again and it works.
This is obviously the worst possible solution ever. So what i don't understand is why the mac80211 framework is causing these problems. after applying my "solution" i thought of checking the modules installed on my system using lsmod and i see mac80211 there. i don't understand why it is still there after i executed the "sudo make uninstall" command . code...

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Programming :: Install Opencl Framework On System?

May 23, 2011

i want to do any mini project based on Opencl in Linux please suggest me some application projects as early as possible.please suggest exact project name .and also i have intel i5 processor and integrated graphics card .I use ubuntu desktop OS.So how I install Opencl framework on my system.

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Ubuntu :: When I Install Apps, It Tells Me To Use Apt-get Autoremove To Remove Unused Packages?

Oct 27, 2010

i'm using ubuntu 10.10.

1. why is it that when i add a ppa to the repository and then i type sudo apt-get update,it has an error for that ppa but i can still install it? deluge is the main one that does that.

2. when i install apps, it tells me to use apt-get autoremove to remove unused packages but i need some of them like java etc. how do i take some apps off of the autoremove list?

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General :: Lib/module/build And Set Kernel Path Error While Configuring Madwifi

Jul 25, 2010

I am trying to install atheros AR5007EG on my toshiba laptop -i figured out that best way to install this wireless card is through madwifi -while configuring madwifi i get this error

I am posting the output of different commands so you can understand better -i manually tried to link the build directories to kernel-source which failed - i am not sure exactly what kernel source is and how i can link to kernel source -

My output:

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General :: Install Module U32 Into The Netfilter Module For Kernel 2.6.27

Jan 30, 2011

I need to install module u32 into the netfilter module for kernel 2.6.27.

I did not see the source code in the kernel version I have. where can I find the code for U32 module.

I have checked "" and looks like POM is discontinued. Is the u32 module committed to kernel version 2.6.27 or need to patch it. If yes, where can I find the patch?

I building the kernel for a MIPS processor.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Failed To Load Module "fglrx" (module Does Not Exist, 0)

May 8, 2011

I've installed openSuse 11.4 server-mode (text only) on my desktop, and I'm trying to configure IceWM so i'll eventually have it set up so it always boots into text only mode, but I could be able to quickly start icewm via the command line.using Yast, I installed the Xorg server, and icewm.when I type X, the screen goes black and it just doesn't seem to do anythingI found if I hit ctrl+alt+f1 it kinda puts me back into text only mode, but I can't put in commands anymore. The last thing it says on the screen is:

Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)

I've goggled that error message and the discussions that popped up around it made no sense to me at all. I've never configured X from scratch before, can someone point me towards a tutorial or something?

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Ubuntu :: When Press The "effects" Button It Tells That Need To Install LADSPA-compatible Effects?

Jul 26, 2010

So I'm interested in using Jokosher as an alternative to Garageband, which is what I'm used to using for recording music. After messing around with it a bit I've encountered a couple problems.The first is that Jokosher doesn't seem to remember the audio input device I selected the last time I used it. This may seem like a minor complaint, but I like to use my computer sort of like a tape recorder - that is, I use it to jot down quick musical ideas for later reference. With Garageband my internal mic is automatically selected, so all I have to do is press record. With Jokosher, however, I have to select the input I want to use every time I open the program. This, to me, kinda defeats the purpose of using a computer as a quick note-taking tool. Is there any way to set a default audio device for Jokosher to use, or to somehow make it remember which device I selected the last time?

The second is that I don't know how to install effects for this program. When I press the "effects" button it tells me that I need to install LADSPA-compatible effects myself. I've done a little bit of googling and still I can't figure out how to do this or which effects I should get.

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General :: Use Both USB And Ethernet At The Same Time On This Framework?

Dec 7, 2010

Can I use both USB and Ethernet at the same time on this framework?

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Fedora Installation :: Anaconda Tells HD Need To Be Reinitializated?

Aug 13, 2009

Im actually using Fedora 11 in Dual Boot with VistaI used to have Fedora 11 and then I installed Ubuntu and it (and myself) screwed my partitioning, and Just linux used to run.Ubuntu wrote the boot sector over the NTFS like it was ext3.I tryed everything the get beck my windows partition booting.Reinstalled a Fedora 11 clean, to see if it could help me (thinking in reintstall it later).Using testdisk application I managed to have back access to my disks files, but no boot working. I tryed a lot of things in testdisk and Windows Vista Recorvery, with no work.

So I ran the Acer Recorvery Disks, that reseted my NTFS with Vista to a brand new installation from Acer.Now I want a Full Fresh Fedora Install from DVD but anaconda tells me (in pt-br): "Error in processing the disk sda. Maybe it would be necessary to reinitialize. YOU WILL LOOSE AL THE DATA IN THIS DISK."I really cannot reinitalize it becouse my NB have some recorvery partitions that I use to reinstall the windows to its factory settings, and Im scared of reinitalizing it becouse maybe it could just screw everything and make it not work as well, now with no OS running.The GNOME Partitioning Software just detect a full unpartitioned hard drive. I think the problem is that I changed the LVM to something wierd that anaconda dosent recognizes.Some hardware information (my fedora is in PT-BR):Quote:

dmraid -r
no raid disks


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OpenSUSE :: Java Media Framework (JMF) - Sip Communicator

Apr 18, 2009

I tried now for hours to run the sip-communicator. It ends up with the following errors

Failed to realize:
Cannot build a flow graph with the customized options:
Unable to transcode format: LINEAR, 44100.0 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo, LittleEndian, Signed
to: gsm/rtp, 8000.0 Hz, Mono, FrameSize=264 bits
outputting to: RAW/RTP
Error: Unable to realize
14:55:16.400 SCHWERWIEGEND: Couldn't realize sourceProcessor
14:55:16.400 SCHWERWIEGEND: impl.protocol.sip.OperationSetBasicTelephonySipImpl.processInviteOK().731 We failed to process the SDP description of sip:100@ Error was: Couldn't realize sourceProcessor .....

I figured out that this has something to do with the Java Media Framework, which is installed. So I played a little with JMStudio. But this dosen't work, too. It doesn't matter which sample rate I chose. I always receive the following message.
Failed to prefetch: cannot open the audio device.
The only audio device I can chose is the JavaSound audio capture. I'm logged in as root.


openSuse 11
Java 1.6 jdk
sip-communicator alpha2/alpha3 (tested both)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Metasploit Framework 3.3

Jan 18, 2010

Getting error while updating metasploit usind 'mafupdate'

The error:


Tried to run 'svn cleanup' (without even knowing what actually it does )

Gave me


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Ubuntu :: Brainstorm Website Replication - PHP Framework?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm thinking of producing a website for a project at uni which would resemble the brainstorm website [URL]. I plan to write it in PHP with a mysql database. How I could start to plan such a project, suggest any PHP frameworks which may make the job easier, any code already available to start me off etc??

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Ubuntu :: Setup Zend Framework On System?

Aug 8, 2011

Does anyone knows a good website that discuss on how to setup zend framework on Ubuntu? I'm currently using windows as my web server, and I would like to try it in different OS.

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Fedora :: Run The Command Iwconfig It Tells 'no Wireless Extensions'

Apr 9, 2010

I wanna see the wifi signal strength.But when i run the command iwconfig , it tells me 'no wireless extensions'.By googling I found that I need to enable config option CONFIG_NET_RADIO.I see that this has to be done in boot which has config files.So I typed the command grep CONFIG_NET_RADIO /boot/<config-> (my fedora version is I got the error as "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' ".I dont know the reason.I also want to know if I have to install driver(ndiswrapper)for viewing wireless signal strength.I thought that the drivers will present default(am not sure).

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Programming :: Coding Dilemma: Build Application With PHP Framework?

May 7, 2009

I've been a PHP developer for about 6 years now - the last two years I have been pretty inactive though. Just recently though, I have been reading resources on all the different programming patterns (Factory, Singleton, Registry, Observer, MVC, etc) to try and get my head around good programming techniques. For myself though I find that I can only truly understand how these methods work when I am forced to do them myself.I have a large project I am doing at my workplace (me only) that involves building a very complex PHP application.

I would like to know your professional opinion; should I spend the extra time to program this PHP application myself and really, properly learn all these different programming patterns? Or, should I just build on top of a PHP framework like the Zend Framework for speed's sake (and flexibility/features)?

I have found understanding exactly how the Zend Framework works hard, just because I haven't been exposed to using these programming patterns myself. I hate that - I want to fully understand exactly what is happening in my application and know exactly how each part relates to others.

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Programming :: PID Retrieval In Tcl / Retrieve The Pid Of The Process (execution Using Framework)?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a test framework written in tcl which i run for 5-6 hours.Now i want to retrieve the pid of the process (execution using framework) as first few line of the script and do some processing.

How this PID retrieval is possible in tcl?

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Networking :: The Output Tells Me That Eth0 Is Forwarding And Eth1 Is Disabled?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to setup a network with a bridge on Debian Lenny (too bad most bridging information is for 2.4 kernel, maybe I'll write some if I get this to work). I've seen somewhat similar problems involving bridging for VMs and a couple involving Fedora, but people say that it was either a driver problem or it was fixed magically.I'm using a few Intel Pro 100s, which I'm pretty certain have had driver support in the kernel for years now. Magic doesn't happen.Here's /etc/network/interfacesQuote:

auto loiface lo inet loopbackauto br0
iface br0 inet staticbridge_ports eth0 eth1bridge_maxwait 0address


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Debian :: Wireless Gets Disconnected Right When It Tells Me To Choose My Method Of Connecting To The Net And Installation

May 6, 2011

Unfortunately, when I try to install Debian off the DVD, the wireless gets disconnected right when it tells me to choose my method of connecting to the net. It then gives me three choices of connecting - wired, unknown, and wireless. I must be missing something, because when I choose wireless, it says it fails, and cannot find anything to connect to. I input the SSID and password manually and it says its not there. So I quit the install and go back to the desktop and reconnect no problems.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Xorg Files \ When Boot The Display Tells That There Is No Input?

Oct 13, 2010

I messed up my xorg file and now my pc wont start, when i boot ubuntu the display tells me that there is no input.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get An Error Message That Tells To Type A Command Into The Terminal?

Jun 8, 2011

I was running an update on my computer (running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid) and something must have been transferred incorrectly as every time I open synaptic, I get an error message that tells me to type a command into the terminal:

sudo dpkg --configure -a
After doing that, it displays this:


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General :: Write A Short Script That Tells Whether The Permissions For Two Files Whose Names?

Apr 4, 2011

Write a short script that tells you whether the permissions for two files, whose names are given as arguments to the script, are identical. If the permissions for the two files are identical, output the common permission field. Otherwise, output each filename followed by its permission field

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Software :: Ubantu9.04 Display While Working With Open-source Framework Adempiere

Jan 19, 2010

There is problem with Adempiere(opensource framework based on Java Platform) framework on ubantu9.04,as the last character get blurred in every text field.Sometimes total word became unclear.I have tested this framework with other flavor of linux,it works fine. As this is not error there is no log and I am unable to find the entry point,to search about this problem.I tried changing the the themes,changing the java version,but it wont worked.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copying Data Setup Tells About An Input/Output Error?

Dec 20, 2010

I want to install Xubuntu 10.10 x64, but it does not work. While copying data the setup tells me about an Input/Output error, but i don't think there are hardware errors.

The environment:

AMD Phenom II 1055t 6x2,8 Ghz
2x 2gb ram
Hitachi 1TB hard drive
Two partitions: 1st for Windows 7 Ultimate (NTFS), 2nd for my Data (NTFS)

So I decreased the size of the data partition and created two new partitions beside the Win7 partition and the data partition. The first is ext4-journal (20gb) the second is Swap (4gb). I've done that all by the Xubuntu setup.

I've downloaded the image from the german mirror (TU Chemniz) and checked the integrety via SHA1. Checksum was correct. I also checked the data after burning.

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Software :: Open With GDebi Package Installer But It Tells Me It Couldn't Be Opened Because An Unknown Error Occurred?

Nov 26, 2010

I've been having issues with the omega.cert on Pidgin and tried to upgrade to 2.7.7 today. I clicked on the link from the Pidgin site to download the ppa package "pidgin-ppa_0.0.3_all.deb" and tried to open with GDebi Package Installer but it tells me it couldn't be opened because an unknown error occurred.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 USB Install On Transcend IDE Flash Module 4GB

Feb 21, 2010

I m having problems installing OpenSUSE 11.2 on a Intel SS4200 on a Transcend IDE 4GB Flash Module. I�m using a USB stick as install source. The Intel SS4200 device does not come with PS2 ports. Therefor I�m using USB keyboard and mouse. I have to use the vesa graphics option on the boot menu, otherwise the USB keyboard and mouse won�t work. Unfortunately the OpenSUSE installer does not recognise the Transcend 4GB Flash Module. What can I do?

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Debian :: Configuring X From Network Install?

Dec 1, 2010

This time I'm attempting to get Xorg up, and running. I've done a minimal Debian install from a network install disc. I used aptitude the install the following, with the dependencies configured automatically I assume:

- xorg
- openbox
- xserver-xorg-video-n (Where n is your graphics card family)

I've rebooted, and no X. I've typed in 'xstart', with no result. I've even typed in 'Xorg' at the CLI where it loads to a black screen, and hangs. I had to power off the PC by holding down the power button.Is there something I'm missing to configure/run it for the first time?

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Hardware :: Partport Module Is Seeing Parallel Port But Lp Module Doesn't Found Any Device

Mar 3, 2011

I am trying to install a Sunix 4018T dual parallel port card on a pc with Mandriva Linux 2010.1: Dealer told me that linux has driver for this card already so I inserted it and turned on my pc. Unfortunately when I try to install my Okidata ML320, cups it's not showing any parallel ports. I try to update all the system with last patches and packages :I tested the card on a pc with windows xp, installed my printer and it works perfectly.

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Networking :: Rtl8187 Driver Module Load Error (Invalid Module Format)?

Jun 1, 2009

When I try to load the Realtek 8187 modules to kernel using the ./wlan1up command, I get the following error:

[root@localhost rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007]# ./wlan1up
insmod: error inserting 'ieee80211_crypt-rtl.ko': -1 File exists


Can someone tell me how to correct the "Invalid module format"? I hope that correcting the "Invalid module format" error, I will not have the "Unknown symbol in module" error.

Note: I am using wlan1 for this module as I previously am online with the wlan0 network.The same error occurs if I use ./wlan0up.

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