Software :: Ubantu9.04 Display While Working With Open-source Framework Adempiere

Jan 19, 2010

There is problem with Adempiere(opensource framework based on Java Platform) framework on ubantu9.04,as the last character get blurred in every text field.Sometimes total word became unclear.I have tested this framework with other flavor of linux,it works fine. As this is not error there is no log and I am unable to find the entry point,to search about this problem.I tried changing the the themes,changing the java version,but it wont worked.

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OpenSUSE :: Sudo And Graphic Apps Not Working - Can't Open Display: :0.0 From /etc/sudoers

Oct 18, 2010

After upgrading GNOME to 2.32 in my openSUSE 11.3 x86_64 running graphic applications with sudo is impossible. (that means it worked before upgrading GNOME)


etam@etam-laptop:~> sudo xeyes
root's password:
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0.0 From /etc/sudoers:


Some interesting facts:


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Ubuntu :: Open Source Virtual Machine - Study The Source In Order To Create My Own?

Jun 28, 2011

Is there any open source virtual machine so i can study the source in order to create my own? i'm gonna write my own, so it doesNT matter if license does not allow further development of the code.

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Software :: Where Is The Source Codes For The Open Source Drivers For Each Distros

Jan 2, 2009

We all know we can install a linux system such as Fedora 10 and use it. Being linux, one should in principle get the source codes for everything that has been precompiled (except the proprietary drivers such as nvidia) in the installation DVDs/CDs. Where are the source codes ? Is there a place I can download them ?
To avoid confusion, I am not referring to the kernel source that can be compiled to give a linux kernel, but that does not include the drivers, such as

To be more specific, the intel graphic i810 driver has been built into any linux system, but where is the exact source? One answer may be that primary source However, if anyone tries to download the every changing (i.e., keep updated almost every single day) driver source codes from, it is almost certain that the source codes will not be the same as the one that is finalized in Fedora 10.

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Ubuntu :: How To See Source Code Of Open Source Software

Sep 12, 2010

I want to see the source code of smplayer software.from where i can see source code of open source softwares?

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OpenSUSE :: Opensuse 11.4/gnome - Most Gui Apps Not Working With Gtk Error - Cannot Open Display: ::1:1.0

Jun 22, 2011

I recently installed opensuse 11.4 on a remote server. It has GNOME installed as a desktop. The problem I am experiencing is that when logged in through VNC, most of the GUI apps are not functioning, especially ones that require root privs. Example: The Add/Create users context does not function. After you supply root pw, nothing happens. If you launch it from a terminal, you see this:

jjmuw@g01:~> xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2 users
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display "::1:1.0".
No protocol specified
No protocol specified


(y2base:4872): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: ::1:1.0

Followed by a hang. This is also affecting things like the Xen configuration contexts (creating/managing VMs).

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General :: X11 Forwarding - Error: Can't Open Display: <ip Of Display>

Jun 28, 2011

I have the following scenario that doesn't seem to work normally. I have a windows 7 pc from which I am using putty to connect to my other linux servers (all running redhat 5 and 6). So here is the scenario that works and one that does not work. And I'm trying to figure out the one that does not work. Scenario that works:

From windows 7 (putty) I ssh into Linux_Server_1.

I run xclock and I see it pop up on my windows 7 pc. I am using xming on windows 7 to help me populate the display from linux to windows. One that does not work:

From windows 7 (putty) I ssh into Linux_Server_1. Then from Linux_Server_1 I ssh into Linux_Server_2.
<no output>

I try to setup $DISPLAY with localhost:10.0 or 0.0 or even my windows 7 pc ip address:0.0 ....etc Then when I try to run xclock I doesn't work.

I get these error messages: Error: Can't open display: <ip of display>

Also as a side note all our Linux servers are sitting on one subnet. My pc is sitting on another subnet. I use vpn to connect to the subnet where the servers sit from my pc.

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Debian Multimedia :: Open Office 4 Installation - Can't Open Display

Feb 15, 2016

I installed Open Office 4 on Debian 8 but when I run the program I get this error message.

root@localhost:/home/paul# openoffice4
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
/opt/openoffice4/program/soffice.bin X11 error: Can't open display:
Set DISPLAY environment variable, use -display option
or check permissions of your X-Server
(See "man X" resp. "man xhost" for details)

Open Office works fine when I run the command "startx" in the Konsole but so far I haven't been able to configure it.

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OpenSUSE :: Root Trying To Open Flashplayer In KDE Getting Cannot Open Display

Feb 18, 2011

We have a digital signage appliance built on SUSE 11.3 with a LAMP server that uses the flashplayer application to play a .swf file from localhost. It is a AOpen GP7A mini pc that has the nVidia drivers loaded. We have lots of customers that have been running the exact same system for over 6 months (we image the drive for each sale).

For some reason, my last customer is seeing the following problem shown below, and this linux configuration is way over my head. Everything else is working (local LAMP server is working, communicating with our production servers to get information works, etc). I have verified that it is screen 0 that is running (at least it shows with Ctrl-Alt-F7). I thought that it may have occurred because of updating the software with zypper up. I had the customer rebuild from the image being careful not to upgrade the software. The result was the same. The pc is a newer version compared to my bench pc, but there are multiple other customers running that same version just fine. So I am not sure if it is

The command is issued by a php script that is run in a root cron job. As I said, it works great on all other customer pc's including my bench system. I also tried to execute the command on a ssh terminal as the root user with the same result. I also upgraded my bench pc and it still worked properly.

The command being executed is sudo env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/svision/.Xauthority flashplayer http://localhost/flash/sign.swf &

the result (when run in terminal) is: No protocol specified (flashplayer:15077): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Display And Xhost: Unable To Open Display "XXX.XXX.X.XXX:0.0"

Jul 20, 2011

I have configured an instance in AWS EC2. I am trying to set the display back so I can run x apps. I login using ssh -xy -i...

echo $DISPLAY to verify
xhost +
xhost: unable to open display "XXX.XXX.X.XXX:0.0"

I have commented out nolisten tcp as suggested HERE I have modified /etc/gdm/custom.conf as suggested HERE Actually, the last suggested modifying /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, but that file didn't exist, so I added the line: DisallowTCP=false to /etc/gdm/custom.conf I rebooted, and still I get: xhost: unable to open display "XXX.XXX.X.XXX:0.0"

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Does Not Display The Entire Page Source?

Mar 30, 2011

First of all I want to say that I'm new to Linux. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LL and i want to create a html page, in terminal mode, but firefox does not display it correctly. i used this tutorial, , but it seems that whatever i do, when i run the page with firefox (x@ubuntu:~/bin$ firefox page.html), the page displays the #!/bin/bash line, it doesn't interpret variables, reserved words, or any other special characters ( $, <<- ). I've tried to change the encoding in firefox from Unicode-8 to Unicode-32 but no luck

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General :: Display The Source Machine During A Remote X Session In The Title Bar?

Aug 8, 2011

In the past, when I open a gvim session on a remote machine, the title bar of gvim would show the machine name in brackets. I am not sure if this was done by the remote gvim itself, or the local window manager. In the past I have used gnome2, although I am currently using unity (and finding it rather frustrating). Is there some setting I can change to always force remote windows to display the source machine?

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Ubuntu :: Xterm XT Error: Can't Open Display: Xterm: Display Is Not Set

Aug 20, 2010

I've just installed xterm, ant trying to run it from my windows machine using ssh. I have X11Forwarding yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config when I use, MobaXterm, np, I can use xterm after I log ssh -X xxx

but when I use Cygwin, and do ssh -X xxx, and then xterm, I have: xterm XT error : Can't open display: xterm: Display is not set

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Ubuntu :: Open Source Pdf Plugin

Oct 8, 2010

I can not seem to find a pdf viewer browser plugin other than the actual craprobat plugin from Adobe. The default Ubuntu install comes with a perfectly good open source stand alone pdf viewer, but this means that the browser has to save it to your download directory then run the external viewer, and eventually your download directory is all cluttered up. I would much rather just view the pdf in the browser.Is there no open source browser plugin?

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Ubuntu :: How To Contribute To Open Source

Apr 5, 2011

i want to know how to contribute to open source...i don't know from where to start??where to look for??

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Programming :: Use For Open Source Development?

May 19, 2011

I wish to start development for the open source projects. And going to start working on some project in C/C++ and shell/python scripts. I wish to know the best suitable development environment for this purpose? What about eclipse? I will be interacting with git, make and other open source utilities.

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General :: Need Any Open Source AI Projects

Dec 27, 2010

Are their any open source AI projects out there? i just read an old text on neural networking in C++ and would love to paw through someones code.

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General :: Open Source Community ?

Aug 8, 2011

Im actively studying for my Redhat SA Certification. I am actively working in a UNIX based environment (SCO< So ancient). I need some open source contribution experience. I've been doing Perl for about 5 years and I have enough linux knowledge to make an impact.........

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General :: How To Install Open Source

Mar 5, 2011

I want to install wordpress open source in linux.but i donot know how i do this.

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Software :: How To Install Qt4.5 Open Source

Mar 5, 2009

I am using fedora core 7 working in qt software...earlier a new version of qt4.5 open source is released by troll tech...i try to gives one .bin file qt-sdk-linux-x86_64-opensource-2009.01.bin i dont know how to install it... i am currently using qt4.4.3...any one installed the new version..?

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Programming :: Need Any Open Source Alternative To .net / VC++

Jan 2, 2011

I refuse to use .net for any of my apps since I hate using proprietary code that wont work on other platforms without using emulation.

However, I do like how all the hard work is done for you and you can spend more time implementing, then actually coding stuff like socket classes, date/time classes and other wrappers to make the complex C/C++ code easier to use and tie with each other I have a custom library that I've been adding to as I need stuff, but then I got thinking, there must be something out there with everything I need to code applications, that is easy to use and more reliable and efficient then anything I'd ever make.

Does such framework exist?

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Fedora :: Does Not Support Non Open Source Programs

Oct 15, 2009

Why Fedora doesn't supports non open source programm?

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Ubuntu :: Open Source Web Traffic Monitor?

Jan 20, 2010

Does anyone knows of any open source proxy/web traffic monitoring application so I can run reports on users web browsing for Linux? Something equivalent to websense? but free I'm not really concern about blocking any traffic only running reports.

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Ubuntu :: Restore ATI Open Source Drivers?

Apr 22, 2010

I have been testing with the ATI Catalyst drivers. I have made a package from the 9.12. I have found that they were not working the way I want, so i tried to switch back via synaptic. I have removed everything which had to do to "fglrx"

now when I restart, here is the message i get


UBUNTU is running in low graphic mode The following error was encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this. (EE) failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)

For information, it does start in low graphic mode. I have reinstalled the "fglrx" module, but the problem is still the same. If I reinstall the fglrx drivers from synaptic or terminal, I am back with the newer catalyst driver. I cannot switch back to the ubuntu repository one it seem.

I have done the following to try to get the open source back


sudo /usr/share/ati/ # (if it exists)
sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*
sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

I still have the same problem. Now I do not have any package installed with "fglrx" I have reconfigured xserver-xorg and it will only start in low graphic mode.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Open Source Software?

Apr 22, 2010

I want to know how to remove unwanted Open Source Software not listed in Ubuntu Software Center. I tried to used Add/Remove Program. That did not work for me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Non Open Source Downloads To Add?

Oct 11, 2010

Just install 10.10 on a 4 gig flash drive, I like it a lot. Is there one download I can do to add all the non open source programs such as Flash, adobe reader, and such?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Open Source PIM Chandler For 10.10?

Feb 13, 2011

I've read about the open source PIM Chandler and how it's kind of a new twist on software of its kind (although I guess I missed the release by a few years...) and I've been dying to try it out. I've had no success, however. It seems the most recent release is for Jaunty and I'm running Maverick. I guess there are some pretty well entrenched dependency issues. These talk about it: here and here. There doesn't seem to be a solution anywhere.. Does anyone have a potential solution to this? Has anyone even heard of Chandler?

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Ubuntu :: Looking For An Open Source Alternative To A Program?

Jun 14, 2011

My sister works a lot with boating frame design, etc. and she needs a program that calculates all the measurements for you, but the program she wants only runs on Windows and costs $275.
Here is the website to the program: and/or

Is there an open sourced alternative to this program that is free, or is there a simple way to make an open sourced alternative?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Open Source BI-like System?

Aug 3, 2011

I am looking for an opensource-software that works with debian/ubuntu. I want to count rows from a couple of MySQL-tables on a server and that way keep statistics of changes in those tables. The tables should be read something like every night, and it shows how customers and subscriptions are changing. Today there is about 10 000 rows * a couple of tables, and it would be nice if it is presented in a webpage...

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Applications :: Open Source Alternative To Dropbox?

Feb 2, 2010

I am looking for an application that works in both linux and freebsd (windows would be a plus) that keeps a file tree in sync in the background like Dropbox does. I can no longer use Dropbox because it does not support FreeBSD (you might see a forum thread saying otherwise, but its fix is out of date). The application does not have to sync to a separate web server, I can host from my house, but it would be nice. A system tray icon to check on state would also be nice, but not required. The platforms that I really need are kubuntu 9.10 and FreeBSD 8.0.The simplest thing I could think of would be a script that had git update a repository with all my docs in it every minute or so, would this work?

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