Ubuntu :: Brainstorm Website Replication - PHP Framework?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm thinking of producing a website for a project at uni which would resemble the brainstorm website [URL]. I plan to write it in PHP with a mysql database. How I could start to plan such a project, suggest any PHP frameworks which may make the job easier, any code already available to start me off etc??

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Ubuntu :: Insert A Picture In A New Brainstorm?

Jan 16, 2010

how to insert a picture in a new brainstorm idea. i have seen people adding pictures in their ideas but i could not figure out how they do it?

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Software :: BrainStorm Storm Chasing Tool

Apr 21, 2010

I am attempting to install BrainStorm from source. ./config ran with no errors, however this it the output from make

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Software :: Install MS.net Framework In Ubuntu?

May 30, 2009

Any idea about how to install Microsoft.net framework in ubuntu.n

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Metasploit Framework 3.3

Jan 18, 2010

Getting error while updating metasploit usind 'mafupdate'

The error:


Tried to run 'svn cleanup' (without even knowing what actually it does )

Gave me


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Ubuntu :: Setup Zend Framework On System?

Aug 8, 2011

Does anyone knows a good website that discuss on how to setup zend framework on Ubuntu? I'm currently using windows as my web server, and I would like to try it in different OS.

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General :: Use Both USB And Ethernet At The Same Time On This Framework?

Dec 7, 2010

Can I use both USB and Ethernet at the same time on this framework?

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OpenSUSE :: Java Media Framework (JMF) - Sip Communicator

Apr 18, 2009

I tried now for hours to run the sip-communicator. It ends up with the following errors

Failed to realize: com.sun.media.ProcessEngine@1d592a
Cannot build a flow graph with the customized options:
Unable to transcode format: LINEAR, 44100.0 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo, LittleEndian, Signed
to: gsm/rtp, 8000.0 Hz, Mono, FrameSize=264 bits
outputting to: RAW/RTP
Error: Unable to realize com.sun.media.ProcessEngine@1d592a
14:55:16.400 SCHWERWIEGEND: impl.media.MediaControl.createDataSourceForEncodings().839 Couldn't realize sourceProcessor
14:55:16.400 SCHWERWIEGEND: impl.protocol.sip.OperationSetBasicTelephonySipImpl.processInviteOK().731 We failed to process the SDP description of sip:100@ Error was: Couldn't realize sourceProcessor .....

I figured out that this has something to do with the Java Media Framework, which is installed. So I played a little with JMStudio. But this dosen't work, too. It doesn't matter which sample rate I chose. I always receive the following message.
Failed to prefetch: cannot open the audio device.
The only audio device I can chose is the JavaSound audio capture. I'm logged in as root.


openSuse 11
Java 1.6 jdk
sip-communicator alpha2/alpha3 (tested both)

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Networking :: Can't Install Mac80211 Framework / Solve This?

Jan 26, 2011

I tried installing the mac80211 framework on ubuntu 10.10 but after i install it and restart my system , none of my network connections work.
i found a solution to that problem which is a very weird solution. because none of the network connections are working . i try to activate the wireless driver from the System->Administration->Additional Drivers. But it fails , but after it fails my wired network connection comes back online. and then i have acccess to the internet . After that i activate the wireless driver again and it works.
This is obviously the worst possible solution ever. So what i don't understand is why the mac80211 framework is causing these problems. after applying my "solution" i thought of checking the modules installed on my system using lsmod and i see mac80211 there. i don't understand why it is still there after i executed the "sudo make uninstall" command . code...

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Programming :: Install Opencl Framework On System?

May 23, 2011

i want to do any mini project based on Opencl in Linux platform.so please suggest me some application projects as early as possible.please suggest exact project name .and also i have intel i5 processor and integrated graphics card .I use ubuntu desktop OS.So how I install Opencl framework on my system.

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Programming :: Coding Dilemma: Build Application With PHP Framework?

May 7, 2009

I've been a PHP developer for about 6 years now - the last two years I have been pretty inactive though. Just recently though, I have been reading resources on all the different programming patterns (Factory, Singleton, Registry, Observer, MVC, etc) to try and get my head around good programming techniques. For myself though I find that I can only truly understand how these methods work when I am forced to do them myself.I have a large project I am doing at my workplace (me only) that involves building a very complex PHP application.

I would like to know your professional opinion; should I spend the extra time to program this PHP application myself and really, properly learn all these different programming patterns? Or, should I just build on top of a PHP framework like the Zend Framework for speed's sake (and flexibility/features)?

I have found understanding exactly how the Zend Framework works hard, just because I haven't been exposed to using these programming patterns myself. I hate that - I want to fully understand exactly what is happening in my application and know exactly how each part relates to others.

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Programming :: PID Retrieval In Tcl / Retrieve The Pid Of The Process (execution Using Framework)?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a test framework written in tcl which i run for 5-6 hours.Now i want to retrieve the pid of the process (execution using framework) as first few line of the script and do some processing.

How this PID retrieval is possible in tcl?

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Software :: Ubantu9.04 Display While Working With Open-source Framework Adempiere

Jan 19, 2010

There is problem with Adempiere(opensource framework based on Java Platform) framework on ubantu9.04,as the last character get blurred in every text field.Sometimes total word became unclear.I have tested this framework with other flavor of linux,it works fine. As this is not error there is no log and I am unable to find the entry point,to search about this problem.I tried changing the the themes,changing the java version,but it wont worked.

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CentOS 5 :: Different Replication Using DRBD 8.3.2?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm running RHEL 5.5 on two workstation for test DRBD and I get something that sound strange ...[URL] Quote:Protocol C. Synchronous replication protocol. Local write operations on the primary node are considered completed only after both the local and the remote disk write have been confirmed. As a result, loss of a single node is guaranteed not to lead to any data loss. Data loss is, of course, inevitable even with this replication protocol if both nodes (or their storage subsystems) are irreversibly destroyed at the same time. By far, the most commonly used replication protocol in DRBD setups is protocol C.

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySQL - Multi-Master Replication?

Aug 8, 2011

I have two computers (one tower, one laptop). On both the computers, I have apache & PHP & mysql running, so i can program/script anywhere I like. With a simple sync'ing program, the PHP scripts are synced between the PC's, thought the databases arent. Therefor I'm looking for a method to sync (replicate) the databases between the PC's. thought after setting up some configuration, i'm stuck... now with how to, but what to

Option 1) Multi-master replication between the PC and the laptop. With this setup, the database can ONLY sync once both the devices are turned on. Also it can only sync if they are turned on on my LAN, since they do not have an external static IP address. if I turn on both PC's on my LAN, with static IP's (from the DHCP server), this option will work. Thought, I basically never have both pc's turned on in my own home... cuz i can use only one at the time anyway.So I was thinking of another setup

Option 2) Multi-master replication with: online Server, PC and Laptop. The server basically contains the most up to date database. for example, the laptop updates the server and the server can update the PC later, once the PC is turned on. Also the other way around, the PC can update the server which can than update the Laptop.

There is, if i'm correct, only one problem: the only multi master replications setups I found, use a circulair setup... (1 updates 2, 2 updates 3, 3 updates 1) What I need is to have the PC update the server, but ALSO have the server update the PC (same for the laptop)

than there is another (little) problem: the PC and laptop cannot be reached from behind the modem, nor do they have a static IP. My question: Is it possible to sync the server with the laptop (that has no static IP), the laptop with the server (that has a static IP), and the same for the PC

PC <====> Server <====> Laptop

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Hardware :: Unable To Check The Replication?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a fedora 8 server and I just wanted to install fedora directory server I got it install and running, but I'm unable to check the replication and also it seems that I has no database when I user fedora-console-idm.[URL].. Also the same thing happens at the web tool. Any ideas? I think there is no db set, but I have no idea how to do this on fedora-ds. I'm new to it.

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Networking :: File Replication Between Two Servers

Feb 10, 2011

I am using Debian as mail server and proxy server. I need to configure one backup server for the same. Mainly I need to replicate/sync the files on both machines. So I can avoid the failure time.

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Networking :: Directory Replication Between 2 Or More Servers?

May 6, 2010

How to directory replication between 2 or more servers?

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General :: Replication Data Os Level From 1 Pc To Other Pc?

Feb 24, 2010

i do wish to read study learn from linux world. sites to refer always for command, practice,tutorials etc.say like replication data os level from 1 pc to other pc,without using any outside linux software, only os level, linux to linux, linux to windows/macchannel bonding, using 2 network ethernet card, double the speed of network card and failover netowkr card alsosyncronize data 1pc to 2pc

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Server :: 2 Mysql Replication To 1 Machine?

Apr 5, 2010

If I have 2 MySQL server and I want to replicate their database to only 1 server, is it possible? I cannot afford to have master-to-master only because I still need to replicate one more machine but I do not have anymore more machine for replication so I'm thinking if these 2 MySQL server can be replicate to only 1 machine. If this is not possible, I guess I've no choice but to have two mysql daemon on that machine

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Programming :: File Replication Routine?

Mar 1, 2011

I have been scripting Inotify to work as file replication.It works very well for casual use when editing or uploading files. But I have to make sure it stands up against a "tar bomb" when we install a new package. EG: tar -xzf really_big_php_project.tar.gz

# get the current path


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Ubuntu Servers :: LDAP - Cannot Get The Replication Server Operating Correctly

Jun 7, 2010

I have successfully installed Openldap and am able to authenticate to it, but I can not get the replication server operating correctly. I have followed all of the steps in doing so from this guide, [URL], but there are a few things i don't understand. when creating the consumer_sync.ldif file on the consumer server it says to replace ldap01.example.com to your server's hostname.

would this be the provider or consumer? My porvider is ldap@tech.local and my consumer is ldap-backup@tech.local.... so what one are they refurring to with the ldap01? And is there a way to push, or sync the two server manually? How do I know if they are backing up properly? How do I test?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.0 - Configuring OpenLDAP 2.4 Replication?

Jun 29, 2009

I have been using OpenLDAP 2.4 with OpenSuse 11 without any issues but I now want to configure replication and can't see how it's done . The OpenLDAP 2.4 admin guide refers to the slapd.conf configuration file but this is not used by YaST.

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General :: Fail Over Scenario In MySQL Replication?

Sep 12, 2010

i had configured a MySQl Replication Server with 2 DB Servers.Now we are planning to implement a failover Scenario.If Master fails The slave should act as a Master and we have a addition server.It will be going to act as slve.i had mentioned the points below..

(Master Server)----->----(Slave Server)-----------(Additional Server)

1.Replication is made between Master (DBS 1) and Slave (DBS 2) (successfully done)

2.If Master (DBS 1) failed Slave (DBS 2) should act as a Master and Additional Server (DBS 3) needs to be Slave

3.Whenever Orginal Master (DBS 1) became online the current Master ie ..Slave (DBS 2) should go back to Slave position and all lost data will be replicated to Master DBS 1.

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General :: Master And Slave DNS Server Replication

Nov 29, 2010

I configured a master DNS server working OK. After that I configure a DNS Slave Server ( initial replication worked fine. This is test environment for my certification. I see how the zones from my master are transferred
zones in Master
transferred zone to my slave when I started named service

That's Ok but I added some IPs to resolve to my master zone
webserver IN A
fileserver IN A

I restart/reload named on master and after that I go to slave and restart/reload but zones wuth the new values are not replicated. How long does it take for slave to take the changes from master? how is the procedure manual or automatic? I see If I go to slave and delete sec.training.com and restart named the zone with the changes is transferred but that is very manual... I am including my DNS Configuration so you can take a look.

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Server :: User Privileges In Mysql Replication

Sep 27, 2010

Might this is silly question but I am not much familiar to database.I am doing master slave Mysql replication for load balancing. On master server different database has different user privileges. I create backup using mysqldump command and restore on slave server instead of using load data from master; command.When i replicate database from master to slave will i require to set user privileges same as master ?One more question: How to lock all database in mysql?

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Red Hat :: Remote Copy And Replication From JBoss RHQ Console

May 14, 2011

I want to copy a file to all RHQ-Agents through out RHQ-Console.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup Samba File Replication Between Two 10.3

Feb 2, 2010

i would like to know how to setup Samba file replication between two Opensuse 10.3 servers,

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General :: Open Source File Replication - Backup ?

Jun 5, 2010

I am IT Manager. Currently I am responsible for a mostly IBM shop, running a mix of AIX, OS/400. VMware, and Windows.

My P-series running AIX and Oracle and my AS/400 both back up to tape drives daily.
But my VMware system is not being backed up, the virtual machines are, but my tape drive just broke down.

I just ordered a server grade machine with an i5 CPU, running 3 2TB SATA drives in RAID5, this is going to be my new backup server.

I am hoping I can put Linux on it, and some sort of open source file replications, real time backup software that will back up my Windows servers, and my Windows desktops in real time.... any sort of animal exist?

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General :: Purging Binary Logs In MySQL Replication?

Sep 15, 2010

I had Configured a MySQL Master-Slave replication.It seems that the binary logs steals so much space of My storage.

i.)My Master

show master status;

| File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
| mysql-bin.000144 | 475823 | | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

ii.)My Slave.

*************************** 1. row ***************************
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event


If i remove all binary files up tp mysql-bin.000144 using "PURGE",will it affect my existing database/any data loss.

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