Software :: Using NAT And Want To Do Intranet Email Using IP Addresses Instead Of Names

Jan 10, 2011

I've got 2 computers plugged into an "ethernet broadband router" sitting behind a DSL modem. I'd like to be able to send mail from one of the 2 computers to the other, preferably without going through the DSL modem, and preferably without assigning host names (if that's possible).

I've installed/configured sendmail (and sendmail-cf and m4) and am attempting babystep tests of the configuration by sending mail to a user on the originating computer.

So I can send email to root@localhost and it is received on the local host.

But if I try to send it to root@, it bounces back like so:

This seems to be pretty fundamental (the localhost has an address of Shouldn't I be able to use the IP address in place of the associated name?

Here's my hosts file /etc/hosts:


And here's my resolv.conf file, although I wouldn't expect that to come into play since I'm using IP addresses instead of names /etc/resolv.conf:


Here's my /etc/mail/access file:


I did verify that sendmail was configured to listen in on more than just the loopback address in /etc/mail/, but that doesn't seem to be relevant until I can get email through to

Which files do I need to create/touch to get this to work?

And can it be done without talking to the DSL modem?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Skip Proxy For All Intranet Addresses?

Apr 13, 2010

We have one squid proxy server running on CentOS 5.3 64 bit with Squid 2.6. it works well for me.

but my problem/question is :

Is it possible to skip proxy for all Internet addresses? and only allow proxy if clients are accessing external addresses?

right now users have to explicitly say in the browsers .. BYPASS PROXY SERVER for local addresses after check the use proxy server
and address has to be mentioned. most users are non technical so they don't use this option or put wrong setting in bypass proxy option

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Fedora Networking :: F13 - Resolve Names On Intranet?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a windows PC and a fedora 13 linux box. When connecting to the linux from windows, I'd like to type the hostname instead of the ip address. Apart from setting the hostname, what do I have to do to publish my hostname on the intranet. (set up a nameserver?)

Though hostname works on the linux box, even this fails: nslookup myhostname Also I'm a newbie. I've tried installing some packages like samba and dhcp, using yum...;service chkconfig... and then checking whether nslookup or nmblookup work with my hostname. But it's just guesswork. Under system -> Administration there is no network option. but it is not clear what package is needed to install it, or whether such a thing is supported in fedora 13. I did try system-config-network, but it has few options none of which pertain to hostname resolution. The fedora manuals dont seem to cover it, at least in recognizable plainspeak to me.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Tracking Domain Names And Addresses?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.4 box with Apache2 web server. I have a site with several Domain Names. How do I set up tracking?

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Networking :: SQUID - Exclude IP Addresses Instaed Of Domain Names?

Aug 16, 2010

Howto exclude IP address from caching in /etc/squid/squid.conf of squid 2?

For a domain, I can use:
acl excl dstdomain
always_direct allow excl
no_cache deny excl

but howto exclude IP addresses instaed of domain names?

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General :: New Email Addresses Not Saved?

Dec 5, 2009

I have my email on a separate partition so that my email doesn't get destroyed when I do new linux installs (I have emails from 5 years ago now). I also keep my sylpheed email addressbooks. This partition is writable by anybody and I have also made my user the owner of this partition during each linux install (media/email). When I set up sylpheed I tell it that my email is in /media/email and then it is able to write incoming messages to that location. The problem I am having is that I make symbolic links for my addressbooks from ~/.sylpheed* to /media/email using this:cd ~/.sylpheed*rm addrbook-000001.xmlln -s /media/email/addrbook-000001.xml addrbook-000001.xmlSylpheed finds my addressbook ok on my email partition but changes that symbolic link to a file on ~ when it writes new addresses. What am I doing wrong...I want it to write new addresses to my email partition?

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Ubuntu :: Remove All The Previous Email Addresses?

Sep 19, 2010

I need to know how to remove all the previous email addresses when I forward in evolution. when I used outlook express all those years ago it was quite simple. Am I missing something simple or is there a way around it.

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General :: Sending Emails To Outside Email Addresses?

Sep 14, 2010

I have sendmail setup and it works fine sending emails to outside email addresses. When I try and send email to our internal groupwise server the mail never gets there and I get an error message in the log user unknown.

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Debian Configuration :: Why Does /etc/aliases Choke On Email Addresses

Dec 21, 2010

Related to my last post in that it is another email issue, but something else I am having a problem with.

Debian Lenny on virtual KVM (32-bit, v5.0.7)

With Postfix it is necessary to have an alias for root, eg: root: someuser

In theory, and as far as I am aware, this can also be something like: root: someone@someaddress.tld

When I use the latter, though, the following happens whenever my system tries to redirect root email messages, but not when I use the root: someuser method in the aliases file (and, yes, I do know to use newaliases after amending the file).

The firewall is not an issue (tested with and without the firewall), nor are the resolvers, and the DNS for accounts on the box is all okay and fully propagated. Also, changing the email address to something like does not work, either, - same error message.

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Fedora :: Saving Email Addresses History In EVOLUTION

Mar 14, 2011

I have a simple question that I can't find the answer so far, I use Evolution email client witch is great, the only problem is that the client does not save previous email addresses so I have to enter them manually each time.

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OpenSUSE :: Evolution, Recent Email Addresses Drop Down?

Apr 10, 2011

I have a feeling this is going to be something no one cares about enough to have bothered with, however, just in case someone else got frustrated enough to figure this out I thought I would ask.I have an associate I send and receive a lot of email with. They have one email they use rarely (once a month) and another they use all the time. The problem is that evolution always shows the one they use rarely first.

That is, when I partially type in their name in the "to" field those two email addresses will list in a drop down. I would like to either remove the rarely used email address from the list or have evolution list from most recently used (like "The Bat!" does, a Windows email client I use) instead of however it does it now, presumably it's just in alphabetical order.Right now about 20% of my emails go to this other email address because I'm busy, in a hurry, tired or whatever and just forget that it defaults to the wrong one all the time and it's caused the occasional problem.

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Server :: Postfix Setup - Make Own Email Addresses

May 14, 2011

It wasn't too long ago that I discovered Linux/Ubuntu (in terms of actually USING it) and I've been completely blown away by the capabilities it puts in the user's hands! To think that someone can take an old desktop from a trash pile (literally, in my case) and turn it into a web server for ZERO dollars is absolutely crazy.

Anyway, I've been using said desktop as a sort of "dummy" machine to learn Linux. I want to be clear that I've got another computer for personal use and that I understand that setting up server software on any computer poses a security risk. Having said that, I have a few questions regarding mail servers and their setup on Ubuntu. Again - I'm comfortable with what I've done so far in Ubuntu (installing packages, terminal interaction, basic usage)

My question is mainly this: if you have, say, a domain name through DynDNS (let's say and it points to an Ubuntu system, does something like Postfix enable you to make your own email addresses such as and have an email server from wherever the Ubuntu system is?

I've been following the basic Postfix setup here and have had success so far (down to the "Adding your local domains to postfix" section) bu wanted to make sure that what I'm intending to do is what I'm doing (haha... i hope that makes sense). That is: get domain name at DynDNS, host pages on LAMPP server, use Postfix to facilitate incoming/outgoing email for that domain name.

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General :: Sending Backup Results To External Email Addresses?

Mar 26, 2009

I come from more of a programming background but have been giving the task of sending backup results from a linux box in an email to external email addresses, I have spent days looking trough google for info but cant seem to find anything simple, I have looked at postfix but because I don't understand networks, hosts, nameservers etc. What I need to do to allow mail get sent from the linux box to external mail address. I have outlook connected to an exchange server on windows and I can ping the linux box from my windows command so surely it cant be to much involved.

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Software :: Configure CenterIM To Show Contacts Nickname Instead Of Email Addresses?

Jul 14, 2010

how to configure CenterIM so that it shows my contacts nickname instead of their email addresses?

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CentOS 5 :: Configure Sendmail To Accept Email Without Domain In Local-host-names

Mar 23, 2011

dammit... all that typing and I hit the wrong "submit" button. *sigh*

Ok, I have a couple of SMTP servers for our infrastructure. They are running Postfix. I have them configured so that specific email addresses such as and all go to a new support server that I am building with osTicket. Lets call that server SUPP1.

SUPP1 runs sendmail from the default install of CentOS 5 i386. At this point everything runs great. New emails get added into the osTicket system via a pipe in sendmail. Here's where the problem comes in. In order to accept mail, sendmail has to have the domain listed in local-host-names and the addresses in virtusertable. That works just dandy. But in doing so, sendmail believes it is the destination SMTP server for "". That means that I can't send mail from that server back into my normal SMTP servers. So things like the LogWatch, cron jobs, etc can't send notifications. Is there a way to work around that? For sendmail to ignore local-host-names for outbound email or something?

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Slackware :: Getting An Intranet Without Outside Access?

Dec 29, 2010

I've been running with DSL and Linksys router, connecting servers and printer via hard-wire Ethernet. The router doesn't like to talk to things without a network connection (the only thing I can have is a USB wireless modem until I get HughesNet or some other satellite service). What I'm wondering is what I need (a bridge? a switch?) to plug stuff in and have them talk to each other nicely.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up An Intranet In 10.04?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to do is make an old computer of mine that I use for web development be accessible to anyone within my LAN only.

so in a nutshell i don't want the world wide web to be able to access this server since I use it for development work only and i do most of my actual development work on another system since most of the applications i use requires windows.

I know you can block incoming traffic to all IPs or add individual IPs to allow in, but how can i make the firewall only accept incoming traffic from those within my LAN network?

if you wish to know what I'm using to configure my firewall, I'm using firestarter on this server

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Ubuntu Servers :: Creating An Intranet On 10.04?

Sep 2, 2010

Installed 10.04 as a LAMP. I want to be able to create a new intranet site for testing purposes.

When creating a new site with in apache, what is the recommendation for the folder? With in the var/www? Everything appears to want a domain address and since its local only, what do I use as a domain?

I have webmin installed and I would think creating a virutual server would be my first step, but I am getting hung up on the domain address.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Intranet But No Internet?

Jul 15, 2011

i've installed a PPTP VPN and have it configured under webmin. fine.i've connected from a remote laptop to the VPN and can access the local netowrk with it. greati really want to be able to access the outside world whilst tunneled through the VPN but clearly i need to do something else?

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Networking :: How To Configure Intranet PC As Gateway

May 1, 2009

I am using Fedora 10. I have a network design like that:

WinServer --- (r1)router(r0) --- (eth1)LinuxPC(eth0) --- intranetPC
All netmask is
WinServer network is
intranetPC network is, gateway is IP of the LinuxPC(eth0):

r1 -IP:
r2 -IP:

eth0 -IP:

I search in Internet several days to find how to configure the LinuxPC to a gateway. The LinuxPC can ping and connect the WinServer and intranetPC correctly, but the intranetPC cannot ping and connect the WinServer network.

I used the webmin to configure the Gateway.
I used the iptables to set allow all connect, than
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -eth1 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
In "/etc/sysconfig/network" add "FORWARD_IPV4=true"

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Networking :: See Intranet Site From Behind Gateway?

Jul 28, 2010

There are a lot of boxes in this network and we have intranet site. If I connect computer directly to the network with everything set to automatic. I can see this intranet site. But I've installed a switch. One box has two net adapters and it takes internet, intranet and all from one adapter, the other adapter is connected to switch. Now, I have connected to this switch two computers. Internet is working fine. But I cannot get to this intranet site from these boxes. I can get into shares of other computers in the network but they cannot see me. Everything is hidden behind the gateway. But that's not the problem for me. All I want is to get to this intranet website. How can I do it?.

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Server :: VERY Simple CMS Needed For Intranet

Aug 17, 2011

I work for an organization with a few hundred employees. We need a very simple CMS for posting basic organizational documentation such has step-by-step instructions, as well as pdf and MS Office documents.We would prefer something that would organize content hierarchically, so we can structure the info into departments and functional areas. A MySQL or similar database is preferred, but flat file is okay as long as it does not limit content/structure too much.We would probably have about 15 to 20 content authors/editors. No workflow, authentication (except authors/editors) or secure content areas are required.

The only limitation would be that the content could only be accessed from a particular range of IPs. (I assume that would be set in Apache.)

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Server :: How To Host A Intranet In Company

Jun 16, 2011

I plan to host a Server. I want to know which is the best for Visualization.

Cent OS = > Xen
VMware = > open source.

i need to host a intranet in my company. they r going use java web based.which way is the best solution improve the I/0 request speed.

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Software :: Simple Access To Intranet Through DNS

Dec 9, 2008

I am trying to setup a simple DNS Server which forwards all connections to ISP DNS except for my intranet webserver.E.g. should be retrieved from 192.168.XXX.XXX...I have read tons of forums etc., but it seems that i am stupid. How to do that? Even with GUI its ok.

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Debian :: Setting Up Local Intranet Server?

Jun 4, 2010

I have been trying to set up an old pIII 700Mhz PC as a local intranet server to run some PHP code.

I have got debian installed setup ssh since it is a headless computer mounted a usb hard drive to store the web page remapped apache2 to use the /mnt/sda1/html/ folder and tested that php scripts are running

now what i can't seem to get working is the following:

ftp access to /mnt/sda1/html so I can upload files from my pc on the network and

phpmyadmin so i can easily manipulat mySQL databases.

after reading [URL] I typed in #apt-get install phpmyadmin

it downloads a bunch of stuff and says it is installing it but when i do the next step in the instructions go to

I get a 404 Not Found error.

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Fedora :: Cannot Login Into Corporate (intranet) Portal

Oct 15, 2009

I can not open the corporate intranet portal, runnnig on windows server 2008 with domain users. In Centos I could login just fine - firefox/konqueror just prompted me for my NTLM windows domain username and password - I typed those in and browers sucessfully loggem me in and I could surf the corporate portal. Note that NTLM authentication is configured as a fallback from kerberos authentication (so told me our portal admin)

However, in Fedora11 when I try to open the corporate (intra(not inter)net) portal, browsers just give me "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)" error instead of prompting me for my domain username/password. I'm logged in on my F11 box as a local (not domain) user - as I did also previously on Centos Box.

I disabled SELinux, I disabled the firewall but still no luck. Not being able to open the corporate portal is a major showstopper for me, as I can not access many applications hosted there.

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Fedora :: Use Wireless For Internet And Wired For Intranet

May 23, 2010

Currently I am using Ubuntu but I am having a huge problem with it right now and it may force me to abandon my linux hunger and get Win 7. I am hoping that Fedora may be different enough that it will solve my problem if I switch. I have my linux box (ubuntu 9.10) that connects to the internet through a wireless usb dongle. and it works perfectly.I have network shares that allow me to share content with my media player (modded xbox) in a different location of the house. I added a tv to my office and connected another xbox to it. This connection to my linux machine is made through a switch. This wired intranet connection works fine. I can see all of my shares.

The problem I have is when I am using the wired intranet connection and I want to surf the web. I cant. I have to disconnect the wired connection to do so. IS Fedora different enough to to allow me to be able to do so? I am a linux newbie and learning more everyday and I love it.

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General :: Scp - Copy File From One Machine To Another In A Intranet?

Jan 12, 2011

I used the command: scp filename.c user@

Here I want to copy file to in /user/pradeep but it gives a
error: scp: /user/pradeep: No such file or directory

What is the command to copy a file from one system to another?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Show HD Video Over Intranet?

Feb 23, 2011

i run ubuntu 10.10 on a 3.5ghz quad core, 4gb ram.

I had the idea to make an inranet for me and my housemates.... i have an extensive video collection mostly in .avi and .mkv. i would like to make a page which diplays this video and lets you select from a playlist/browse the directory, howeve i didn't really want to have to recode all the video to flv.

is there a way i can do with VLC? i have looked about and the vlcwebplayer just looks like another flash player... does it support VLC recoding on the fly? or am i missing *something*

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Networking :: Connect Apps Through NAT To Separate Intranet

Nov 29, 2010

I have client workstations on separate intra-net LANs. Both intra-nets use network address translation (NAT) or masquerading on the LAN. The private network IP address should not matter (unless it does). When LAN-1 connects with an exterior web site, it will leave a record of the ISP public IP address. A LAN-2 connection could read this record, but how would it know how to reach into LAN-1? How can a network application running on a LAN-1 workstation find and connect with a network application running on a LAN-2 workstation? There is a utility called "woof" where one workstation presents a limited feature web browser for access by other hosts on the same LAN.

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