Software :: Query On Creating An Installer That Helps Install All Apps

Jul 15, 2009

Just to give you a brief overview of the setup that I have presently. The linux box has a series of softwares installed on it with its respective configurations. The softwares most important are python, php, mysql, mysql connectors to name a few. Everytime we need to setup a machine like this the process has to be repeated several times over and the whole nine yard steps need to carried on frequently. Alternately, we also approach it by taking a complete file system backup ['ghost' of the box, to be precise] of the system recently installed and restore it on the new system to make it less cumbersome.

What I was looking for was something like an installer that helps me to select the packages that I need to install. The packages selected gets installed and resides in the directories that I want it to, configure the default settings or help me to change the configuration during or after the installation and so on and forth. Basically, its also an activity to assist newer recruits who would want to setup such nodes at a faster rate than currently.Am completely new to such a project. I may not have explained myself exhaustively here but am ready to give anyone as much details as reqd if there is somebody out there to assist and show direction.

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Fedora Installation :: Package Installer Error - Apps Security Sensitive

Mar 12, 2009

I'm logged in as root and want to run Add/Remove Software (Package Installer) but get the message telling me

Running graphical applications as a privileged user should be avoided for security reasons. Package management applications are security sensitive and therefore this application will now close.

How must I install applications? Surely the world is getting paranoid with all this hackers and viruses, because with every new version O/S, the security features gets more and more; up to the point that you can't fricken do and play around with your pc as you would.

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Debian Installation :: Creating And Booting Jessie Installer

Aug 15, 2015

I am installing Jessie to a dual-boot Dell Inspiron 1150 laptop currently booting Windows XP + Ubuntu 9.04. I downloaded the small installation image:

Select all//
and created a live dvd using growisofs.

The Jessie install documentation says: "If you downloaded an iso image, check that the md5sum of that image matches the one listed for the image in the MD5SUMS file that should be present in the same location as where you downloaded the image from." For the downloaded image this produced the result

Select all~$ md5sum debian-8.1.0-i386-netinst.iso
095a83b715e1b74b6d30b2259275f4af  debian-8.1.0-i386-netinst.iso

There is no MD5SUMS file in the download directory. There is an md5sum.txt file included in the iso image: this lists the md5sum of every file in the image, but not that of the image itself. The check for the burned dvd was successful :

Select all~$ dd if=/dev/cdrom | head -c `stat --format=%s debian-8.1.0-i386-netinst.iso` | md5sum
645120+0 records in
645120+0 records out
330301440 bytes (330 MB) copied, 1.28047 s, 258 MB/s
095a83b715e1b74b6d30b2259275f4af  -

Is this a documentation error ? I next booted the laptop from the live installer dvd. After generating a number of messages, it stopped displaying a message along the lines of: "Invalid video mode - press Enter to select a mode".

I assumed it would wait for me but it soon rushed on, producing screeds of segmentation fault error messages, eventually slowing down to a rythmic display of:

Code: Select all*** Error in Xorg:free() invalid pointer: 0xb7101ce3

***Surely it should have waited for me to press Enter?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating USB Installer Hosed Windows Host?

Nov 5, 2010

My daughter tried to create a bootable USB-stick version of ubuntu by following the steps on this site, which included using the "universal USB installer" utility from She was on a windows notebook (I don't know which version, probably XP), and had saved the .iso to the desktop.She's generally pretty good about following directions, but now, with no CD or USB stick in place, the windows machine HD boots directly into the installer "Try ubuntu or Install ubuntu" screen, with no trace of windows! Naturally, her SO (it's his work machine) is more than a little upset.

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Ubuntu :: What Distro Helps Mostly In Programming?

Dec 9, 2010

I heard that Arch Linux actually only consists of command lines (Terminal), but I never seen how it looks.Does a command line environment help more in programming? And Is there a way to delete one Linux distro in order to replace it with say, Arch or Kubuntu Linux?I'm a little bit interested in Kubuntu and Arch more than Ubuntu basically but need to know if they're going to be hard to get accustomed to or not.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Query - Install 11.3 Along Side Distro?

Jul 21, 2010

It would be convenient if i could simply install 11.3 along side my Ubuntu distro. I see yast enables me to reduce my sda1 and create a new partition, (sda3) However it offers to mount sda3 in /usr ? Could you offer me any advice please? My objective is to be able to select which distro from the grub menu.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Query In Install Mplayer In Redhat?

Jan 12, 2010

im using redhat linux EL5 .im using kernel version this i want to install mp3 player.i dont know which player is best in redhat.pls tell me the procedure for installing player in redhat .where i what download rpm packages.

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General :: Install Mysql Query Browser In Debian?

Mar 17, 2011

I want to install mysql query browser in debian

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OpenSUSE Install :: Quick Query About Default Root Partition Size?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm dual booting with Win Xp at the moment and have been google-ing and tinkering about with my distro and i'm learning new stuff everyday but I have a question about something that's been bothering me. I think i've figured out that the / partition is similar to the C: Drive in windows which contains program files n stuff am i right? and the home partition which contains users and their files is an offshoot of the root?

So if this is the case, i was in the expert partitioner in YAST to see how the the drive was partitioned and was wondering if the / partition was too big and if i could decrease the size and add it to the /home?. My sys specs are 512mb RAM Dell Dimension 3000 with an 80GB HDD 2.8Ghz Intel Celeron. I also have a 80Gb and 160Gb External laptop drives mainly for my movies n music n stuff. Also is the Swap partition a good size for the spec of computer i have?

Here's the HDD Breakdown:

/dev/sda 74.51GB
/dev/sda1 29.52 GB NTFS /windows/c
/dev/sda2 44.99GB Extended


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Slackware :: Terminator Helps Setup Slackware

May 28, 2010

No, not Arnold S.I'm talking about the one from It's not just another terminal emulator. It's got a cool feature of broadcasting the input to all (or selected windows). If it's a well known and used feature, than I'm sorry. I read about it a couple of days ago and soon it proved a big time-saver.

As all my systems are almost identical (selection of software, /home/ directory structure, program configuration, etc) I used terminator to set up my new shiny Slackware64 13.1 systems.The 'broadcast' function of terminator mirrors your input to other terminator windows (ssh sessions to other machines). That way I didn't have to configure it three times on three computers. I know that one can write a script to automate most of things, but sometimes there are interactive steps which would not work in a script.
It was especially useful in:

1. using sbopkg (3 simultaneous instances doing exactly the same thing on different systems )
2. general configuration
3. setting up bookmarks in emacs
4. Creating some scripts that aren't there by default (eg. /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown)

I can imagine how useful it can be for administering a number of machines.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installer Failed To Install Grub Boot Loader - Trying To Finish The Install NOW

Oct 16, 2010

Toward the end of installing Ubuntu 10.10 32bit (Alt CD) on my iMac 11,1, the installer asked me to type in the location for installing the grub boot loader.

I told it to use /dev/sda3 and it immediately failed. I'm still in the installer. Can anyone suggest a solution?

Here are my partitions on sda:

...from the shell in the installer, there is no grub.cfg in /target/boot/grub.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install 11.3 But The PC Restarts Itself Before Loading The Installer Dvd

Aug 29, 2010

I am trying to install opensuse 11.3 but the PC restarts itself before loading the installer dvd. When I run the installer dvd from 11.2 i can see all the files there, i click on auto run and it gives me an error msg saying cannot find autorun program also have a live gnome desktop cd and same problem, cant boot install media. This were both created on opensuse 11.2 using k3b for the first one and brasero for the second one. I have put both on an xp laptop and the installers start with no problem, both media check are fine, no error. On top of that I have some ubuntu dvd and some xp dvd, I have tried both on my pc and they boot fine, so its not a boot problem,

this ones were created on this same pc before I had opensuse, seems only cd or dvd created in opensuse fail, but it only fails when booting on my opensuse pc and work fine when I put them into xp laptop. I have been trying all day and I cant find any info on this problem. The only thing I can think of, that I have not tried is to try to burn a dvd using xp and try that one.

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Mimized Apps \ Reach Apps That Minimized Them Self And Are Not Shown In The Top Menu?

Apr 30, 2011

Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?

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Fedora :: Software Installer And Yum Does Not Install?

Sep 19, 2010

I had to re-install both win XP pro and Fedora 13 (dual boot) after Windows crashed so badly that I had a "read error" at boot, unrecoverable (at last for me) by running the distribution DVD in recovery mode.Now everything seems to work fine, but the software installer: it does his job resolving dependencies and downloading, but does not install. It simply stops without any message, leaving me without three programs that I badly need. yum from the console does exactly the same. It reports an error, as below, but it seems ecovered by using another mirror:

[fcc@euclide ~]$ yum repolist
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
fedora/metalink | 22 kB 00:00


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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Remove Installer

Jan 1, 2010

I started the openSUSE installer from Windows, but I do not want to install SUSE. How do I get back to Vista?Every time I get 'Booting OpenSUSE installer 11.2 (LOCAL)' and it prompts for the SUSE DVD. I tried inserting the DVD and selecting 'Abort' on the first opportunity but I never get to return to Windows

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installer Says I'm Out Of Space?

Apr 7, 2011

I tried to install suse 11.4 from live usb when it was installing, it said at one point that there is 0 b available on my disk. It's impossible because I had a partition with 15 GB of space devoted to this installation. My hard drive is 300GB,100mb for system reserved, about 50 + 214 for windows and the fourth partition is extended 35 GB. The extended 35 has 20 GB for FAT 32 and then 15 GB for the suse. And it said there is no room. pressed explore or something from the error message and then the whole computer froze. I had to reboot and the grub was ofc fcked up, nice. So, atm I am running from another live cd. When I tried to boot the openSUSE live usb the usb was ruined.. I don't know what had happened but it tried to load the live usb, it had it's cameleon ture and then error messages that said something about the usb being read only. So, do you have any ideas what might have happened, why did it say there is no room when there clearly was?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installer Won't Load From USB

Jul 20, 2011

I have a Kingston DataTraveler 112 8GB USB drive, and when i load openSUSE on it and slap it into my laptop (that is running Fedora 15 with no problems), i get this:


SYSLINUX 4.03 2010-10-22 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al
ERROR: No configuration file found
No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found
boot: _

I have tried the 4.7 GB DVD image, and the KDE Live CD, and both shows this. Also i tried UNetBootIn (is that what it's called?) and it's the same too.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Creating Install USB Thumb Drive

Mar 30, 2010

I have a couple of USB pen drives, they are 8 and 16 gigs.I want to set one up to run as a �Live KDE� drive and put the �install DVD� in the other.Where would I find directions to do this?

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Fedora :: Can I Install One Of Apps That Tries To Run Needs Gksudo

Aug 14, 2009

One of the apps that tries to run needs gksudo. Can I install that? I can't find it in the fedora or rpmfusion repos

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Ubuntu :: Install Apps Onto External HDD?

Apr 10, 2010

Is it possible to install applications onto external HDDs.I know it is possible in Windows, but is it also possible in Ubuntu (9.10)

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Ubuntu :: Script To Install Apps?

May 19, 2010

I have created a Bash script to install Ubuntu application that I commonly use. I did this since I need to install on multiple computer and using this script will make this easier for me. This script will need to be run as root. After creating the script it must be made executable by running

chmod +x /path/to/file


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Ubuntu :: Can't Update Or Install Apps

May 19, 2011

I am having a problem that I cant update or install apps. I am using Natty under ubuntu classic and have tried these two posted fixes but they wont work

sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status-RENAMED
sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgradeCheers,
sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf
sudo apt-get update

these didnt work and dont know where to start to look in order to fix this myself this is what I get when I run package manager and apt-get update.

E: Encountered a section with no Package: header
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_multivers e_i18n_Translation-en
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

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Fedora :: Yum Installer - To Install A New Package - Gets Error

Nov 5, 2009

I have a problem with yum installer every time i want to install a new package it gets error:

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Fedora Installation :: F13 Net Install - Won't Load Installer?

Jun 24, 2010

i try to boot off the cd, it loads vmlinz and init.rd, anaconda starts mounts the temp filesystem and freezes. i can't choose how to install or anything. nothing comes up graphically.

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Fedora :: Use Wine To Install Windows Installer?

Jul 22, 2011

I'm trying to use Wine to install windows installer, but whenever I try to run the .exe file and error comes up that says "bad EXE format for"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installer Hanging Near Start?

Apr 13, 2010

I have installed many Linux distributions, but I have never tried openSUSE! So I thought it must be time to try it. I pop the dvd in(I checked the md5 of the iso and checked on the bootable disk) and when I go to install it pauses on the "Probe hard disks"Things I have done:

- Re-checking the integrity of the disk and iso.
- Tried booting with the safe kernel.
- Tried leaving it for ages

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning Not Detected By Installer?

Jul 4, 2010

I have 2 physical 500 GB Sata drives/stripes that appear as 1000 GB C: drive under WinXP. I have partitioned that drive into 750 GB Windows native C: and an empty 250 GB partition F:
When running the installer for OpenSuse 11.2 only the physical drives appear in the list of available hard drives 2x 500 GB (= sda and sdb), rather then the partitions of 750 and 250 GB (would expect sda1 and sda2). Is it possible to install Opensuse on the 250 GB partition (F: under windows) without destroying the WinXP installation and data on the C: partition?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installer Can't See Entire Drive?

Mar 26, 2011

I am installing openSUSE 11.4 on a Dell D620 on which I used to have Ubuntu/XP dual boot. I don't want Windows at all anymore and on the new openSUSE install I just want swap, root, and home partitions.The installation goes fine, but it says my drive is 465 GB not 500, I think what is not showing is my old Windows System partition. I can't see away from within openSUSE to increase the size of my home partition after the install either.With my limited linux skills I think the simplest solution would be to just format the whole drive then install openSUSE. I tried to do that with some XP CDs, but none of them will boot, they keep listing various errors. I tried putting the drive in an external holder to plug it into another computer and format it just using windows, but windows won't recognize it.Using some free live cd/USB I don't know about
Using some setting in the openSUSE installation menus I don't know aboutUsing windows or a windows CD (I can post the boot errors if needed)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Suse 11.4 Installer Causes Reboot?

Jun 4, 2011

I am in possession of a new HP HPE-570f PC which I bought this morning. This has AMD Phenon 1090T and AMD Radeon HD 6770 graphics card. The OEM Windows 7 works fine. When I try to install Suse 11.4 using same DVD that works on my other (older) machine, I see the Suse Installation screen from which I select "installation", then comes the "Loading Linux Kernel" progress bar. As soon as the progress bar gets to the end, the computer reboots! Then of course I end up back at the Installation screen since the DVD is still in the drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Freezes When I Try To Install?

Mar 26, 2010

this my second thread and i need to know why both alternate and graphical installers freeze when install starts and is it becuase of my DvD Drive and what do i need to do.Also is it possible to create a new partition on my hd and then install linux from their and then log on and delete windows partition.

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