Software :: Nvidia 9700m, Random Black Screen Caused By Performance Mode?

Jul 1, 2010

I am running on ubuntu 10.04 and using the latest nvidia driver. What I experience is a random black screen, my monitor goes dead and won't turn back on till I hardboot. I had this issue on windows and solved it by downloading rivatuner and telling it to force my 9700m into staying in 3d performance mode at all times. I know it has nothing to do with temps or anything like that. All I need to know is how I can duplicate what I did with rivatuner on windows

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Ubuntu :: Screen Flashing Black At Random?

Jun 26, 2010

Once I installed it I've been having a problem where the screen flashes black for a split second. i looked up the problem and found this:I navigated to the directory it said, but I don't have an "options" file. What should I do? Are there any other fixes for this? It's quite an irritating problem.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Screen Goes Black At Random Intervals?

Nov 24, 2010

opensuse v11.3
linux x86_64
ati radeon hd3200 (builtin to mb)
fglrx driver - distribution-specific build

At random intervals the video output is turned off for 2 - 3 seconds giving a black screen. (I suspect the 2 - 3 second blank time is how long it takes the monitor to recover after a loss of input signal.) The interval between events can vary from 1 minute to an hour to more than a week, and recently more than a month. Sometimes I get several per hour; other times not for two weeks. Hmm, there was a kernel update in the last week or so.At one time the cause was pointed at a USB driver problem since a number of USB log entries occurred at the same time as the screen blanking. That is not the case here;here is nothing in </var/log/messages> (or the dmesg output) that is anywhere near when a screen event happens.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Installed Using Wubi - Random Black Screen

May 29, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 using Wubi. Everything works well, but randomly while I am working my screen will go black and say out of range or no signal. My monitor is a Planar, I have resolution and refresh rate set at factory specs and most of the time it is clear and working well. It seems to be completely random, sometimes it happens while surfing the web, other times I am using gimp, and sometimes I am not near the PC at all. I assume the problem is also the reason I can not use Compiz as well. (Graphics card is a intel 845).

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Gnome Environment With Black Screen At Random

Dec 9, 2010

(Using Ver. 10.04-lucid lynx) This is because, at random, Gnome environment will have some kind of problem, leaving me with a black screen, like the terminal but not it, where I can enter my password and that's just about all. There seems to be no way to enter the graphical linux environment. I was forced to wipe the hard drive clean twice because of this and both times I reinstalled lucid lynx.

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Ubuntu :: Random Black Screens And Returns To Login Screen?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm on Ubuntu 11.04 and I have this annoying issue. it does happen very often, but enough to be a problem (atleast once a day or more).While I'm browsing the web (not really doing much of anything else) the screen goes black with some text. I don't get enough time to read the text and I'm returned to the login screen. I'm completely logged off, my session isn't still there when I log back in

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General :: Instability In Fedora 15 - Black Screen And Message Appear At Random

Jun 15, 2011

if I reboot the computer, I get the grub menu and am able to choose between Win7 and Fc15. A couple of times during installation the screen flashed black and diplayed a message for a brief second. I can't read that fast but it says something like "DRM nouveau- unknown or unsupported chipset" and one more line that I can't catch. When this happens, I see the pre-login loading screen, the one that shows an icon of a hard drive, network, and so on as each resource is secured. I can log back in, but this starts a new session- it doesn't remember what I was doing. I had to redo the install and setup several times because of this.

I can log in and so on normally, but the black screen and message will appear at random, forcing me to start all over, which is really frustrating. what's going on? Is it the video card? How do I install a driver for it? Also, the hard drive in question has been through a lot. could it have a bad sector or something? Windows didn't even want to "see" it, that's why Fedora is installed on there.

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Fedora :: Frequent Random Momentary Black Screen On 12 With Radeon 3450?

Jan 3, 2010

I am having a frequent (once every 3-4 minute) random momentary black screen and it recovers after 2-3 seconds. I have notice this since the early Fedora 12, but the frequency increases lately.I have turned off the KMS, KDE power management, and screen saver, but it did not help. I have radeon 3450.

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Ubuntu :: Random Crashes (black Screen And Freezing) On 9.10 On Lenovo T500?

Jan 23, 2010

Got a new Lenovo T500, slapped 9.10 on it. Set of programmes is exactly as on my previous IBM T42, but every so often I get a random crash. No errors, just a complete freeze with a "underscore" cursor in the top-left of the screen.I think / suspect it may have something to do with Transmission running, or perhaps the recent kernel update to 2.6.31-17.Anyone else had anything similar? Maybe on a T400 or R60 / R61 / T60 / T61?

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Ubuntu :: Video Drivers - Screen Black With Random Bars Of Color

Apr 11, 2010

I'm a little new to ubuntu. I installed a video driver and after restarting I got as far as the login screen where I saw that the driver did not work: screen is mostly black with random bars of color. I was only able to restart in recovery mode mode. I tried the fix graphics option, which did not work and also some commands that I've seen posted in other threads. So far, still cannot delete the problematic driver or boot up normally successfully.

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Ubuntu :: Installation - Screen Scrambles In Random Black And White Box Type Things

Oct 23, 2010

I have ubuntu on my desktop - works great. The problem is I am trying to install it on my laptop. I have the image burned, and it's booting off my cd rom just fine. The problem comes after that. It goes to the ubuntu loading screen for a pretty long time, then after that the screen scrambles in random black and white box type things, at which point I get no response unless I hit the power button at which point a linux screen pops up and tells me it's waiting for programs to close, then boots down.

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OpenSUSE :: Dual Monitor - Nvidia Driver With X Screen - Shows A Black Screen

Feb 5, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.3 with an nvidia card connected with two monitors. In the past I used xinerama which was ok, but now I need to have two separate desktops, one on each screen. I set the nvidia driver with x screen, and now one screen works perfect and the other only shows a black screen. When I move the mouse over the black screen, the mouse pointer turns into an X, but moves correctly, which seems to me that the problem is that I need to set the second desktop to that screen. I looked on forums on how to do so, and no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Low Graphics Mode - Screen Suddenly Goes Black

May 30, 2010

The last few days I have had to reboot my Ubuntu-workstation when the screen suddenly goes black. After some seconds I get a pop-up with the message:
Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode
There is some buttons that tells me I can do different things (like reconfiguration ) but whatever I do I end up loosing all windows I worked in earlier. And having to reboot to get back full resolution. I have not found any way to reproduce this behavior. It has happened after being logged in for several days and sometimes just after boot and login when I'm starting an xterm and in all time intervals in between the output of:

sudo lshw -C display
PCI (sysfs)
description: VGA compatible controller
product: 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 2
bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0
version: 10
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: msi pm bus_master cap_list rom
configuration: driver=i915 latency=0 .....

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Ubuntu :: Screen Sometimes Suddenly Goes Black And Go Low Graphics Mode

Jun 3, 2010

Recently upgraded to 10.04 after countless problems w/ Karmic & already problems with Lucid! The screen sometimes suddenly goes black, then goes into low graphics mode, if I let it, thereby changing screen rez & unless I reboot, I am stuck in this mode. If I don't choose temporary low graphics mode, I must reboot. Many others seem to be experiencing the same problem yet have been offered no solution by the developers. So.

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Debian Multimedia :: Screen Remains Black After Sleep Mode

Feb 20, 2011

I recently came to Debian. As I have an ati card, I tried the proprietary drivers first, but then came back to radeon (open-source). In the process, I think I may have broke my xorg.conf . Sometimes, when the monitor goes into sleep mode, when I came back, the screen remains black (sometimes I see just the cursor).

Here is my xorg.conf
# NOXORGCONFEXISTED: No configuration file existed when this backup was created.

Also, I have lots of backups in my X11 folder, like xorg.conf.fglrx-3, xorg.conf.original-1, or backup.xorg.conf. Is it safe to remove them? What should I do about the main xorg.conf?

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Fedora :: Black Screen And Message - Cannot Display This Mode 2:dvi-d - During F11 Install

Sep 1, 2009

F9 has been running great since it came out. I read that one should install F10 before F11 so I did install F10! Everything went great.

(1) Then I tried to install the F11 iso dvd. After the "anaconda started" message at the bottom of a blue screen, the screen went blank and occasionally the message would appear: "cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d". Thinking the monitor had gone into power save, I hit many keys and moved the mouse to no avail.

I gave up! BTW I had checked all media CDs for errors.

(2) then working under F10, a little message appeared from the lower right of the screen asking if I wanted to upgrade to F11.

I accepted and again "cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d" on a black screen after anaconda started on a blue screen. This time no ISO DVD F11. I've never seen such an error message in 11 years (off and on) of using Linux. HD Disk activity was showing on the disk activity light so I let it run all night and part of today. I hit a bunch of keys and moved the mouse and the blue screen returned saying all was done and restarting.

After restart, I seem to have F11 installed. I did a yum update and got some more F11 updates. On the grub screen, the only F11 kernel was the PAE kernel which I selected
and got:

Does F11 have any F11 kernels? BTW running >setup (hd0,0) under F10 grub ruined my XP prof OS on scsi 0 so I reloaded XP Prof from scratch.


(1) what is this "cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d"?

(2) Now I cannot boot to Fedora 11 and all the advice on how to reinstall grub has failed failed. Did a rescue and chroot /mnt/sysimage and the fdisk -l

Now XP Prof seems to be on /dev/sdc and Fedora on /dev/sdd. What do I do? In the meantime I have retreated to Fedora 10.

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Ubuntu :: Ati Graphics - 10.10, OC'ing - Get A 'black-ish' Screen - Get Into Text Mode From Booting Up?

Dec 31, 2010

What happened was, i used sticonfig to attempt to OC my graphics card, it all seemed to work well, then i put some stress on the card and got a 'black-ish' screen. No matter i though i will boot into text mode (How do you do it normally? The only reason i could was because i crashed my system and could choose recovery mode to then choose text based) and change it back to default and it will all be fine, woo... But apparently you need to be in X server for that command to take effect. ****...........

How do i get into text mode from booting up?
How can i fix this?!

I have tried looking in BIOS but there is nothing there. Have i just fried my card? (It was close to max settings - although only on full load for like 1 second) Could booting up normally, and just 'going in blind' work, like opening up terminal with a hotkey and just entering the command from there....

Ubuntu 10.10
PowerColor Radeon HD 5870
Ati catalyst drivers installled

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Fedora :: Black Screen After Nvidia Update?

Jul 24, 2009

I just did an update of my Fedora 11 machine, and it required a restart. After restart it will not try to boot up or even show a splash screen. The only thing I see is a black screen with a flashing white cursor.Any ideas on what I can check so I can boot up into Linux again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Installer Crashes With Black Screen - Even In Text Mode

Oct 23, 2010

It has been a few days I'm struggling to install Kubuntu 10.10 on my computer. I started with the normal CD, burnt it and boot the computer. Halfway through the graphical installer, I got a black screen and system froze up. I tried several things (including running the installer with nomodest and single options) but didn't help.

Then I downloaded the alternate CD and started to install in the text mode. I could get passed installing the kernel and programs but right after adding a user/password, the text installer crashed with a black screen and system froze!

Now, I already have Windows 7 64 bits on this computer and have done all kinds of memory/hardware tests on it and it works fine. The CPU, GPU and the case is well ventilated so nothing is overheating. I also run heavy loads on Windows (MATLAB, Chess engine tournaments) for hours and hours and never had a crash. So I guess the hardware is fine.

Here are the specs of the system if it can help:

CPU: i7 950 GPU: ATI HD5870 (model Gigabyte GV-R587UD-1GD) RAM: 12 GB DDR-1666 Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R (rev. 2.0) Optical drive: Liteon ihbs112 USB Mouse and Keyboard

Windows is installed on a SSD and I have 2x 2.0TB hard disks for data. Kubunto, however was being installed on a separate and dedicated 200GB hard disk. During installation process I format and partition this drive. I didn't disconnect/disable the other drives. In BIOS, all SATA controllers are set to run in AHCI mode.

My primary suspect is the graphics card. However, why it would ever crash even in the text mode? Although it works fine in Windows even with heavy gaming so graphics card is itself stable.

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Fedora :: NVidia Driver Results In Nowhere ( Black Screen )?

Sep 23, 2009

NVidia FX5200: nvidia-glx-173xxx The problem is that, when I install it, upon rebooting, I get a black screen with one blinking underscore at the top left corner. I somehow managed to get into the console and .. there's something wrong with the video card driver ( no way I could catch it into a picture ).

This was the exact reason why my Fedora CD was laying on the corner for months - I remember having this issue earlier as well.

Is there a way to fix it or at least, recover from a broken video card driver ?

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After Nvidia Driver 185 Installed?

Jan 25, 2010

After installing Ubuntu and seeing my resolution would only go to 800 x 600, I found this strange. A message popped up about the nVidia drivers I could downlaod that would enable me to do more so I did. I restarted and all was fine. Nice effects, high resolution. However, after going on XP, then going onto Ubuntu, the screen ahs gone black. The white Ubuntu logo can be seen for a while as it loads, but then the monitor goes completely blank as I hear the sound when the log-in screen appears.As I said in my title, it was the 185 driver

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Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia Update Causes Black Screen

Feb 11, 2010

I installed Karmic and the resolution was lower than I expected. I went to Admin and Drivers and the system stated I needed to activate the Nvidia driver. I did this and the system asked for a reboot.Now after Grub I get a black screen. I can hear things going on in the background and can even guess when to input my password, but all I see is a black screen.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen With Optimus And Nvidia Drivers?

Jul 28, 2010

I have Asus N61jv laptop with optimus, and i use ubuntu 5-6 months, i know that i can't use my nvidia graphic card, today ubuntu offered to install nvidia drivers and I accidentally clicked, after restart i see only black screen, can someone explain me how to get back to a previous state, i found some topic with this solution "except booting to a live cd and disabling gdm.". How can i fix this problem, i have important data on ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After Activating Nvidia Driver?

Nov 29, 2010

I've been using ubuntu fine for a while when I decide to activate my nvidia graphics card.After rebooting, however, I hit nothing but a black screen. I've searched the nets and others have seemed to solve the problem after hitting alt+ctrl+f1/f2 and editing some files after that, but that doesn't work for me. Booting into recover console gives me nothing but a long stream of white words before it runs to --> done. and then it goes back to a black screen. Running from Live CD I can't access my ubuntu files.

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Debian Hardware :: Nvidia Driver Causing Black Screen

Jun 29, 2015

I have a system running a fairly new copy of Stretch. I have an nvidia Geforce 210 (on my desktop)

Code: Select allVGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT216 [GeForce 210] (rev a1)

Previously running Squeeze I was using the proprietary driver and never had any issues. Now using the nouveau driver video playback of mp4 files is glitchy and programs like google earth don't operate smoothly. I installed the nvidia driver from the repositories based on this guide, used nvidia-xconfig to generate an xorg.config file. I made sure noeveau was blacklisted and rebooted my machine.

I was greeted with a black screen. So I booted up in recovery mode, used telinit 2 (side note: what happened to /etc/inittab???) to change to a runlevel that doesn't start X, and confirmed that nouveau was, in fact, not loaded. Typed startx and without any errors or warnings the screen went black. ctrl+alt+fN wouldn't bring me back to a terminal, but hitting the power button did shut down X and halt the machine.

I'm not really sure how to go about debugging this as I get no useful output from anything, just a blank screen and that's it.

For the time being I just blacklisted the nvidia driver and let the system boot with nouveau; I'd still like to get the nvidia driver working properly, though. I've always just downloaded the driver right from nvidia and installed it, but I know that isn't the best way to do it. I'd rather not screw up a brand new system, it's so nice and fast with the new SSD.

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Debian Hardware :: NVidia Went To Black Screen - How To Install Radeon

Aug 14, 2010

My KT4AV-based PC has burned up two GEForce 6200 cards, so I decided to try an AGP bus Radeon HD 3650.At the same time as the nVidia card went "black screen" (no video at all, not even text) my CMOS battery died.I put in a new CMOS battery and fixed up the CMOS settings as well as I can.I put in an old Trident TVGA96PCI cardnd got as far as terminal mode, but even with the xserver-xorg-video-tridentdriver already n the system, I couldn't get the display manager to run. I gave up on the Trident card becauseold and bought a new Radeon HD 3650 card and changed the display bus from PCI toAGP in the CMOS settings.

The Radeon card now also gets me only to terminal mode.tried coaxing the system by renaming xorg.conf, but that didn't help - rebooting still gets me nowhere,no new xorg.conf file. The renamed one is still configured for the nVidia card. The xserver-xorg-video-radeon driveris also present, as "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon" tells me it's already the latest version.I'm presently stuck without direct network support, as the ethernet connection hangs the computer during rebootthe message, "ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready." If I unplug the ethernet cablefor starting successfully, when I plug it back in while I'm at the command prompt, I get a message to the effectthat eth0 up and running,"ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready" messageappears again and the sytem again freezes.I have successfully pinged this PC from another on the network, but not while it's hung up at the above-quotedmessage. In that case, it's "unavailable."How do I purge the system of the nVidia stuff and replace it with an approporiate Radeon driver ?

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General :: Ubuntu - Black Screen After Installing Nvidia Drivers?

Aug 5, 2009

I have scoured the web the last few hours and I have come across a plethora of similar problems relating to Ubuntu and Nvidia drivers. However, I still havent found a sufficient cure for the problem.

The exact problem I face is that as soon as I install the Nvidia recommended drivers using the "Hardware Driver Manager", I restart the system but it never gets past the login splash screen. After I log in it simply goes to a black screen and sits like this indefinately.

Does anyone know of a particular fix for this problem? I am at the end of my tether and there is no way I can use Linux if it means either getting a different graphics driver or sitting on a 800*600 resolution. (Not to mention I dont have acclerated 3d no DVD playing!)

I have a Nvidia GeForce4 MX graphics card and im a complete n00b to Linx so please go easy on the technical jargon.

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Fedora Installation :: Black Screen Displays After NVidia Splashscreen

Dec 28, 2009

Issue: Black screen displays after nVidia splashscreen.

History: I performed a clean install of Fedora 12. I performed NVidia driver "GEForce 4 and below" install for a PAE kernel as found here:[URL]..I kept a log of each command in the order performed:


Well, I just got back from the Pepsi Center after watching the Denver Nuggets NBA basketball team look silly against the Dallas Mavericks. 4.5 hours later and I still have a black screen. Was it Einstein who said, "it is insanity to do the same thing, the same way, over and over and expect a different result"? I feel I will been testing that hypothesis soon.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Gforce 9200GS Black Screen On Login?

May 28, 2010

product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P7450 @ 2.13GHz
vendor: Intel Corp.


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Ubuntu :: The Nvidia Driver Doesn't Work - Black Screen

Oct 21, 2010

I just installed Maverick on my HP tx1000. Jockey offered me two drivers for my NVidia Go 6150. I tried the recommended one--and it seemed to be working. It had a green light next to it in Jockey, Compiz worked, etc. Then I rebooted.

Except it didn't reboot--the disk thrashed for a while, and then I was met with a black screen. I tried recovery mode and got a bash prompt...which crashed when I ran `startx'. Then I tried Failsafe X, which did work. After some experimentation, I realized it was the Nvidia driver at fault, so I tried the not-recommended one, which didn't work, and now I've disabled both of them. But isn't there a proper driver for me to use? IIRC, I was using a restricted one with Lucid, and it was working all right.

Fun fact: The day before I installed Maverick, Windows 7 randomly decided to not boot all the way. It would show the splash screen, and then hang with a black screen too. But it works in Safe Mode. And had been working fine for a while beforehand. There must be demons in my graphics card.

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