Software :: Want OpenSource Disk Deduplication

Dec 23, 2010

Could someone suggest me an opensource disk deduplication software. Also pls mention if you are using it in production environment and size of the environment.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install LessFS (Deduplication FS) On 9.10

Jan 25, 2010

LessFS is a relatively new FS. The primary goal for LessFS is an on-disk backup & archiving filesystem.Features of LessFS:

- On-line Deduplication
- On-line Compression

LessFS creates a growable file that represents the LessFS filesystem.My configuration is as follows: 5 Harddisks of varying sizes, concatenated to one disk, using LVM2. The data partition formatted as ext4, with large file option set. I've installed LessFS as follows:

Open a Terminal on your server. Get the prerequisites:


sudo apt-get install build-essential libselinux1-dev libsepol1-dev pkg-configlibtokyocabinet-dev checkinstall

Get Fuse 2.8.1: download from [URL] the packages called libfuse, libfuse-dev and fuse-utils. Download the ones that correspond to your architecture.Install them like this:


sudo dpkg -i *.deb

assuming the FUSE files are in the same folder as the shell is.Download & Extract LessFS: Download .tar.gz package from [URL]. Extract like


tar xzf *.tar.gz

Other Option, All-in one (Note: check for the newest version number at [URL]):


wget -O- .0.1.tar.gz/download | tar xz

cd into lessfs folder and run



This gives a lot of text. Check for errors. Run


make && sudo checkinstall

I didn't test checkinstall, so if it fails, replace "checkinstall" with "make install".

You are done installing. Now configuring:

LessFS isn't made natively on Debian/Ubuntu. That is to see in the startup scipt. I tweaked it a bit, but I must say it's a quick-and-dirty hack. The tweaked script is provided as an attachment ( Download it and save it to /etc/init.d Edit the file if you want to change the mountpoint to something other than /data. Then do:


sudo update-rc.d enable

This creates the correct startup scripts. This isn't nessecary. You can always hand-start lessfs.

The next part is important though:

From the lessfs source folder copy the etc/lessfs.cfg file. Copy it to /etc Then edit the new /etc/lessfs.cfg change the file paths to your liking (tip: Do the data folder 'dta' as the only one on your large partition. For performance reason) Alter the cache settings in a way that it fits your memory. After saving the file, create the mta, dta subfolders at the places you stated above. Also create the mount point folder.

do the following to create the folder:


sudo mklessfs -c /etc/lessfs.cfg

And you're done Start Lessfs with:


sudo invoke-rc.d start

or restart.

Happy Less-ing

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General :: How Can GPL Be Approved By OSI As Opensource

Mar 3, 2011

According to the Open Source Initiative an open source license must among all other things be "9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software: The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be open-source software." Now GPL v2 (and all oher versions) instead require "You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. ", basically this is the reason why GPL is considered a viral license: because any works derived from a copyleft work must themselves be copyleft when distributed (and thus they exhibit a viral phenomenon). Now the problem is in wikipedia [URL] I see that GPL is approved by OSI as open source, but the point 9 of OSI and the vitality of GPL should be incompatible with each other!

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Fedora :: How To Get Opensource Driver To Work

Jun 2, 2011

I think I've one of the badest configurations to use fc15 and gnome-shell. I run a AMD HD 6950 and I have these bugs in gnome-shell (e.g. rainbow color, corrupt icons, ..) with the official AMD fglrx driver.As I can see, the opensource ATI driver only supports cayman based gpu (like mine) if using a 2.6.39 kernel. Mine is a, so I don't get any support.Any ideas how to get the opensource driver to work and fix these ugly gnome-shell bugs?Shell I install the 2.6.39 Kernel from FC16?I really like the new gnome-shell and got used to it on my thinkpad x61s, so I like to use it on my workstation, too.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Opensource Drivers Sometimes Lag Applications

May 2, 2011

I have problems with ATI Drivers for my graphics HD4850. Opensource drivers work, but often lag mouse and other applications. Then I've installed Additional drivers, which are include in Ubuntu. It's good with mouse and other, but sometimes lag applications and moving windows. In CCSM I disabled Vsync and set refresh rate, but it's still lag on applications, moving windows is OK. What can I do now?

Is ATI Driver version from Additional drivers same as 11.4 from official AMD's webpage? If I will install drivers version 11.4 from AMD's page, will work good?
How can I solve problems with opensource drivers with mouse and applications lag?

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Software :: Good Opensource IDE Available For ARM Microcontroller?

Aug 13, 2010

I am very much interested in learning Embedded Systems through Opensource Tools and Googled for IDE and found PIKLAb for PIC microcontoller.

Can anyone suggest good opensource IDE available for ARM Microcontroller

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Programming :: Fixing A Bug In Opensource Project?

May 12, 2010

I have the joyous task of having to find and fix a bug in a large opensource project for an assignment. Fixing the bug should only take about 4 hours according to the lecturer. I would prefer the source language of the project to be Java, since my C++ is quite rusty.

So, does anyone have some experience in this type of thing, and can you give me advice about which projects would not be nasty to an ignorant student? Also, which tools did you use to make it easier for you? I want to learn how to do this,but I'm just a bit clueless at present.

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General :: Get Opensource Equivalent Of Tahoma In Windows?

Jun 19, 2010

I want an open source equivalent of Tahoma in windows. Had been using windows fonts and now I am ditching it completely.

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Programming :: Php Has Scope In Opensource Software Industry?

May 25, 2011

From the past 2 years i have been working in linux machines and few months back I started my carrier as php programmer, I just want to know weather php has scope in software industry or not ? because my friends are insisting me to go for microsoft technologies and i am in delima to choose which platform.

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Fedora :: Opensource Video-chat Software For Both - Windows

Aug 1, 2010

I am tired of Skype and I am looking for an opensource alternative. Is there something that works well and will work both on Linux and Windows?

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Fedora Networking :: Replacing Skype With Opensource Software

Jun 3, 2011

With Microsoft acquisition of Skype I was tasked with research into migrating our users off of Skype and onto our own server for audio/video calls and IM communication. I see several SIP servers in F14 repos: OpenSER, OpenSIP, sems, ser and some other packages. What do I need to build my own server on F14 machine to allow our users call each other with video and exchange text IMs?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Install Repository So Can Get At Opensource Drivers?

Mar 8, 2010

I have everything in 11.2 working awesome and loving this experience just wish I could get this card to work.I added the repository but it gives me an error saying there is no checksum and no certificate?Can I say ignore this and install the repository so I can get at the opensource drivers? Its the only thing I am lacking in getting done.

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Ubuntu :: An OPENSOURCE Alternative To LIVESTATION For ONLINE TV With Mplayer?

Jul 17, 2010

LIVESTATION is not opensource Could someone make a PERL or PYTHON script taht let us what TV using mplayer, there is some links:


find a web tv online (free and opensource) program: How to use it?


cd ; tar xvpfz pupwebtv-ubuntu.tar.gz
cd ; mkdir .PupWebTV ; cp pupwebtv/channels.txt .PupWebTV
cd ; cd pupwebtv ; ./PupWebTV

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General :: Want To Do Some Innovative Opensource Project For My Final Semester

Mar 24, 2010

I want to do some innovative opensource project for my final semester .It should be small and to be finished within 2-3 months .

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Networking :: Opensource Billing Software For Hotspot / Wi-fi Wisp?

Sep 30, 2010

researching for a open source billing software to use for a typical hotspot/wi-fi wisp setup. The billing software should be stateful ie being able to keep track of the user time and automatically discount the user when the voucher expires,should be able to create logins based on specfic time ie,user can buy access from 6pm to 5am,etc then also volume based. eg a download volume quota is set and when the user has downloaded based on the set quota,he/she is diconnected. Can all these be acheived with radius server?

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OpenSUSE :: Radeon Opensource Driver 6.13 Supporting Xorg 6.5 And Mesa 7.8.1?

May 9, 2010

Is the radeon open source driver 6.13 supporting Xorg 6.5 and Mesa 7.8.1?

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General :: Produce A List Of Opensource Alternatives To Blackboard And Webct

Jun 24, 2010

I'm trying to produce a list of opensource alternatives to Blackboard and webct EDIT: please provide user experience and recommendation. I'm not looking for a google search on the products out there; rather, I was wondering about your personal input

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: XOrg (Opensource) Drivers For ATI Radeon Cards?

Jan 4, 2010

For those of us who were stung last year by ATI's decision to drop support for <= R500 series cards from their closed source, or proprietary driver (known as the FGLRX driver), we are now forced to use the opensource ATI XORG driver. This is not as bad as it sounds, as in doing so, ATI has released a lot of the hardware specs on these older cards and the opensource driver has improved dramatically in the last year as a result.

Ubuntu includes both the ATI and the FGLRX driver install capacities in recent releases (since Intrepid(?)). If one can install the FGLRX driver, you should be able to do this by choosing System>Administration>Hardware Drivers and choosing to activate the ATI drivers; or you can manually install them using this guide: [URL]

However, if you have a card that is or below the R500 series (i.e. not R600+) DO NOT install the FGLRX drivers - you will break your X server (video display). If you don't know what series chipset you have, try the following:

$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 0c)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 PCI Express Root Port (rev 0c)


If you're like me and need a production machine, but just want updated drivers, try this link: [URL]

To add the PPA (Guide): [URL]

These are fairly easy to remove (as described on the site); just remove the PPA from your Software Sources and downgrade the drivers.

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Security :: Building An Opensource Syslog-SNMP Server With Web Interface?

Jun 16, 2010

I am looking to build a dedicated syslog-SNMP server with remote web interface and I would appreciate a discussion from our community on recommending the best solutions to deploy. I would like to be able to create an opensource architecture I could easily duplicate for multiple stand-alone customer environments.

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Ubuntu :: Handel Customer Support Request With Opensource Software?

Jul 28, 2011

is there any opensource software or website that gives us facility to handle our Customers Support Request.That is every user has its username and password and he can make login with that on it. and write its problem and click on submit button. IT Support automatically get email of it that this user is getting this problem.. Also management can see the current status of the problem

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Hardware :: X64 Radeon OpenSource Drivers Doesn't Change Xorg.conf File

Apr 10, 2010

Been working hard on trying to get my Radeon 5870 to run in Debian Lenny (x64). I've installed the xserver-radeon, radeonhd & ati packages through the synaptics manager, but my xorg config file is completely without information:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier"Generic Keyboard"


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Debian Configuration :: Finding Opensource Central Management Software To Manage Squeeze Workstations

Jun 26, 2011

I'm looking for opensource central management software to manage squeeze workstations.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gmail Video Chat With Opensource Video Drivers?

Nov 13, 2010

is this possible? Or does one have to use the binary blobs?

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General :: Setup Dedicated Server Using Ubuntu Server Or Equivalent Opensource OS?

Jan 16, 2010

How to setup Dedicated Server for Web Hosting using Ubuntu Server or equivalent opensource Operating System? And how to make secured my Dedicated Server on public?

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Ubuntu :: Disk Space Used Doesn't Match What Is Shown In Disk Usage Analyzer?

Feb 26, 2011

Some thing is using up a huge amount of my disk space about 10G and I can not determine what it is. When I look at my disk usage in system monitor it say I have used about 25G and when I scan the directory in disk usage analyzer the entire file system used is 15G.

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Hardware :: Fedora 11 RAID 1 - Disk Failure - Boot From The Single Working Disk?

Oct 16, 2009

my Fedora 11 system is not starting anylonger. It stops with the message:


VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem on dev dm-0

The system told me since a while, that a lot of the sectors of one disk of the (software) RAID compound are failed already. So tried to disconnect each of the disks and start them separately. Unfortunaltly this is not working (for one its is not working at all, the other wents the same far as with both), when I tried to recover the system with the Fedora DVD, it said no distribution found. I am quite new and do not know so much about linux system, so i do not know what further information you could need. Maybe it can be important, that both disks are encryped (the system wents so far, that I can type in the password).

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Debian :: Disk Health Warning - Disk Part Of RAID5 Array

Feb 17, 2016

I received the following error when I got home from work today. If this was a windows environment, my first inclination would be to boot off my dvd and then run a chkdsk on the drive to flag any bad sectors that might exist. But there's a complication for me.

Code: Select allThis message was generated by the smartd daemon running on:
   host name:  LinuxDesktop
   DNS domain: [Empty]

The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], 1 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
Device info:
WDC WD5000AAKS-65V0A0, S/N:WD-WCAWF2422464, WWN:5-0014ee-157c5db9a, FW:05.01D05, 500 GB
For details see host's SYSLOG.

You can also use the smartctl utility for further investigation.The original message about this issue was sent at Sun Feb 14 13:43:17 2016 MST.Another message will be sent in 24 hours if the problem persists.

From gnome-disks
Code: Select allDisk is OK, 418 bad sectors (28° C / 82° F)

I did a bit of reading and it seems that most people suggest using badblocks to first get a list of badblocks from the drive and save it to a file. Then use e2fsck to then mark the blocks listed in the badblocks file as bad on the hard drive. My problem here is that this drive is part of a RAID5 array that hosts my OS. I wanted to confirm if this was still the correct process.I boot to my Live Debian disk, stop the raid array if it's active. Then run badblocks + e2fsck commands on the drive in question and then reboot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Non-system Disk Or Disk Error With Manual Partitions

Apr 9, 2010

This is the third 9.10 install to do this on two different laptops, so wondering what's up...

In both cases, the goal was to leave a large chunk of unpartitioned disk after the Ubuntu partitions, for a second OS install or a filesystem Ubuntu cannot create like NTFS.

When I install with manual partitions, the system can't boot and asks for me to insert a system disk and press any key. When I reinstall telling Ubuntu to "use the entire disk" it then works.

First laptop, first try:

Remainder of the 500GB disk is free space.

Fails to boot, "insert system disk".

First laptop, second try without the /boot partition:

Remainder of the 500GB disk is free space.

Fails to boot, "insert system disk".

"use entire disk" works perfectly.

Second laptop, first try:

Same thing, non-system disk or disk error, insert system disk.

Second try "use entire disk" is currently in progress but I expect the same to happen.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Errors: SMART Status: Disk Is Being Used Outside Design Parameters?

May 19, 2010

Just did a fresh install of Lucid on my new SSD and got this:

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Ubuntu Servers :: HW RAID Disk Shows Up In Fstab But Not In /dev/disk/by-uuid?

Jun 28, 2010

I have an SiI hardware SATA RAID card, with two 500GB disks in mirrored RAID configuration. When I first plugged them in and set it up, things seemed to work ok, but on boot the raid controller told me that the RAID needed rebuilding, and it would happen automatically after POST. So I didn't worry about it, and the drive mounted fine, and it's been that way for years. I just went in and manually on-line rebuilt the RAID in the controller's BIOS, and now when I boot into Ubuntu, both disks show up in fdisk, but neither show up in /dev/disk/by-uuid. Am I missing something?

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