Debian Installation :: Dual Boot Windows And Linux Partitions

Dec 28, 2015

I have Windows 10 and Deb 8 dual boot, and I need to re-install Windows but want to avoid (or at least plan for) losing Grub/Linux boot.

Last time I re-installed Windows after Linux I ended up having to re-install Linux again afterwards as well, because I couldn't recover it (seemingly due to complications from encryption). So this time I'm wanting to plan and avoid that.


Code: Select allsda1  |  550M   |  EFI System
sda2  |  128M   |  Microsoft reserved
sda3  |  175.8G |  Microsoft basic data
sda4  |  286M   |  Linux filesystem (Boot)
sda5  |  28.2G  |  Linux filesystem (Root)
sda6  |  91.3G  |  Linux filesystem (Home)
sda7  |  1.9G   |  Linux swap

[Code] ....

As there is a "Microsoft Reserved" partition and a separate Microsoft directory within the EFI partition, if I just go ahead and reinstall Windows will it install it's boot loader/image to one of it's own partitions? And NOT affect anything else like Grub and other Linux things?

Logic tells me yes, but there seems to be many issues on the internet about installing Windows after Linux.

My primary concern is whatever happens with Windows or anything to do with dual loading etc, is that Linux will still just boot, or I can get it working again without much hassle.

Why is there a reserved Microsoft partition AND a Microsoft directory in the EFI partition? Which one boots Windows?

Why is there a separate Linux Boot partition AND a Linux directory in the EFI partition? Which one boots Linux? Where is Grub invoked from, is one redundant, etc?

How these work. It is possible I've set them up wrong, or with redundant partitions, but both systems have been booting ok for months.

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Debian Configuration :: Linux Encryption On Dual Boot Windows

Sep 3, 2015

I've a Lenovo G50-80T with W8.1. I want to install Debian 8.1 in dualbooting mode. I've done this other times without problems. But this time I want encrypt the Linux partition (not the Windows partition). I'll use dm-crypt to do that. I want to know if this way is secure for protect the data on Linux partition or if I need encrypt the entire drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions For Dual Boot Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm setting up a new Dell as dual boot. I'm leaning toward first partition for Windows 7, a second partition that can be accessed from either OS, and an extended partition that will have root, swap, /home, etc. For the partition to be accessible to both, what is the preferred format? I've read that FAT32 or NTFS will suffice. ext4 is what I understand should be set for the linux partitions. For the linux partitions, is there an advantage to setting one or two of the partitions as primary, rather than logical? Also, any clear advantages or disadvantages to having a /boot partition? It is likely I'll only have installed one version of Ubuntu at a time.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot XP And 10 - Can't Read From Windows Partitions

May 19, 2010

I am editing this post to save people time and effort. This is one of those "Pilot Error" issues or faulty readout issue, not sure which. It turns out that when I saved a document in PDF format to my NTFS Drive (the one I want to share between Windows XP and Ubuntu 10) the .PDF file extension was missing.

1. Ubuntu identified the files as a PDF document (even though the file extension was not there)

2. When trying to access it by double clicking it, the message was "Unable to open document, Permission Denied"

The problem was not permissions, and it was not a PDF file according to the default Document Viewer, but it WAS a PDF file according to the directory listing. The permissions message really had nothing to do with the problem, and identifying the file as a PDF document when it didn't have an extension, was another problem. What SHOULD have happened is a file without an extension should not be identified as a PDF file or If Ubuntu says it's a PDF file, and I double click it, why is the message "Permission Denied" ?? How about "No File Extension" or something like that?

Read the following if you want to see what my problem WAS before I just appended ,PDF to the filename, and now it works fine. On the positive side, installing XP first, then setting aside a large chunk of space for a shared NTFS drive, and THEN installing Ubuntu in the free space works fine. I installed a new 320 GB drive on laptop. Installed Win XP in 32 GB Set aside 250 GB for another Windows partition using MANAGE and formatted D: as an NTFS drive Then successfully Installed ubuntu 10 into remaining unused space. Problem: Ubuntu cannot access files from D: (NTFS Windows) partition. but it can WRITE files without problems, and create directories, just not read them. Have set properties of the Windows drive to shared, still nada. Any trick I'm missing? If I plug in an external USB drive, Ubuntu can read/write to it easily, it just can't read from the 250 GB partition formatted in Windows XP that I wanted to share between operating systems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Takes Up 4 Partitions Already (dual Boot)?

Aug 14, 2010

I would like to install Ubuntu on an HP Laptop, but they have taken up the whole disk with 4 partitions. I have removed Linux partitions and made an extended one in it's place creating new UUIDs before, but i am worried that windows will not recognize the new partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repartition Hard Disc - Combine Two Unallocated Partitions To Install Windows 7 Dual Boot

Jul 28, 2010

I would like to combine my Linux partition (/sda3) and /sad1 to give me more disc space. I would also like to combine the two unallocated partitions to install a Windows 7 dual-boot with Ubuntu. How would I do that without totally raping my current Ubuntu install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Two Identical Windows Partitions - Sda2 Sda2?

Mar 26, 2011

I just successfully installed ubuntu 10.10 Meerkat Maverik parallel to manufacturer installed Windows 7 Professional on a newly bought ThinkPad t410. All works find just that on the boot screen instead of 1 Windows partition (usually something like "Windows 7 loader on sda1") I find two Windows partitions. Now, I know that Thinkpads have a recovery partition. Funny is though that both "Windows 7 loader on sda1/2" login to what seems the identical Windows (not one of them the "normal" and the other some form of a recovery).

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Ubuntu :: Convert Windows System To Dual-boot Linux On Second Drive

Aug 31, 2010

I'm trying to get a dual boot system. And my situation is exactly as the situation described is this article:URL...

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General :: Dual Boot / Linux Partition Formatted But Not Booting Into Windows.

Aug 11, 2011

I have Vista Home edtion and Linux, I have formatted Linux partions and now that Grub is not letting me boot into Windows..I had C:wIndows D:New Volume and rest of the space was E:

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Ubuntu :: Windows XP / Dual Boot - Resize Two Different Partitions?

Jan 6, 2011

I am running a dual boot with XP and Ubuntu - what I want to do is increase the partition size of Ubuntu and reduce XP. When I run " G Parted" it shows both partitions with Xp being NTFS. I guess the boot loader is Grub because Ubuntu takes priority at Boot. I cannot persuade G Parted to allow me to resize the two different partitions. I am using the G Parted Live CD.

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General :: Disk Partitions For Dual Boot With Windows 7 GPT/EFI

Jan 9, 2011

I have a Centos 5.5 system that had 2 primary partitions (2nd is setup as LVM with multiple LVM partitions) and then installed Windows 7 as Dual Boot.

However, Windows 7 has installed a 200MB system partition which is GPT/EFI as partition 3 and the Win7 OS as a Primary Partition.

I have a heap of space undefined after this fourth primary partition.

However, as 4 primary partitions have been used, I can no longer create an extended partition to utilise this.

As such I would like to know what is the best and safest way to proceed, and if possible step by steps instructions for the best option eg:

1. Delete the Windows 7 System Partition and create the extended partition (I expect this will prevent Windows from booting)

2. Use something like partition magic to change the Win 7 OS Partition 4 to an extended partition (Not sure if this will work)

3. Make changes to the overall system including both Linux and Windows so that it will use GPT only (I have
had no experience with GPT so this is a bit scary)

4. Other?

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Debian Installation :: Dual Boot GPT UEFI - 8.2 And Windows 10

Dec 15, 2015

I'll start off with stating my problem and summarize how I got to it.

I installed Windows 10 on an SSD. I installed Debian 8.2 after it. The SSD was/is a GPT disk. I installed both installations from a UEFI booted device (DVD for Windows, and USB drive with Live CD for Debian).

I tested it after each installation making sure I could boot via UEFI into Windows, then Debian, then Windows, to make sure nothing broke.

I rebooted the machine. Suddenly, no more UEFI. Nothing. I didn't change any BIOS/UEFI setup menu settings. Not even my USB drive with Live CD will boot through UEFI anymore. Even when nothing else is plugged into the system.

My situation is actually a bit more complicated than that, but I think that will suffice for now. I can still boot into the Live CD on the USB drive, just in Legacy mode only. I mounted the EFI partition on /mnt/boot after I mounted the file system for Debian on /mnt. It is identical, as far as I can tell, to as it was before when it was working.

My motherboard has CSM and Secure Boot, both have been set up how they need to be to boot UEFI into Debian. Tinkering with them further after things broke did not fix it. I tried all variations of options/settings.

The GRUB Reinstall guide says to be in EFI mode before starting it, so I can't do that.

My motherboard is an ASUS X99 Deluxe, and I've heard ASUS has special "features" (read: bugs) that come with their boards. Searching hasn't brought up any other people with this issue. I believe the firmware is updated to it's most current one.

I've tried dd-ing my backup of my old system, from before trying to migrate to a Dual Boot system, to the SSD (after backing up the dual boot setup with dd -> <name>.img via the Live CD USB). However, that won't boot either as it is a UEFI install as well.

The layout of my EFI partition is as such:

I've heard that the standards on how that's supposed to be set up isn't a standard. However, since it worked booting into the OS' the first time, I don't see how that could be the issue (a bad hierarchy layout leading to the UEFI not being able to see the OS installs).

I've seen that I can boot to an EFI shell (called Shell.efi, apparently) via an option in my UEFI BIOS setup menu on my motherboard. Is that an option here to somehow bypass this strange issue?

All I can think to try is burn it all and start over. But not knowing what caused it means I could just make it happen again. Plus, I can't boot into UEFI install media, so I can't install UEFI boot OS'. :/

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Debian Installation :: Installing Next To Windows (dual Boot)?

Dec 13, 2010

I've recently bought a new computer and installed Windows 7 on it, but left 100GB of space on a separate partition so I could put Debian next to it in dual boot. I have the new Intel i7 950 processor and I run Windows 7 Proffesional 64 bit, so I assumed I had to pick the ia64 debian image. However the CD I burned from the ia64 image didn't boot. (a black screen started and an underscore kept flashing, but nothing else happened)[URL]

I've managed to install i386 Debian on a older intel pentium 4 computer before and that worked fine. I believe I used another application to burn the CD then. This time I've burned the CD with the default Windows CD burn application. I can try burn more CD's but I don't have much left so I want to make sure this is the problem before attempting again. (the burned files on the ia64 CD look exactly the same as the files on the i386 CD, when browsing through the cd files in windows) "If your PC has a 64-bit AMD or Intel processor, you will most likely need the "amd64" images (though "i386" is also fine), the "ia64" images will not work."This seems a bit strange, they recommend me to use the amd64 image if you have a "64-bit AMD or intel processor". I dunno if this is a typo, but it seems weird to me that the AMD-64 Debian version would also work on my Intel machine

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Debian Installation :: Upgrading Windows On A Computer With Dual Boot

Aug 30, 2014

I recently installed Debian 7 on a dual boot with Windows Vista. Thus, when I boot the computer, I am prompted by a GRUB screen to select Windows Vista loader, Debian, and Debian (recovery mode). I would like to upgrade Windows Vista to Windows 7. Will this cause an issue with GRUB? Will a Windows 7 loader be added to the list or will a Windows 7 loader replace the Windows Vista loader? Will there have to be a setting change within Debian? Within Windows?

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Debian Installation :: Cannot Boot Into Windows XP After Dual Jessie Install

Sep 4, 2015

I have a Dell laptop (inspiron 1150) which was dual booting Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.04. I have successfully installed Debian Jessie Standard over the Ubuntu. I pre-partitioned using gparted-live to make a separate single partition for the Debian install. Guided partitioning was then carried out by the installer producing separate /, /home, and swap partitions. After installation, the grub menu shows an entry for Debian and Windows XP. I can boot Debian, but not Windows XP. The symptoms are the same as reported in other forums: A terminal is displayed, vanishes and the system reboots defaulting to the Debian boot.

The grub.cfg file for the Jessie system has an other-os entry:

Code: Select allmenuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (on /dev/sda2)" {
   set root=(hostdisk//dev/sda, msdos2)
   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root cc0ce0ab0ce091ae
   drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}
   chainloader +1

The original Windows entry for the Ubuntu install was:

Code: Select allmenuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (on /dev/sda2)" {
   insmod ntfs
   set root=(hd0,2)
   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc0ce0ab0ce091ae
   drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}
   chainloader +1

The partitions produced by partman look OK (during the pre-partitioning I did not touch sda1, sda2, or sda3):

Code: Select all~ # fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 37.3 GiB, 40007761920 bytes, 78140160 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

[Code] .....

Partition table entries are not in disk order.

The os-prober found XP:

Code: Select all~ # os-prober
/dev/sda2:Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition:Windows:chain

So it seems that everything is in place, but there are perhaps important differences in the grub.cfg files. Are the two "set root" commands equivalent for example?

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Debian Installation :: 8.3 And Windows 10 Dual Boot GRUB EFI Removed

Feb 3, 2016

I've been using Debian for a few years but always on dedicated boxes and/or VMs.

Finally decided to dual boot Debian and Windows on my main Desktop PC.

Installed as I normally would using, however this time using a seperate drive (one for the existing Windows 10 install and the other for Debian), Debian install detects that windows has an EFI partition and sticks an entry in there, which is fair enough, and everything working fine. Then I spent some time configuring all my software and set it all up just the way I like it. I've rebooted Debian a few times to check it's working correctly and it is.

The issue arrives when I reboot and load into Windows 10. It boots fine.

However after a further reboot GRUB no longer loads... and the machine just boots directly into Windows 10.

After doing some further digging into my EFI partition (and reinstalling various times) it would appear that after a reboot Windows 10 deletes the entry GRUB creates in my EFI partition after EVERY reboot.

Done some googling and most people advise turning off 'fast boot' in Windows as it locks certain partitions to facilitate the machine going into hibernation, only to find that it's always been turned off on my machine (I recall due to a driver issue with my graphics card this had to be turned off when I installed Windows 10).

I've found this article on the Ubuntu forums : [URL] .... however I've tried their steps and windows is still doing a hostile takeover of my EFI partion after a reboot!

Any way to stop Windows 10 from interfering with my EFI files after a reboot? (without doing the obvious thing and kill Windows off).

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Debian Installation :: Dual Boot Problem Windows 7 And EeePC?

Feb 1, 2011

I have used dual boot systems using various versions of windows and Debian for many years and have encountered no problems. However, I have a problem with installing Debian on a EeePC (ASUS PC1201) which uses Winows 7. I can not even get started because I can not understand the information that I have on my hard drive partitions. Windows 7 says that I have the following :

Local Disk(C:) 78.1 GB free of 99.9GB
Local Disk(D:) 49.8 GB free of 83.8.GB
NewVolume(G:) 948 KB of 0.99 GB
Local Disk(F:) 37.9 GB free of 38..0 GB
(Originally the ASUS only had two partitions C: and D: I used Gparted to genetate F: and G:)
gparted-live- says that I have the following :-
/dev/sda1 ntfs 992.5 KB
/devf/sda2 ntfs 100.00 GB with 66.09GB unused
/dev/sda3 ntfs 132.88GB with 129.88 GB unused
unallocated 1.00 GB

Debian Squeeze (the net install version) will not install. G was the result of trying to provide some swap space. How do I prepare the hard drive so that Squeeze it will install on F: ?

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Debian Installation :: Dual Boot - Install After Windows Is Already Installed

Jul 29, 2011

how to install Debian after Windows is already installed. Could someone give me a brief guide to begin the process of installing Windows? When I installed Debian I already made a partition for windows (in the same hard disk), I hope I did it right.

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Debian Installation :: Safe To Install Dual Boot Windows 32bit

Jan 28, 2011

is it safe to install a dual boot windows 32bit and a linux 64bit on the same pc?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Set A Default Boot OS When Dual-Booting W7/Linux?

May 23, 2011

I am thinking about installing Ubuntu dualboot with Windows 7. However, I feel that it'd be a pain to select Windows 7 constantly as it is my main OS for work and school. Ubuntu would be for offtime tinkering and as such probably booted once or twice a week at most. I intend to use the system to use the OS not to use it for serious work. Before I install would it be possible to install it in Dualboot while maintaining the ability to boot W7 by default unless pressing a special key to come to the Grub bootloader or something like that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 And XP Dual Boot - Resizing Partitions

Apr 15, 2010

I have a dual boot system 9.10 and XP. The hard drive is 234. For some reason during the install I only allocated 128 to windows and 16 to ubuntu. Or at least, gparted tells me I have 127.99 NTFS and 104 unallocated (=231G ??).

System monitor tells me I have the following:
/dev/loop0 is ext4 = 16 G total
/dec/sda1 is host = 128 G total
this is 134G total

From windows, the partitioner tells me the same. I have 104 of unallocated disk space and 128 of NTFS. I assume the 16G allocated to ubuntu is inside the 128G?. How do I get that additional 104 into ubuntu without screwing up the MFT of windows. Or can I? Is it as simple as telling gparted to format the space? or will that mess windows up?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Partitions For Dual Boot?

Jun 2, 2010

So I wanted to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 7, but have no idea how to partition out Ubuntu. At the moment, I'm working with a 300GB harddrive that will solely hold installed applications and stuff like that. Any shared/storage data will be put on separate harddrives altogether.

I plan on using a 40-50GB partition for Windows 7 alone (no installed applications and stuff). And here come the questions about Ubuntu partitioning. From what I read, do I only need three separate partitions? (/, /home, /swap) Even then I'm not 100% sure what each of these partitions represent. But my research says... / = equivalent to my Windows 7 partition, /home = the partition where installed applications go and other non-essential Ubuntu stuff, /swap = virtual memory

With all that said, to comfortably run Ubuntu can I have my partitions be these sizes?

/ = 10GB
/home = 20-30GB
/swap = 2GB (Do I even need this if I have 2GB of ram?)
Windows 7 = 40-50GB
W7 Apps = remaining space

I don't know what exactly I want to do with Ubuntu, but is a /home of 20-30GB adequate to install lot's and lot's of apps?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Dual Boot / Partitions

Dec 18, 2010

I'd like to dual-boot it with Windows 7, but I'm not sure exactly how I should set things up. Searching has helped but I would really appreciate advice specific to my scenario. Windows 7 to run a couple games (mainly Starcraft II) and for anything that doesn't run on mac or linux, and Ubuntu to do most of my normal everyday stuff (documents, programming projects, web browsing, listening to music).Hardware: 1TB hard drive, 4GB RAM, AMD Athlon II 435 processor.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Partitions For Dual Boot?

Feb 22, 2011

I would like to install Ubuntu in a separate partition. I currently have Windows XP on the C drive.

I have the following config on my Presario Laptop:

60gb SATA hard drive
41.6gb available
3% fragmented

I would like to partition the hard drive to install Ubuntu as a dual boot. how I need to do this or point me in the right direction? I did begin an install from a cd I burned from ISO. I started by just going for the auto installation and what it recommended. However, when I tried to install, I got an error message that changes were uable to be written to disk and had to abort??

Assuming I can get past the error I would like to know how to create the partitions for root, home and swap and how much space for each.

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Fedora Installation :: Dell Partitions - Trying To Dual Boot With Vista

Aug 24, 2011

Partition limit is 4 on my Inspiron 1525 so even with the space available I cannot create a Fedora partition because:

50MB for Dell Diagnostics
**GB main vista partition
10GB recovery partition
2.5GB MediaDirect partition

I'm trying to dual boot vista/fedora. I know I can delete the MediaDirect partition but that causes boot problems if the button is pressed while the power is off. I'm not sure which of the 3 Dell Partitions to remove.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Split HDD Into 2 Partitions (Dual Boot With Win7)

Oct 4, 2010

I'm completely new to Ubuntu, and haven't actually installed it yet, so my questions aren't concerned about how I use it, but rather the problems of installment and more importantly how to get started. The first thing I got a little question for is how to split my HDD into two partitions in order to install Ubuntu, as I will be dual-booting it with Windows 7. The second thing I want to ask about is how big the risk of corrupting my HDD is when installing Ubuntu, and whether I can take some precautions in order to reduce the risk of said thing. The third thing I'm gonna ask about is how to get drivers for my graphics and that alike. And fourth and last: Is it going to make a difference that I'm running it on a laptop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Dual Booting And Got Grub Boot Errors?

Mar 29, 2010

i'm trying to install 98se to a 110gb partition so i can dual boot with ubuntu 10 for 98 and 100 for ubuntu after the resize. when i tried making multiple partitions manually for ubutnu putting it on separate partitions i got grub boot errors. the problem i am having every time i try to install 98 it forces me to scandisk it then i have to hit space bar to fix every error i thinks it finds wich is impossible to press it 2 million times. now if I format in a non 98 format and tell it to format in lba it keeps asking for a boot disc, i burned one off but, still kept asking for it. if i do it in non lba, it only saw 2 gigs in 98 and when i went to install ubuntu it was a giant hard drive no partitions. i did try making 3 fat 32s 1 for 98 and then swap and linux partition but, the i got grub errors 17 and 18.

the problem is that bios a cap of 130gb for each drive or in this case partition. it's 320gb WD blue Scorpio. the short i want to dual boot 98se and ubuntu 9.04 with 2 fat32 partitions for storage 110 +100 + 80 = 320 also some visuals.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Vista - No Hard Drives Or Partitions Are Shown

Feb 9, 2009

i'm tying to dual boot Vista64 (already installed) and Fedora 10 x86_64. I am running a Dell XPS 410 running 2 sata hard drives raid 0 (ICH8DH). I started the process by shrinking my C drive on disk0 leaving 64.45GB of unallocated space. Next I rebooted into Fedora install DVD and when i get to blue graphical install screen i get message asking if my drive is GPT and if it is it may be corrupted. I click NO, and it comes up with a message telling me i have to initialize my drive if i want to use it ( have to click NO twice) and if i do it i will lose all my data.

i can click no and keep proceding through the install until i get to the partition setup screen. No hard drives or partitions are shown. I've tried googling the problem and get bits of pieces of information scattered in different parts but nothing conclusive to my problem i think. As far as my background of knowledge goes, I'm new to the linux community but give me a thorough guide and i'll do fine (i hope). I've been using fedora on a separate laptop for 2 days now .

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Debian Installation :: Share A Linux Directory On Windows

Sep 28, 2014

I would like to ask how can I share a linux directory on Microsoft Windows?

Is it possible to share for a specific user in the Windows Active Directory or at least share with a password?

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General :: Grub Boot Loader Installation In Dual Boot Machine After Windows 7 Installation?

Mar 23, 2010

I had a dual boot machine with fedora 12 and windows vista and I could use grub boot-loader to switch between two. Few days ago windows got corrupt and I have to reinstall it. I put windows 7 now and as usual it erased grub. So to reinstall I put the fedora 12 installation CD on and followed some usual setup steps. When I got the command line I issued the command "grub-install /dev/sda" (sda not hda because It showed bunch of sda, sda1..) but surprisingly it said grub command not found. I remember doing it before while it worked fine.

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