Fedora Networking :: Replacing Skype With Opensource Software

Jun 3, 2011

With Microsoft acquisition of Skype I was tasked with research into migrating our users off of Skype and onto our own server for audio/video calls and IM communication. I see several SIP servers in F14 repos: OpenSER, OpenSIP, sems, ser and some other packages. What do I need to build my own server on F14 machine to allow our users call each other with video and exchange text IMs?

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Software :: Replacing Skype By SIP Client But No Audio In Ekiga

Apr 15, 2010

Skype works fine on openSUSE 11.2, but I'd like to use another application with a more open protocol (SIP) for PC-to-PC calls. Ekiga seems to be what I'm looking for, but I have a problem with audio. When I launch the echo test call, video is displayed correctly (I see myself), but I can't hear anything (I guess I am supposed to hear a ring, and maybe some instructions?...). Nothing seems to be recorded either. I tried all the different audio settings in Preferences/Audio - no luck.

I searched for some information on the web but couldn't really find anything. The troubleshooting test (arecord -D plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 8000 -f S16_LE - | aplay -D plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 8000 -f S16_LE -) from [URL] works fine. So what to look for? Does anyone here use ekiga successfully? How did you configure your audio? Or would you recommend another SIP client?

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Fedora Networking :: Replacing NetworkManager With Wicd?

Jul 14, 2011

i'm trying to replace default F15 NetworkManager with wicd. i installed wicd and used "chkconfig NetworkManager off" to disable NM but the problem i'm getting is

1. after each reboot i have to start wicd manually from su. any solution to get it loaded automatically?

2. also as i stopped nm, i have no network shortcut in taskbar, anyway wicd icon can be integrated in taskbar?

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Fedora Networking :: Replacing The Linksys WRT54G Firmware?

Apr 7, 2009

I just installed Cable internet in my apartment. Part of the deal was a free Router (a Belkin). Now I already had a router so now I have an extra, and I remembered something I wanted to try If I ever got an extra router.... I read somewhere, that you can replace the firmware of the Linksys WRT54G Router/Switch with a Linux-based firmware.

I want to try this, but I have some concerns. I'm worried about losing my WPA2 Encryption, and connection problems; I have two Linux laptops (Ubuntu, and Fedora 64 bit) which connect Wirelessly, a desktop w/ 64 Bit Fedora 10, and two Vista Desktops that connect via Ethernet. Will the multiple Operating Systems cause a problem?

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Networking :: Opensource Billing Software For Hotspot / Wi-fi Wisp?

Sep 30, 2010

researching for a open source billing software to use for a typical hotspot/wi-fi wisp setup. The billing software should be stateful ie being able to keep track of the user time and automatically discount the user when the voucher expires,should be able to create logins based on specfic time ie,user can buy access from 6pm to 5am,etc then also volume based. eg a download volume quota is set and when the user has downloaded based on the set quota,he/she is diconnected. Can all these be acheived with radius server?

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Fedora :: How To Get Opensource Driver To Work

Jun 2, 2011

I think I've one of the badest configurations to use fc15 and gnome-shell. I run a AMD HD 6950 and I have these bugs in gnome-shell (e.g. rainbow color, corrupt icons, ..) with the official AMD fglrx driver.As I can see, the opensource ATI driver only supports cayman based gpu (like mine) if using a 2.6.39 kernel. Mine is a, so I don't get any support.Any ideas how to get the opensource driver to work and fix these ugly gnome-shell bugs?Shell I install the 2.6.39 Kernel from FC16?I really like the new gnome-shell and got used to it on my thinkpad x61s, so I like to use it on my workstation, too.

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Fedora :: Opensource Video-chat Software For Both - Windows

Aug 1, 2010

I am tired of Skype and I am looking for an opensource alternative. Is there something that works well and will work both on Linux and Windows?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Get Skype To Work On Skype On X_86 64 Bit 14

Jan 11, 2011

get Skype to work on 64 bit have downloaded and installed the 32 bit which installed fine but just wont load

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Ubuntu Networking :: Replacing NetworkManager With Mandriva Net-Applet?

May 10, 2010

Is there any easy way to replace the default Gnome NetworkManager used by Ubuntu with Mandriva Net-Applet? Although I prefer Ubuntu, overall, I have had better luck with video streaming, browser speed, and consistency when using Mandriva (with iPV6 disabled).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Replacing Knetwork Manager With WICD?

Nov 28, 2010

Because of some glitches I've experienced with Knetwork Manager as of recent versions of Kubuntu I want to use WICD but I know they can get a bit botched juggling them around. I remember getting it right once using a wired connection ot install but would like ot be clear in advance of doing this tomorrow.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Autofs And Nautilus Replacing Fstab - Browsing?

May 6, 2011

Because of NFS traffic congestion, I am trying to use autofs instead of fstab(NFS) to mount /home and /data directories on our system (from a NFS server). I have it up and running - users can log in and their /home directories work fine. However, when they need to save a file (openoffice or nautilus) they cannot see the directory tree to locate folders for saving. I have tried setting the --ghost option in auto.master, and I have tried commenting the BROWSE_MODE in /etc/default/autofs. But no luck. Using the terminal, I can go a folder and see subfolders using ls -la. They then appear in Nautilus, but later disappear. Since this is a school network, I can't expect teachers and students to use the terminal to save files. They are used to using Nautilus, with our regular NFS mounts.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Replacing The Kernel To The Non Xen Version If I Dont Have The Install CDs?

Jan 9, 2010

I have recently set up a CENTOS server using the kernel 2.6.18-164.el5xen (x64 5.4 Install I believe). Originally I set it up with Xen to becasue I was goig to create the odd VM on it, however I no longer need to do this.Further, I believe I am having networking issues due to the installation of Xen. The machine cannot seem to locate any network addresses (eg websites) unless I put in a hosts entry for them. I believe this networking issue would be easier to rectify if the virtual networking interfaces for Xen were not installed but to do this requires a Kernel replacement. Im not experienced with doing this and the machine is located remotely to me and I dont have the original install CD available.How would I go about replacing the kernel to the non Xen version if I dont have the install CDs?

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Fedora Installation :: Clarifications Before Replacing FC6 With F10?

May 3, 2009

I have a dual boot configuration now, Windows XP SP3 on the C drive (sda,1 it's a Dell Dimension 4700) and FC 6 on sdb. My goal is to install 10 and be able after installation to boot to either XP or 10. Some of the installation documentation baffles me, so I want clarification before I begin. 1st Question Looking at the screen shots of an installation on the fedora site, the Partition Selection Screen asks What drive would you like to boot this installation from?

Booting an installation? Maybe this meansFrom what drive are you installing? Once 10 is installed, what drive should be the boot drive? From what drive should I boot to install? Would somebody explain the intent of this Partition Screen question? BTW, I will be installing from CDs. 2nd Question: Upgrading Boot Loader I don't understand the Installation Guide, section 8.3 on upgrading vs skipping. I think I got into trouble on this very point going from FC3 to FC6. The boot loader on my Dell must be grub. So, I think I want to upgrade. Perhaps the confusion is that I'm replacing FC6, not upgrading, and upgrade here means only for grub, not for the install.

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Fedora :: Replacing Dead Disk In Lvm?

Jul 4, 2010

I know that this topic has been posted, responded to, and maybe even resolved, many times here, but I am stuck here with partially dead fileserver and need some pointers.

Problem: one disk drive that was part of a logical volume died. I have a replacement, but I can't get it into the LV and get the LV back up again.

pvcreate --uuid <uuid of dead drive> /dev/sdX1, where /dev/sdX1 is the newly created drive and its partition.
vgcfgrestore VolGroup
vgscan VolGroup
vgchange -ay VolGroup
e2fsck /dev/mapper/VolGroup-LogVol

but, e2fsck can't find a superblock. Apparently this drive is the first in the LV sequence, and it is not formatted as part of the LV.

So how to I get this new disk formatted into the LV without reformatting the entire LV and losing what data I still have?

(FWIW: this is on F11)

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Fedora :: Getting Skype To Work On 14 - No "yum Install Skype---" Command

Dec 15, 2010

I have downloaded & installed the skype beta release for linux (now ancient?) on my newly build fedora 14 (64) box.

Under fedora 12, I made this work after several hours of mucking around by installing old libraries for 32 bit code in /lib and /usr/lib - as I got an error, I found the library and put it in place. This was painful and the WRONG way to do things - I should have been using yum!

It remains a shame that the Skype release for Linux is so old, but that is life.

Can anyone list the libraries needed (prefer yum names if possible) to make this work?

I can do this again the hard way and list the results for others (should have saved for myself, but I never dreamed that a newer Skype release would take so long) , but I am sure many folks have this working already. I am surprised there is no "yum install skype---" command.

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Fedora :: Replacing Kernel After Hardware Update?

Mar 21, 2010

Just over a year ago I did a main board processor and memory upgrade on my system. I was running Fedora seven i686. If I recall correctly I booted with the install disk and chose "repair existing system" or something like that. Then I typed "rpm -e --nodeps" which removed the existing kernels. Again going from memory I typed "yum install kernel" A new kernel was installed I rebooted and the system ran great.

I have been having sound problems that i can't resolve with Fedora 12 i686. The sound card drivers are not always loaded at bootup. I have posted here several times about this problem and i may have messed things up a bit with various attempts at repairing. I am wondering if removing and reinstalling the kernel as I did at the time of the upgrade might help.

Are the commands I listed correct? It's been a long time. I found the instructions on this forum but can't find them again.

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Fedora :: Replacing / Upgrading Hard Drive

May 11, 2010

I have a Fedora 12 system running just fine (AMD box w/2 Maxtor 200 GB (PATA) hard drives. I have a spare 320 GB drive (fallout from a Windows box HD upgrade) and would like to replace 1 of the 200 GB drives in the Fedora system. Is there an easy, straightforward way to do this w/out messing up the system?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Replacing SNOWMAN With Double Quotes Using Sed?

Feb 24, 2010

We have 'SNOWMAN' UTF-8 character in our files which i need to replace with doublequotes (").The UTF-8 hex value for 'SNOWMAN' is 0xE2 0x98 0x83 (e29883) , I have written the commands like this but it is not working .........sed -i 's/x0xE2 0x98 0x83/"/g' FileName

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replacing Fedora 13 With 10.04 On Dual-boot With Win7

Oct 5, 2010

I installed Fedora13 to dualboot w/ my windows 7. I quickly found out that I don't care for fedora. I was referred to Ubuntu, and put Ubuntu 10.04 on in VirtualBox. Lo and behold, I like Ubuntu a WHOLE lot more! So, I promptly went to Disk Manager (in win7) and deleted the Fedora partitions (told you i'm a noob). Of course that was a poor choice, and I was only able to get my computer to boot again by reinstalling f13. neat.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


SO what i was thinking is go back to Disk Manager, delete partitions sda 3,4, & 5 (the linux ones), then reboot from the Ubuntu live disk? But I don't know what the sdb1 partition is?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replacing Fedora On A Current Dual Boot?

Jun 30, 2011

Currently I have a dual boot Win 7 / Fedora 14 on my Dell Inspiron 1546. After being unable to upgrade to F15 I think it's time to try something different like Ubuntu 11.04. I'd like to format all the Linux partitions, install Ubuntu there and being able to boot to Win 7 from Grub (just like I currently do with Fedora). Can I just go ahead and install like usual, or is there anything else I should consider? Do you think Ubuntu will have a problem finding Win7?

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General :: How Can GPL Be Approved By OSI As Opensource

Mar 3, 2011

According to the Open Source Initiative an open source license must among all other things be "9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software: The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be open-source software." Now GPL v2 (and all oher versions) instead require "You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. ", basically this is the reason why GPL is considered a viral license: because any works derived from a copyleft work must themselves be copyleft when distributed (and thus they exhibit a viral phenomenon). Now the problem is in wikipedia [URL] I see that GPL is approved by OSI as open source, but the point 9 of OSI and the vitality of GPL should be incompatible with each other!

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Fedora :: Install Windows XP On A Free Partition Without It Replacing The GRUB Boot Loader?

Sep 20, 2009

I am using Fedora 10, and was wondering if it is possible to install Windows XP on a free partition, without it replacing the GRUB boot loader?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Opensource Drivers Sometimes Lag Applications

May 2, 2011

I have problems with ATI Drivers for my graphics HD4850. Opensource drivers work, but often lag mouse and other applications. Then I've installed Additional drivers, which are include in Ubuntu. It's good with mouse and other, but sometimes lag applications and moving windows. In CCSM I disabled Vsync and set refresh rate, but it's still lag on applications, moving windows is OK. What can I do now?

Is ATI Driver version from Additional drivers same as 11.4 from official AMD's webpage? If I will install drivers version 11.4 from AMD's page, will work good?
How can I solve problems with opensource drivers with mouse and applications lag?

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Software :: Want OpenSource Disk Deduplication

Dec 23, 2010

Could someone suggest me an opensource disk deduplication software. Also pls mention if you are using it in production environment and size of the environment.

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Software :: Good Opensource IDE Available For ARM Microcontroller?

Aug 13, 2010

I am very much interested in learning Embedded Systems through Opensource Tools and Googled for IDE and found PIKLAb for PIC microcontoller.

Can anyone suggest good opensource IDE available for ARM Microcontroller

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Programming :: Fixing A Bug In Opensource Project?

May 12, 2010

I have the joyous task of having to find and fix a bug in a large opensource project for an assignment. Fixing the bug should only take about 4 hours according to the lecturer. I would prefer the source language of the project to be Java, since my C++ is quite rusty.

So, does anyone have some experience in this type of thing, and can you give me advice about which projects would not be nasty to an ignorant student? Also, which tools did you use to make it easier for you? I want to learn how to do this,but I'm just a bit clueless at present.

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General :: Get Opensource Equivalent Of Tahoma In Windows?

Jun 19, 2010

I want an open source equivalent of Tahoma in windows. Had been using windows fonts and now I am ditching it completely.

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Programming :: Php Has Scope In Opensource Software Industry?

May 25, 2011

From the past 2 years i have been working in linux machines and few months back I started my carrier as php programmer, I just want to know weather php has scope in software industry or not ? because my friends are insisting me to go for microsoft technologies and i am in delima to choose which platform.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Install Repository So Can Get At Opensource Drivers?

Mar 8, 2010

I have everything in 11.2 working awesome and loving this experience just wish I could get this card to work.I added the repository but it gives me an error saying there is no checksum and no certificate?Can I say ignore this and install the repository so I can get at the opensource drivers? Its the only thing I am lacking in getting done.

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Ubuntu :: An OPENSOURCE Alternative To LIVESTATION For ONLINE TV With Mplayer?

Jul 17, 2010

LIVESTATION is not opensource Could someone make a PERL or PYTHON script taht let us what TV using mplayer, there is some links:


find a web tv online (free and opensource) program: How to use it?


cd ; tar xvpfz pupwebtv-ubuntu.tar.gz
cd ; mkdir .PupWebTV ; cp pupwebtv/channels.txt .PupWebTV
cd ; cd pupwebtv ; ./PupWebTV

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