Software :: How Does Linux Boot Process

Jul 25, 2010

Can u tell me, how does the linux boot process?

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General :: Killing Parent Process Without Killing Child Process (Linux C Programming)?

Mar 10, 2011

I want to kill parent process after "fork()" method. but if I kill parent process with "exit(0)" method, main() thread is terminated as well so child prosess doesn't work anymore. Is there any way to kill only parent process without affecting to child process?

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>


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General :: Safety - Impose Restrictions To A Process On Linux?

Mar 25, 2011

Can I limit the system resources that a process can use on Linux? I want to configure the system to avoid that some specified processes use some system resources:

choose if a process is allowed to use network and Internet.

choose which files and folders that a process can read, write or execute.

choose if a process is allowed to use sound and graphics output, and printer.

choose the limit of memory that it can use.

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Ubuntu :: Invoke The Terminal In LINUX When A Process Becomes Unresponsive?

Jan 6, 2010

If a process becomes unresponsive in WINDOWS then we press "alt+ctrl+del" to invoke the task manager & then terminate the process.Is there any similar way to invoke the Linux Terminal so that we can end a process by the 'kill' command when it becomes unresponsive?

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General :: Boot Sector Of Installed Vector Linux Doesn't Have Boot Signature

Feb 13, 2011

upon adding the installed VL on the existing LILO.. (btw i have not installed its LILO on the installation setup) since i know that i will just add it to the "existing" LILO the error above arises upon doing the lilo run command.$adding Vector6.0 etc.FATAL : Boot sector of /dev/hdc13 doesn't have a boot signature.i have tagged the /dev/hdc13 bootable via CFDISK. but same problem arises..

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Ubuntu :: Boot From The Disk - Boot Failure - Never Continues With Any Process

Jan 16, 2010

when i try to boot from the disk i burned, the screen show to lines of code, then pauses and never continues with any process.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot From USB Connected External Hard Take Long Time From Loading INITRD Image To Start Boot Process?

Jul 18, 2011

I have installed "open-SUSE 11.4" on a "500GB Free Agent External Hard Drive". I didn't have any problem in booting since last week that I booted it from my laptop. Also I did it before several times from then when I try to boot it e.g. from an "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz" PC the time between loading INITRD and starting boot sequence messages lasts nearly 30 minutes!(i didn't actually measure it but it take a long time in the same order). after starting boot sequence which is showed on monitor everything looks normal. e.g copy of files would be done by speeds between 2MB/s to 30 MB/s depending on the targets.I used to use the external hard derive to boot from different laptops and PC's from start but I didn't have such a problem anytime.

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Ubuntu :: Ok To Delete Old Linux Files From / Boot?

Mar 8, 2010

Update manager was giving me an error that there was not enough free space on /boot. I went in and deleted anything that had 31-14 or 31-15 in the file name (I'm running 2.6.31-19-generic). Will this cause any trouble? I didn't look at my grub file, but does it care if you remove things that it's pointing to that won't get used anyway?

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General :: Boot Linux System On USB-stick

Apr 20, 2011

I have installed a Debian System on a removable USB-drive just the same way I would do it for a normal harddisk drive.All was working fine until I tried to boot the system.I have set up the USB-stick as first boot device in the BIOS, and written grub in the MBR of the stick.When trying to boot it, "Grub Error 2" will always be risen (I am using grub-0.98).

The only drive I have installed except the USB-stick is a SATA-harddisk, so normally the USB-stick is called /dev/sdb.I have already tried changing root in menu.lst to (hd0,0) or the kernel root to /dev/sda1 but nothing seems to help.

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General :: Cannot Boot Linux At Start Screen

May 7, 2010

i have downloaded linux mint 8 and burnt it to disc ive been trying for what seems like for ever to load it but cant find out how to! im using a laptop with windows xp, and an external hard drive so cannot boot linux at start screen can anyone help me do it please.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 Boot - Error "Could Not Find Kernel Image: Linux" And The Boot: Prompt After That"

Jul 23, 2009

I have downloaded the i386-DVD.iso image and have burned it on a DVD using Nero Express 6, when it boots from the DVD, it give me an error message "Could not find kernel image: Linux" and the boot: prompt after that. I have burned another DVD using Infra Recorder with minimum write speed but with the same problem. I have Ubuntu already installed on the computer.

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General :: Moving From Paid Linux To Unpaid Linux CenOS - Red Hat (KVM Virtualization)

Dec 21, 2009

if anyone of you have shifted using Paid Red Hat Linux with CentOS, and what are your experiences of moving from Paid Linux to Unpaid Linux CenOS. When do you suggest a person use Paid Linux and when to use Unpaid Linux?

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General :: Linux/Grub Boot To Command Line?

May 15, 2011

Running Ubuntu 10.10. My desktop environment is screwed up and won't let me use the keyboard or mouse at the login screen. How can force a command prompt during boot?

Here's a method:

Alt-SysRq-e - Requests kernel kill all processes except init.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Previous Linux Version Boot

May 14, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. on boot up I sometimes get only the purple screen freeze and sometimes I actually get to the grub menu. I select the generic kernel and get the black screen freeze. same if I do the recovery mode. but if I get lucky on a reboot and can get the grub menu up again, I select previous linux version and then select 2.6.35 generic and it will boot into 11.04 with Unity. So, how can I get this thing to boot normal with the correct kernel version? I am fairly new to this linux world and don't want to have to go back to windows if I can help it.

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Software :: How To Install Suse Linux 64 Bit For Dual Boot With XP X64?

Mar 11, 2010

how to properly install Suse Linux 11 64 bit on my laptop (with AMD Turion x2 x64). Currently I have Windows XP Professional x64 as operating system and I will prepare a new partition for the Linux installation. Should I take care of something before/during the installation, or it will install itself and will setup automaticaly the dual-boot configuration? I am also thinking of installing BackTrack Linux for dual boot with xp x64, would there be some differencies by the installation?

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Fedora :: Insert Unlock Code In Linux Using Any Linux Tool?

Apr 16, 2010

I have learnt that the network locked huawei modems may be unlocked to use any sim card bu getting a special unlock code and it should ask for it when a "foreign" SIM card is inserted. This procedure works well in Windows, but in Linux where I use wvdial, I dont get prompted for this unlock code. Does anyone know how to insert the unlock code in Linux using any Linux tool (GAMMU/GNOKII/Minicom etc)?

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General :: Verifying Qlogic FC HBA Adapter In Linux ( SUSE Linux)

May 5, 2010

i would just like to verify that the command

lspci would show the FC adapter installed

is there any other command that i can use to verify the FC adapter is being installed

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Debian Installation :: Dual Boot Windows And Linux Partitions

Dec 28, 2015

I have Windows 10 and Deb 8 dual boot, and I need to re-install Windows but want to avoid (or at least plan for) losing Grub/Linux boot.

Last time I re-installed Windows after Linux I ended up having to re-install Linux again afterwards as well, because I couldn't recover it (seemingly due to complications from encryption). So this time I'm wanting to plan and avoid that.


Code: Select allsda1  |  550M   |  EFI System
sda2  |  128M   |  Microsoft reserved
sda3  |  175.8G |  Microsoft basic data
sda4  |  286M   |  Linux filesystem (Boot)
sda5  |  28.2G  |  Linux filesystem (Root)
sda6  |  91.3G  |  Linux filesystem (Home)
sda7  |  1.9G   |  Linux swap

[Code] ....

As there is a "Microsoft Reserved" partition and a separate Microsoft directory within the EFI partition, if I just go ahead and reinstall Windows will it install it's boot loader/image to one of it's own partitions? And NOT affect anything else like Grub and other Linux things?

Logic tells me yes, but there seems to be many issues on the internet about installing Windows after Linux.

My primary concern is whatever happens with Windows or anything to do with dual loading etc, is that Linux will still just boot, or I can get it working again without much hassle.

Why is there a reserved Microsoft partition AND a Microsoft directory in the EFI partition? Which one boots Windows?

Why is there a separate Linux Boot partition AND a Linux directory in the EFI partition? Which one boots Linux? Where is Grub invoked from, is one redundant, etc?

How these work. It is possible I've set them up wrong, or with redundant partitions, but both systems have been booting ok for months.

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Debian Configuration :: Linux Encryption On Dual Boot Windows

Sep 3, 2015

I've a Lenovo G50-80T with W8.1. I want to install Debian 8.1 in dualbooting mode. I've done this other times without problems. But this time I want encrypt the Linux partition (not the Windows partition). I'll use dm-crypt to do that. I want to know if this way is secure for protect the data on Linux partition or if I need encrypt the entire drive.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Type Linux Askmethod At Boot Prompt

Aug 25, 2010

It disappears too fast! I'm using the netinstall spin of the Fedora 13 x64 disk. As far as I know, I still need to tell it to load Anaconda from the network. Is that correct? Anaconda loads from the CD, but I would prefer to use the downloaded image. Should I just let Anaconda go through its paces then tell it where I downloaded the image to on my network?

The documentation is woefully inadequate when it comes to using the netinst spin (yes, I am already thinking about providing help on the install docs based upon my experiences).

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General :: Run Chkdsk Using A Windows Boot CD On A Linux NTFS Partition?

Aug 6, 2011

This question made me wonder: "Can you run chkdsk using a Windows boot CD on a Linux NTFS partition?" Would it cause more problems, or fix them as in Windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Set A Default Boot OS When Dual-Booting W7/Linux?

May 23, 2011

I am thinking about installing Ubuntu dualboot with Windows 7. However, I feel that it'd be a pain to select Windows 7 constantly as it is my main OS for work and school. Ubuntu would be for offtime tinkering and as such probably booted once or twice a week at most. I intend to use the system to use the OS not to use it for serious work. Before I install would it be possible to install it in Dualboot while maintaining the ability to boot W7 by default unless pressing a special key to come to the Grub bootloader or something like that.

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General :: Set The Grub To Boot Linux Installed In Directory An Not In Own Partition?

Apr 6, 2011

I did it long time with LFS but I don't remember how. the "root" option of the kernel in grub except only the partition. How do I set the "root" as a directory in a partition?

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Slackware :: Kernel Image In /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot?

Jan 5, 2010

's/ARCHTYPE=i386/ARCHTYPE=x86/'If your looking for a kernel image in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot, your not likely to find one.

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General :: Migration Of C++ Application From SuSE Linux To Red Hat Linux

Feb 12, 2010

I want to Migrate my C++ Application from SuSE Linux to Red Hat Linux.What impact analysis i should do?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Setup / Grub Booting Linux Only Some Of Time

Aug 20, 2010

I'm not consistently able to boot into Ubuntu Lucid on my new dual boot (w/ Win7) setup. Machine is a Dell XPS 1645 laptop. Usually it takes 1-3 tries of hard shut down and restart before the OS starts up. Boot info script results are below. Windows starts up fine everytime. What I usually get is this: Dell startup screen, then Grub2 menu, then after selecting Linux kernal a blinking cursor at upper left of monitor and it just hangs.

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Ubuntu :: Convert Windows System To Dual-boot Linux On Second Drive

Aug 31, 2010

I'm trying to get a dual boot system. And my situation is exactly as the situation described is this article:URL...

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Hardware :: XfX GeForce 8200 Mobo Doesn't Boot Linux Or Windows

Apr 9, 2010

In Linux, passing "pci=nomsi" to the kernel before it boots generally helps it "find the hard drive". In windows however, it wont even install. It loads all the components then when it says its starting Windows, it comes up with an error, just gives a code, no explanation. Now granted this has more to do with Windows then Linux but there is no forum for that here and this is related. I wanted to try and run some games that would not work under wine nor virtualbox, so i shrunk my partition to make room for XP and it wouldn't install. If you're just going to lecture me on the lack of need for windows please to not respond to this. The specific motherboard is:


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General :: Dual Boot / Linux Partition Formatted But Not Booting Into Windows.

Aug 11, 2011

I have Vista Home edtion and Linux, I have formatted Linux partions and now that Grub is not letting me boot into Windows..I had C:wIndows D:New Volume and rest of the space was E:

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Red Hat :: Scientific Linux Install DVD Fails To Boot / No Matter What Options Are Passed

Feb 18, 2010

I hope I'm posting in the right forum for this (since Scientific Linux is based on RHEL)...I downloaded the Scientific Linux 5.4 "Boron" Install DVD's, and I can't get the DVD to boot. It gets to the point where it tries to initialize SMP (I have a Core 2 Quad Q8200 processor), and it just crashes and reboots my computer. I've tried disabling ACPI, APIC and APM using the noacpi, no apic, and apm=off options, one at a time, and all 3 at once (since the problem seems to be with APIC, because it fails to initialize on all 4 of the processor cores)...does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here, or how I can fix this? I really want to run Scientific Linux, but I can't since it crashes.

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