Programming :: Fixing A Bug In Opensource Project?
May 12, 2010
I have the joyous task of having to find and fix a bug in a large opensource project for an assignment. Fixing the bug should only take about 4 hours according to the lecturer. I would prefer the source language of the project to be Java, since my C++ is quite rusty.
So, does anyone have some experience in this type of thing, and can you give me advice about which projects would not be nasty to an ignorant student? Also, which tools did you use to make it easier for you? I want to learn how to do this,but I'm just a bit clueless at present.
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Mar 24, 2010
I want to do some innovative opensource project for my final semester .It should be small and to be finished within 2-3 months .
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May 25, 2011
From the past 2 years i have been working in linux machines and few months back I started my carrier as php programmer, I just want to know weather php has scope in software industry or not ? because my friends are insisting me to go for microsoft technologies and i am in delima to choose which platform.
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Jun 28, 2009
I've been working in the real world for a year making some money to go back and finish my masters, and now I'm coming to the end of my contract and am realising how little i remember and how small my scope has become; i basically do shell scripts and perl these days, and its making me uneasy. So instead of bitching about it , I'm going to endevor to complete Project Euler Using randomly generated programming languages for each problem, selected from
And post the fruits of my attempts at my blog (shameless plug) aswell as opening up my svn repository when I'm done. (altho i need to ask in another thread about svn permissions....)To my shame i havent ever touched C#, JavaScript, Ruby or Python, so all in all its going to be very interesting how much i screw up.Anyone have any additional ideas, or languages I'm missing or such? I was considering TCL or Haskell or Erlang at a strech, but i dont know how useful these three would be.
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Aug 20, 2010
also some options in menues are disable..when i go to the terminal it shows this msge:<unknown program name>(5763)/ KDevelop::allocateRepository: picked duchain directory "/home/forensic/.kdevduchain/{61e2fad9-a888-45c7-91e7-c7098bc67b94}/0"maybe i made mistake in one step of compiling it..
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Apr 26, 2010
I would like to ask your opinion for a new C++ project.I just finished writing a chess engine in a software engineering lecture.I don't see any way to continue with that project and I would like some new ideas.I would prefer to start something on my one but suggestions about small open source projects that are already out there are welcome.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have project released under GPL. I have found an icon (.png) I want to use in it that also has a GPL license. What do I have to do, if anything, to use it legally? It's "just an icon", and while it represents a significant amount of work on someone's part, it doesn't come with any source code or embedded licenses that I can just copy and include with my project files. I'm sure I can use it because it's GPL and my project is GPL.
That's what GPL was designed for, but I don't want anyone to think I'm claiming I designed it or that I took it without giving proper credit. I just reread the GPL, and it looks like I can do anything I want with it as long as I don't restrict anyone else from doing the same and if I were to modify it, I'd have to put a notice "somewhere" (but where would that be for an icon?) acknowledging that modification. I don't see anything that would make me actually mention it at all in my documentation, etc. as long as I pass it along unmodified.
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Apr 6, 2009
I am trying to write a CMakeList.txt for a project (A). The project needs to use the library of another project (B). For gcc, using -L <path> -ldl works. How can I convert that into cmake file? I tried include_directories, that doesn't seem to work
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Dec 29, 2010
I am trying to write my first small project with C++ - implement stl list like collection class. This is what i have a the moment:
#ifndef GUARD_link_list_h
#define GUARD_link_list_h
template <class T>
struct Node {
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Jun 21, 2010
I'm using ubuntu 9.04;I want to debug my project that comprises mutiple files.When I cd to the project folder and run the command "gdb rawusb_test",Once I tried the flag -g and changed the line "$(CC) -o $(PROG) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)" to "$(CC) -g -o $(PROG) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)", it didn't work!I want to trace the program "rawusb_test" line by line and see the parameters' values!Could you help me how I should debug this project or how the Makefile should be changed?
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Nov 11, 2009
Now I have a project which include three directories /bin, /inc and /src. All of header files (*.h) are included in /inc and all of source(*.c) files are stored in /src, i.e. a.c, b.c, c.c..., the final generated executable file will locate in /bin. after compling with makefile, all of obj files will be generated in /src/obj like a.o, b.o, c.o, d....! Moreover an final.exe executable file will be generated in the /bin directory. Now if I want to debug it with GDB, how can I do it?
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Mar 11, 2010
I am a Master's student.I am a newbie to Linux. I am interested in doing a term project in C kernel programming. I need help in developing a project in which I can use C kernel programming .
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Jan 31, 2011
First step will obviously be to compile the QT project with -g option, but how to do that through command line?
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Jun 10, 2010
I've got the "OpenCryptoKi" project source from "" at here:But I don't know how should I compile and build it by "GCC" or "Make"?!I have ubuntu 9.04 and I've set the linux runlevel at 3, but I'm not so familiar with compiling such project at commandline environment of linux
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Dec 14, 2010
I'm using Eclipse to build a small c++ program using boost.
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
I can right click on boost::regex and it takes me to the header file regex_fwd.hpp, but when I go to build it, it gives me the error:
/usr/include/boost/regex/v4/basic_regex.hpp undefined reference to `boost::basic_regex<char, boost::regex_traits<char, boost::cpp_regex_traits<char> >
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Jul 19, 2011
I'm starting a open source project which involves web based Java, JBoss application server and JBoss Seam framework. I'm a student and I work on the project in my free time for training. Every one who want to take a part in this hobby project in his free time is invited.
Send me e-mail.
I will send you development information
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm trying to make my first c project (a simple tic tac toe console game), and I am wondering how to make a final product (copy all source code files to a distribution folder upon compilation). Should I use a bash script or should I use a makefile to make the distribution folder? I'm not terrible familiar with either; I have a basic makefile to make an executable, and that's about all I know of make.
And if I do use a bash script, how do I copy over source code files? I tried cp ./*.c and cp ./*.h, but I think the script read it literally as moving a file named ./*.c (and ./*.h), and couldn't find it.
My makefile is pretty much this:
objectFiles = main.o io.o board.o game.o
ttt : $(objectFiles)
cc -o ttt $(objectFiles)
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Dec 31, 2010
I am new to linux. I am pursuing bachelors in computer science engineering. My final year project is to develop a "html to pdf converter using linux". I have some basic knowledge of commands used in unix
1) Where can I get the basic idea about the existing converters, their pros and cons.
2) Any kind of material or source where I can get basic idea.
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Jun 27, 2010
I am web developer, i am work with php,and want choice best linux for create my project
and learn web server
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Dec 9, 2010
i am doing my academic project on Alix 3d3 system boards can u me the OS and also i am writing some program using C which i have to load it into the system boards, so which compiler is best suited?
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Apr 21, 2010
I have recently trying to build an Accounts system database for a project. When you run the program it goes in the main menu sort of like this.
Accounts System
Add a Customer With a Contract......1
Add a Customer Without a Contract...2
Display all Customers...............3
Find a Customer.....................4
Edit a Customer.....................5
Print a Statement...................6
Print an Invoice....................7
Load File...........................8
Save and Exit.......................9
When you add a customer with a contract, you add name, address, start contract, end contract, payment and email address. Now, is there a code I could write to get back to this menu. To not confuse anyone, all I just saying is supposing I accidentally push number 1 on the keyboard and suppose I didn't want to add a customer. In other words I need a code that can cancel (or stop) adding a customer to go back to the accounts system menu.
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Mar 28, 2011
The Project is for writing a generic program which extracts list of applications that is running on Unix, and for each application, determine if it has a corresponding graphical UI interface, is so, the program should be able to grab the UI into a image bitmap. The program should be able to run in any Unix UI framework, such as CDE, KDE, X, Motif, et al.
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Dec 1, 2010
I am final year MCA student. I like to do my project in Linux. I know a little in C. I am pursuing RHCE certification. I am using rhel5. I am interested to write linux device drivers and willing to do my project in that.
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Jun 2, 2011
I have a small project that I am trying to do for my job to help us out. Basically, I need to make a tool that lets me view all the sectors of a hard drive in hexadecimal format to make sure they are all zero after a low-level format. I need it to be very minimal, and display the data in a way that I can scroll down and skim through the sectors. Doesn't have to be pretty, just functional.I need it to do more things down the road, but this is the first hurdle I need to overcome. I would like to create a GUI interface so it looks nice, but first I am only concerned with the sector viewing function. I am not entirely sure where I should start.
I see there is a tool called dd I could use to read the hard drive and I am wondering if I need to use that, or if I can just open /dev/hda as a file and be able to view all the sectors that way.Also, just to clarify, I am wanting to write this tool for linux,specifically DSL. I need it to be a very small distribution that can be loaded quickly from a usb drive, cd, or over the network with PXE.
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Feb 11, 2011
I have made a game for Linux and want to release it soon (on linux & windows). Since its SDL/OpenGL and I dont do any special things it shouldn't be much porting to windows. Problem: Maintaining I have the game in code::blocks SDL project on Linux. So I got wine and installed wined Code::Blocks with MingW so I can cross compile on Linux. For another game I made, I used a Makefile which has "if" statements to set up compile variables. And everything else is totally identical to windows & linux (code, source files and etc...)
With codeblocks I got used to not having to worry about makefiles and it did well and I better focused on making the game rather than everytime a new file is added editing the makefile and etc... Is there some nice ways to have a cross platform environment to make it easy to make games for Linux and windows. I'm thinking of making my own system of auto-generating a makefile (essentially upgrading the setup I have for my previous game to auto add entry's to the makefile & some other stuff).
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Mar 4, 2010
m getting the following error when trying to compile:Quote:
$ make
g++ -march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -msse3 -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -DPLUGIN_NAME_I18N='"undelete"' -DHAVE_SVDRP -I../../../include undelete.c
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Jul 14, 2009
I am trying to modify the source code of a C application (quagga) in order to insert data into a mysql table. I have added 2 new source files to the source (neto_mysql, neto_trend) which in turn use mysql.h. I have also modified the file to include the /usr/include/mysql directory.
When trying to compile, i get the following error. What am I missing? I have minimal experience with formal C applications like this. I feel like I may also have to include the mysql.h file in the libbgp? I dont understand why it cant find the mysql functions...
if gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSYSCONFDIR="/usr/local/etc/" -I. -I. -I.. -I.. -I.. -I../lib -I/usr/include/mysql/ -fPIE -Os -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-prototypes
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Jun 30, 2009
I'm starting work on a little project that uses alot of languages separately (i.e no interaction between languages. Does anyone have any experience like this and could pass on some recommendations as to best practises? I'm thinking either have a eclipse-project for each language stored under a single svn repo, or individual projects for each problem.
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Mar 25, 2010
initializing a branch in one Launchpad project on multiple computers, or even upon reinstalling an OS? I know I sure haven't.
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Mar 18, 2011
I am making online Myproject using java in which you can make your porject online or with your team, my problem is that when i drag one component from one page it disappear from another frame & i am unable to solve the problem that if the user don't have install java than myproject in not useable i am giving a span sort of code of my project:
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